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Re: symptoms question

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I can testify to the painful and fibrocystic breasts. Pain went away within 2 weeks and no more lumps and bumps


symptoms question

I have and read Dr. Brownstein's book. I have the following:

ovarian cysts

obesity (last 4 years)

insulin resistance

fibrocystic breasts

multi-nodular goiter

very severe PMS

painful breasts

I did the skin patch test and miserably failed. I now even KNOW how I became iodine deficient, and it was mostly due to cutting out Iodized salt, eliminating all seafood, and taking lithium for 4 years, not to mention Paxil (loaded with fluoride) for 8 years prior to that.

What I would like to know is whether there are any testimonials or where I can read about Iodine replacement actually reversing the symptoms/conditions I have listed above, and are there any more books I can get to help me get this information?


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I have given you my results. I started w/ no iodine. Took 50 mgs Iodoral since mid-March. Now 66% saturated and have the results listed below.

B.My Ebay Auctions: http://tinyurl.com/o9nqvMY SOY CANDLE STORE IS OPEN! COME VISIT:http://www.marloquinn.com/SoyScentsational

symptoms question

I have and read Dr. Brownstein's book. I have the following:

ovarian cysts - GONE

obesity (last 4 years) - Lost 20 lbs

insulin resistance - Tested + for this but not sure where it is now.

fibrocystic breasts - GONE

multi-nodular goiter - Had them but thyroid removed.

very severe PMS - Minimal now.

painful breasts - Better

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I know you gave me your results. You said that your cysts on ovaries are gone and on your breasts. My situation is much more complex and I am headed for diabetes with my insulin resistance/PCOS situation. I'm just looking for further reading and perhaps another book these docs have written?


symptoms question

I have and read Dr. Brownstein's book. I have the following:

ovarian cysts - GONE

obesity (last 4 years) - Lost 20 lbs

insulin resistance - Tested + for this but not sure where it is now.

fibrocystic breasts - GONE

multi-nodular goiter - Had them but thyroid removed.

very severe PMS - Minimal now.

painful breasts - Better

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Citrus Punch,

There is lots of research evidence for iodine and fibrocystic and painful


Kessler is presently conducting a large-scale Phase III trial on I2 and

fibrocystic breast disease. If you are interested in finding out about, or

participating, in this well-designed nationwide study, you can contact them


There is also some good evidence with respect to ovarian cysts. With

multi-nodular goiter, the evidence is mixed depending on whether the nodules

have become autonomous.

With obesity, insulin resistance, and PMS, there are so many variables that the

iodine link is not as obvious.

Check out the relevant sections on our iodine4health website:


The only other related book I know of is by Derry, Breast Cancer and Iodine: How

to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer. It is a fascinating book that

gives his experiences and theories about the breast and iodine.

From your list of symptoms, you certainly sound like someone who would benefit

from taking iodine.



I have and read Dr. Brownstein's book. I have the following:

ovarian cysts

obesity (last 4 years)

insulin resistance

fibrocystic breasts

multi-nodular goiter

very severe PMS

painful breasts

What I would like to know is whether there are any testimonials or where I can

read about Iodine replacement actually reversing the symptoms/conditions I have

listed above, and are there any more books I can get to help me get this


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I had painful fibrocystic breasts. I was about ready to stop using my prescription of compounded bioidentical topical hormone lotion (estradiol, progesterone, testosterone) because my breasts were so tender, despite the fact that my AAL 24 hr. urine test showed I was way below range on all my hormones.

I don't know exactly how long it took for my breasts to stop hurting once I started on Iodoral, but it was around 2-3 weeks. I've been able to continue using my hormone lotion and all tenderness is gone.

I have a friend that had such severe fibrocystic breasts that she had them removed, and that was at least 10 years ago. A couple years ago she developed multi-nodular goiter, and her thyroid tests had recently edged into hyperthyroid category, although if anything she feels hypo. Her doctors told her she had to avoid all iodine sources and wanted to do RAI on her. She started on low, low doses of Iodoral in early July and worked her way up. She's now ready to start on 4 Iodoral a day. When I asked her how she was doing with the iodine, she said fine. I don't know if her thyroid improved, but at least she's not having any hyper problems with iodine that the HMO docs predicted for her.


I have the following:

ovarian cysts

obesity (last 4 years)

insulin resistance

fibrocystic breasts

multi-nodular goiter

very severe PMS

painful breasts

What I would like to know is whether there are any testimonials or where I can read about Iodine replacement actually reversing the symptoms/conditions I have listed above, and are there any more books I can get to help me get this information?


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I don't know of anything they have written to specifically address PCOS issues. Dr. B has written The Miracle of Natural Hormones, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders and Salt Your Way to Health.

I am not aware of books by Flechas or Abraham. Hormones Health and Happiness by Dr. Hotze is a good book. Hmmm..... sorry not too much help on other resources.

B.My Ebay Auctions: http://tinyurl.com/o9nqvMY SOY CANDLE STORE IS OPEN! COME VISIT:http://www.marloquinn.com/SoyScentsational

symptoms question

I have and read Dr. Brownstein's book. I have the following:

ovarian cysts - GONE

obesity (last 4 years) - Lost 20 lbs

insulin resistance - Tested + for this but not sure where it is now.

fibrocystic breasts - GONE

multi-nodular goiter - Had them but thyroid removed.

very severe PMS - Minimal now.

painful breasts - Better

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PCOS, diabetes etc are symptoms listed for low iodine. These two Dxes are epidemic right now.


I don't know of anything they have written to specifically address PCOS issues. Dr. B has written The Miracle of Natural Hormones, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders and Salt Your Way to Health.

I am not aware of books by Flechas or Abraham. Hormones Health and Happiness by Dr. Hotze is a good book. Hmmm..... sorry not too much help on other resources.

B.My Ebay Auctions: http://tinyurl.com/o9nqvMY SOY CANDLE STORE IS OPEN! COME VISIT:http://www.marloquinn.com/SoyScentsational

symptoms question

I have and read Dr. Brownstein's book. I have the following:

ovarian cysts - GONE

obesity (last 4 years) - Lost 20 lbs

insulin resistance - Tested + for this but not sure where it is now.

fibrocystic breasts - GONE

multi-nodular goiter - Had them but thyroid removed.

very severe PMS - Minimal now.

painful breasts - Better

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  • 1 year later...


> Hi Bee and all,

> I am cofused abuout my symptoms. Bee did candida cause problems with

> your teeth? I think my teeth may be weak and the candida is causing

> problems. I took antibiotics a year ago for a strep throat. The strep

> went away but the pain never did. then about a month later my teeth

> started hurting. I did have my teeth whitened about 3 months before I

> got strep. My question is do you think the candida is attacking the

> weak parts of my body and if I am able to cure my candida will the

> pain stop? Ive never realy had any health problems before so I'm

> confused as to whats going on. My dentist can't find anything wrong

> with my teeth.Doctors can't find anything wrong with my throat.

==>Hi Matt. Candida didn't cause problems with my teeth, however it

did cause problems with my gums. It ruined my gums so bad that my

teeth were loosening and coming out, so I got dentures (full upper and

partial lower). If you have pain in your teeth, not your gums, it may

be due to the whitening and/or past fluoride treatments, anesthetics or

novacaine used in dental procedures, etc. - this is called " retracing

symptoms " . As you continue on the program the pain should decrease

until you don't have it anymore.

If you had no health problems before, I assume you didn't get sick with

a cold, flu, ear infections, or have any injuries, dental treatments,

antibiotics, drugs, over-the-counter medicines, etc., prior to getting

candida and everything happened afterward, then yes, curing candida

should heal your entire body.

It isn't just curing candida which heals the entire body; it's

continuing a natural healing program long enough so the body can

retrace and heal anything in the past.


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> It can also signify a magnesium deficiency which causes weak enamel.

==>That is a very good point. (What is your name please?) In fact Matt

hasn't been able to get a magnesium supplement. Thanks for reminding



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Ok I will start taking the supplements and the magnesium. I have been just

slowly getting into the diet cutting the carbs and sugar ect. so I will now

start all the supplements and the lemon/slat drinks and bee's egg drink. I like

the VCO and like cooking with it too.

My daily diet is usually eggs and cooked vegies for breakfast, a large

spinach salad for lunch and some kind of meat and cooked veggies for dinner.

Does this sound good? I just dont want to make any mistakes as to what i'm


Thank you,


Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> It can also signify a magnesium deficiency which causes weak enamel.

==>That is a very good point. (What is your name please?) In fact Matt

hasn't been able to get a magnesium supplement. Thanks for reminding




Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Hi Bee,

It's (in my address so I did not add - sorry). Magnesium is a biggy

for my family. My 3 year old has had multiple cavities as did her dad as a

child. She also has lots of other magnesium deficiency symptoms we are

working to correct.

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> Ok I will start taking the supplements and the magnesium. I have

been just slowly getting into the diet cutting the carbs and sugar ect.

so I will now start all the supplements and the lemon/slat drinks and

bee's egg drink. I like the VCO and like cooking with it too.

> My daily diet is usually eggs and cooked vegies for breakfast, a

large spinach salad for lunch and some kind of meat and cooked veggies

for dinner. Does this sound good? I just dont want to make any mistakes

as to what i'm eating.

==>Everything you are doing seems okay to me.

Cheers, Bee

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> It's (in my address so I did not add - sorry). Magnesium is

a biggy

> for my family. My 3 year old has had multiple cavities as did her

dad as a

> child. She also has lots of other magnesium deficiency symptoms we


> working to correct.







Hi ,

My youngest two have had multiple cavities, also. I never connected

it to Mg deficiency until I read your post. Would you mind emailing

me offlist so I can ask you a few questions about Mg




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  • 6 months later...

It cost me 79 dollars per bathroom to replace my toilets with ADA height


Fortunately my son could install them so I had no labor cost.


From: Leanne <oldredmom@...>

Subject: [ ] symptoms question

Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 12:26 PM


I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist. ..

Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.

The other problem I had this morning was the toilet! It was way too

far down to go, and too far to get up again. Does anyone use a seat

extender or some such thing to reduce that distance? I always use the

wheelchair stalls in public washrooms - find them more comfortable :)

Thanks for listening.


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Leanne, I am in the same fix as you. In January I was diagnosed with

Polymyalgia which fit all my symptoms exactly, except in my case the only thing

elevated was Platelet count and CRP mildly elevated. In May after trying to get

off Pred, my fingers and hands swelled up (first time anything had swollen) and

doc says I had RA too!! Now all my bloodwork is normal but I am still having

muscle pain as well as never ending swollen fingers and hand. So I really dont

know what is going on and neither does my RA doc. Wish I could help you, wish

someone would help both of us a

[ ] symptoms question


I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist...

Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.

The other problem I had this morning was the toilet! It was way too

far down to go, and too far to get up again. Does anyone use a seat

extender or some such thing to reduce that distance? I always use the

wheelchair stalls in public washrooms - find them more comfortable :)

Thanks for listening.


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Leanne, I forgot to ask you, did any tests confirm RA? what about your Sed rate

and CRP rate? Did your latest doc say RA and why did he say that? Thanks,


[ ] symptoms question


I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist...

Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.

The other problem I had this morning was the toilet! It was way too

far down to go, and too far to get up again. Does anyone use a seat

extender or some such thing to reduce that distance? I always use the

wheelchair stalls in public washrooms - find them more comfortable :)

Thanks for listening.


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Hello! I

--- Στις Σάβ., 23/08/08, ο/η patandpaula <patandpaula@...>


Από: patandpaula <patandpaula@...>

Θέμα: Re: [ ] symptoms question


ΗμεÏομηνία: Σάββατο, 23 ΑÏγουστος 2008, 19:57

Leanne, I am in the same fix as you. In January I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia

which fit all my symptoms exactly, except in my case the only thing elevated was

Platelet count and CRP mildly elevated. In May after trying to get off Pred, my

fingers and hands swelled up (first time anything had swollen) and doc says I

had RA too!! Now all my bloodwork is normal but I am still having muscle pain as

well as never ending swollen fingers and hand. So I really dont know what is

going on and neither does my RA doc. Wish I could help you, wish someone would

help both of us a

[ ] symptoms question


I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist. ..

Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.

The other problem I had this morning was the toilet! It was way too

far down to go, and too far to get up again. Does anyone use a seat

extender or some such thing to reduce that distance? I always use the

wheelchair stalls in public washrooms - find them more comfortable :)

Thanks for listening.


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--- Στις Σάβ., 23/08/08, ο/η patandpaula <patandpaula@...>


Από: patandpaula <patandpaula@...>

Θέμα: Re: [ ] symptoms question


ΗμεÏομηνία: Σάββατο, 23 ΑÏγουστος 2008, 19:57

Leanne, I am in the same fix as you. In January I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia

which fit all my symptoms exactly, except in my case the only thing elevated was

Platelet count and CRP mildly elevated. In May after trying to get off Pred, my

fingers and hands swelled up (first time anything had swollen) and doc says I

had RA too!! Now all my bloodwork is normal but I am still having muscle pain as

well as never ending swollen fingers and hand. So I really dont know what is

going on and neither does my RA doc. Wish I could help you, wish someone would

help both of us a

[ ] symptoms question


I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist. ..

Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.

The other problem I had this morning was the toilet! It was way too

far down to go, and too far to get up again. Does anyone use a seat

extender or some such thing to reduce that distance? I always use the

wheelchair stalls in public washrooms - find them more comfortable :)

Thanks for listening.


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I looked up polymyalgia and it sounds like rheumatoid arthiritis. Does

anyone know the difference? I hurt in all the places it stated for

poly. But I was diagnosed with RA. I alsso have fibro. It sounds

very painful like RA. If anyone can tell me the difference in

polymyalgia and rheumaatiod arathrits, please send a post.

gently hugs everyone


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I had a hard time geting down and up, so I took 2 pieces of treated 2x6

about 18 " long and made a biscuit to join them with glue. Then I cut it in a

pattern, not just square and routed the outside. I raised the flange and

bolted all together, raising the height 1 1/2 " so I could make it easier.

All I have to do is touch up the clear coat every few years. When it comes

to raise it again I'll use the same method.

Dennis in eastexas

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 11:54 AM, CATHERINE RANIOLO


> It cost me 79 dollars per bathroom to replace my toilets with ADA height

> commodes.

> Fortunately my son could install them so I had no labor cost.


> Raniolo




> From: Leanne <oldredmom@... <oldredmom%40>>

> Subject: [ ] symptoms question

> < %40>

> Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 12:26 PM



> Hi!


> I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

> diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

> am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist. ..


> Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

> left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

> use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

> entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

> I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

> might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.


> The other problem I had this morning was the toilet! It was way too

> far down to go, and too far to get up again. Does anyone use a seat

> extender or some such thing to reduce that distance? I always use the

> wheelchair stalls in public washrooms - find them more comfortable :)


> Thanks for listening.


> Leanne



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I have Polymyagia Rheumtica (PMR). My rheumy ran tons of tests to

rule about just about everything else before giving me that diagnosis,

although he has recently said he thinks it is/has morphing/ed into

" unspecified auto-immune inflammatory disorder " , which I think means

he really doesn't know what to call it! Originally, my RA factor was

negative, my ANA was low, but my SED rate was about 95. A short

course of high dose prednisone felt like a miracle, I was so much

better. That's one of the markers for the dx, prednisone helps


It started with a sore neck, I thought from sleeping wrong. It

gradually got worse, until my whole body was stiff and sore, and

moving hurt. My right shoulder was the worst, I couldn't move my arm

above my waist. it was eventually dx'ed as frozen shoulder, and among

other things, I went through a course of physical therapy for it.

Eventually, the left shoulder too. I've been told frozen should is

very common with PMR.

This is where I get a bit confused, I don't understand exactly how PMR

works. I know PMR is an auto-immune disorder. It does not attack the

joints the same way RA does, it doesn't do any permanent damage by

itself, but that doesn't mean it's harmless. It is extremely painful.

Besides the aching joints, my muscles screamed most of the time

before we got it under control. It was like every major muscle in my

body spasmed at once, and wouldn't let go. Not for a few minutes, or

a few hours. Not even for a few days, it was about 2 years before I

got any relief except for pain meds. I was on prednisone, but that

needed to be limited because as we all know, prednisone does cause

permanent damage. Even trying to keep the doses as low as possible

and still function on some level, I now have osteoporosis and

steroid-induced diabetes. Five years after my dx, I'm still on 5 mg

of prednisone a day, and have tried and had to stop methotrexate and

Humira. I also have permanent damage to my hip, back and thigh

muscles because the side effects of the Lipitor got masked by the PMR,

so I kept taking it way too long.

For a lot of people, PMR only lasts a year or two and then they go

into remission. But for a significant number, it is much more severe,

and just hangs on and on. Also, another condition called giant cell

arteritis (GCA) can be associated with PMR. GCA is an inflammation of

the arterties, usually the ones in the head, and untreated can cause

lose of vision pretty quickly.

Mayo Clinic has a couple of articles worth reading if you're

interested in either PMR or GCA:



A long reply, but hope this helps answer some questions.

Gentle hugs,

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Leanne <oldredmom@...> wrote:

> Hi!


> I am still trying to figure out this whole RA thing. My original

> diagnosis was Polymyalgia, but the latest doc disagrees with that. I

> am currently waiting to see a Rheumatologist...


> Here's my question. This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my

> left shoulder and upper arm. The muscles are so sore, I can hardly

> use the arm at all. Is this typical of RA, or is it something else

> entirely? I have a lot of joint pain, but also a lot of muscle pain.

> I am in the process of weaning off of prednisone, so I'm thinking that

> might have something to do with it as well. I'm now at 7.5mg daily.



> Thanks for listening.


> Leanne



South Pasadena, CA / Lilydale, MN

You can see my galleries at http://www.pbase.com/arenared986

M. Schulz - " All you need is love. But a little chocolate now

and then doesn't hurt. "

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, I was at first misdiagnosed with two frozen shoulders, plus

diabetic limited joint mobility syndrome in my hands. I was also sent

to physical therapy, and it was agony for them to move my arms the way

they did. It turned out that I had RA. And I'm thinking that most

people who have frozen shoulder probably don't have it in both

shoulders at once.


On Saturday, August 23, 2008, at 05:35 PM, Overell wrote:


> My right shoulder was the worst, I couldn't move my arm

> above my waist. it was eventually dx'ed as frozen shoulder, and among

> other things, I went through a course of physical therapy for it.

> Eventually, the left shoulder too.


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