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In a message dated 10/25/1999 4:59:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

HapsQuilt@... writes:

> From: HapsQuilt@...


> Q: What's worse than a bull in a china shop?

> A: A Steere in a lyme lab!!!


> Sorry, but I couldn't resist.

Oh, I love that! May I use that on one of

our picket signs?


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That was great. I've been loving all the Steere jokes and bumper stickers,


[Lyme-aid] A FUNNY

>From: HapsQuilt@...


>Q: What's worse than a bull in a china shop?

>A: A Steere in a lyme lab!!!


>Sorry, but I couldn't resist.



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  • 1 year later...

> A young man took a blind date to an amusement park.


> They went for a ride on the Ferris wheel.

> The ride completed, she seemed rather bored.


> " What would you like to do next? " he asked.

> " I wanna be weighed, " she said.


> So the young man took her over to the weight guesser.

> " One-twelve, " said the man at the scale, and he was absolutely right.


> Next they rode the roller coaster. After that, he bought her some

> popcorn

> and cotton candy, then he asked what else she would like to do.


> Again she replies, " I wanna be weighed " .


> I really latched onto a square one tonight, thought the young man,

> and using the excuse he had developed a headache, he took the girl

> home.


> The girl's mother was surprised to see her home so early, and asked,

> " What's wrong, dear, didn't you have a nice time tonight? "


> " Wousy! " said the girl.

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  • 8 months later...

Wowee! Alright Hannah!!

Penny-------------------------------------------------------- " Just remember this: Plenty of Horsepower, No Traction " - R. S. on

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry Thoreau

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Wonderful ! 100% on the money!

(sitting here looking at little eyes rolling back as he lays to nurse on the

left but instead nurses the right and PLAYS with the left, and now he is

swithcing back and forth, all the while keeping the other one " primed " with

the kneading)


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Good one! I can totally relate!

I know this isn't the right forum... but there seem to be lots of extended

nursers on the list. Has anyone else survived nursing through a pregnancy?

I'm 5 months pregnant nursing a 20 month old and all I can say is " ouch " .

Any tips for making it through easier?

Also, now that my milk is mostly gone... does my son get ANY immunological

benefit from nursing? Just curious.

Thanks in advance,



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  • 11 months later...
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In a message dated 5/7/03 4:45:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, kneeleee@...


> Reece: I'm sick.

> Me: Sick? What's the matter?

> Reece: I'm too sick and pastry to get my hair cut.


> lol - pastry.



LMAO! Nice try, Reece! That's my little cookie! (eg)


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April is Autism Awareness Month!!

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( ) A funny

Another Reece funny for the file cabinet. He did not want me to cut his hair

because he hates having his hair cut or combed (not to mention washed!) so he

decided to tell me he didn't feel good to get out of it.

Reece: I'm sick.

Me: Sick? What's the matter?

Reece: I'm too sick and pastry to get my hair cut.

lol - pastry.

Roxanna ôô

What doesn't kill us

Makes us really mean.

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Guest guest

> Another Reece funny for the file cabinet. He did not want me to

cut his hair

> because he hates having his hair cut or combed (not to mention

washed!) so he

> decided to tell me he didn't feel good to get out of it.


> Reece: I'm sick.

> Me: Sick? What's the matter?

> Reece: I'm too sick and pastry to get my hair cut.


> lol - pastry.

LOL! Too funny.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

> > > >After every flight, pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet,


> > >

> > > >conveys to the mechanics problems. The mechanics read and correct


> > > >problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form


> > > >remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets

> before

> > > >the next flight.

> > > >

> > > >Never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of

> > > >humor.

> > > >

> > > >Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints and problems as

> > > >submitted by Qantas pilots and the solution recorded by maintenance

> > > >engineers.

> > > >By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never had an

> > > >accident.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >(P = The problem logged by and written by the pilots.)

> > > >(S = The solution and action as taken and written by the engineers.)

> > > >

> > > >P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.

> > > >S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

> > > >

> > > >P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.

> > > >S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

> > > >

> > > >P: Something loose in cockpit.

> > > >S: Something tightened in cockpit.

> > > >

> > > >P: Dead bugs on windshield.

> > > >S: Live bugs on backorder.

> > > >

> > > >P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute

> > > >descent.

> > > >S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

> > > >

> > > >P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.

> > > >S: Evidence removed.

> > > >

> > > >P: DME volume unbelievably loud.

> > > >S: DME volume set to more believable level.

> > > >

> > > >P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.

> > > >S: That's what they're there for.

> > > >

> > > >P: IFF inoperative.

> > > >S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

> > > >

> > > >P: Suspected crack in windshield.

> > > >S: Suspect you're right.

> > > >

> > > >P: Number 3 engine missing.

> > > >S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

> > > >

> > > >P: Aircraft handles funny.

> > > >S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

> > > >

> > > >P: Target radar hums.

> > > >S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

> > > >

> > > >P: Mouse in cockpit.

> > > >S: Cat installed.

> > > >

> > > >P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget

> > > >pounding on something with a hammer.

> > > >S: Took hammer away from midget.




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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone..Only you guys will understand why this is funny...My

daughter is taking a first aid/CPR class for young babysitters and the

guy says " What is the universal sign that someone is choking? " My kid,

10, looks at him and says " when Mom starts looking for a

bathroom " ...funny but frightening, huh.. in N. CA

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That is absolutely hysterical! Dawn in Ohio



> Hi everyone..Only you guys will understand why this is funny...My

> daughter is taking a first aid/CPR class for young babysitters and


> guy says " What is the universal sign that someone is choking? " My


> 10, looks at him and says " when Mom starts looking for a

> bathroom " ...funny but frightening, huh.. in N. CA


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Ain't that the truth



> Hi everyone..Only you guys will understand why this is funny...My

> daughter is taking a first aid/CPR class for young babysitters and


> guy says " What is the universal sign that someone is choking? " My


> 10, looks at him and says " when Mom starts looking for a

> bathroom " ...funny but frightening, huh.. in N. CA


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  • 1 year later...

There was a family gathering, with all generations around the table. Mischievous teenagers put a Viagra tablet into Grandpa's drink, and after a While, Grandpa excused himself because he had to go to the bathroom. When he returned, however, his trousers are wet all over. "What happened, Grandpa?" he is asked by his concerned children. "Well," he answered, "I don't really know. I had to go to the bathroom. So I took it out and started to pee, but then I saw that it wasn't mine, so I put it back!"Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids.

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  • 3 months later...


I am sure they thought you had slipped a cog, but who cares.

We all know about the brain problems.

I would bet there is something in your diet you

are reacting to. Or a medication.


At 01:09 PM 12/16/2007, you wrote:

>Thought I would share this one with you ladies.




>I was at the local shop with my son today, while

>I was paying and in the middle of a shop full of people


>I turned to my son and said “Charley put your

>seat belt on” he looked at me and said what do you mean mum


>Put your seat belt on please, I said.


>When we walked out of the shop Charley asked me

>what I was talking about as everyone was looking at me, I said well it’s cold.


>What I was meaning to say was put your hood

>up!!!! Where did that come from…….I can tell you we did laugh about that one.


>Just another of my sludgy brain lapse, it’s a

>good job Charley has a sense of humour, but

>goodness knows what the people in the shop thought. LOL








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Sue,I find myself using the wrong word way too often . . . The word makes sense in the sentence, but it's not what I mean . . . Like saying TV when I mean Radio . . .I think it's pretty common among us. . . . That doesn't stop me from feeling embarrassed when I get my words mixed up though!I know exactly how you feel!Hugs,Rogene

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Oh my goodness Sue. I think we all have those moments.We had a restaurant here in Canada called Fudruckers. My Mother-in-law (who never had implants) exclaimed one day, "let's go to Mud*uckers!" We've never let her forget that one. We still laugh about it.Hope you are feeling better.Love TraciSue Gibbens <susan.gibbens@...> wrote: Thought I would share this

one with you ladies. I was at the local shop with my son today, while I was paying and in the middle of a shop full of people I turned to my son and said “Charley put your seat belt on” he looked at me and said what do you mean mum Put your seat belt on please, I said. When we walked out of the shop Charley asked me what I was talking about as everyone was looking at me, I said well it’s cold. What I was meaning to say was put your hood up!!!! Where did that come from…….I can tell you we did laugh about that one. Just another of my sludgy brain lapse, it’s a good job Charley has a sense of humour, but goodness knows what the people in the shop thought. LOL Sue No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle. ~Winston Churchill

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  • 7 months later...

Hey gang! Last night one of my neighbors stopped by to see how my ra

treatment was going, as he has it too. He is a really nice guy and

would do anything for you but he drinks beer like it's going out of

style. As he was telling me that he was on metotrexate but had to go

off of it as it was horrible for his liver. (as he was holding a beer

at the time!) It was incredibly hard not to fall off the porch

laughing! Just thought I would pass it on. Enjoy!


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Two things, sounds like my brother (he decided to swtich to wine and whiskey for

a one week and Budweiser called to ask if he was mad at them). And, I wonder if

all that beer helps with his Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm not a big drinker so I

really don't know, but I've thought about it lately.


-------------- Original message --------------

From: " " <wendymp@...>

Hey gang! Last night one of my neighbors stopped by to see how my ra

treatment was going, as he has it too. He is a really nice guy and

would do anything for you but he drinks beer like it's going out of

style. As he was telling me that he was on metotrexate but had to go

off of it as it was horrible for his liver. (as he was holding a beer

at the time!) It was incredibly hard not to fall off the porch

laughing! Just thought I would pass it on. Enjoy!


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