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Brain Fog

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Hi Babs,

Isn't it just wonderful when the brain fog goes. Now if I herx it comes

back but goes away again. AP has been wonderful for me. It took me a

while to start seeing much in progress since I've had RA so long but it

was worth the feeling bad to feel this good again...LOL!



100mg Minocin

500mg Zithromax

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  • 1 year later...

Culter recommended using Alka Seltzer Gold in his book. It actually

does help with brain fog - give it a try. (Only the gold)

--- In , " netbaroque " <netbaroque@y...>


> Dear all,


> I am now on some thyroid and adrenal support supplements. My


> energy increased a lot. However, i am still with severe brain fog


> floaters in my eyes. I can't think and see clearly. What should I


> What are related to the problems? Digestion? I got digestive enzyme

> also.


> Thanks,

> Chan.

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  • 1 year later...
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Now I'm by no means an expert BUT about a year or so before I was diagnosed

with RA (around 1998) I seemed to develop some " brain fog " ...this has become

worse through the last few years...though most of my RA symptoms are under

control the brain fog remains.....I think the best way to describe it is

that my mind isn't as clear as it used to be AND there are times that I know

that I know something but just can't seem to connect to the knowledge in my

brain.....I used to have a quick and sharp mind but find myself kind of

faltering....struggling to figure things out or remember things....I used to

have a very clear memory...remembering things no one else did (and no...I

didn't make them up...heheh)....I used to remember many many details...but

now the information just isn't there or I just can't connect to it....it is

a real bummer....here I will be retiring from the military after 25 years

and wonder what good I will be when I try to find a civilian job because my

mind just doesn't work as well as it used to....I just wonder at times if it

is the RA or just my age BUT I'm not that old...just 45....it DOES worry me



Re: rheumatic brain fog

> Hi,


> I have been wondering about this brain fog. I think that I have this. I

> seem to have this when I am up walking around. I stumble sometimes and I

> must

> really be careful when I walking. I feel like my mind is not connected to

> my

> body. This is so hard to explain. If I am sitting down in a chair or on

> the

> computer, I don't have these feelings. Is this brain fog or maybe I have

> something else? Is this an after effect from medications? I never had

> this until I

> was diagnosed with RA and been on meds.


> I am just learning about all this stuff myself. I am on Minocin and

> weaning

> myself off of Prednisone. Any Suggestions?


> BJ


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Brain fog should definitely improve as AP therapy progresses. If it doesn't

then I'd look into detoxing the body including neurotoxins.



Re: rheumatic brain fog



>> Hi,


>> I have been wondering about this brain fog. I think that I have this. I

>> seem to have this when I am up walking around. I stumble sometimes and I

>> must

>> really be careful when I walking. I feel like my mind is not connected

>> to

>> my

>> body. This is so hard to explain. If I am sitting down in a chair or on

>> the

>> computer, I don't have these feelings. Is this brain fog or maybe I have

>> something else? Is this an after effect from medications? I never had

>> this until I

>> was diagnosed with RA and been on meds.


>> I am just learning about all this stuff myself. I am on Minocin and

>> weaning

>> myself off of Prednisone. Any Suggestions?


>> BJ







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When I hear brain fog I can relate my personal experience to what others are

saying, but I can't say that anything specific has been diagnosed. I simply

couldn't think clearly for a long time because of pain which in turn caused

a lack of sleep. It was as if I was looking at the world through fog.

Hence, brain fog was an apt moniker to describe the condition. Not a


recognized condition, but a symptom of the illness.


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> does the " brain fog " ever get better?

The " brain fog " gets better when you start sleeping better and/or when your

illness subsides. Either one will help.

Been there, done... what?


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I usually wonder to myself whenever this subject of " brain fog " come up.

Seems that some vague symptoms regarding cognitive ability are usually

mentioned, which sound vaguely similar to somebody else's vague symptoms, so

one by one these sets of symptoms get loosely grouped together into

something called " brain fog. " So it gets a name everyone is comfortable

with, even though it cant be quantified, it cant be measured, and its

attributes are only loosely described. Then, once these symptoms can be

called something, it gets tied by some unknown mechanism to any number of

diseases, including RA....implying some joint/brain connection?? And then

this condition, for which there is little explanation for, will resolve

itself after some period of time or treatment...and everyone lives happily

ever after??

I'm not trying belittle those with symptoms or those who advocate this

(though I know for certain what my grandmother would say to me if mentioned

" brain fog " in a conversation with her), but suppose some were supposing

that they truly were afflicted with " brain fog " after getting duly diagnosed

over the internet, and in truth they were suffering from something much more

serious that was affecting there cognitive abilities. Surely there are a

bazillion things or conditions that can alter ones ability to think

clearly....age, stress, electrolyte imbalances, vitamin deficiencies,

circulatory or hormonal problems, dementia, CO exposure, prime time TV. The

list is endless. Seems to me doubtful that anybody without the benefit of

specific cognitive ability tests, administered by a professional, could

possibly cut through the fog of possibilities and determine the cause of any

one person's diminished capacity.

Geoff probably cited one of the best treatments...sleep...and I would add

" sound " sleep to that. The 'sleeping through an earthquake' kind of

sleep...even if it has to be chemically induced. Got to be rested to fight

the good fight.


----Original Message Follows----

From: & quot;Geoff & quot; & lt;geoff@... & gt;

& lt;rheumatic & gt;

Subject: rheumatic Re: brain fog

Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:44:20 -0800

& gt; does the & quot;brain fog & quot; ever get better?

The & quot;brain fog & quot; gets better when you start sleeping better and/or

when your

illness subsides. Either one will help.

Been there, done... what?


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How does one chelate heavy metals?....I've heard of that but not much...

rheumatic brain fog

Hi all,

hmm brain fog... lemme see - I forget... <grins>

Well, I have suffered the brain-fog syndrome for many years. I would

forget what I am doing, forget words, not be able to focus or even

think clearly at all. In addition, I suffered wild emotional swings

and depression or anxiety attacks.

All of this went away when I chelated heavy metals (Mercury) from my

body. I have my brain back, control of my emotions and no swings or

panic attacks. It has been about 6 mos now, and holding.



> & gt; & gt; & gt; Hello,

> & gt; & gt; & gt; Seven years ago I was at the end of systemic

> & gt; & gt; scleroderma. I was

> & gt; & gt; & gt; given 2 weeks to live. I promise you it did not


> & gt; & gt; leave my body by

> & gt; & gt; & gt; itself in some sort of instant remission. That is

when I

> started

> & gt; & gt; the AP. It

> & gt; & gt; & gt; was very aggressive treatment. I went to TX and

Ethel Snooks

> led

> & gt; & gt; me through

> & gt; & gt; & gt; my treatment. I live in FL. I got IV's daily for

5 weeks

> and

> & gt; & gt; then Four a

> & gt; & gt; & gt; week for months then three a week for months, Then 2

a week

> for

> & gt; & gt; months and

> & gt; & gt; & gt; etc. I still get an occasional IV. I still have

some to go.

> My

> & gt; & gt; DX was

> & gt; & gt; & gt; systemic scleroderma, systemic lupus, polymiositis,

and RA.

> I

> & gt; & gt; had and enlarged

> & gt; & gt; & gt; heart with pericardial effusion, kidney's failing,

Hard as a

> & gt; & gt; brick all over,

> & gt; & gt; & gt; freaky looking and blood pressure over 200 with high

dose BP

> & gt; & gt; med's. I was a

> & gt; & gt; & gt; time bomb! It was a matter of whether my kidney's

went or my

> & gt; & gt; heart stopped, or

> & gt; & gt; & gt; a stroke. Over time I have been on many different

> antibiotics.

> & gt; & gt; The

> & gt; & gt; & gt; micoplasma has many different flavors which takes


> different

> & gt; & gt; antibiotics to kill

> & gt; & gt; & gt; these things. I havn't ever met someone who had


> that

> & gt; & gt; just all

> & gt; & gt; & gt; of a sudden went into remission??? Yet because of my

> recoveery I

> & gt; & gt; have spoken

> & gt; & gt; & gt; to groups of people and many individuals with MCTD.

The ones

> who

> & gt; & gt; did not

> & gt; & gt; & gt; give the AP a chance are now deceased. I once felt


> all

> of

> & gt; & gt; the time

> & gt; & gt; & gt; because I thought maybe I didn't stress the

importance of it

> all

> & gt; & gt; enough. I felt

> & gt; & gt; & gt; guilty for there demise. But I know now you can

take a horse

> to

> & gt; & gt; water but

> & gt; & gt; & gt; you can't make him drink. It is a very sneaky

disease. You

> & gt; & gt; don't know that it

> & gt; & gt; & gt; is growing, growing, growing, in your body at all

times. You

> & gt; & gt; can't see it

> & gt; & gt; & gt; and you don't always feel it growing. Then you are

to far

> gone.

> & gt; & gt; If you can

> & gt; & gt; & gt; stop it in the beginning it will not be as long on


> & gt; & gt; treatments. Then you do

> & gt; & gt; & gt; maintenance treatment. I have a lot of damage. It

ruined my

> & gt; & gt; bowel

> & gt; & gt; & gt; sphincter muscle, my esophagus, some nerves and

muscles. My

> & gt; & gt; hands are not as taunt

> & gt; & gt; & gt; and clawlike as they were and I have had physical


> but

> & gt; & gt; they are not

> & gt; & gt; & gt; what they once were. I thank God that I am alive

and doing

> & gt; & gt; greeeeeeat and so

> & gt; & gt; & gt; does my family. I have no more joint pain.

> & gt; & gt; & gt; I am 5'2 & quot; and wear a size 5 and very

active and

> you

> would

> & gt; & gt; never know

> & gt; & gt; & gt; I was ever ill, unless I told you. I went to a

dinner party

> last

> & gt; & gt; night and

> & gt; & gt; & gt; their were 2 DR's there that know my daughter and

had seen me


> 7

> & gt; & gt; yrs ago. They

> & gt; & gt; & gt; are amazed with my recovery. One of the DR's wrote

my first

> & gt; & gt; scripts for

> & gt; & gt; & gt; minocin for me 7 yrs ago. He was appeasing me by

doing so,

> but

> & gt; & gt; he now says it

> & gt; & gt; & gt; works. I was told last night by him that you don't

win with

> & gt; & gt; systemic

> & gt; & gt; & gt; scleroderma and that I need to write my story. He

said he

> hasn't

> & gt; & gt; ever known someone

> & gt; & gt; & gt; to to recover from it.

> & gt; & gt; & gt; If you were going to die from terminal


> wouldn't

> & gt; & gt; you try

> & gt; & gt; & gt; anything? That's what I did and it was the right


> Praise

> & gt; & gt; the Lord.

> & gt; & gt; & gt; Sincerely, Judy Duncan, Clearwater Florida

> & gt; & gt; & gt;

> & gt; & gt; & gt;

> & gt; & gt; & gt;

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Dear BJ, Tony and Group,

BJ - You mentioned in your post below that you stumble and must be

careful when walking around. This sounds like the beginning of a

difficulty with your balance.

Remember the test where you stand on one leg with your eyes closed?

And the length of time one can do this steadily decreases with age,

so that it can be used almost like a physiological age marker.

Diminution of auditory sensitivity is also a common cofactor in this


The study given below using lipid replacement therapy showed a

slowing down of age associated hearing loss, and I would expect, and

this is my own speculation, an improvement to some degree in balance.

They used rats, but maybe it can work with us too! Garth Nicolson

also has some related published info on this site.

I know of what you speak, as I have had this same feeling about

balance, and am taking 2 tablespoons of lecithin daily with good



And Tony - For some more ideas, the webpage below entitled " Clearing

the fog: how to sharpen your mind " may be of some solace to you.


And there is a book entitled " The Memory Cure " out there,

promulgating the use of phosphatidyl serine.

A website talking about the use of it can be found at



> Now I'm by no means an expert BUT about a year or so before I was


> with RA (around 1998) I seemed to develop some " brain fog " ...this

has become

> worse through the last few years...though most of my RA symptoms

are under

> control the brain fog remains.....I think the best way to describe

it is

> that my mind isn't as clear as it used to be AND there are times

that I know

> that I know something but just can't seem to connect to the

knowledge in my

> brain.....I used to have a quick and sharp mind but find myself

kind of

> faltering....struggling to figure things out or remember

things....I used to

> have a very clear memory...remembering things no one else did (and


> didn't make them up...heheh)....I used to remember many many


> now the information just isn't there or I just can't connect to

it....it is

> a real bummer....here I will be retiring from the military after

25 years

> and wonder what good I will be when I try to find a civilian job

because my

> mind just doesn't work as well as it used to....I just wonder at

times if it

> is the RA or just my age BUT I'm not that old...just 45....it DOES

worry me

> though.

> tony


> Re: rheumatic brain fog



> > Hi,

> >

> > I have been wondering about this brain fog. I think that I have

this. I

> > seem to have this when I am up walking around. I stumble

sometimes and I

> > must

> > really be careful when I walking. I feel like my mind is not

connected to

> > my

> > body. This is so hard to explain. If I am sitting down in a

chair or on

> > the

> > computer, I don't have these feelings. Is this brain fog or

maybe I have

> > something else? Is this an after effect from medications? I

never had

> > this until I

> > was diagnosed with RA and been on meds.

> >

> > I am just learning about all this stuff myself. I am on Minocin


> > weaning

> > myself off of Prednisone. Any Suggestions?

> >

> > BJ

> >

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

I was just diagnoised with RA 2 months ago. I was put on Prednisone and

(Plaqniall) . Now I am taperring off the prenisone and my brain fog

came back. Today I was making Bagells. Looking in the fridge for the

cream cheese but couldn't find it. Then when I looked on the table it

was already there. I couldnt remember taking it out. I am worried about

going to work tommorow. Thinking about taking 20 mlg of prenisone

instead of the 10. I work in a technical job and small mistakes can be

a big deal. Really scarey. At least I know what the problem is now. I

thought I was loosing my mind for a while. Does anyone know how to get

rid of the brain fog.

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