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Women of the 99% ???

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ARRRGH! I just got a recorded call from " the women of the 99% " whoever

they are, suggesting that I should call my congressman and tell him he should

be silencing what Rush Limbaugh says!

Huh??? Folks, it's a constitutional right to have freedom of speech!!! If

somebody doesn't like what Rush says, then don't listen to him! (I

haven't heard him talk in years. . .)

How in the heck to I get OFF their call list, since clearly the " Women of

the 99% " are a bunch of nut cases based on the call I just received.

Anybody know more? What in the heck is this organization about?

Jan Patenaude, RD, CLT

Director of Medical Nutrition

Signet Diagnostic Corp.

Telecommuting Nationwide

(Mountain Time)



Certified LEAP Therapist and specialist in food sensitivity for IBS,

migraine, fibromyalgia and multiple inflammatory conditions. Co-author of the

Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT) Training Course.

Your email is important to me. If you send me an important email, and I

don't respond in 2 business days, PLEASE give me a call. Some weeks, I get

buried in email and I do not mean to ignore your email!

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