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Re: been lurking...

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Hi ,

Sorry your in so much pain, dear. Being a mom, you have to be able

to take care of your children. I know the RA meds are scary for

you. I hope your rheumy can help you, and get you feeling better

soon. Sometimes, women go into remission when their pregnant. After

the baby is born, the old RA comes back with a vengeance.

1. Starting mtx,(low dose,)not really any side effects

2. Its very hard to deal with fatigue. I am going to ask my

rheumy next time, to give me something to help the fatigue.

3.I was on plaquinl with mtx, and had nausea. Not sure which med

caused it.

4. I've had two rheumy's, and both had no problems giving me pain


Make sure you write down what you want to ask your rheumy.

Good luck, Tawny


> hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura and


> am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

> fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad


> i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

> health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course ordered

> lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

> rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil


> lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few


> after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

> makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so, finally

> got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i had

> been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting in


> elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the


> in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that, but


> least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for


> how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any one

> else in their 30s!

> laura


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When I started the MTX my rheummy told me to take it on the weekend

because it can make you tired. I take it on Friday evenings. She was

so right. Most Saturdays I do little to nothing. My pain is much

better with MTX though.

I have not conquered my fatigue yet. Some days are easier to deal

with than others. My rheummy keeps telling me it will get better.

I have stomach issues also. After years of cronic constipation, I

really don't mind that side effect. It is almost a welcome.

I have never asked my rheummy for pain meds. I have issues with

anything strong enough to help, so I will try to bear all that I can

for as long as I can.

I started Enbrel a little over two weeks ago, so I am waiting for it

to kick in.

I hope you get great results from your medication. If you don't

though, be sure and let your doc know about everything that is going

on. If a drug change is needed be open.

I am not sure if my resuts are typical or not. I know how unique we

are, so I just try to be patient and positive while learning to live

with RA. I do however believe that I will achieve remission at some


Good luck,



> hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura and


> am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

> fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad


> i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

> health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course ordered

> lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

> rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil


> lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few


> after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

> makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so,


> got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i


> been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting in


> elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the


> in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that, but


> least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for


> how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any


> else in their 30s!

> laura


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Hi ,

My name is and I'm 36 years young. I have two kids who

thankfully(?) are in their teens. My symptoms started out about 4

years ago with my wrist. I originally thought it was carpel tunnel

and didn't do much about it. With the job I do it's highly likely

the culprit. A few months later I started having pain/swelling in

my knee so I went to the doctor.

He couldn't figure out what was wrong with me so naturally he made

the assumption that I was faking. Long story short, the nurse

practioner took over my case (she believed me) and the rest is


Now the rheumy just needs to find the right drugs to help me. My RA

is still raging and I'm currently waiting for insurance approval for

my 4th biologic. (that's another long story.)

As for your questions, I'll try to answer them the best I can as

they relate to my situation. Maybe it'll help/maybe it won't, but

here it goes anyway. LOL!

1. The mtx didn't affect me in any way really. I don't think it's

helping at all.

2. The crippling fatigue is very hard to deal with. I just take

things one day at a time. After work I usually go upstairs and lay

in bed. That's all I feel like doing some days. Other days I have

more energy so I can get stuff done. Luckily I have a wonderful

boyfriend and kids who help me alot.

3. I normally have bowel/stomach issues and I'm not on plaquinil.

Sad but true. LOL!

4. I'm not sure about other rheumy's, but mine will pretty much give

me whatever I need to be more comfortable. My pc prescribes some of

my pain meds and my rheumy prescribes the rest. So they kind of

work together.

Sorry for the long post, but I guess I had a lot to say today.

LOL! Normally I just read everyone else's posts. Feel free to

contact me off group anytime you want. That goes for anyone else

who would like someone to chat with. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to

put my email address on here or not, so sorry in advance if that's a

no-no. shannontapp@.... I hope everyone has as pain free of

a day as possible.


> hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura and


> am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

> fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad


> i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

> health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course ordered

> lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

> rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil


> lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few


> after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

> makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so,


> got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i


> been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting in


> elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the


> in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that, but


> least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for


> how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any


> else in their 30s!

> laura


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I am 32 also and a single parent to a 7 year old. I have been diagnosed for 2

years but had problems with my wrists and hands for 2 years prior to that which

my gp put down to repetitive strain, I am an underwriter for car insurance and

my job is pc based, then, similar to you i developed problems with my knees,

hips and feet. My main medications are methotrexate (20mg), sulfasalazine,

diclofenac, and i was just prescribed plaquenil yesterday and will be starting

them tonight!

So in answer to your questions

1. The methotrexate only caused me a little nausea, and stomach upset (bowels)

but i found if i took it at night it was a little easier, im now up to a high

dosage and my hair has started to thin but i know thats reversible so im not

overly worried.

2. The fatigue is what i struggle with most, i hate making plans and then

cancelling because im to tired! so now if i have something on i make sure i have

an easy day and dont tire myself out. If ive been at work i have about 2 hours

in bed (i tell my son not to move from the tv and what time he has to wake me

up, he doesnt complain about 2 hours of uninterrupted tv!) which is usually

enough to recharge my batteries! Also im learning to say no, if i dont feel up

to something or i know i have a lot on and cant make anymore plans then i say i

cant do something and i dont feel bad about it, my priorities are ensuring my

son and i are able to do whats important to us and anything else im fit for is a


3. Ill let you know about the plaquenil!!

4. Im in the UK, and find my gp will prescribe me painkillers as needed, most

of the time my pain can be seen as my face is so miserable when things are bad

so im sure he knows im not at it!

Im happy to chat off group if you want to get in touch with me


Sharon xx

[ ] been lurking...

hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura and i

am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad that

i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course ordered

lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil adn

lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few weeks

after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so, finally

got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i had

been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting in my

elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the rhuemy

in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that, but at

least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for ya'll...

how did the mtx effect you starting out?

how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any one

else in their 30s!


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Hi !  I am 30 and have been dealing with the constent fatigue for the last

3 months.  I am a paralegal for a national law firm.  My job is very demanding

and I work lots of hours which has been hard to do the last few months. I am on

prednisone until I am approved for Enbrel.  I have been denied twice and I am

waiting to hear anytime on my last appeal.  My rheumy does not want me to go on

mtx due to my age and the side effects for young women.  I do not have any

children yet but I hope to in the next few years.  If you ever feel like talking

to someone in their early 30's please email me: paquet16@....


Take care,

From: Sharon Turtnbull <rupertsmum@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] been lurking...

Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 11:28 AM


I am 32 also and a single parent to a 7 year old. I have been diagnosed for 2

years but had problems with my wrists and hands for 2 years prior to that which

my gp put down to repetitive strain, I am an underwriter for car insurance and

my job is pc based, then, similar to you i developed problems with my knees,

hips and feet. My main medications are methotrexate (20mg), sulfasalazine,

diclofenac, and i was just prescribed plaquenil yesterday and will be starting

them tonight!

So in answer to your questions

1. The methotrexate only caused me a little nausea, and stomach upset (bowels)

but i found if i took it at night it was a little easier, im now up to a high

dosage and my hair has started to thin but i know thats reversible so im not

overly worried.

2. The fatigue is what i struggle with most, i hate making plans and then

cancelling because im to tired! so now if i have something on i make sure i have

an easy day and dont tire myself out. If ive been at work i have about 2 hours

in bed (i tell my son not to move from the tv and what time he has to wake me

up, he doesnt complain about 2 hours of uninterrupted tv!) which is usually

enough to recharge my batteries! Also im learning to say no, if i dont feel up

to something or i know i have a lot on and cant make anymore plans then i say i

cant do something and i dont feel bad about it, my priorities are ensuring my

son and i are able to do whats important to us and anything else im fit for is a


3. Ill let you know about the plaquenil!!

4. Im in the UK, and find my gp will prescribe me painkillers as needed, most of

the time my pain can be seen as my face is so miserable when things are bad so

im sure he knows im not at it!

Im happy to chat off group if you want to get in touch with me


Sharon xx

[ ] been lurking...

hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura and i

am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad that

i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course ordered

lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil adn

lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few weeks

after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so, finally

got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i had

been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting in my

elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the rhuemy

in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that, but at

least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for ya'll...

how did the mtx effect you starting out?

how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any one

else in their 30s!


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Are you on all those meds at once? How often is the turnaround on

them if you aren't? I haven't taken anything like that then and am

actually fighting with my rheumy about taking them - they all seem

like poison to me. But it seems many here have been on a number of

things. Is this because of the effects, or because they aren't

working, or why? What's the reasoning behind the frequent switchover?

Just gaining information for later decisions...


> >

> > hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura


> i

> > am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> > months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> > intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

> > fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad

> that

> > i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

> > health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course


> > lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

> > rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil

> adn

> > lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few

> weeks

> > after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

> > makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so,

> finally

> > got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i

> had

> > been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting


> my

> > elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the

> rhuemy

> > in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that,


> at

> > least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for

> ya'll...

> > how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> > how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> > any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> > are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> > thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any

> one

> > else in their 30s!

> > laura

> >


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Hi Brad,

I'm not on them all at once, this has been over a two year period.

I was diagnosed with severe ra so my doctor put me on mtx to see if

that alone would make me feel better. When I went to see the rheumy

for the first time I could barely walk and I was still working 40+

hours a week on my feet all day. He really wanted to get me feeling


The mtx didn't work by itself. So the first biologic he put me on

was Remicade. The first infusion went really well. It was the

second and third infusions that was the problem. About an hour into

my last two infusions I started to have bad reactions. They had to

shut off the iv and pump me full of steroids and benadryl just to

get me back to normal. It was really scary.

Then he put me on Humira after that. (It took the insurance company

over a month to approve the drug.) I took that for about 6 weeks

with no improvement.

For about the last year or so I've been on Orencia and that's been

the one to help me the most. But it only got me so far. Now I've

plateaued and am not getting any better. In fact, it's now moved

into my shoulders and my other wrist is starting to lose mobility

like the other.

Currently I'm waiting on the insurance company again to approve yet

another new medicine for me. The doctor wants me to take Rituxan.

It's also pretty scary, but I'm in so much pain now that to go

without it scares me even more. My body feels like it's regressing

instead of progressing. It's been over a month since my last

Orencia infusion and I can really tell.

Here's a list of what I'm on right now. (Forgive me if I miss

something) Folic Acid, Naproxen, Flexeril, Oxycontin, Oxycodone,

Prozac, and Orencia/Rituxan. The latter depends on the insurance


Sorry for the long answer, but mine is a complicated story. Most

people with this disease seem to have a rather complicated story.

LOL! I hope this helps you in your quest for an alternative to

these biologics. Please keep us informed if you find something else

that may work better. Thank you!

> > >

> > > hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura

> and

> > i

> > > am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> > > months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> > > intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then


> > > fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so


> > that

> > > i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a


> > > health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course

> ordered

> > > lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into


> > > rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on


> > adn

> > > lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few

> > weeks

> > > after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out


> > > makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so,

> > finally

> > > got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive.


> > had

> > > been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and


> in

> > my

> > > elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the

> > rhuemy

> > > in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that,

> but

> > at

> > > least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for

> > ya'll...

> > > how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> > > how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> > > any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> > > are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> > > thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with


> > one

> > > else in their 30s!

> > > laura

> > >

> >


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[ ] Re: been lurking...


Are you on all those meds at once?  How often is the turnaround on

them if you aren't?  I haven't taken anything like that then and am

actually fighting with my rheumy about taking them - they all seem

like poison to me.  But it seems many here have been on a number of

things.  Is this because of the effects, or because they aren't

working, or why?  What's the reasoning behind the frequent switchover?

Just gaining information for later decisions...


> >

> > hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura


> i

> > am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> > months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> > intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

> > fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad

> that

> > i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

> > health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course


> > lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

> > rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil

> adn

> > lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few

> weeks

> > after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

> > makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!!  so,

> finally

> > got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i

> had

> > been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting


> my

> > elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the

> rhuemy

> > in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that,


> at

> > least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for

> ya'll...

> > how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> > how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> > any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> > are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> > thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any

> one

> > else in their 30s!

> > laura

> >

> hi laura, i'm sorry about your pain u r dealing w/right now. i'm 38yrs.old

married to an awesome man & have an 11yr.old daughter,alyssa. they r both

tremendous HELPERS when in need.. i take mtx(7pills every friday), i take

plaquenil 2xdaily + alot more meds. dealing w/the crippling issue is hard

but u learn to DEAL. yes i have stomach probs. but i think it's cuz of the pain

meds i'm on. my rheummy is AWESOME she does not want to c me suffer

so she will pretty much do what needs to b done to free me from pain. also i do

marijuana at times cuz the pain is so SEVERE but i tell my drs. everything.

they should make it legal cuz it sure HELPS ME!!!!!!!!!! well i hope u feel


god bless,melyndagamez


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I am also a lurker, but we have very similar stories, so I thought I'd

chime in.

I am a 29 yo and have been diagnosed with RA since the birth of my 6.5

month old son (I also have a 3 yo.) Like you, I had joint pain in

wrists, fingers, as well as elbows, knees and toes --- beginning about

8 weeks after the birth of my younger son. Before my pregnancy, I had

wrist pain and swollen joints, but it was attributed to ganglion cysts

at the time...now we have good reason to wonder about that dx!

I just started MTX 4 weeks ago. I am also not thrilled with it, but I

wanted to have room to " move up " other medicines, since I am pretty

young and imagine the disease will be progressing along with me

through life.

I also figure, there are downsides with every medication and at least

with mtx, we know what many of those are...we're still figuring out

the downsides with some of the newer drugs. Just how I came to my

decision though - everyone is different.

1. My first week on mtx, I was down for two full days. My kids saw

far more tv than ever before. I have cotton mouth, dizziness,

tiredness and stomachache. Even in the 4 weeks I've been taking it,

it is now really just one day that's pretty worthless (but still

better.) The second day out I still have a stomachache, but I can do

what I need to do. I take it at night.

2) I'm still figuring that out - like you I have two young kids -

fatigue was part of it before RA and now it is 10x that. Yeah. It is


3) Didn't take it.

4) I am still taking prednisone (15 mg) while waiting for the mtx to

really kick in. Was tapering to 10 mg, but the mtx clearly wasn't to

full capacity yet because pain and inflammation came back big time. I

find that when there's less inflammation with the prednisone

controlling that, my pain is less too (usually.) So, prednisone seems

to help with that, but of course, it is NOT a good long term option.

I also am taking naproxen, which my rheumy provided. I would prefer

to stick to those myself, but I believe he would prescribe

other/stronger if I asked/needed.

Good luck, I'd be happy to chat offgroup sometime, even though I'm

still 6 months from 30! ;)


> [ ] been lurking...


> hi all! just wanted to reintroduce myself.... my name is laura and i

> am 32 years old and the married mother of 3 (almost 9, 2 and 7

> months). since the birth of my last baby, i had been having

> intermittent joint pain..it would last for a few days and then be

> fine. eventually, by the time i went back to work, it was so bad that

> i was having a hard time writing and typing. i work in a student

> health center so i saw one of the docs there who of course ordered

> lab. my ra factor came back positive and i eventually got into a

> rhumatologist (in a bout 7 weeks). the rheumy put me on plaquinil adn

> lodine and ran a bunch more lab. i had a bad stomach bug a few weeks

> after that, and was in bed for about a week. turns out plaquinil

> makes me more succeptable to stomach viruses. grrrr.!! so, finally

> got teh lab back, and the ccp antibody was strongly positive. i had

> been ahving alot more pain in my hands and wrists, and starting in my

> elbows, so i amnow on 5mg of prednisone bid. going back to the rhuemy

> in a week to talk about starting mtx. not thrilled about that, but at

> least i dont have any damage yet. i have a few questions for ya'll...

> how did the mtx effect you starting out?

> how do you deal with the crippling fatigue?

> any one else with bowel/stomach issues on plaquinil?

> are most rhumys willing to prescribe pain meds?

> thanks in adavance! and i would love to chat off group with any one

> else in their 30s!

> laura



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I have said it many times and I still mean it, my heart really goes

out to you mother's. Such a hard job and now more challanges.

The positive side is there are drugs now that can produce remission.

I know that it isn't always achieved but it is increasing more and


I pray that remission is just around the corner for you.

God Bless,


--- In , " amanda.canessa " <atcanessa@...>



> Hi,

> I am also a lurker, but we have very similar stories, so I thought


> chime in.

> I am a 29 yo and have been diagnosed with RA since the birth of my


> month old son (I also have a 3 yo.) Like you, I had joint pain in

> wrists, fingers, as well as elbows, knees and toes --- beginning


> 8 weeks after the birth of my younger son. Before my pregnancy, I


> wrist pain and swollen joints, but it was attributed to ganglion


> at the time...now we have good reason to wonder about that dx!

> I just started MTX 4 weeks ago. I am also not thrilled with it,

but I

> wanted to have room to " move up " other medicines, since I am pretty

> young and imagine the disease will be progressing along with me

> through life.

> I also figure, there are downsides with every medication and at


> with mtx, we know what many of those are...we're still figuring out

> the downsides with some of the newer drugs. Just how I came to my

> decision though - everyone is different.

> 1. My first week on mtx, I was down for two full days. My kids


> far more tv than ever before. I have cotton mouth, dizziness,

> tiredness and stomachache. Even in the 4 weeks I've been taking


> it is now really just one day that's pretty worthless (but still

> better.) The second day out I still have a stomachache, but I can


> what I need to do. I take it at night.

> 2) I'm still figuring that out - like you I have two young kids -

> fatigue was part of it before RA and now it is 10x that. Yeah.

It is

> hard.

> 3) Didn't take it.

> 4) I am still taking prednisone (15 mg) while waiting for the mtx


> really kick in. Was tapering to 10 mg, but the mtx clearly wasn't


> full capacity yet because pain and inflammation came back big

time. I

> find that when there's less inflammation with the prednisone

> controlling that, my pain is less too (usually.) So, prednisone


> to help with that, but of course, it is NOT a good long term


> I also am taking naproxen, which my rheumy provided. I would


> to stick to those myself, but I believe he would prescribe

> other/stronger if I asked/needed.

> Good luck, I'd be happy to chat offgroup sometime, even though I'm

> still 6 months from 30! ;)


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and group;

Hi and welcome to our humble group. Teens scare me to

death haaaaaaaaaa I never heard anyone thankful for teens. I know

what you mean they are self suffincent at that age.

I thought I had carple tunnel also. Turn out to be RA. I had to

wait a month in a half to get my humirra injections. I was on

prednisone in the mean time. I gained 12 more pounds because of

it. I hope you find the right cocktail for your pain. My heart

goes out to those that have kids at home with RA. My kids are in

their 30s.

Long post are welcome says our modetator. So dont worry about

the long post. Making paragraphs really help us to read the posts.

Feel better and God bless.

gentle hugs


> Hi ,


> My name is and I'm 36 years young. I have two kids who

> thankfully(?) are in their teens. My symptoms started out about 4

> years ago with my wrist. I originally thought it was carpel


> and didn't do much about it. With the job I do it's highly likely

> the culprit. A few months later I started having pain/swelling in

> my knee so I went to the doctor.


> He couldn't figure out what was wrong with me so naturally he made

> the assumption that I was faking. Long story short, the nurse

> practioner took over my case (she believed me) and the rest is

> history.


> Now the rheumy just needs to find the right drugs to help me. My


> is still raging and I'm currently waiting for insurance approval


> my 4th biologic. (that's another long story.)


> As for your questions, I'll try to answer them the best I can as

> they relate to my situation. Maybe it'll help/maybe it won't, but

> here it goes anyway. LOL!


> 1. The mtx didn't affect me in any way really. I don't think it's

> helping at all.

> 2. The crippling fatigue is very hard to deal with. I just take

> things one day at a time. After work I usually go upstairs and


> in bed. That's all I feel like doing some days. Other days I


> more energy so I can get stuff done. Luckily I have a wonderful

> boyfriend and kids who help me alot.

> 3. I normally have bowel/stomach issues and I'm not on plaquinil.

> Sad but true. LOL!

> 4. I'm not sure about other rheumy's, but mine will pretty much


> me whatever I need to be more comfortable. My pc prescribes some


> my pain meds and my rheumy prescribes the rest. So they kind of

> work together.


> Sorry for the long post, but I guess I had a lot to say today.

> LOL! Normally I just read everyone else's posts. Feel free to

> contact me off group anytime you want. That goes for anyone else

> who would like someone to chat with. I'm not sure if I'm allowed


> put my email address on here or not, so sorry in advance if that's


> no-no. shannontapp@... I hope everyone has as pain free of

> a day as possible.





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Brad and group;

I can only speak for myself. I have been in so much pain I would

have taken arsnic if my rheumy gave it to me. I couldnt even get

out of bed from so much pain. I got out of bed but I did it very

slowly. I would dread when it was time to get up. I think every

joint in my body ached. I have fibromyalgia too. If some one even

touch me it was very pain ful. I have bad Osteoparosus. My back

feels like an elephant is standing on it.

When I found this group I was desperate to learn. When I read the

post what everyone was taking I wanted it to no matter what. I have

been on Lyrcia for the fibro and it is great. THer are serious

side affects but so far I am ok. I started humira injections about

2 weeks ago and it is great with in 12 hours I was RA pain free.

Some people feel it in hours and some never feel it.

I am looking forward to see what my rheumy does for my osteo. Right

now I am using pain patches for it. Helps some but not enough. We

change to other meds because we are allergic or the side affect are

hitting us hard and some just don't work for us.

My heart goes out to all of us in pain. But I really feel for those

that have children. I can't imagine taking care of kids with this

pain I have. I still struggel. I have bursitis in my hips

shoulders and knees. I get steroid shot for my shoulders and hips

but the only work half way. I guess a 5 is better than a 10. My

kids are in their 30s.

gentle kind hugs


> ,


> Are you on all those meds at once? How often is the turnaround on

> them if you aren't? I haven't taken anything like that then and


> actually fighting with my rheumy about taking them - they all seem

> like poison to me. But it seems many here have been on a number



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hi clora i'm sorry for your pain. i too have osteo, i HATE IT !!! my bones r

deteriating & r so FRAGILE. i take vitamin d,folic acid,

tons of calcium,tums, can't think of the rest i'm on soooo much meds.

feel BETTER SOON god bless,melyndagamez 9/24/08 4p.m.cdt

[ ] Re: been lurking...

Brad and group;

I can only speak for myself.  I have been in so much pain I would

have taken arsnic if my rheumy gave it to me.  I couldnt even get

out of bed from so much pain.  I got out of bed but I did it very

slowly.  I would dread when it was time to get up.  I think every

joint in my body ached.  I have fibromyalgia too.  If some one even

touch me it was very pain ful.  I have bad Osteoparosus.  My back

feels like an elephant is standing on it.

When I found this group I was desperate to learn.  When I read the

post what everyone was taking I wanted it to no matter what.  I have

been on Lyrcia for the fibro and it is  great.  THer are serious

side affects but so far I am ok.  I started humira injections about

2 weeks ago and it is great with in 12 hours I was RA pain free. 

Some people feel it in hours and some never feel it. 

I am looking forward to see what my rheumy does for my osteo.  Right

now I am using pain patches for it.  Helps some but not enough. We

change to other meds because we are allergic or the side affect are

hitting us hard and some just don't work for us. 

My heart goes out to all of us in pain.  But I really feel for those

that have children.  I can't imagine taking care of kids with this

pain I have.  I still struggel.  I have bursitis in my hips

shoulders and knees.  I get steroid shot for my shoulders and hips

but the only work half way.  I guess a 5 is better than a 10.  My

kids are in their 30s.

gentle kind hugs


> ,


> Are you on all those meds at once?  How often is the turnaround on

> them if you aren't?  I haven't taken anything like that then and


> actually fighting with my rheumy about taking them - they all seem

> like poison to me.  But it seems many here have been on a number




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Melynda and group;

Hi sweety, so glad to read your post. Sorry to hear you have osteo

also. I do have a question for ya. My rheumy has been agressive

with my RA treatment. Now she is going to get agressive on the

osteo. What kind of treatment are you getting for your osteo? Does

it give you any pain relief?

I heard there was not much for osteo treatment. I hope there is

something my rheumy can do for this aweful back pain. For now she is

giving me pain patchs which don't help that much. I hope you can

tell me something good about osteo treatment. I was so suprised

there was something better for my RA pain.

THe humira injections are working great. I take lyrcia for

fibromyalgia and it takes pretty much all the pain away. My rhuemy

told me the osteo isnt to bad when I first saw her. Now it has been

getting worse and worse. I appreciate any information you can give

me. Thanks for your kind concern. God bless and take care.

gentle kind hugs



> hi clora i'm sorry for your pain. i too have osteo, i HATE IT !!!

my bones r deteriating & r so FRAGILE. i take vitamin d,folic acid,

> tons of calcium,tums, can't think of the rest i'm on soooo much


> feel BETTER SOON god bless,melyndagamez 9/24/08 4p.m.cdt




> [ ] Re: been lurking...


> Brad and group;


> I can only speak for myself.  I have been in so much pain I would

> have taken arsnic if my rheumy gave it to me.  I couldnt even get

> out of bed from so much pain.  I got out of bed but I did it very

> slowly.  I would dread when it was time to get up.  I think every

> joint in my body ached.  I have fibromyalgia too.  If some one


> touch me it was very pain ful.  I have bad Osteoparosus.  My back

> feels like an elephant is standing on it.


> When I found this group I was desperate to learn.  When I read the

> post what everyone was taking I wanted it to no matter what.  I


> been on Lyrcia for the fibro and it is  great.  THer are serious

> side affects but so far I am ok.  I started humira injections


> 2 weeks ago and it is great with in 12 hours I was RA pain free. 

> Some people feel it in hours and some never feel it. 


> I am looking forward to see what my rheumy does for my osteo. 


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