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Re: How Do You Handle A Flare?

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Thanks, Maggie. I did end up taking 3 Advil almost 3 hours after I

took my regular meds. I'm very careful with what I take as I have had

gastric erosions in my stomach before and they are very painful, so I

don't want to do that again. I so wish I could do the hot bath - but,

I just can't get out of the tub very easily if I do, so I usually take

showers. Even that wasn't going to help yesterday, though. These fibro

flares are so different than the RA flares. So far today, I'm a little

better. I slept all through the night - Thank God! Today I am just

going to pace myself and not overdo. I continue to welcome any and all

suggestions on how to deal with a Fibro flare from everyone as I know

I'm not the only one going through this........Doreen :)


> Hi Doreen,

> I think you should whine ;o) I have Fibro and RA and pretty much do

> what you did and take all the meds at once and hope to fall

> asleep. Hot baths help. The fibro and RA flares are a bit

> different in my opinon.. with the RA I know the heat with help with

> the fibro I kinda roll up into a little ball in front of the tv and

> whine.. I haven't figured that one out... I'm a bit of a

> lightweight when it comes to drugs

> so I'm out if I take them.. I take 2 lorazapans and I'm asleep...

> Just be careful with taking too many drugs at once.. I did a few

> weeks ago and it really tore up my stomach thought I had an ulcer

> had to go to the doc.. 'fess up to what I did and ended up with

> more meds to help the stomach.... oh I know that doesn't help but

> at least you know we can relate.

> I hope your meds have kicked in and you are asleep by the time you

> get this msg.

> -Maggie


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Thank you, Tawny. I know that the prednisone shots have worked for me

in the past, but since I am taking part in this clinical study for RA,

I can't take prednisone - it will kick me out of the study. So, I

took Advil instead because I know this is allowed. I'm beginning to

think this study is more trouble than what its worth......Doreen :)


> (((Doreen)))


> Sending gentle hugs your way. It is so hard to be in pain, and it

> never gets any easier. I take a short dose of Prednsione, and it

> helps. The doc might give you a steroid shot to ease your pain. I

> hope you feel better soon, take care, Tawny


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Thanks, Clora. Going to the ER is not an option. For one, I don't have

any health insurance - and two, they aren't going to give me anything

stronger than 10mg of Oxycodone. I can't take any morphine based meds

as they give me a monster headache. I will call my PC or Rheumy if

things don't get better soon. I was going to call this morning, but

was feeling a little better better. Unfortunately, as the day has worn

on, I have gone back to feeling horrible again, but we had a mondo

t-storm go through, so I wondered if that was the culprit this time.

I am grateful that my family does believe me and doesn't give me a

hard time. I don't have crying fits either because when I hurt this

bad, crying will only make me hurt more. What a " catch 22 " huh? I

appreciate your input - just as I have the others......Doreen :)


> Doreen and group;


> Awe Doreen. Go to ER hon. Don't suffer like this. At least they

> give you something. I know they think we are looking for pain meds

> to get high. People that do that mess it up for us that are really

> in pain. Also, how can we convince a doctor we are in pain if some

> of our own family don't believe us.


> I have read all my post and I do see some good ideas for your flare

> ups. Sulfazaline does nothing for my RA pain. If seems like my RA

> got worse from taking the RA meds. I know it didnt. I know we get

> crazy out of our minds when in this pain. Because when I took the

> humira shot I beging to think more rationally when the pain left.


> Doreen complain all you want. Send me an email and complain too. I

> want to see you feel better. I been in bed for a couple years. No

> not all the time. My husband wont allow it. But when I am in bad

> pain he goes crazy with ideas. CAn I rub some bengay on ya. Or what

> about a hot shower. Or have you taken your pain pill.


> I notice when we get in pain we don't even take a pain pill

> sometimes. I mean it wont help the pain it's so bad. So my husband

> makes me try other things. CAuse he cant stand to see me suffer. I

> dont have a crying fit but he knows. Feel better Doreen.


> gentle kind hugs

> Clora


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