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Re: OT: Do you have any pets?

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I have a Bernese Mountain Dog named Regita. She is truly my heart. She is

trained to pull carts and has been able to help me off the floor when my hips

are hurting. I have a bad habit of sitting on the floor to watch TV, clip

coupons, etc. Sometimes I get stuck, I ask her to come. Then I hold her collar

and tell her to pull, and up I go! I also have 3 Maine Coon cats, all

indoor. The link to her Dogster page is: _http://www.dogster.com/dogs/908267_'>http://www.dogster.com/dogs/908267_


Pets are the best!!!

Heidi in Mass.

In a message dated 10/24/2008 6:45:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kamilleon@... writes:

Let's lighten up the mood here! I am a huge dog lover and was

wondering...Let's lighten up the mood her

I am owned by 2 terribly spoiled mini schnauzers, Toby and . Both of

them were turned into a rescue and came to live with me in 2001 and 2002

respectively. They are, without a doubt, the best providers of love and support


could ever have! They keep all my secrets, do not gossip, and the BEST thing

is.... They don't talk back! hee hee

More on them and pics can be seen on their Dogster pages!

Toby's page: _http://www.dogster.http://wwhttp:_


's page: _http://www.dogster.http://wwhttp:_


*~ Kami ~*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Hi Kami,

I am a BIG dog lover!!! I have a yellow lab, two pyrenees pups, and a

doberman. I also have a cat and two cockatiels. Tawny


> Let's lighten up the mood here! I am a huge dog lover and was

wondering..... How many of us have pets?


> I am owned by 2 terribly spoiled mini schnauzers, Toby and . Both

of them were turned into a rescue and came to live with me in 2001 and

2002 respectively. They are, without a doubt, the best providers of love

and support I could ever have! They keep all my secrets, do not gossip,

and the BEST thing is.... They don't talk back! hee hee


> More on them and pics can be seen on their Dogster pages!


> Toby's page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25073


> 's page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25076



> *~ Kami ~*






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Good idea, Kami - WE HAVE PETS :)

Callie, 12, is a brilliantly colored calico short hair that was

adopted from our then vets office after her previous owners were

unable to take her with them to their new apartment. She came to us at

3 years old, already spayed, declawed and up-to-date on all her shots.

I will never forget the day we met. The vets opened her cage up, she

walked out, I walked up to her and she butted me in the forehead. It

was love at first site for us both.

UMA, 6, is a tuxedo colored long hair that was rescued from my

husband's workplace after the mama kitty had moved all but three of

her babies before the warehouse was closed for Labor Day weekend. They

didn't know the kittens were up there until that Monday when they

heard the mews of the two surviving kittens. UMA's eyes were barely

open and would mew if we got out of range. We bottle fed him for

several weeks until he could eat solids. He got his name from the

initials of hubby's workplace when we originally thought he was a she.

So as not to emasculate his male ego, we now call him Uma Puma :)

Molly, 3, is a black short hair that was rescued from a car in a junk

yard at 5 weeks of age and was lovingly referred to as my little

" smudge " because she was so fast and tiny. She was already pretty self

sufficient, but still was treated to the bottle for a couple of weeks

while she bonded with the rest of us. She is definitely my baby and is

still petite compared to Callie and UMA.

Squirt, 2, is an Ornate Box Turtle. We found her on an island in the

inter-coastal and it took us over a year to figure out what kind of

turtle she was until my daughter's science teacher helped us out. She

was only about the size of a quarter when we found her - we really

think someone dumped her there as salt water is not the natural

habitat for an Ornate Box turtle. She is now about the size of a fist

and very social with our daughter who talks to her all the time.

Our dog, Rosie was a chow/lab/shepherd mix that was rescued after

being abandoned, dehydrated and flea infested at around 6 weeks of age

in a neighborhood where a friend of mine lived. She was the coolest,

most loving and patient dog we had ever had, but unfortunately passed

away almost four years ago at the age of 9.

We've also " rescued " two baby squirrels also - " Lucky " was rescued

after he fell out of his tree nest and I caught Rosie throwing him up

in the air like a toy. We bottle fed him and raised him until he

started getting wild and then released him. " Baby " was also rescued

after falling out of her nest in one of our gutters. We bottle fed her

for a few days and then gave her to a friend of mine who raises squirrels.

As you can see, we're pet lovers. I can't imagine my home without

them. They are my peace when the RA/FMS gets to be too much.

Especially Molly - she'll sit on my chest and purr up a storm. I so

love that sound..............Doreen :)


> Let's lighten up the mood here! I am a huge dog lover and was

> wondering..... How many of us have pets?


> I am owned by 2 terribly spoiled mini schnauzers, Toby and .

> Both of them were turned into a rescue and came to live with me in

> 2001 and 2002 respectively. They are, without a doubt, the best

> providers of love and support I could ever have! They keep all my

> secrets, do not gossip, and the BEST thing is.... They don't talk

> back! hee hee


> More on them and pics can be seen on their Dogster pages!


> Toby's page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25073


> 's page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25076



> *~ Kami ~*


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Aw, Heidi, your Regita is beautiful! She has similar patterns in her

coloring as my cat Callie...........Doreen :)


> Hi,


> I have a Bernese Mountain Dog named Regita. She is truly my heart.

> She is trained to pull carts and has been able to help me off the

> floor when my hips are hurting. I have a bad habit of sitting on

> the floor to watch TV, clip coupons, etc. Sometimes I get stuck, I

> ask her to come. Then I hold her collar and tell her to pull, and

> up I go! I also have 3 Maine Coon cats, all indoor. The link to

> her Dogster page is: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/908267

> (http://www.dogster.com/dogs/908267)


> Pets are the best!!!


> Heidi in Mass.


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Hi Heidi:

She is a beautiful dog, and I loved her profile. She is a true " Snow

Lover " . Happy you have her.




> Hi,


> I have a Bernese Mountain Dog named Regita. She is truly my heart. She


> trained to pull carts and has been able to help me off the floor when

my hips

> are hurting. I have a bad habit of sitting on the floor to watch TV,


> coupons, etc. Sometimes I get stuck, I ask her to come. Then I hold

her collar

> and tell her to pull, and up I go! I also have 3 Maine Coon cats, all

> indoor. The link to her Dogster page is:


> (http://www.dogster.com/dogs/908267)


> Pets are the best!!!


> Heidi in Mass.



> In a message dated 10/24/2008 6:45:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> kamilleon@... writes:





> Let's lighten up the mood here! I am a huge dog lover and was

> wondering...Let's lighten up the mood her


> I am owned by 2 terribly spoiled mini schnauzers, Toby and . Both


> them were turned into a rescue and came to live with me in 2001 and


> respectively. They are, without a doubt, the best providers of love

and support I

> could ever have! They keep all my secrets, do not gossip, and the BEST


> is.... They don't talk back! hee hee


> More on them and pics can be seen on their Dogster pages!


> Toby's page: _http://www.dogster.http://wwhttp:_

> (http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25073)


> 's page: _http://www.dogster.http://wwhttp:_

> (http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25076)


> *~ Kami ~*



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I have 2 dogs, Macey who has just turned 5(kelpie X blue heeler X

german shepherd & who's knows what else) & Bonnie or Boo Boo (as I

have been calling her of late) who is about 4 1/2yrs & is a Staffy.

They are both black. Macey has one upright & one floppy ear...so cute,

& she has the cutest feet too, lol.

I have been teaching Macey how to climb a ladder so that if her Frisbee

(or one of her other 600 odd toys -that might be an exaggeration :) )

end up on the roof or in a tree she can get them herself. Not yet sure

though how she is going to go carring the ladder & setting it up but

will cross that bridge when we get to it!

We also have a Black cat (with white markings) called Louie (aka,

OOuie , BAD CAT!!! , LOUIE!!! , black cat farting, daft moggy, black

cat stinky & so on & so forth...)

& most recently we got 4 Australorp chicks, which will definately

be " pet chickens " . They are as yet nameless, so if you have any

suggestions it would be most appreciated, lol.

Also have some fish, goldfish & Australian native rainbow fish. We have

a family of Apostle birds which are almost pets. They have nearly

fledged 2 chicks, they are still in the tree but out of the nest. & we

have a family of magpies that are also almost pets. they are still

nesting so we don't know yet how many young they will have this year.

we have seen 2 lots with this pair. they reared 2 last year (they had 3

but sadly we found one dead in our shed a few weeks after they fledged

from nest) & they reared 3 the year before.




> We did have 3 loving, adorable cats, each with their own distict

> personality. Sadly though in the past 13 months each one passed away.

> Hopefully next week we can go to the local animal shelter and get 3

> more cats.

> Debbie L


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I am a huuuuge animal lover and have two Basset Hounds which we

adopted last year when our German Shepherd died (he was 12 years :-()

Quite possibly the funniest dogs I have ever had - not too bright



> Let's lighten up the mood here! I am a huge dog lover and was

wondering..... How many of us have pets?


> I am owned by 2 terribly spoiled mini schnauzers, Toby and .

Both of them were turned into a rescue and came to live with me in

2001 and 2002 respectively. They are, without a doubt, the best

providers of love and support I could ever have! They keep all my

secrets, do not gossip, and the BEST thing is.... They don't talk

back! hee hee


> More on them and pics can be seen on their Dogster pages!


> Toby's page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25073


> 's page: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/25076



> *~ Kami ~*






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Sharon, your pets sound adorable!! Especially the Australorp chicks.

As for names, the first thing that came to mind was Hewie, Dewie,

Lewie and - but those were all ducks, so that won't work *lol*.

I can't think of any famous chickens, except Foghorn Leghorn (?), and

I think that little one with the glasses that was so inquisitive was

just called " Boy " . Hmmmmmm - some early morning brain stretching

*lol*. Good luck with the names. It also sounds like you have a way

with animals - especially the birds. Do we have a Doctor Doolittle of

the aviary world amongst us?. You'll have to let us know if Macey ever

masters the art of retrieving her own toys. That would certainly be a

story with some laughs!!.........Doreen :)


> I have 2 dogs, Macey who has just turned 5(kelpie X blue heeler X

> german shepherd & who's knows what else) & Bonnie or Boo Boo (as I

> have been calling her of late) who is about 4 1/2yrs & is a Staffy.

> They are both black. Macey has one upright & one floppy ear...so

> cute, & she has the cutest feet too, lol.


> I have been teaching Macey how to climb a ladder so that if her

> Frisbee (or one of her other 600 odd toys -that might be an

> exaggeration :) ) end up on the roof or in a tree she can get them

> herself. Not yet sure though how she is going to go carring the

> ladder & setting it up but will cross that bridge when we get to it!


> We also have a Black cat (with white markings) called Louie (aka,

> OOuie , BAD CAT!!! , LOUIE!!! , black cat farting, daft moggy,

> black cat stinky & so on & so forth...)


> & most recently we got 4 Australorp chicks, which will definately

> be " pet chickens " . They are as yet nameless, so if you have any

> suggestions it would be most appreciated, lol.


> Also have some fish, goldfish & Australian native rainbow fish. We

> have a family of Apostle birds which are almost pets. They have

> nearly fledged 2 chicks, they are still in the tree but out of the

> nest. & we have a family of magpies that are also almost pets. they

> are still nesting so we don't know yet how many young they will

> have this year. we have seen 2 lots with this pair. they reared 2

> last year (they had 3 but sadly we found one dead in our shed a few

> weeks after they fledged from nest) & they reared 3 the year before.


> Sharon


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Doreen & Group,

I'm really lucky to be in the position to have the pets & animals I do.

I cannot imagine living in the city & not being able to have some of


Thank you for the name suggestions, however lets not jinx them! We are

hoping they are all GIRLS!! lol. I'm thinking along the lines of naming

them after " problem girls " like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton...When I

get home from work at 9pm they are still up & " talking " & won't got to

bed no matter what my Mum does.



> Sharon, your pets sound adorable!! Especially the Australorp chicks.

> As for names, the first thing that came to mind was Hewie, Dewie,

> Lewie and - but those were all ducks, so that won't work *lol*.

> I can't think of any famous chickens, except Foghorn Leghorn (?), and

> I think that little one with the glasses that was so inquisitive was

> just called " Boy " . Hmmmmmm - some early morning brain stretching

> *lol*. Good luck with the names. It also sounds like you have a way

> with animals - especially the birds. Do we have a Doctor Doolittle of

> the aviary world amongst us?. You'll have to let us know if Macey ever

> masters the art of retrieving her own toys. That would certainly be a

> story with some laughs!!.........Doreen :)


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I too love animals, We have several outside cats the tend to get dumped out on

our acreage, Then we ave Olie who is a pure bred male white poodel, Katrina also

known as cricket who is a pure bred pomeranian, and my baby Zena whos is a pure

bred Japanese Chin, Zena and Olie now have three babies which are called

poo-chins and oh so cute. Founf a home for one. Two to go. It we keep them

arounf to long I have a tough time letting them go. I have sent dogs to Michigan

and Florida both but most stay right around here. There is no better therapy

than an ani,al in my eyes


Vicki :}

[ ] Re: OT: Do you have any pets?

Doreen & Group,

I'm really lucky to be in the position to have the pets & animals I do.

I cannot imagine living in the city & not being able to have some of


Thank you for the name suggestions, however lets not jinx them! We are

hoping they are all GIRLS!! lol. I'm thinking along the lines of naming

them after " problem girls " like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton...When I

get home from work at 9pm they are still up & " talking " & won't got to

bed no matter what my Mum does.



> Sharon, your pets sound adorable!! Especially the Australorp chicks.

> As for names, the first thing that came to mind was Hewie, Dewie,

> Lewie and - but those were all ducks, so that won't work *lol*.

> I can't think of any famous chickens, except Foghorn Leghorn (?), and

> I think that little one with the glasses that was so inquisitive was

> just called " Boy " . Hmmmmmm - some early morning brain stretching

> *lol*. Good luck with the names. It also sounds like you have a way

> with animals - especially the birds. Do we have a Doctor Doolittle of

> the aviary world amongst us?. You'll have to let us know if Macey ever

> masters the art of retrieving her own toys. That would certainly be a

> story with some laughs!!.........Doreen :)


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**LOL** Sharon, that is too funny - still up & " talking " , huh? So,

sounds like they'll be Britney, Paris and Lindsey, eh? Who's the 4th

bad girl - hmmmmm - OH YEAH! That one chick that just crossed over to

country music - oh, what's her name..... Simpson! There you

have it - four girl names. We'll just put and his nephews on

the back burner for the time being. I don't want to jinx you

***lol***.....Doreen :D


> Doreen & Group,


> I'm really lucky to be in the position to have the pets & animals I

> do. I cannot imagine living in the city & not being able to have

> some of them.

> Thank you for the name suggestions, however lets not jinx them! We

> are hoping they are all GIRLS!! lol. I'm thinking along the lines

> of naming them after " problem girls " like Britney Spears, Paris

> Hilton...When I get home from work at 9pm they are still up &

> " talking " & won't got to bed no matter what my Mum does.


> Sharon.


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