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Re: New Here! Husband has RA

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Hi Elena,

Welcome to the group! I'm sorry your hubby has been dx with RA, but

glad you found this group. Lots of good info and great people. You

just can't get any luckier, unless you might win the lottery,lol

It is a big step, when the doc talks about biologic meds. But, when

someone has severe to moderate RA, and can't get around good, what

other choice is there. I am currently on Humira, and have also been

on Enbrel. I am having problems right with my lungs right now, and I

can't blame them on the meds, until I see a specialist.

This disease its like russian roulette, do you take the chance, and

possibly have other problems, or be in a wheel chair? Now, that is

my two cents. I know that might make some upset, but that is my

point, and so there it is.

There are lots of people taking biologic meds, and they are very

active. Some of us, not so active, but were walking, and we can take

care of ourselves. I don't have to have someone wipe my butt yet, so

that is great news for me,lol Sorry, that one just had to come out.

So, you try to find out all you can on the med, and it looks like

your doing that. You two need to talk about it, and then talk to the

doctor. You do have lab work quite a bit, but its not too bad. I

usually see my rheumy every three months, and have it done while I'm

there. So, good luck my new friend, and hubby. Keep us posted, and

know your always welcome here, take care, Tawny


> Hello Everyone!

> Love these ! This is my 1st post I have just been


> today. My husband is the one who is diagnosed with the RA. He is


> on Methrotrexate 8 pills once a week. (he does function but still


> inflammation and pain). His Dr wants to start Humira. Anyone

taking Humira?


> I am trying to be open about the treatments for him I certainly

don't want

> him in pain but I need to weigh all the options with him and get


> insight. Any advice will be appreciated. These meds are can be so

scary :(


> Elena & in NJ


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Elena & ,

Elena, it is such a comfort to know that you are being pro-active

with 's diagnosis. I hope is also taking folic acid. It is

to help with the side effects of MTX.

I have not taken Humira but I know many people here do and some

truly sing it's praises. I understand how reading about the risk of

biologics can be frightening. It is also frightening looking at the

risk of not taking meds.

Hopefully you will be comfortable with what ever you choose. I wish

you the best of results.



> Hello Everyone!

> Love these ! This is my 1st post I have just

been reading

> today. My husband is the one who is diagnosed with the RA. He is


> on Methrotrexate 8 pills once a week. (he does function but still


> inflammation and pain). His Dr wants to start Humira. Anyone

taking Humira?


> I am trying to be open about the treatments for him I certainly

don't want

> him in pain but I need to weigh all the options with him and get


> insight. Any advice will be appreciated. These meds are can be so

scary :(


> Elena & in NJ


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Elana, and group;

Hi and so nice to meet you. Welcome to our humble group. I hope

your husband is taking the folic acid with his MXT. Humira is great

I started the injections a few weeks ago. I love it. About 12

hours upon my injections my RA was gone.

Yes, I heard the meds are so scary. I was in so much pain, I

didnt worry about side affects. You have found a great group. There

are so many caring people here. And the information is great. I

hope you enjoy the group like I do. I hope your husband feels


gentle hugs


> Hello Everyone!

> Love these ! This is my 1st post I have just

been reading

> today. My husband is the one who is diagnosed with the RA. He is


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My doctor started me on Humira after I improved only slightly while on the

Methotrexate, the same dose as your husband. While Humira doesn't work for

everyone, it's been a life saver for me. I know that some people are leery of

self-injecting, but it is no big deal at all. Humira also has a patient support

program that will help pay part of your CoPay for the drug. Your rheumatologist

should have information about that. I do get more sick now that I'm one these

drugs, but I feel that it's a small price to pay for the huge benefits I've

gotten from them, especially the Humira.


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Hello all

I have never been one to sign up for groups but my wife Elena has been reading

all your emails to me and it is encouraging to here your posts. I originally was

diagnosed with gout in my right knee about four years ago. I eventually wound up

at a Rheumatologist because the swelling would not go down. My Dr drained my

knee several times and treated me with steroids and ibuprofen. eventually my

symptoms quieted but my Dr advised me that I did not appear to have gout and

that my RA factor was slightly elevated. He said I might be early stages of RA

and to monitor my self for re-occurring pain. I was fine for a couple of years

but every so often I would feel twinges of pain especially in the same knee.

August of 07 I was preparing to go vacation when I woke that morning with my

knee swelled to the point I could not bend it. I went to an orthopedic who again

diagnosed me with gout. He treated me for gout for three months, unsuccessfully

of course and pain started to flare up in my feet, elbows and hands. By December

I dragged myself back to the Rheumy Dr and after my blood test, he confirmed

that I had RA. My RA factor was 1034 which pretty much painted the picture for

me. Dealing with the fatigue, pain, swelling and lack of mobility for 4 months

was very discouraging. I guess I was denying the RA even though I was advised

about it a few years earlier. I was x-rayed head to toe and the Dr advised me

that I did not appear to have joint damage (good news) but I needed treatment

right away to keep it that way.

I started Celebrex, MTX (20 mg a week) and folic acid that December and it took

several months for my joints to limber up and the pain to lessen. (There were

times, I thought it would never happen.)

I am much better now but I still have swelling and mild joint pain. My Dr is

concerned that the prolonged swelling may cause joint damage and feels that I am

a great candidate for Humira. My wife is afraid because of the risks associated

with RA treatments overall (IE infections, cancer and medication side effects).

My mother had Lymphoma and my Dr advised me that I may be at risk due to my high

RA factor and medications. I coach my daughters (10 years old) softball team and

I do not want to go back to what I went through before. My joints crack and snap

still but at 47 years old I am not ready to sit in my easy chair. My Rheumy

feels that Humira would be my best option at this point. He feels that it would

work much better that the MTX.

I am also a type 2 diabetic and I know I am not alone, this group prove that.

Any opinion or insight would be greatly appreciated I am probably going to start

this Monday. I don't know if there are medications flare-ups with Humira like

with the MTX or if there is a specific schedule to follow I guess my Dr will

advise me when he give me the first injection. (I am on my own after that).

Sorry for being long winded... Clora your post was very encouraging

Thank you

[ ] Re: New Here! Husband has RA


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Welcome, . Your wife was very nice and we were all so thrilled to

hear how she is helping to explore and find any and all help that may

be out there so you might feel better. You've got a good woman there

:) Be careful with the Celebrex - it has been known to cause stomach

problems. I take Sulfasalazine (1500mg twice daily) and MTX (15mg

weekly) with Folic Acid (1mg) every day except for the day I take MTX.

I also take 2400mg of Neurontin divided into three doses and Oxycodone

(10/325mg) for pain. I don't have insurance, so I have not been able

to explore Humira or Enbrel or any of the other Biologics. Instead, I

am taking part in a clinical study for Tocilizumab (TCZ). I get IV

Infusions every 4 weeks, but I think I am getting the placebo as I

have not noticed any difference. But, I have the option of exercising

the escape arm after the 4th infusion and that will put me into

another study that will guarantee that I will be getting the real

McCoy, so there is still hope. A lot of people have been able to go

into remission with the meds that are out there. That is my wish.

Keep us posted on how you are doing. Some have had almost immediate

results with the Humira. I pray that will be the same for you. And

no apologies necessary for long posts. We all get winded from time to

time ;) Take care.............Doreen :)

Hello all

I have never been one to sign up for groups but my wife Elena has

been reading all your emails to me and it is encouraging to here your

posts. I originally was diagnosed with gout in my right knee about

four years ago. I eventually wound up at a Rheumatologist because the

swelling would not go down. My Dr drained my knee several times and

treated me with steroids and ibuprofen. eventually my symptoms quieted

but my Dr advised me that I did not appear to have gout and that my RA

factor was slightly elevated. He said I might be early stages of RA

and to monitor my self for re-occurring pain. I was fine for a couple

of years but every so often I would feel twinges of pain especially in

the same knee.

August of 07 I was preparing to go vacation when I woke that morning

with my knee swelled to the point I could not bend it. I went to an

orthopedic who again diagnosed me with gout. He treated me for gout

for three months, unsuccessfully of course and pain started to flare

up in my feet, elbows and hands. By December I dragged myself back to

the Rheumy Dr and after my blood test, he confirmed that I had RA. My

RA factor was 1034 which pretty much painted the picture for me.

Dealing with the fatigue, pain, swelling and lack of mobility for 4

months was very discouraging. I guess I was denying the RA even though

I was advised about it a few years earlier. I was x-rayed head to toe

and the Dr advised me that I did not appear to have joint damage (good

news) but I needed treatment right away to keep it that way.

I started Celebrex, MTX (20 mg a week) and folic acid that December

and it took several months for my joints to limber up and the pain to

lessen. (There were times, I thought it would never happen.)

I am much better now but I still have swelling and mild joint pain.

My Dr is concerned that the prolonged swelling may cause joint damage

and feels that I am a great candidate for Humira. My wife is afraid

because of the risks associated with RA treatments overall (IE

infections, cancer and medication side effects). My mother had

Lymphoma and my Dr advised me that I may be at risk due to my high RA

factor and medications. I coach my daughters (10 years old) softball

team and I do not want to go back to what I went through before. My

joints crack and snap still but at 47 years old I am not ready to sit

in my easy chair. My Rheumy feels that Humira would be my best option

at this point. He feels that it would work much better that the MTX.

I am also a type 2 diabetic and I know I am not alone, this group

prove that. Any opinion or insight would be greatly appreciated I am

probably going to start this Monday. I don't know if there are

medications flare-ups with Humira like with the MTX or if there is a

specific schedule to follow I guess my Dr will advise me when he give

me the first injection. (I am on my own after that). Sorry for being

long winded... Clora your post was very encouraging

Thank you

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Sounds like your wife found you a good group. I have not been here that

long but this group has lots of support.



From: " Elena " <jubilee07@...>

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 8:53 AM

< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New Here! Husband has RA

Hello all

I have never been one to sign up for groups but my wife Elena has been

reading all your emails to me and it is encouraging to here your posts. I

originally was diagnosed with gout in my right knee about four years ago. I

eventually wound up at a Rheumatologist because the swelling would not go

down. My Dr drained my knee several times and treated me with steroids and

ibuprofen. eventually my symptoms quieted but my Dr advised me that I did

not appear to have gout and that my RA factor was slightly elevated. He said

I might be early stages of RA and to monitor my self for re-occurring pain.

I was fine for a couple of years but every so often I would feel twinges of

pain especially in the same knee.

August of 07 I was preparing to go vacation when I woke that morning with my

knee swelled to the point I could not bend it. I went to an orthopedic who

again diagnosed me with gout. He treated me for gout for three months,

unsuccessfully of course and pain started to flare up in my feet, elbows and

hands. By December I dragged myself back to the Rheumy Dr and after my blood

test, he confirmed that I had RA. My RA factor was 1034 which pretty much

painted the picture for me. Dealing with the fatigue, pain, swelling and

lack of mobility for 4 months was very discouraging. I guess I was denying

the RA even though I was advised about it a few years earlier. I was x-rayed

head to toe and the Dr advised me that I did not appear to have joint damage

(good news) but I needed treatment right away to keep it that way.

I started Celebrex, MTX (20 mg a week) and folic acid that December and it

took several months for my joints to limber up and the pain to lessen.

(There were times, I thought it would never happen.)

I am much better now but I still have swelling and mild joint pain. My Dr is

concerned that the prolonged swelling may cause joint damage and feels that

I am a great candidate for Humira. My wife is afraid because of the risks

associated with RA treatments overall (IE infections, cancer and medication

side effects). My mother had Lymphoma and my Dr advised me that I may be at

risk due to my high RA factor and medications. I coach my daughters (10

years old) softball team and I do not want to go back to what I went through

before. My joints crack and snap still but at 47 years old I am not ready to

sit in my easy chair. My Rheumy feels that Humira would be my best option at

this point. He feels that it would work much better that the MTX.

I am also a type 2 diabetic and I know I am not alone, this group prove

that. Any opinion or insight would be greatly appreciated I am probably

going to start this Monday. I don't know if there are medications flare-ups

with Humira like with the MTX or if there is a specific schedule to follow I

guess my Dr will advise me when he give me the first injection. (I am on my

own after that). Sorry for being long winded... Clora your post was very


Thank you


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