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list of meds

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Great Idea GAYLE and HEY what a marketing concept!

It is important to know your liver friendly meds from your not so liver

friendly meds. I recall a visit to my Dermatologist recently, who obviously

didn't read my chart thourougly prior to my appt, was about to prescribe to

me ACUTANE which is a big no no from those with liver probs. Today, I won't

take anything another Doctor other then my gastro has prescribed to me

unless they have consulted with him. From estrogen for birth control to a

topical acne medication.

P.S. HEIDI, did you ever get the list you were talking about?

Thanks, Jen

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 23:46:39 EDT, wrote:

> Hi Hiedi,

> If you see as many doctors I see every week. I got so sick of forgetting


> listing all the drugs I take. I take a lot of medications. I got on the

> computer and made a business card and listed every single drug how many


> how often I take daily including the antibiotics being a transplant


> we need special care. Then on the back of this card I put everything down

> that is wrong with me because that is a long list as well, I put the


> I go to doctors names and numbers and what I am allergic to. Then I


> the card. Which I drag out every visit. The docs loved that idea and I


> have to remember that part and to worry if it was correct, also in case I

> can't tell anyone they will find the card. Compact, efficient, and a life

> saver.


> gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^

> galye@...
















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Hi Jen,

The list on a small card the docs love it. They also know I am watching

everything that I am paying attention. Besides I was getting a dry mouth

listing them all.

gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^


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Gee and I thought I was the only one that did that. I also inscribe my

latest liver counts, and any other blood tests I have gotten recently.

My GP says I have better records than him :-)



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--- dawtenor@... wrote:

> did i miss the list. Please help. Debbie in

> Louisville


I also missed the list and would appreciate someone

e-mailing them to me.



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  • 7 years later...

Even though I missed the start of this thread, I just want to say that

I take at least a dozen meds each day. Many more than once a day also.

My fibro meds are Lodine, Ultram, Neurontin and Darvocet. My rheum

won't give me a regular muscle relaxant though. Also take melatonin as

needed for sleep, Fish Oil caps and Co enzyme Q10, too.

Debbie L

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Oh, Heidi, (and all group) 

So very well put,

Thank goodness for the balance of this great group, I also hope it helps people

feel more confident venturing into the unknown of a new med regime, when

sometimes well wishers , friends and family though with the best intentions,come

out with scare stories.Just listen to your rheumy team suggestions, read widely,

question thoroughly, and post and read here for your info! Then go for what

seems rght for you. Everyone is at a different stage of the journey, and the

rails and destinies will not be the same.

Best wishes,


> Enbrel, Loperssor, xanax xr,and an occasional tramadol. that's

> it....and a whole lot of natural supplements.


> Honestly by looking at the lists of what everyone is taking, no

> wonder everyone feels horrible. Almost every list has horrbile drug

> interactions. That is really scary. Some of those interactions could

> kill people. Additonally, all the multitude of side effects. Yikes!


> I always wish everyone the best!



> >

> > I am currently on tylenol and that is about it. some natural

> suppliments

> > too. Fish oil, evening primrose oil, b-complex. I am planning to

> see a herbal

> > specialist as soon as I can afford it. None of the regular docs

> and the meds

> > seem to work for me.....either they do nothing...or they have

> toxic side

> > effects that I refuse to " put up with " .

> >

> >

> > I am curious...I hope you are not taking ultram and ultracet at

> the same

> > time as they are similar drugs? Ultracet contains tylenol and

> ultram does not.

> > I have been told by the pharmacist that both are similar

> chemically to

> > codiene...I am allergic to codiene. So Both made me deathly ill.

> >

> >

> > Here is the list I have taken in the past:

> > Methotrexate, pills and injections(made me deathly ill.will never

> take again)

> > folic acid

> > leukovorin

> > Enbrel

> > Humeria( burned like acid, horrible reaction will never take again)

> > Arava,

> > Plaquinil

> > ultram(allergic to now)

> > mindocine

> > doxycycline

> > darvocet

> > flexeril

> > predisone

> > Ambian CR

> > Bextra

> > Lodine XL

> > Prozac

> >

> >

> >

> > If you can not afford the biologics most of the drug companies

> have programs

> > that assist with either co-pays or pay for the med for those that

> can not

> > afford to take them or are uninsured or under-insured. I would

> check out those

> > programs.

> >

> > My first month of Enbrel was free and my first six months of

> humira was

> > free....to bad the humira went in the trash after the first two

> shots and I had

> > horrible reactions.

> >

> > Toni

> >

> >

> >

> > _list of meds _

> > (http://groups. / group/RA-

> SUPPORT/message/ 116579;_ylc= X3oDMTJyZ3Zrcjhm BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1 BGdycElkAz

> EwMTQ3OARncnBzcElkA zE3MDUwNjE0OTgEb X

> > NnSWQDMTE2NTc5BHNlY wNkbXNnBHNsawN2b XNnBHN0aW1lAzEyM TgzNjk3Njg- )

> > Posted by: " ksanders58 " _ksanders58@ ... _

> > (mailto:ksanders58@ ...?Subject= Re:list%20of% 20meds) _ksanders58

> _

> > (http://profiles. / ksanders58)

> > Sat Aug 9, 2008 5:41 pm (PDT)

> > I am curious about everyones meds.Please excuse the misspells.Here

> is a

> > list of mine:Methetrexate, list of list of mine

> >

> acid,ambien, acid,ambiacid, ambiacid, ambien,<WBRacid, ambien,<WBRacid, amb

> i

> > probably missed one or two.I have taken

> >

> plaquenil,arava, plaquenilplaquen il,arava, <WBR>cymbalta, <WBR>lortab, and

> o

> > right now.I posted earlier that Enbrel and Orencia were prescribed

> but

> > I cant afford them.I really wish I could because from what I read

> the

> > results are great.I was originally on prednisone but due to issues

> with

> > my heart the docs took me off it.Im just wondering if anyone has a

> > combo similar to mine.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ************ **Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your

> budget?

> > Read reviews on AOL Autos.

> > (http://autos. aol.com/cars- BMW-128-2008/ expert-review?

> ncid=aolaut00050000 000017 )

> >

> >

> >

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I take Prevacid, 3000mgs of Sulfasalazine, 15mgs of Mobic, 50mgs of Atenolol,

10mgs of Flexeril, 200mgs of Ultram ER, 3mgs of Lunesta, 325mg of Enteric Coated

Aspirin, Pulmicort, Pro Air, Vitamin D and Calcium, Zyrtec for Allergies,

1000mgs of glucophage, and 7mgs of Xanax

From: deebs87 <dlohf@...>

Subject: [ ] list of meds

Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 7:36 PM

Even though I missed the start of this thread, I just want to say that

I take at least a dozen meds each day. Many more than once a day also.

My fibro meds are Lodine, Ultram, Neurontin and Darvocet. My rheum

won't give me a regular muscle relaxant though. Also take melatonin as

needed for sleep, Fish Oil caps and Co enzyme Q10, too.

Debbie L

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