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Re: A new day

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Dear Tami,

Thank you for sharing your ups and downs with us. I don't always say a lot on

this message board but I do read everything and you are always such an

inspiration in your messages to us. We all struggle with giving into our

different weaknesses and I am certainly one that gives in more often than I care

to admit. You have given me a renewed hope and determination because you have

shown me that you are human, and despite the fact that you slipped, you got back

up on your feet, brushed yourself off and kept going. So I too, can be human and

if you can get back up, then so can I, and so can everybody else. The main thing

is to just keep trying, one hour at a time, one day at a time and when we slip,

to not beat ourselves up over it.

Thanks again, for sharing :)


Emailtamihere@... wrote:

> HI everyone!

> How is everyone doing today? We're having quite a bit of rain around our

> parts. Yesterday we were sure we were going to have the never before heard

> of " twister, " but instead, we got the usual rain. Better than having our

> home permanently relocated!


> Thought that since I have been so fortunate as to be able to share my

> families victories with you, it seemed appropriate that I should also share a

> rather unnerving defeat. Last night, I was very tired, but chose to work on

> some projects I have due, instead of listening to my body's cry for rest. As

> the evening turned to night, and it became later and later, I found myself

> tempted with my old eating habits. I was craving junk food so badly that I

> was starting to obsess, finding myself loosing focus on anything I tried to

> put my mind to. Finally, the weak side of me gave in, and I really indulged

> in a rather lengthy binge. When I was so full, that I thought I would pop, I

> fought my yet another battle, as to weather or not I should just lay there

> and let my food digest, or purge myself clean. Once again, Im sorry to say

> that I gave in to the strong calling and the weakness of my condition. After

> I purged, I did feel empty and clean from food. But not only was my stomach

> empty of contents, my heart felt empty of dignity and self esteem, and I felt

> very short of the self worth I had worked so hard to build in myself.


> This, left alone, was a true defeat. I felt so disappointed in myself and so

> unworthy to ever post another message of inspiration again. But that was

> when I dicovered that it was time to fight my last battle of the evening.

> Would I rob myself and all those around me by shutting down the gifts that

> God has blessed me with? If so, would I choose to continue on backtracking

> to the point of illness and near death? It was a true battle, being fought

> right here in my own heart and mind. Finally, I decided to do some praying,

> asking for strength to battle the raging war welling up inside me.


> After some time of thought, prayer and self talk, it became apparent to me

> that, the only answer was to let it go and get back on the winners track.

> Having made my decision, I proceeded to do 40 breaths, combined with some

> reflexology. During this time of breathing, I focused on the beauty of all

> that surrounds me, and visualized my mind stabilized and body strong, healthy

> and lean. When I was finished, I drank a very large glass of water and fixed

> myself a healthy snack, to remind my body that it was not in a famine. When

> I was fully satisfied that I had done all I could to repair any damaged I had

> inflicted upon myself, I settled comfortably into my bed and rested soundly

> with the angels protecting me and my family.


> This morning, I resumed my normal routine of drinking a large glass of water,

> then doing at least one full work out. Upon completion, I ate showered and

> dressed. And guess what? Even with the little pitfall, my clothes were

> looser than yesterday!


> Next time I hope to have the strength to say " no " to such temptation, because

> I realize that if I would have this time, I would have been even that much

> closer to achieving my goal. But for now, I'll rejoice in being so blessed

> to be right were I am!


> Sincerely,

> Tami



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Thanks Grammy Pat for the words of encouragment! That really means a lot to

me. I no longer believe in defeat or giving up, thanks to all the wonderful

lessons and support I have found with this list!



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You have no idea how much I appreciate these words of encouragement.

Everyone has been so wonderfully supportive of me through thick and thin. I

am very honored to hear that you are enjoying and benefiting from me posting

stories of my journey to freedom.

Thanks so much!



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You are correct, I have overcome that particular battle, and will continue to

pray for the strength to remain steadfast in my quest for health. Thank you

so much for your encouraging words, without such messages, I doubt I would

have the courage to continue this journey.



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Tami, dear heart,

You are never defeated unless you give up. And you didn't give up. You

turned a bad slip into a valuable lesson. You did all the right things to

fix it and moved on. This is a victory, not a defeat.

Grammy Pat

315/? /279 mini goal/145

CALP as of 6/7/99

LifeLift as of 2/25/00

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Tami, thank you for sharing this and for choosing the winner's

track! I'm sure it was not easy. If you had stopped posting, you

would be depriving us of your wonderful words of inspiration and

hope. I can tell you without a doubt that you have enriched my

life. We all need to remember that we are human and not perfect. We

still have to listen to our bodies and take care of them (as I'm

still learning). I have issues to work on, too, and I can only take

it one day at a time and with the Lord's help. This, too, shall

pass. Hold your head high and remember that you are loved!



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Tami, Thank you for sharing this with everyone. I think it is very important for everyone to see both sides you. Your story is especially important to everyone because you have shared so much of your personal struggle to gain your life back. We all feel like we know you and have shared in your struggles and successes. I feel a special closeness with you on this because we have worked so closely in breaking out of food jail together. As the people know who have been with you from the beginning, when you were pretty desperate to find anything to believe in. You did come to the list pretty discouraged and basically at the end of your rope. You really have been struggling for your life! You have come so far using the many tools that you have picked up along the way. I personally know of the many struggles that you have been struggling with. I am glad that you are able to implement the many principles and ideas you have come across in your personal struggle. I think that people need to see the ups and downs of this struggle. I think it is important, because I know you would not want to let people believe that because of this new found information you were suddenly not faced with your old struggles. That would not be nice and you are an incredibly nice woman! I also know from my own personal struggle that it is so easy to hide from the other listers when the things going on in our lives aren't positive and uplifting. I have been so blessed to have people help me through my ups and downs over the years on these lists. Because of these people who have been with me for at least three years on the various lists, I have continued to make progress to my ultimate goal. I did not throw in the towel when I wasn't at my goal as fast as I felt I should be. I didn't give up when BodyFlex or Oxycise didn't work for me as fast as it was working for other people. I didn't give up when it wasn't working at all. People were so understanding when I posted that I had gained instead of lost. Or had lost ground in my battle with my eating problems. I am so grateful for the helpfulness of the listers who always seemed to be so encouraging. If I had given up, I would never have bought LifeLift. Since I bought it (remember, I actually bought it for myself as a Christmas present from my family this past year.) I kind of was at the point of not believing that these programs worked! Well since Christmas life has really changed. I met you!, I am actually losing inches again. I had gained back pounds and inches and was at a size 16 again, I hadn't let myself get back to the 22/20 that I was at to begin with, but had back-slid non-the-less. Since Christmas and Life Lift, I am now back in my 12's. I am doing a workout everyday and I really love doing it. I find Rashelle to be a very encouraging and a very real person. I don't feel like she is asking me to do anything that she hasn't done. That for me is very important.

I want everyone to know how much that I appreciate all the discussion on the list. Many of the topics remind me of stuff that I used to know, and somehow let myself forget. I too have had a lot of practice and training in visualization. My degree is in education with one of my majors being psychology. I took a lot of classes on the subject of visualization, mental mind control, the power of thought. These classes were both college level and some were very expensive training seminars taught by experts in this field. A lot of this training was trying to get the teachers in the Kansas City School District to be able to help the students in the Magnet schools achieve much higher than the surrounding school districts. It was hopeful that this would help the Magnet school program and draw students in from the surrounding school districts to help with the desegregation project. I used to use these techniques quite a lot when teaching the younger children. I used to teach them the difference between daydreaming and preparing their mind to be the canvas of a master painter getting ready to create a masterpiece. It was very amazing to watch a child take this information and go from a struggling student to a very confident straight A student. I had used this information over 20 years ago, and somehow let it fall into the recesses of my mind.

I am very glad that the discussions on the list bring up these things to remind me to use what I already know to get me where I want to be. Thank you again for sharing this other side of your struggle with us.

~KarmaWould you like to know how much Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat your body needs? Would you like to know your Body Fat %, or your lean body mass (how many pounds of fat your body has? http://loaves-n-fishes.com/zoneprofiles.html

A new day

HI everyone!How is everyone doing today? We're having quite a bit of rain around our parts. Yesterday we were sure we were going to have the never before heard of "twister," but instead, we got the usual rain. Better than having our home permanently relocated!Thought that since I have been so fortunate as to be able to share my families victories with you, it seemed appropriate that I should also share a rather unnerving defeat. Last night, I was very tired, but chose to work on some projects I have due, instead of listening to my body's cry for rest. As the evening turned to night, and it became later and later, I found myself tempted with my old eating habits. I was craving junk food so badly that I was starting to obsess, finding myself loosing focus on anything I tried to put my mind to. Finally, the weak side of me gave in, and I really indulged in a rather lengthy binge. When I was so full, that I thought I would pop, I fought my yet another battle, as to weather or not I should just lay there and let my food digest, or purge myself clean. Once again, Im sorry to say that I gave in to the strong calling and the weakness of my condition. After I purged, I did feel empty and clean from food. But not only was my stomach empty of contents, my heart felt empty of dignity and self esteem, and I felt very short of the self worth I had worked so hard to build in myself. This, left alone, was a true defeat. I felt so disappointed in myself and so unworthy to ever post another message of inspiration again. But that was when I dicovered that it was time to fight my last battle of the evening. Would I rob myself and all those around me by shutting down the gifts that God has blessed me with? If so, would I choose to continue on backtracking to the point of illness and near death? It was a true battle, being fought right here in my own heart and mind. Finally, I decided to do some praying, asking for strength to battle the raging war welling up inside me. After some time of thought, prayer and self talk, it became apparent to me that, the only answer was to let it go and get back on the winners track. Having made my decision, I proceeded to do 40 breaths, combined with some reflexology. During this time of breathing, I focused on the beauty of all that surrounds me, and visualized my mind stabilized and body strong, healthy and lean. When I was finished, I drank a very large glass of water and fixed myself a healthy snack, to remind my body that it was not in a famine. When I was fully satisfied that I had done all I could to repair any damaged I had inflicted upon myself, I settled comfortably into my bed and rested soundly with the angels protecting me and my family. This morning, I resumed my normal routine of drinking a large glass of water, then doing at least one full work out. Upon completion, I ate showered and dressed. And guess what? Even with the little pitfall, my clothes were looser than yesterday! Next time I hope to have the strength to say "no" to such temptation, because I realize that if I would have this time, I would have been even that much closer to achieving my goal. But for now, I'll rejoice in being so blessed to be right were I am!Sincerely,Tami

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I absolutely understand your struggle. A recovering bulimic myself, it is

a constant battle between bingeing and being obsessive about diet and weight.

Frequently, I have to stop and re-gain perspective. You are a very remarkable



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Thanks so much. I know that this was just a temporary set back, and

thankfully, I have moved on to greener pasture. You are right, none of us is

perfect, we are all human and are simply striving to be the best that we are

able to be.



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Thanks so much for that beautiful reply to my post. You are right, it is

important to remember that we are allowed to discuss all that we are dealing

with. It serves as a reminder that none of us is beyond temptation and the

occasional failure. The real shame is when we choose to go on with our

destructive ways, instead of forgiving ourselves and moving on. That is

where the real grace and beauty comes in. Being human is great, if we were

machines, imagine all the joy we would miss!



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Tami, one again you have overcome and I know what a struggle you must have

with your disorder. But you had the strength to get right back on track and

ask God for help and I know with him on your side that you will get through

this. You are a very strong lady and I commend you for your courage.

God Bless,

A new day

> HI everyone!

> How is everyone doing today? We're having quite a bit of rain around our

> parts. Yesterday we were sure we were going to have the never before


> of " twister, " but instead, we got the usual rain. Better than having our

> home permanently relocated!


> Thought that since I have been so fortunate as to be able to share my

> families victories with you, it seemed appropriate that I should also

share a

> rather unnerving defeat. Last night, I was very tired, but chose to work


> some projects I have due, instead of listening to my body's cry for rest.


> the evening turned to night, and it became later and later, I found myself

> tempted with my old eating habits. I was craving junk food so badly that


> was starting to obsess, finding myself loosing focus on anything I tried


> put my mind to. Finally, the weak side of me gave in, and I really


> in a rather lengthy binge. When I was so full, that I thought I would

pop, I

> fought my yet another battle, as to weather or not I should just lay there

> and let my food digest, or purge myself clean. Once again, Im sorry to


> that I gave in to the strong calling and the weakness of my condition.


> I purged, I did feel empty and clean from food. But not only was my


> empty of contents, my heart felt empty of dignity and self esteem, and I


> very short of the self worth I had worked so hard to build in myself.


> This, left alone, was a true defeat. I felt so disappointed in myself and


> unworthy to ever post another message of inspiration again. But that was

> when I dicovered that it was time to fight my last battle of the evening.

> Would I rob myself and all those around me by shutting down the gifts that

> God has blessed me with? If so, would I choose to continue on


> to the point of illness and near death? It was a true battle, being


> right here in my own heart and mind. Finally, I decided to do some


> asking for strength to battle the raging war welling up inside me.


> After some time of thought, prayer and self talk, it became apparent to me

> that, the only answer was to let it go and get back on the winners track.

> Having made my decision, I proceeded to do 40 breaths, combined with some

> reflexology. During this time of breathing, I focused on the beauty of


> that surrounds me, and visualized my mind stabilized and body strong,


> and lean. When I was finished, I drank a very large glass of water and


> myself a healthy snack, to remind my body that it was not in a famine.


> I was fully satisfied that I had done all I could to repair any damaged I


> inflicted upon myself, I settled comfortably into my bed and rested


> with the angels protecting me and my family.


> This morning, I resumed my normal routine of drinking a large glass of


> then doing at least one full work out. Upon completion, I ate showered


> dressed. And guess what? Even with the little pitfall, my clothes were

> looser than yesterday!


> Next time I hope to have the strength to say " no " to such temptation,


> I realize that if I would have this time, I would have been even that much

> closer to achieving my goal. But for now, I'll rejoice in being so


> to be right were I am!


> Sincerely,

> Tami




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What you said at the end of your letter. " But for now, I'll rejoice in being

so blessed to be right were I am! " I can see that you have already over come

your battle. I bet your postive thinking and doing life lift really helped

you. I will keep you in my prayers and remember this with every negative

thing there is a positive.


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You go girl!! Not only do you give us so many good pointers, you also show us that even someone who seems so perfect and does everything right, has some down times. I know with faith and a little effort on your part, you can overcome these lapses. Our prayers, hopes and wishes are with you.

Wanda in PA

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Praise God for "new" days BIG:-) Tami, I'm sure it took a lot to admit you fell off the wagon, so to speak, but I know & you do too, that you are stronger for it. God is so good to us sis, and just like He forgives us, we have to forgive ourselves too. Sometimes we forget that. But praise God, you seem to have remembered and for that I'm thankful :-) I can't say I know about your struggle, as I've never purged. But the ONLY reason is because I HATE to throw up. I have seriously thought of it several times but that was what stopped me. Thank God in Heaven! I will be sure to say a special prayer for your strength dear sister, but I'm sure He has already done that for you. Your willingness to share is so wonderful Tami. I'm sure there are SO many out here that your honesty and openness is really helping out. It's like Karma said, most people don't want to post their "downs", just their "ups". And it's really for the best for us all, to post it ALL. That's why we are all here, to help and encourage each other, not to put one another down. To learn from each other. Everyone has bad days. Everyone. I really appreciate you sharing Tami. And I"m really very proud of you girl. You're a courageous little woman. And yes, I said LITTLE! I saw your pictures LOL I love you sis and may God continue to bless you in a mighty way! You'll have the victory sister!

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

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Dearest Tami,

I am so glad that you feel safe enough with us to share your struggles as well as your victories. There is not one of us who does not have a day that we feel like climbing under the covers and hiding away. It is the fact that you climbed out after the storm you felt inside that shows you are truly living the life of a victor. It is not about being perfect, not for a moment or for a day. It is about taking those things that are presented to you in life and turning them around, regardless of how hard the effort is to turn yourself into another direction. If it were easy you would have nothing to be proud of. we would all be walking around taking for granted all the good that happens. It is through those struggles that you find the strength of your spirit. How can you keep relating to everyone else's needs if you are standing on a perfect pedestal with nothing to improve. If you are always the giver then you cannot appreciate how wonderful it is to receive, and it your are always the receiver you cannot appreciate how wonderful it is to give. This past week when I was feeling overwhelmed and my hand was hurting it gave all of you an opportunity to take care of me for a short time. It felt good to those of you who got to tell me to how much you care and to take care of myself. The gift was to both of us. It is the same with you Tami. If you were always perfect and only giving the picture would become lopsided and would not have balance.

We all love you when you are up and encouraging everyone, and we love you when you are down and reaching out to us for support. Whatever you do you are giving us all a gift, by just being Tami.

Keep taking good care of yourself and don't try to take on so much that you weigh down those beautiful wings of yours. Open your wings and let the wind lift you as high as you can go, for the moment. If you can only flap you wings one day that is fine, because on other days you will soar. Regardless of the height of your flight, we love you.


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package until April 30thVisit us at http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.angelmagic.com. All other web sites belong to distributors, these are my personal web sites.Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribe@...

Thought that since I have been so fortunate as to be able to share my families victories with you, it seemed appropriate that I should also share a rather unnerving defeat. Last night, I was very tired, but chose to work on some projects I have due, instead of listening to my body's cry for rest. As the evening turned to night, and it became later and later, I found myself tempted with my old eating habits. I was craving junk food so badly that I was starting to obsess, finding myself loosing focus on anything I tried to put my mind to. Finally, the weak side of me gave in, and I really indulged in a rather lengthy binge. When I was so full, that I thought I would pop, I fought my yet another battle, as to weather or not I should just lay there and let my food digest, or purge myself clean. Once again, Im sorry to say that I gave in to the strong calling and the weakness of my condition. After I purged, I did feel empty and clean from food. But not only was my stomach empty of contents, my heart felt empty of dignity and self esteem, and I felt very short of the self worth I had worked so hard to build in myself. This, left alone, was a true defeat. I felt so disappointed in myself and so unworthy to ever post another message of inspiration again. But that was when I dicovered that it was time to fight my last battle of the evening. Would I rob myself and all those around me by shutting down the gifts that God has blessed me with? If so, would I choose to continue on backtracking to the point of illness and near death? It was a true battle, being fought right here in my own heart and mind. Finally, I decided to do some praying, asking for strength to battle the raging war welling up inside me. After some time of thought, prayer and self talk, it became apparent to me that, the only answer was to let it go and get back on the winners track. Having made my decision, I proceeded to do 40 breaths, combined with some reflexology. During this time of breathing, I focused on the beauty of all that surrounds me, and visualized my mind stabilized and body strong, healthy and lean. When I was finished, I drank a very large glass of water and fixed myself a healthy snack, to remind my body that it was not in a famine. When I was fully satisfied that I had done all I could to repair any damaged I had inflicted upon myself, I settled comfortably into my bed and rested soundly with the angels protecting me and my family. This morning, I resumed my normal routine of drinking a large glass of water, then doing at least one full work out. Upon completion, I ate showered and dressed. And guess what? Even with the little pitfall, my clothes were looser than yesterday! Next time I hope to have the strength to say "no" to such temptation, because I realize that if I would have this time, I would have been even that much closer to achieving my goal. But for now, I'll rejoice in being so blessed to be right were I am!Sincerely,Tami

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Hi Melisa,

Just remember that we are all here for you too! Through all of life's struggles it is always easier to climb up from the bottom if you have lots of hands reaching down to pull you back up.

We will be your extra hands. You are never alone. We love you too!



Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package until April 30thVisit us at http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.angelmagic.com. All other web sites belong to distributors, these are my personal web sites.Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribe@...

Re: Re: A new day

Tami- I absolutely understand your struggle. A recovering bulimic myself, it is a constant battle between bingeing and being obsessive about diet and weight. Frequently, I have to stop and re-gain perspective. You are a very remarkable lady!Melisa

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Hooray, Hooray, my Tami girl. I am over here cheering you one. You really have figured out what is important. It is not about being perfect. No one is. It is about learning to love and forgive not only others, but also ourselves.

I am so proud of you. You really are wonderful!


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package until April 30thVisit us at http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.angelmagic.com. All other web sites belong to distributors, these are my personal web sites.Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribe@...

The real shame is when we choose to go on with our destructive ways, instead of forgiving ourselves and moving on. That is where the real grace and beauty comes in. Being human is great, if we were machines, imagine all the joy we would miss!Sincerely,Tami

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  • 2 months later...
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Those are beautiful, thank you for shareing.


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People are like stained-glass windows.They sparkle and shine

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  • 4 years later...

Good for you. Tricia! What an excellent post! You have really put

things in the appropriate perspective. You will make a wonderful


It had been appalling to me that the bickering and posturing has

continued, even as we read daily updates of one of our members who is

on life support.

I'm happy to help you in any way that I can.

Cara Egan Reynolds

> Dear Members of LPA and other interested parties;


> Last evening I wrote a letter, similar to this one, to the board of


> I am writing to you all today to ask for your help in alleviating

some of the

> tension that has built over the past few months within our


> While I understand the first gut reaction to respond to every

e-mail that is

> inflammatory, sometimes it's just better to let things go.


> While it may appear to some of you that things are out of control and

> completely chaotic, I don't think that is the case. We have indeed

had a set

> back with the newsletter and some other projects, but we are trying

> desperately to get things back up to speed.


> There is no doubt that feelings have been hurt and reputations

tainted in the

> last year, but the time has come for us all to move on. I think the

way best

> way the board can prove to our members that we truly have their best


> at heart is by changing our actions and deciding that we all (and I


> mean all - myself included) need to adapt to how we react to things.

We need

> to realize that sometimes the professional thing to do is to take

the high

> road.


> Five days ago, I didn't want the job of President. I had no

interest in it

> whatsoever. I, like Rick, had reached my capacity of being able to

handle the

> politics of LPA. I, along with most of my friends, had convinced

myself that

> I wasn't going to do this...then I went to sleep Saturday night and my

> conscious kicked in. So, after a day of much contemplation on

Sunday, I

> announced to the executive committee that I would be taking on the


> Yesterday, I announced to the board of directors and now, this is my

> announcement to you, our members who participate in this forum.


> I think it's been obvious to us all that the board has been

disjointed and I

> think we now, more than ever, need to reaffirm our commitment to


> together. I am in no way saying that our problems as a board are a


> on Rick, or on any one board member for that matter. Rick is a good

man who,

> perhaps out of pride, didn't ask for the help he needed and took on

too much.

> And, perhaps I didn't offer to help enough, but these are things

that we all

> learn. It's unfortunate that we often don't learn these lessons

until it's

> too late.


> I'm tired of the bickering that has disabled LPA's board and I am

beyond the

> point of being able to tolerate it one more minute. I need your

help, as

> members, to begin combating the attitudes amongst us that are

pulling our

> organization down. I am simply no longer interested in 'us' versus


> and I'm certainly ready to disengage the past and focus on the future.


> We are all decent members of this organization trying to do what is

right. I

> try do things that I believe are logical, proper and fair, not what

I believe

> will make me popular...which I realize doesn't make me popular. I

am not

> perfect - none of us are. I am just as fallible as anyone and I

will make

> mistakes. I think sometimes we forget that we are volunteers. We

all would

> like to see this organization skyrocket to being the best of the

best. I'm

> not advocating for mediocrity, but we need to do the best we can do

and hope

> that we can propel LPA to the next level.


> LPA and its board needs to have an atmosphere where opinions are valued

> whether you agree with them or not. Just know, however, that I will


> tolerate infighting and I will not tolerate mudslinging. In no way

am I

> trying to stifle ideas or opinions, but we need to be creative and


> ourselves in a manner that is respectful to everyone. It's time for


> members of the board to reevaluate why we ran for office...I'm sure

it was

> because we wanted to help LPA (Why would anyone run with the intent

of giving

> him/herself an ulcer over politics?!)


> I don't mean to babble on, but this weekend I had to reevaluate my


> and purpose. I hope you all will do the same so that we can move

forward and

> take on a new day.


> Tricia Mason

> President, Little People of America

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Tricia --

This is exactly what we need to hear right now. I'm sure the entire

membership (or at least those who belong to the list!) feels reassured by

your message.



Dan Kennedy

Editor, LPA Online

Little People of America, Inc.


On 12/15/04 7:43 PM, " TRICIA MASON " <triciamason@...> wrote:

> Dear Members of LPA and other interested parties;


> Last evening I wrote a letter, similar to this one, to the board of directors.

> I am writing to you all today to ask for your help in alleviating some of the

> tension that has built over the past few months within our organization.

> While I understand the first gut reaction to respond to every e-mail that is

> inflammatory, sometimes it's just better to let things go.


> While it may appear to some of you that things are out of control and

> completely chaotic, I don’t think that is the case. We have indeed had a set

> back with the newsletter and some other projects, but we are trying

> desperately to get things back up to speed.


> There is no doubt that feelings have been hurt and reputations tainted in the

> last year, but the time has come for us all to move on. I think the way best

> way the board can prove to our members that we truly have their best interest

> at heart is by changing our actions and deciding that we all (and I sincerely

> mean all - myself included) need to adapt to how we react to things. We need

> to realize that sometimes the professional thing to do is to take the high

> road.


> Five days ago, I didn't want the job of President. I had no interest in it

> whatsoever. I, like Rick, had reached my capacity of being able to handle the

> politics of LPA. I, along with most of my friends, had convinced myself that

> I wasn't going to do this...then I went to sleep Saturday night and my

> conscious kicked in. So, after a day of much contemplation on Sunday, I

> announced to the executive committee that I would be taking on the position.

> Yesterday, I announced to the board of directors and now, this is my

> announcement to you, our members who participate in this forum.


> I think it's been obvious to us all that the board has been disjointed and I

> think we now, more than ever, need to reaffirm our commitment to working

> together. I am in no way saying that our problems as a board are a reflection

> on Rick, or on any one board member for that matter. Rick is a good man who,

> perhaps out of pride, didn't ask for the help he needed and took on too much.

> And, perhaps I didn't offer to help enough, but these are things that we all

> learn. It's unfortunate that we often don't learn these lessons until it's

> too late.


> I'm tired of the bickering that has disabled LPA’s board and I am beyond the

> point of being able to tolerate it one more minute. I need your help, as

> members, to begin combating the attitudes amongst us that are pulling our

> organization down. I am simply no longer interested in 'us' versus 'them',

> and I'm certainly ready to disengage the past and focus on the future.


> We are all decent members of this organization trying to do what is right. I

> try do things that I believe are logical, proper and fair, not what I believe

> will make me popular...which I realize doesn't make me popular. I am not

> perfect - none of us are. I am just as fallible as anyone and I will make

> mistakes. I think sometimes we forget that we are volunteers. We all would

> like to see this organization skyrocket to being the best of the best. I'm

> not advocating for mediocrity, but we need to do the best we can do and hope

> that we can propel LPA to the next level.


> LPA and its board needs to have an atmosphere where opinions are valued

> whether you agree with them or not. Just know, however, that I will not

> tolerate infighting and I will not tolerate mudslinging. In no way am I

> trying to stifle ideas or opinions, but we need to be creative and express

> ourselves in a manner that is respectful to everyone. It's time for the

> members of the board to reevaluate why we ran for office...I'm sure it was

> because we wanted to help LPA (Why would anyone run with the intent of giving

> him/herself an ulcer over politics?!)


> I don't mean to babble on, but this weekend I had to reevaluate my intentions

> and purpose. I hope you all will do the same so that we can move forward and

> take on a new day.


> Tricia Mason

> President, Little People of America

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Thank you Ms. Mason. Hopefully this means that the Strategic Planning

Initiative is still a go. For those who aren't familiar with this plan, it

involves bringing in an outside facilitator -- an expert in organizational

planning -- to aid our leaders in the development of a plan for LPA's

future. It is a very smart move by the Board.


> Dear Members of LPA and other interested parties;


> Last evening I wrote a letter, similar to this one, to the board of

> directors.

> I am writing to you all today to ask for your help in alleviating some of

> the

> tension that has built over the past few months within our organization.

> While I understand the first gut reaction to respond to every e-mail that

> is

> inflammatory, sometimes it's just better to let things go.


> While it may appear to some of you that things are out of control and

> completely chaotic, I don’t think that is the case. We have indeed had a

> set

> back with the newsletter and some other projects, but we are trying

> desperately to get things back up to speed.


> There is no doubt that feelings have been hurt and reputations tainted in

> the

> last year, but the time has come for us all to move on. I think the way

> best

> way the board can prove to our members that we truly have their best

> interest

> at heart is by changing our actions and deciding that we all (and I

> sincerely

> mean all - myself included) need to adapt to how we react to things. We

> need

> to realize that sometimes the professional thing to do is to take the high

> road.


> Five days ago, I didn't want the job of President. I had no interest in

> it

> whatsoever. I, like Rick, had reached my capacity of being able to handle

> the

> politics of LPA. I, along with most of my friends, had convinced myself

> that

> I wasn't going to do this...then I went to sleep Saturday night and my

> conscious kicked in. So, after a day of much contemplation on Sunday, I

> announced to the executive committee that I would be taking on the

> position.

> Yesterday, I announced to the board of directors and now, this is my

> announcement to you, our members who participate in this forum.


> I think it's been obvious to us all that the board has been disjointed and

> I

> think we now, more than ever, need to reaffirm our commitment to working

> together. I am in no way saying that our problems as a board are a

> reflection

> on Rick, or on any one board member for that matter. Rick is a good man

> who,

> perhaps out of pride, didn't ask for the help he needed and took on too

> much.

> And, perhaps I didn't offer to help enough, but these are things that we

> all

> learn. It's unfortunate that we often don't learn these lessons until

> it's

> too late.


> I'm tired of the bickering that has disabled LPA’s board and I am beyond

> the

> point of being able to tolerate it one more minute. I need your help, as

> members, to begin combating the attitudes amongst us that are pulling our

> organization down. I am simply no longer interested in 'us' versus

> 'them',

> and I'm certainly ready to disengage the past and focus on the future.


> We are all decent members of this organization trying to do what is right.

> I

> try do things that I believe are logical, proper and fair, not what I

> believe

> will make me popular...which I realize doesn't make me popular. I am not

> perfect - none of us are. I am just as fallible as anyone and I will make

> mistakes. I think sometimes we forget that we are volunteers. We all

> would

> like to see this organization skyrocket to being the best of the best.

> I'm

> not advocating for mediocrity, but we need to do the best we can do and

> hope

> that we can propel LPA to the next level.


> LPA and its board needs to have an atmosphere where opinions are valued

> whether you agree with them or not. Just know, however, that I will not

> tolerate infighting and I will not tolerate mudslinging. In no way am I

> trying to stifle ideas or opinions, but we need to be creative and express

> ourselves in a manner that is respectful to everyone. It's time for the

> members of the board to reevaluate why we ran for office...I'm sure it was

> because we wanted to help LPA (Why would anyone run with the intent of

> giving

> him/herself an ulcer over politics?!)


> I don't mean to babble on, but this weekend I had to reevaluate my

> intentions

> and purpose. I hope you all will do the same so that we can move forward

> and

> take on a new day.


> Tricia Mason

> President, Little People of America




> ===


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  • 3 years later...

Tawny and group;

Yes the ben gay helps a lot.. I forgot to ask rheumy for the other

rub on while I was there last time... Pain patches help a lot

also... but you cant have them on 24-7 only 12 hours a day so I don't

wear them at nignt... Need them more during the day...

Yes after I got up Cliff comes in living room and said why are you

up.. when he finds I am not there in bed with him haaaaaaaaaaa...

yes ty tawny please keep praying for me.. Don't forget to pray for a

cure for arthritis...

I see a lot of us get up at night with some pain somewhere on our

bodies.. Tossing and turning sure makes the night boring... I read

where a lot of us can't stay on the pc's for long because of body

pain... thats why it takes me all day to post and read... I start in

the morning and take breaks in between..

Sometimes got to stop on the pc to do other things to like wash

dishes, go to doctors ect... How ever it is dissactrous if not on pc

at all one day... haaaaaaaa. Each day I get about 100 e-mail from any

time of the day..

If missing my pc one day means the next is 200 next is 400 next is

800 like doubling a penny every day and end up in the millions in a

month... Like Barbara did when she was in the hospital... I had to

tell Barbara to delete and start over...

Tawny you are always here for us too.. so when you are gone a day or

two you are sorely missed.. God bless and take care on to the next

red flagged post I go...

gentle hugs



> (((Clora)))


> I'm sorrry your flaring, no fun! I do know what you mean, it never


> away. We just have to tolerate it, best we can. I've had nights


> that, where you can't sleep. You just move from one side to the


> side. The only thing you can do is get up.


> That is usually my night, watching tv and computer time. Until my


> is ready for bed. Its hard on family, they just don't understand


> Its a trying disease to live with.


> I hope the ben gay helps you. How about your patches? I hope you


> better. I will keep you in my prayers, and try to get some rest


> I know your always here for us, but take care, Tawny

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Hi Clora,

Hope your feeling better today. Glad the ben gay helped too, that stuff

does work pretty good sometimes. You are right, can't have the patches

on all the time. Just make a note to ask the doc for the gel I was

telling you about. I think its amazing.

I'm being lazy today, just not feeling well. I have two appointments

this week, my daughter has a dental exam tomorrow, and I see the ortho

Thursday about my heel. So, no lounging around for me:(

My hubby use to come in, look at the clock, and ask what I'm doing,lol

Now, he's not so bad. He's only home 3-4 days a week too. He still

wakes up though sometimes, after I've been up wee hours of the

morning,and say, " what time is it? " He understands my pain now.

We all go through pain, and we do whatever we can to forget about it,

not always easy. Sometimes, I can't stand to be on the PC for long. I

try to get caught up on my emails and posts, that is about all I do.

I know what you mean, to catch up is so overwhelming. Sometimes, there

is just no way, and the group understands. Its so nice to hear from you

also. When were all feeling bad, and then to read your upbeat posts,

its just so nice.

You take care, and enjoy your evening, Tawny


> Tawny and group;


> Yes the ben gay helps a lot.. I forgot to ask rheumy for the other

> rub on while I was there last time... Pain patches help a lot

> also... but you cant have them on 24-7 only 12 hours a day so I don't

> wear them at nignt... Need them more during the day...


> Yes after I got up Cliff comes in living room and said why are you

> up.. when he finds I am not there in bed with him haaaaaaaaaaa...

> yes ty tawny please keep praying for me.. Don't forget to pray for a

> cure for arthritis...


> I see a lot of us get up at night with some pain somewhere on our

> bodies.. Tossing and turning sure makes the night boring... I read

> where a lot of us can't stay on the pc's for long because of body

> pain... thats why it takes me all day to post and read... I start in

> the morning and take breaks in between..


> Sometimes got to stop on the pc to do other things to like wash

> dishes, go to doctors ect... How ever it is dissactrous if not on pc

> at all one day... haaaaaaaa. Each day I get about 100 e-mail from any

> time of the day..


> If missing my pc one day means the next is 200 next is 400 next is

> 800 like doubling a penny every day and end up in the millions in a

> month... Like Barbara did when she was in the hospital... I had to

> tell Barbara to delete and start over...


> Tawny you are always here for us too.. so when you are gone a day or

> two you are sorely missed.. God bless and take care on to the next

> red flagged post I go...


> gentle hugs

> Clora

> ****************************************************************

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Tawny and group

Nothing wrong with having a lazy day.. Sometimes being lazy is more

work than work haaaaaaaaaa... Last night I had some pain in my

heel.. I can't stop moving my feet when I go to bed.. I keep pushing

on one foot with the other foot thus causing them to cramp up and


Yes if we try to avoid a flare and act on a flare as soon as we feel

it coming we can feel so much better.. I have learned a lot of things

to help fight off flares from this group... I do my neck exersices

every day and they help so much.. I will complain about my neck pain

and Cliff my husband will say " Have you done your neck exercises

today. " haaaaaaaaaa.. even he knows it helps...

Today has been ok but I had a mild flare up and layed down for a

while... forgetting the pain is so hard but I watched some tv to get

my mind off it.. I had a headache to so I took one of my migrain

pills... The IBS has been flaring a lot lately.. I wonder if not

eating enough fruits and veggies can cause it to flare up...

When I read the heart felt posts from everyone to people I begin to

cope with my aches and pains.. God bless you and don't forget to

pray for arthritis cure...

gentle hugs



> Hi Clora,


> Hope your feeling better today. Glad the ben gay helped too, that


> does work pretty good sometimes. You are right, can't have the


> on all the time. Just make a note to ask the doc for the gel I was

> telling you about. I think its amazing.


> I'm being lazy today, just not feeling well. I have two


> this week, my daughter has a dental exam tomorrow, and I see the


> Thursday about my heel. So, no lounging around for me:(


> My hubby use to come in, look at the clock, and ask what I'm


> Now, he's not so bad. He's only home 3-4 days a week too. He still

> wakes up though sometimes, after I've been up wee hours of the

> morning,and say, " what time is it? " He understands my pain now.


> We all go through pain, and we do whatever we can to forget about


> not always easy. Sometimes, I can't stand to be on the PC for

long. I

> try to get caught up on my emails and posts, that is about all I do.


> I know what you mean, to catch up is so overwhelming. Sometimes,


> is just no way, and the group understands. Its so nice to hear

from you

> also. When were all feeling bad, and then to read your upbeat


> its just so nice.


> You take care, and enjoy your evening, Tawny






> >

> > Tawny and group;

> >

> > Yes the ben gay helps a lot.. I forgot to ask rheumy for the other

> > rub on while I was there last time... Pain patches help a lot

> > also... but you cant have them on 24-7 only 12 hours a day so I


> > wear them at nignt... Need them more during the day...

> >

> > Yes after I got up Cliff comes in living room and said why are you

> > up.. when he finds I am not there in bed with him haaaaaaaaaaa...

> > yes ty tawny please keep praying for me.. Don't forget to pray

for a

> > cure for arthritis...

> >

> > I see a lot of us get up at night with some pain somewhere on our

> > bodies.. Tossing and turning sure makes the night boring... I read

> > where a lot of us can't stay on the pc's for long because of body

> > pain... thats why it takes me all day to post and read... I start


> > the morning and take breaks in between..

> >

> > Sometimes got to stop on the pc to do other things to like wash

> > dishes, go to doctors ect... How ever it is dissactrous if not on


> > at all one day... haaaaaaaa. Each day I get about 100 e-mail from


> > time of the day..

> >

> > If missing my pc one day means the next is 200 next is 400 next is

> > 800 like doubling a penny every day and end up in the millions in


> > month... Like Barbara did when she was in the hospital... I had to

> > tell Barbara to delete and start over...

> >

> > Tawny you are always here for us too.. so when you are gone a day


> > two you are sorely missed.. God bless and take care on to the next

> > red flagged post I go...

> >

> > gentle hugs

> > Clora

> > ****************************************************************


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