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My test results

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Aloha and be calm, These are numbers that only give a doc. a guideline to

go by. Go to a Specialist!!! your primary phys. should have referred you to

one already. If he or she hasnt ---fire em-- this is not something that reg

drs., (MD, Int Med>) are uesed to dealing with. Do not freak out and know

that this is one very good site to recieve important info!! I am personally

very impressed with all the info that I have recieved here. So Take care and

take no CRAP

form anyone. Aloha Ted

My test results

> Hi there,


> I just picked up my blood test results and my Primary Care Doctor

> told me NOTHING!!!!! CAN ANYONE HELP ME????? The numbers are as

> follows:


> HCV RNA, PCR, QUANT >1000000 H COPIES/ML <1000

> HCV RNA, PCR, QUANT 578000 H IU/ML <600

> ALT 181 H IU/L 0-48


> What does this mean? Does this tell the severity? Does it tell me

> how long I've had it? The not knowing is what is killing me!!! HELP.


> thanks,


> bc






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  • 1 year later...
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The lowest T I remember being reported here was 80. Sounds like

Secondary Hypo. I would insist on an MRI and a bone density scan.

Don't panic about DHEA yet. Could be a bad test of just an anomoly.

My IGF-1 went up to like 550 and they could never discover why. Then

went down to normal again on its own. No explanation...



> Group,


> Well I received my test results back. Have a follow up with the


> next week.


> Here's what I have...


> Total T = 128 ng/dl !!! (HOW LOW CAN I GO???!!??!!)

> Free T = 18.6 pg/ml (1.86 ng/dl)

> Estradiol = 47 pg/ml

> LH = 1.98 miu/ml

> FSH = 2.71 miu/ml

> Prolactin = 6.1 ng/ml

> IGF-1 = 209 ng/ml (looks like it might be normal)

> GF = <0.1 ng/ml !!! (Yikes! Normal listed was 5 ng/ml)

> DHEA-Sulfate = 805 ug/dl (OFF THE CHARTS!!) (Adrenal Tumor???)


> These seem normal I supose...


> TSH = 1.33 uiu/ml

> Tot T3 = 1.32 ng/ml

> Free T4 = 1.49 ng/dl

> Cortisol = 17.6 ug/dl



> Man, so much to research. Something is surpressing my Total T and


> Free T looks normal only in comparitson to my ultra-low Total. My


> and FSH are low-normal but not considering my low T. Those two

> should be cranked to the roof trying to get the boys down below


> the game. Add to all of that the crazy DHEA number, the almost

> nonexistant GH number, and the high Estradiol (optimum is 01 - 30

> pg/ml occording to LEF.org). I have not computed my Estadiol to T

> ratio but it's got to be nuts as well.


> I sure hope my Endo sees some patern here and we can get to work on

> it.


> Any thoughts guys?


> y

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  • 5 months later...

The dr faxed over the enzyme levels to me. Ths AST is down to 38 and the ALT is down to 40. He said when they are both at 20 he will start taking me off the prdnisone. I cna't believe they came down like that so fast. I know they can go up anytime but I am still so excited. I just want off the prednisone. Thanks for your words of support.

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that is wonderful news. I was diagnosed with AIH on Jan 6, 03. Started 20 mg prednisone daily on Jan 8, 03. When I had labs done just 2 1/2 weeks later, my liver enzymes were almost in the normal range. My doctors were thrilled and so was I because only a few days before my diagnosed my liver enzymes had been in the 700 range. I'm currently down to 5 mg prednisone daily and 50 mg imuran. So far my liver enzymes have still been great since lowering the prednisone almost a month ago. I will keep you in my prayers for your liver enzymes to keep going down.

Are you on imuran or another immunosuppressant or are you only on prednisone? My GI/hep plans to get me off prednisone if my liver enzymes continue doing well. However, he told me I will be on imuran for the rest of my life.

Take care,


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  • 4 months later...

Your T-level is way too low. Go see an endocrinologist not another urologist.

Also, get checked for Hemochromatosis it is what did me in.

In a message dated 2/27/2004 12:45:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

no_reply writes:


I have learned quite a lot from others experiences and feel that it

is not easy to find a good doctor to treat the symptoms.

I am 35 yr old male and was tested for low testosterone few months

ago by my primary physician. I have been having low libido, not

having as hard erections as before, and feeling loss of muscle

strength. Some of these indicate hypogonadism symptoms. So I

consulted a urologist recently. According to him I have erectile

dysfunction and that my free testosterone is fine. I asked his office

to send me a copy and finally received it today. I don't see E2 or

estrogen in the report. Other numbers are below:

FSH - 4.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.4 - 14.6)

LH - 3.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.5 - 9.3)

Total Testosterone - 332 ng/dL (ref range: 400 - 1080)

Free Testosterone - 75.9 pg/mL (ref range: 47.0 - 244.0)

% Free Testosterone - 2.3 (ref range: 1.6 - 2.9)

Sex Hormone Bind Glob - 20 nmol/L (ref range: 13 - 71)

I would like to get others opinions and recommendations on taking

next steps. I am thinking of consulting other urologists to get

second opinion. Any other tips will be appreciated.



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No two ways about it, you are hypogonadal. You will benefit from

hormone therapy. First it is good to try and figure out why. Don't

self test.

Have you: Taken cortisone cream, Propecia or steroids? If so, that

is probably what the problem is, and you may be able to restart your

system completely (maybe). It could be a tumour or have a variety of

other causes. You need to see an expert in the field, or at the very

very least, a sympathetic GP with a history treating hypogonadism.

First thing though, buy and read " The testosterone syndrome " by

Eugene Shippen. Also, spend a few hours (or a day), going through

the archives on this forum.

Good job on finding out what the problem is and doing something

about it. Keep up the good work.


> hello,


> I have learned quite a lot from others experiences and feel that


> is not easy to find a good doctor to treat the symptoms.


> I am 35 yr old male and was tested for low testosterone few months

> ago by my primary physician. I have been having low libido, not

> having as hard erections as before, and feeling loss of muscle

> strength. Some of these indicate hypogonadism symptoms. So I

> consulted a urologist recently. According to him I have erectile

> dysfunction and that my free testosterone is fine. I asked his


> to send me a copy and finally received it today. I don't see E2 or

> estrogen in the report. Other numbers are below:


> FSH - 4.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.4 - 14.6)

> LH - 3.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.5 - 9.3)

> Total Testosterone - 332 ng/dL (ref range: 400 - 1080)

> Free Testosterone - 75.9 pg/mL (ref range: 47.0 - 244.0)

> % Free Testosterone - 2.3 (ref range: 1.6 - 2.9)

> Sex Hormone Bind Glob - 20 nmol/L (ref range: 13 - 71)


> I would like to get others opinions and recommendations on taking

> next steps. I am thinking of consulting other urologists to get

> second opinion. Any other tips will be appreciated.


> Regards.

> Mike

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

thanks for the info. I had gone through interferon treatment for hep

C 2 years ago and since then I have had low libido. I haven't heard

of anyone else suffering from low testosterone / low libido from this

treatment, but there are always exceptions!

I have gone through archives and also read Dr. Schippen's book but

need to go through them in more detail. Can someone look at my data

and help me figure out if I am hypogonadal -- primary or secondary ?

As the urologist I consulted didn't think I need to see an endo and

that I use use viagra for erectile dysfunction! I don't think he is

right and I need to see another specialist. Should I see an endo or

urologist ? Any recommendations for doctors in the SF Bay Area ?

I am confused and not happy about the situation I am in.

Thanks for all your help and tips.


> > hello,

> >

> > I have learned quite a lot from others experiences and feel that

> it

> > is not easy to find a good doctor to treat the symptoms.

> >

> > I am 35 yr old male and was tested for low testosterone few


> > ago by my primary physician. I have been having low libido, not

> > having as hard erections as before, and feeling loss of muscle

> > strength. Some of these indicate hypogonadism symptoms. So I

> > consulted a urologist recently. According to him I have erectile

> > dysfunction and that my free testosterone is fine. I asked his

> office

> > to send me a copy and finally received it today. I don't see E2


> > estrogen in the report. Other numbers are below:

> >

> > FSH - 4.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.4 - 14.6)

> > LH - 3.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.5 - 9.3)

> > Total Testosterone - 332 ng/dL (ref range: 400 - 1080)

> > Free Testosterone - 75.9 pg/mL (ref range: 47.0 - 244.0)

> > % Free Testosterone - 2.3 (ref range: 1.6 - 2.9)

> > Sex Hormone Bind Glob - 20 nmol/L (ref range: 13 - 71)

> >

> > I would like to get others opinions and recommendations on taking

> > next steps. I am thinking of consulting other urologists to get

> > second opinion. Any other tips will be appreciated.

> >

> > Regards.

> > Mike

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Fellow Netters,

Would you look at my test results and give me some info ?

Thanks much for your tips.




> thanks for the info. I had gone through interferon treatment for


> C 2 years ago and since then I have had low libido. I haven't heard

> of anyone else suffering from low testosterone / low libido from


> treatment, but there are always exceptions!


> I have gone through archives and also read Dr. Schippen's book but

> need to go through them in more detail. Can someone look at my data

> and help me figure out if I am hypogonadal -- primary or secondary ?


> As the urologist I consulted didn't think I need to see an endo and

> that I use use viagra for erectile dysfunction! I don't think he is

> right and I need to see another specialist. Should I see an endo or

> urologist ? Any recommendations for doctors in the SF Bay Area ?


> I am confused and not happy about the situation I am in.


> Thanks for all your help and tips.


> Mike.



> > > hello,

> > >

> > > I have learned quite a lot from others experiences and feel


> > it

> > > is not easy to find a good doctor to treat the symptoms.

> > >

> > > I am 35 yr old male and was tested for low testosterone few

> months

> > > ago by my primary physician. I have been having low libido, not

> > > having as hard erections as before, and feeling loss of muscle

> > > strength. Some of these indicate hypogonadism symptoms. So I

> > > consulted a urologist recently. According to him I have


> > > dysfunction and that my free testosterone is fine. I asked his

> > office

> > > to send me a copy and finally received it today. I don't see E2

> or

> > > estrogen in the report. Other numbers are below:

> > >

> > > FSH - 4.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.4 - 14.6)

> > > LH - 3.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.5 - 9.3)

> > > Total Testosterone - 332 ng/dL (ref range: 400 - 1080)

> > > Free Testosterone - 75.9 pg/mL (ref range: 47.0 - 244.0)

> > > % Free Testosterone - 2.3 (ref range: 1.6 - 2.9)

> > > Sex Hormone Bind Glob - 20 nmol/L (ref range: 13 - 71)

> > >

> > > I would like to get others opinions and recommendations on


> > > next steps. I am thinking of consulting other urologists to get

> > > second opinion. Any other tips will be appreciated.

> > >

> > > Regards.

> > > Mike

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Mike, you clearly have " borderline " numbers. I would say for your

age they are low. Remember, the lab ranges cover approximately 95%

of the population, including the elderly and people with compromised

systems. So, take a look at the links section, there is an " age

adjusted " T-level chart. Now, what caused your " lowish " T levels?

WHo knows? You can look at Propecia, Steroids, over-exertion due to

high performance exercise/spot, etc. Or, it could just be that you

are " idiopathic " or another word for " we don't know what caused it,

but you have it. "

Now, if your primary concern is ED, T may or may not help. This is a

very complicated area and there is really no definitive studies

showing that T WILL correct ED. For a lot of people it does, for

some it doesn't. Some people say that there is a better chance of

correct ED with T, if you are younger. But for the most part, the

jury is still out. But, I guess, what i am saying, is IT COULD


Do you have the other low-T symptoms, lethargy, depression, sore

joints, fat accumulation at the breast, hips, belly?

Looking at your results, you have pretty low SHBG, which means that

your body is pretty efficient in using your available T. In other

words, you have low over-all T, but your free T is alright because

your body is not " binding " T to SHBG.

You need to find a doctor who is willing to treat your symptoms. The

way that I was able to try it was essentially to ask my doctor " what

is the difficulty in just letting me try it? " If it doesn't work, no

harm, no foul. You can go off of the T(or HCG) and restart your HPTA

axis at its current levels. You probably need to find an endo who is

willing to work with you, hormones are really out of a urologists

league. You may need to see two or three endo's before you find one

that you like.

Good Luck,


> > > > hello,

> > > >

> > > > I have learned quite a lot from others experiences and feel

> that

> > > it

> > > > is not easy to find a good doctor to treat the symptoms.

> > > >

> > > > I am 35 yr old male and was tested for low testosterone few

> > months

> > > > ago by my primary physician. I have been having low libido,


> > > > having as hard erections as before, and feeling loss of


> > > > strength. Some of these indicate hypogonadism symptoms. So I

> > > > consulted a urologist recently. According to him I have

> erectile

> > > > dysfunction and that my free testosterone is fine. I asked


> > > office

> > > > to send me a copy and finally received it today. I don't see


> > or

> > > > estrogen in the report. Other numbers are below:

> > > >

> > > > FSH - 4.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.4 - 14.6)

> > > > LH - 3.1 IU/L (ref range: 1.5 - 9.3)

> > > > Total Testosterone - 332 ng/dL (ref range: 400 - 1080)

> > > > Free Testosterone - 75.9 pg/mL (ref range: 47.0 - 244.0)

> > > > % Free Testosterone - 2.3 (ref range: 1.6 - 2.9)

> > > > Sex Hormone Bind Glob - 20 nmol/L (ref range: 13 - 71)

> > > >

> > > > I would like to get others opinions and recommendations on

> taking

> > > > next steps. I am thinking of consulting other urologists to


> > > > second opinion. Any other tips will be appreciated.

> > > >

> > > > Regards.

> > > > Mike

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  • 3 years later...
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In a message dated 6/1/2007 6:25:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

no_reply writes:

> free testosterone (blood) 7.13 H C NG/DL .69--2.14 C NG/ML

> > free T3 >1600 PG/ML 286-1510 for 20 yr.

> males

> > Estradiol/blood 63.3 PG/ML 0-56 adult males

> > FSH (blood) .2 MIU/ML . .7-11.1 mIU "

> > Lh (blood) 0.1 mIU/ML .9--7.6 mIU "

> > my white blood cell count is also low



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  • 1 year later...
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Go to our website www.tpa-uk.or.guk and click on Hypothyroidism in the Menu - then click on 'Associated Conditions' in the drop down menu, and then click on 'Adrenals' Read the paper at the top of the page that comes up by Dr Peatfield where he talks about the adrenal/thyroid connection and see if you think this could be your problem. If you have low adrenal reserve, no amount of thyroxine will be able to be properly absorbed, and you will get a toxic effect the more you take, and this could be why you feel so lousy.

Other conditions that stop your thyroxine from being absorbed are if you have systemic candidiaisis and also if you have a very low ferritin. You can read all about these in 'Associated Conditions' so have a good read. Of course, one of the main reasolns you could be feeling so bad is that you are unable to convert the inactive hormone T4, into the active hormone T3 through the liver. It is the t3 that every cell in your body (and brain) needs to make it function.

Ask whatever questions you need when you have read these, and if you need to get some laboratory tests to find out how bad these are, we can point you in the right direction.

Luv - Sheil

I did post some of this information a while ago but felt too poorly tofollow it through so please excuse me for starting again.The following results have been obtained by my GP's testing overseveral years:Date T4 TSH T3 Dec 98 14 4.98 16-Jul-02 12 7.21 18-Oct-02 14 9.05 27-Feb-03 14 4.58 27-Feb-03 Thyroid autoantibodies "POSITIVE 6400"02-Feb-04 16 3.28 30-Jul-04 19 2.04 10-May-05 17 2.46 20-Jun-06 15 3.8 28-Jun-07 18 2.54 18-Sep-07 19 1.67 18-Dec-07 18 2.77 20-Jun-08 16 3.5Then in June this year I sent a sample to NPTech and their report was:Free T3 4.2 Ref range 3.0 to 6.2Free T4 18.7 Ref range 12.0 to 22.0TSH 3.3 Ref range 0.4 to 4.0Comment by lab: TSH is at the upper end of reference range (andinconsistent with free thyroid hormone levels)I have been on 50mcgs Thyroxine most of this time. The decrease inTSH in Sep07 was when my GP raised the dose to 75mcgs but this dosewas put back to 50mcgs after a couple of weeks as at the time Istarted to feel anxious and agitated.However, since then the TSH has started to creep up again and I havebeen back on 75mcgs for the last 5 weeks.I feel awful and have many symptoms of being hypo and have notexperienced any improvement from the recent increased dose. Ifanything, I am feeling more anxious and fidgety.I would really welcome any comments about what is going on, especiallyabout the lab's statement about inconsistency.RegardsMargaretNo virus found in this incoming message.

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Hi Margaret,

This is what the results look like charted:-



>I did post some of this information a while ago but felt too poorly to follow it through so please excuse me for starting again.

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Hi Bob,

Many thanks for responding to my posting. Unfortunately your link

comes back with " document not found " .



> >

> I did post some of this information a while ago but felt too poorly to

> follow it through so please excuse me for starting again.


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Very many thanks for your reply to my posting. I have read Dr

Peatfield's paper and also completed the Adrenal Stress Questionnaire.

The results were:

Total number of responses = 53 (= some degree of adrenal fatigue)

Total points = 114 (= moderate adrenal fatigue)

Asterisk total = 9 (where >9 indicates possible severe adrenal fatigue)

This would seem to indicate some measure of adrenal fatigue so I end

up with two more questions:

I wonder if it is now worth obtaining a saliva test kit?

If I end up consulting someone like Dr Peatfield is it a good idea to

continue to 'go it alone' with these tests or should I wait to see

what he would advise having tested?

Best wishes and many thanks,



> Margaret


> Go to our website www.tpa-uk.or.guk and click on Hypothyroidism in

the Menu - then click on 'Associated Conditions' in the drop down

menu, and then click on 'Adrenals' Read the paper at the top of the

page that comes up by Dr Peatfield where :

talks about the adrenal/thyroid connection and see if you think this

could be your problem. If you have low adrenal reserve, no amount of

thyroxine will be able to be properly absorbed, and you will get a

toxic effect the more you take, and this could be why you feel so lousy.


> Other conditions that stop your thyroxine from being absorbed are if

you have systemic candidiaisis and also if you have a very low

ferritin. You can read all about these in 'Associated Conditions' so

have a good read. Of course, one of the main reasolns you could be

feeling so bad is that you are unable to convert the inactive hormone

T4, into the active hormone T3 through the liver. It is the t3 that

every cell in your body (and brain) needs to make it function.


> Ask whatever questions you need when you have read these, and if you

need to get some laboratory tests to find out how bad these are, we

can point you in the right direction.


> Luv - Sheil



> I did post some of this information a while ago but felt too poorly to

> follow it through so please excuse me for starting again.


> The following results have been obtained by my GP's testing over

> several years:


> Date T4 TSH T3


> Dec 98 14 4.98

> 16-Jul-02 12 7.21

> 18-Oct-02 14 9.05

> 27-Feb-03 14 4.58

> 27-Feb-03 Thyroid autoantibodies " POSITIVE 6400 "

> 02-Feb-04 16 3.28

> 30-Jul-04 19 2.04

> 10-May-05 17 2.46

> 20-Jun-06 15 3.8

> 28-Jun-07 18 2.54

> 18-Sep-07 19 1.67

> 18-Dec-07 18 2.77

> 20-Jun-08 16 3.5


> Then in June this year I sent a sample to NPTech and their report was:


> Free T3 4.2 Ref range 3.0 to 6.2

> Free T4 18.7 Ref range 12.0 to 22.0

> TSH 3.3 Ref range 0.4 to 4.0


> Comment by lab: TSH is at the upper end of reference range (and

> inconsistent with free thyroid hormone levels)


> I have been on 50mcgs Thyroxine most of this time. The decrease in

> TSH in Sep07 was when my GP raised the dose to 75mcgs but this dose

> was put back to 50mcgs after a couple of weeks as at the time I

> started to feel anxious and agitated.


> However, since then the TSH has started to creep up again and I have

> been back on 75mcgs for the last 5 weeks.


> I feel awful and have many symptoms of being hypo and have not

> experienced any improvement from the recent increased dose. If

> anything, I am feeling more anxious and fidgety.


> I would really welcome any comments about what is going on, especially

> about the lab's statement about inconsistency.


> Regards

> Margaret





> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.12/1589 - Release Date:

03/08/2008 13:00


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I also meant to mention that I have measured Basal temperature over

the last few days. It has averaged about 97.8 but under-arm during

the day is only 97. Strange ? Affected by some very hot nights ?



> Margaret


> Go to our website www.tpa-uk.or.guk and click on Hypothyroidism in

the Menu - then click on 'Associated Conditions' in the drop down

menu, and then click on 'Adrenals' Read the paper at the top of the

page that comes up by Dr Peatfield where he talks about the

adrenal/thyroid connection and see if you think this could be your

problem. If you have low adrenal reserve, no amount of thyroxine will

be able to be properly absorbed, and you will get a toxic effect the

more you take, and this could be why you feel so lousy.


> Other conditions that stop your thyroxine from being absorbed are if

you have systemic candidiaisis and also if you have a very low

ferritin. You can read all about these in 'Associated Conditions' so

have a good read. Of course, one of the main reasolns you could be

feeling so bad is that you are unable to convert the inactive hormone

T4, into the active hormone T3 through the liver. It is the t3 that

every cell in your body (and brain) needs to make it function.


> Ask whatever questions you need when you have read these, and if you

need to get some laboratory tests to find out how bad these are, we

can point you in the right direction.


> Luv - Sheil



> I did post some of this information a while ago but felt too poorly to

> follow it through so please excuse me for starting again.


> The following results have been obtained by my GP's testing over

> several years:


> Date T4 TSH T3


> Dec 98 14 4.98

> 16-Jul-02 12 7.21

> 18-Oct-02 14 9.05

> 27-Feb-03 14 4.58

> 27-Feb-03 Thyroid autoantibodies " POSITIVE 6400 "

> 02-Feb-04 16 3.28

> 30-Jul-04 19 2.04

> 10-May-05 17 2.46

> 20-Jun-06 15 3.8

> 28-Jun-07 18 2.54

> 18-Sep-07 19 1.67

> 18-Dec-07 18 2.77

> 20-Jun-08 16 3.5


> Then in June this year I sent a sample to NPTech and their report was:


> Free T3 4.2 Ref range 3.0 to 6.2

> Free T4 18.7 Ref range 12.0 to 22.0

> TSH 3.3 Ref range 0.4 to 4.0


> Comment by lab: TSH is at the upper end of reference range (and

> inconsistent with free thyroid hormone levels)


> I have been on 50mcgs Thyroxine most of this time. The decrease in

> TSH in Sep07 was when my GP raised the dose to 75mcgs but this dose

> was put back to 50mcgs after a couple of weeks as at the time I

> started to feel anxious and agitated.


> However, since then the TSH has started to creep up again and I have

> been back on 75mcgs for the last 5 weeks.


> I feel awful and have many symptoms of being hypo and have not

> experienced any improvement from the recent increased dose. If

> anything, I am feeling more anxious and fidgety.


> I would really welcome any comments about what is going on, especially

> about the lab's statement about inconsistency.


> Regards

> Margaret





> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.12/1589 - Release Date:

03/08/2008 13:00


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Hi Margaret

If you look in the Files section under Bob's Research, then look down

the list at [> TSH log scale v FT4.xls <], I plotted your results as

a scatter plot (and a bar graph).

See what you make of them.

I'd say you're getting quite good at this, between you and your doc

(if s/he's helping).

If that lower dose is better for a while then you crash again,

perhaps you need an intermediate amount of either L-T4 (between 50-75

microgm/day) or a combination of both L-T4 and T3, possibly split-

dosed ~ a little as 5 microgram/day (split) may be all you need to

get back into gear, at least, enough for you to be able to see your

way through.

best wishes


I did try to keep the link all in one piece, but it got broken

somewhere along the line. My original link should work, if you go

back to the post, not the one that was copied over to the new post by

yourself ~ that one certainly 'looks' broken ~ the usual underline

has stopped after two lines.


> Hi Bob,


> Many thanks for responding to my posting. Unfortunately your link

> comes back with " document not found " .

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Hi Margaret

I would say it would be a good idea to now do the 24 hour salva adrenal test profile to see where your cortisol levels and DHEA are at the four specific times during the day, Dr Peatfield would want you to do this test and it will be interesting to see what results are shown.

It is entirely up to you whether you 'go it alone' after seeing Dr Peatfield, many of us do, and get a copy of his book to help (I'm not on commission, so don't think I am pushing thios - I only wish I was). He teaches patients how to do this and he also has a section for medical practitioners, so if you want to speak to your GP and see whether he will monitor your treatment as recommended by Dr Peatfield, this might be an idea. If he says no - then you can do it alone with Dr P and TPA-UK.

Luv - Sheila

If I end up consulting someone like Dr Peatfield is it a good idea tocontinue to 'go it alone' with these tests or should I wait to seewhat he would advise having tested?Best wishes and many thanks,Margaret>> Margaret> > Go to our website www.tpa-uk.or.guk and click on Hypothyroidism inthe Menu - then click on 'Associated Conditions' in the drop downmenu, and then click on 'Adrenals' Read the paper at the top of thepage that comes up by Dr Peatfield where :talks about the adrenal/thyroid connection and see if you think thiscould be your problem. If you have low adrenal reserve, no amount ofthyroxine will be able to be properly absorbed, and you will get atoxic effect the more you take, and this could be why you feel so lousy.> > Other conditions that stop your thyroxine from being absorbed are ifyou have systemic candidiaisis and also if you have a very lowferritin. You can read all about these in 'Associated Conditions' sohave a good read. Of course, one of the main reasolns you could befeeling so bad is that you are unable to convert the inactive hormoneT4, into the active hormone T3 through the liver. It is the t3 thatevery cell in your body (and brain) needs to make it function. > > Ask whatever questions you need when you have read these, and if youneed to get some laboratory tests to find out how bad these are, wecan point you in the right direction.> > Luv - Sheil> > > I did post some of this information a while ago but felt too poorly to> follow it through so please excuse me for starting again.> > The following results have been obtained by my GP's testing over> several years:> > Date T4 TSH T3 > > Dec 98 14 4.98 > 16-Jul-02 12 7.21 > 18-Oct-02 14 9.05 > 27-Feb-03 14 4.58 > 27-Feb-03 Thyroid autoantibodies "POSITIVE 6400"> 02-Feb-04 16 3.28 > 30-Jul-04 19 2.04 > 10-May-05 17 2.46 > 20-Jun-06 15 3.8 > 28-Jun-07 18 2.54 > 18-Sep-07 19 1.67 > 18-Dec-07 18 2.77 > 20-Jun-08 16 3.5> > Then in June this year I sent a sample to NPTech and their report was:> > Free T3 4.2 Ref range 3.0 to 6.2> Free T4 18.7 Ref range 12.0 to 22.0> TSH 3.3 Ref range 0.4 to 4.0> > Comment by lab: TSH is at the upper end of reference range (and> inconsistent with free thyroid hormone levels)> > I have been on 50mcgs Thyroxine most of this time. The decrease in> TSH in Sep07 was when my GP raised the dose to 75mcgs but this dose> was put back to 50mcgs after a couple of weeks as at the time I> started to feel anxious and agitated.> > However, since then the TSH has started to creep up again and I have> been back on 75mcgs for the last 5 weeks.> > I feel awful and have many symptoms of being hypo and have not> experienced any improvement from the recent increased dose. If> anything, I am feeling more anxious and fidgety.> > I would really welcome any comments about what is going on, especially> about the lab's statement about inconsistency.> > Regards> Margaret> > > > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.12/1589 - Release Date:03/08/2008 13:00>No virus found in this incoming message.

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Thanks once again Sheila. One final question - could you advise which

of these tests I should take:

Salivary Adrenal Stress Profile (4 samples : 8am; noon; 4pm and


Single Cortisol (1 sample : 8am)

Single DHEA-s (1 sample : 8am)

Salivary Adrenal Stress Profile PLUS SIgA (4 samples : 8am; noon; 4pm

and midnight)

Secretory IgA (1 sample : noon)

Bless you,


> Hi Margaret


> I would say it would be a good idea to now do the 24 hour salva

adrenal test profile to see where your cortisol levels and DHEA are at

the four specific times during the day, Dr Peatfield would want you to

do this test and it will be interesting to see what results are shown.


> It is entirely up to you whether you 'go it alone' after seeing Dr

Peatfield, many of us do, and get a copy of his book to help (I'm not

on commission, so don't think I am pushing thios - I only wish I was).

He teaches patients how to do this and he also has a section for

medical practitioners, so if you want to speak to your GP and see

whether he will monitor your treatment as recommended by Dr Peatfield,

this might be an idea. If he says no - then you can do it alone with

Dr P and TPA-UK.


> Luv - Sheila




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I second that Sheila,

I bought the book last week, to research before trying a period of self

treatment, as I was on leave. It's informative and easy to digest the

info. Well worth it! Maybe you should negotiate a 10% or so! Ha!



> >

> > It is entirely up to you whether you 'go it alone' after seeing Dr

> Peatfield, many of us do, and get a copy of his book to help (I'm not

> on commission, so don't think I am pushing thios - I only wish I was).

> He teaches patients how to do this and he also has a section for

> medical practitioners, so if you want to speak to your GP and see

> whether he will monitor your treatment as recommended by Dr

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This one Margaret

One final question - could you advise whichof these tests I should take:Salivary Adrenal Stress Profile (4 samples : 8am; noon; 4pm andmidnight)

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  • 2 months later...

I talked with my doctor a few minutes ago and what my bone scan test results

show were some activity in my left orbit and in my right rib cage, so my dr

is ordering an MRI of my left orbit and an xray of my right rib cage. I had

been having pain in my right rib cage and that is why he concentrated on

that area when he ordered the bone scan. So now I have more waiting. My

knees also lit up but that was just degenerative disease.


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