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Re: 12/30 QotD

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*Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

~From when I was very young, I can remember my sister and I being left alone on New Year's Eve, while my parents went out to parties. We were allowed to stay up until they got back home. I can remember how excited I used to be when they'd bring the sparkly party hats and noise makers home to us... but how scared I was because they'd been drinking way too much.

On New Year's day, we always ate pork roast and sauerkraut... German tradition to bring good luck in the new year.

*How do you celebrate the occasion now?

~New Year's Eve has ALWAYS been spent at home with our kids... staying up watching movies, then watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV. No alcohol. Not even a little wine or champagne. We want our kids to know that it is possible to celebrate without alcohol. Trying to set a good example. Now, after they move out of the house... that little tradition might change! LOL! I haven't had a drink since I was in my early 20's.... and when my youngest leaves home, I'm gonna sit down and have me a fuzzy navel!

New Year's Day we go to my parents' house for roast pork and sauerkraut. Hubby also has German roots and its his favorite meal.



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*Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

~From when I was very young, I can remember my sister and I being left alone on New Year's Eve, while my parents went out to parties. We were allowed to stay up until they got back home. I can remember how excited I used to be when they'd bring the sparkly party hats and noise makers home to us... but how scared I was because they'd been drinking way too much.

On New Year's day, we always ate pork roast and sauerkraut... German tradition to bring good luck in the new year.

*How do you celebrate the occasion now?

~New Year's Eve has ALWAYS been spent at home with our kids... staying up watching movies, then watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV. No alcohol. Not even a little wine or champagne. We want our kids to know that it is possible to celebrate without alcohol. Trying to set a good example. Now, after they move out of the house... that little tradition might change! LOL! I haven't had a drink since I was in my early 20's.... and when my youngest leaves home, I'm gonna sit down and have me a fuzzy navel!

New Year's Day we go to my parents' house for roast pork and sauerkraut. Hubby also has German roots and its his favorite meal.



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*Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

~From when I was very young, I can remember my sister and I being left alone on New Year's Eve, while my parents went out to parties. We were allowed to stay up until they got back home. I can remember how excited I used to be when they'd bring the sparkly party hats and noise makers home to us... but how scared I was because they'd been drinking way too much.

On New Year's day, we always ate pork roast and sauerkraut... German tradition to bring good luck in the new year.

*How do you celebrate the occasion now?

~New Year's Eve has ALWAYS been spent at home with our kids... staying up watching movies, then watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV. No alcohol. Not even a little wine or champagne. We want our kids to know that it is possible to celebrate without alcohol. Trying to set a good example. Now, after they move out of the house... that little tradition might change! LOL! I haven't had a drink since I was in my early 20's.... and when my youngest leaves home, I'm gonna sit down and have me a fuzzy navel!

New Year's Day we go to my parents' house for roast pork and sauerkraut. Hubby also has German roots and its his favorite meal.



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> *Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were

> growing up? *How do you celebrate the occasion now?

When I was growing up, we all (6 aunts, uncles, parents, spouses

and lots and lots of kids) went to my grandmother's house New

Year's Day, ate then popped the last of our Christmas firecrackers

and other fireworks.

Now that I'm the grandma, as many of my kids and their children

and their spouses as well as my mother and sister come to my

house on New Year's Eve. We play board games and eat (of

course!). Sometimes we have sparklers for the little ones to

light. They go home before midnight since Grandma and Grandpa

aren't inclined to stay up so late! :)

Sometimes we all get together for lunch on New Year's, but there's

no tradition to it. I refuse to eat black-eyed peas most years since I

don't care for them much. Pinto beans are another matter---I love



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> *Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were

> growing up? *How do you celebrate the occasion now?

When I was growing up, we all (6 aunts, uncles, parents, spouses

and lots and lots of kids) went to my grandmother's house New

Year's Day, ate then popped the last of our Christmas firecrackers

and other fireworks.

Now that I'm the grandma, as many of my kids and their children

and their spouses as well as my mother and sister come to my

house on New Year's Eve. We play board games and eat (of

course!). Sometimes we have sparklers for the little ones to

light. They go home before midnight since Grandma and Grandpa

aren't inclined to stay up so late! :)

Sometimes we all get together for lunch on New Year's, but there's

no tradition to it. I refuse to eat black-eyed peas most years since I

don't care for them much. Pinto beans are another matter---I love



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> *Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were

> growing up? *How do you celebrate the occasion now?

When I was growing up, we all (6 aunts, uncles, parents, spouses

and lots and lots of kids) went to my grandmother's house New

Year's Day, ate then popped the last of our Christmas firecrackers

and other fireworks.

Now that I'm the grandma, as many of my kids and their children

and their spouses as well as my mother and sister come to my

house on New Year's Eve. We play board games and eat (of

course!). Sometimes we have sparklers for the little ones to

light. They go home before midnight since Grandma and Grandpa

aren't inclined to stay up so late! :)

Sometimes we all get together for lunch on New Year's, but there's

no tradition to it. I refuse to eat black-eyed peas most years since I

don't care for them much. Pinto beans are another matter---I love



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Hamilton & Feeser wrote:

*Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

Well the only thing I guess we did that was an every year occurence was that momma always made blackeyed peas and hog jowl and salt pork, cornbread and cabbage. We all sat down to eat that at 12:00 noon sharp. I loved all of it but even if I didn't I would have still been made to eat it because she was from old school and truly believed that if we did not eat it our family would be cursed all year long. I still make the cornbread. peas, cabbage and salt pork and eat it on New Year's Day. I love all those things, but, I do not eat very much of the meat because of my health now.

*How do you celebrate the occasion now?

Now the first thing I do is call everyone back home right at midnight and wish them a Happy New year. I have did this ever since I moved here to Texas. All my family looks forward to that. They say that is I don't call then the New year has not arrived!! LOL My husband, daughter, brother and I use to just watch tv all night and then at midnight we had fireworks we set off and drank soda and eat pizza and popcorn and rarely did we go to bed at all. Over the years we changed up a little especially after my daughter got married and my brother got married. Now we either go to one of the other's house and we eat on New year's Day and just visit. and I would sit up and bring the New year in and we still call everyone back home and we still eat snacks and drink soda. We are invitied every year to celebrate the comming up year but it usually involves drinking and neither of

us drinks so we always turn them down. This year however we are going to someone's house and play chicken foot and spoons and have a "party" to bring in the New year. I am sure there will be some drinking but Chrales and I are taking our own drinks, Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper!!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful celebration no matter what you decide to do. HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH LOVE pepper

EMAIL SUPPORT TEXAS-STYLE!!Visit us on the web: http://www.texastops.org __________________________________________________

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Hamilton & Feeser wrote:

*Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

Well the only thing I guess we did that was an every year occurence was that momma always made blackeyed peas and hog jowl and salt pork, cornbread and cabbage. We all sat down to eat that at 12:00 noon sharp. I loved all of it but even if I didn't I would have still been made to eat it because she was from old school and truly believed that if we did not eat it our family would be cursed all year long. I still make the cornbread. peas, cabbage and salt pork and eat it on New Year's Day. I love all those things, but, I do not eat very much of the meat because of my health now.

*How do you celebrate the occasion now?

Now the first thing I do is call everyone back home right at midnight and wish them a Happy New year. I have did this ever since I moved here to Texas. All my family looks forward to that. They say that is I don't call then the New year has not arrived!! LOL My husband, daughter, brother and I use to just watch tv all night and then at midnight we had fireworks we set off and drank soda and eat pizza and popcorn and rarely did we go to bed at all. Over the years we changed up a little especially after my daughter got married and my brother got married. Now we either go to one of the other's house and we eat on New year's Day and just visit. and I would sit up and bring the New year in and we still call everyone back home and we still eat snacks and drink soda. We are invitied every year to celebrate the comming up year but it usually involves drinking and neither of

us drinks so we always turn them down. This year however we are going to someone's house and play chicken foot and spoons and have a "party" to bring in the New year. I am sure there will be some drinking but Chrales and I are taking our own drinks, Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper!!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful celebration no matter what you decide to do. HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH LOVE pepper

EMAIL SUPPORT TEXAS-STYLE!!Visit us on the web: http://www.texastops.org __________________________________________________

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Hamilton & Feeser wrote:

*Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

Well the only thing I guess we did that was an every year occurence was that momma always made blackeyed peas and hog jowl and salt pork, cornbread and cabbage. We all sat down to eat that at 12:00 noon sharp. I loved all of it but even if I didn't I would have still been made to eat it because she was from old school and truly believed that if we did not eat it our family would be cursed all year long. I still make the cornbread. peas, cabbage and salt pork and eat it on New Year's Day. I love all those things, but, I do not eat very much of the meat because of my health now.

*How do you celebrate the occasion now?

Now the first thing I do is call everyone back home right at midnight and wish them a Happy New year. I have did this ever since I moved here to Texas. All my family looks forward to that. They say that is I don't call then the New year has not arrived!! LOL My husband, daughter, brother and I use to just watch tv all night and then at midnight we had fireworks we set off and drank soda and eat pizza and popcorn and rarely did we go to bed at all. Over the years we changed up a little especially after my daughter got married and my brother got married. Now we either go to one of the other's house and we eat on New year's Day and just visit. and I would sit up and bring the New year in and we still call everyone back home and we still eat snacks and drink soda. We are invitied every year to celebrate the comming up year but it usually involves drinking and neither of

us drinks so we always turn them down. This year however we are going to someone's house and play chicken foot and spoons and have a "party" to bring in the New year. I am sure there will be some drinking but Chrales and I are taking our own drinks, Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper!!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful celebration no matter what you decide to do. HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH LOVE pepper

EMAIL SUPPORT TEXAS-STYLE!!Visit us on the web: http://www.texastops.org __________________________________________________

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A yearning for sauerkraut only every few year? I can't wait to tell my children.lol. We always had it a couple of times a week when they were home. Not one of the 5 will eat a hot dog without it. When my older daughter was 6 months old it was her favorite food. Quite often I take one of the small cans to work for my lunch and eat it right out of the can. Good for you and almost no calories.

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Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

As long as I can remember, we always spent New Years with my parents (now deceased), and I really miss this. My mother always cooked blackeyed peas and cornbread.......and snacks, desserts. We mostly watched the New Year tv shows and/or played games. I can't remember what we did on New Years' eve before we had a TV. That's an interesting thought....will have to ask my sister if she remembers. I do remember that my Dad liked to visit other family and we probably went to visit other family........

We still kind of carry on this tradition.....and sometimes we go out to eat with my sister, bro-in-law & families.....play games.....and usually an old movie is going. Sometimes we watch old family movies. We like them but the kids get "bored". The older kids usually have parties to go too. We go out together on New Years' Day too.......and play games again. We're going to be celebrating my sister & bro-in-law's 50th wedding anniversary this year. We should be going out to eat but we're going to my daughter's for spaghetti.


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Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

As long as I can remember, we always spent New Years with my parents (now deceased), and I really miss this. My mother always cooked blackeyed peas and cornbread.......and snacks, desserts. We mostly watched the New Year tv shows and/or played games. I can't remember what we did on New Years' eve before we had a TV. That's an interesting thought....will have to ask my sister if she remembers. I do remember that my Dad liked to visit other family and we probably went to visit other family........

We still kind of carry on this tradition.....and sometimes we go out to eat with my sister, bro-in-law & families.....play games.....and usually an old movie is going. Sometimes we watch old family movies. We like them but the kids get "bored". The older kids usually have parties to go too. We go out together on New Years' Day too.......and play games again. We're going to be celebrating my sister & bro-in-law's 50th wedding anniversary this year. We should be going out to eat but we're going to my daughter's for spaghetti.


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Did you have any New Year's celebration traditions when you were growing up?

As long as I can remember, we always spent New Years with my parents (now deceased), and I really miss this. My mother always cooked blackeyed peas and cornbread.......and snacks, desserts. We mostly watched the New Year tv shows and/or played games. I can't remember what we did on New Years' eve before we had a TV. That's an interesting thought....will have to ask my sister if she remembers. I do remember that my Dad liked to visit other family and we probably went to visit other family........

We still kind of carry on this tradition.....and sometimes we go out to eat with my sister, bro-in-law & families.....play games.....and usually an old movie is going. Sometimes we watch old family movies. We like them but the kids get "bored". The older kids usually have parties to go too. We go out together on New Years' Day too.......and play games again. We're going to be celebrating my sister & bro-in-law's 50th wedding anniversary this year. We should be going out to eat but we're going to my daughter's for spaghetti.


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Good for you on the alcohol ban Janet! We don't drink either and we

manage to have tons of fun.

Now that you mentioned the roast pork and sauerkraut, you just

*have* to post your recipe! I love roast pork, but only have a

yearning for sauerkraut every few years. I don't think I know how to

cook it or buy the right brand or something. I am German also, but

don't ever remember my German grandmother or mother making it.

My Irish father, on the other hand, loved it!


> ~New Year's Eve has ALWAYS been spent at home with our kids... staying

> up watching movies, then watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV.

> No alcohol. Not even a little wine or champagne. We want our kids

> to know that it is possible to celebrate without alcohol. Trying to

> set a good example. Now, after they move out of the house... that

> little tradition might change! LOL! I haven't had a drink since I

> was in my early 20's.... and when my youngest leaves home, I'm gonna

> sit down and have me a fuzzy navel! New Year's Day we go to my

> parents' house for roast pork and sauerkraut. Hubby also has German

> roots and its his favorite meal. (((hugs))) Janet

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Do you rinse the sauerkraut before eating or heating it? On the few

times I do eat it, it is usually on a hot dog or a Reuben sandwich.

What brand to you buy?

I love lots and lots of cabbage in my homemade vegetable beef

soup. Right at the end of the cooking time I add a good bit of

vinegar. You'd think I'd like sauerkraut, but I don't. Once last year I

started making the soup when I realized I didn't have any fresh

cabbage. I opened a can of sauerkraut, rinsed it and put it in the

soup. Not a good choice!

I like the sound of " almost no calories " ! Please tell me your

sauerkraut secrets and get me out of my misery.


> Kathleen

> A yearning for sauerkraut only every few year? I can't wait to tell

> my

> children.lol. We always had it a couple of times a week when they

> were home. Not one of the 5 will eat a hot dog without it. When my

> older daughter was 6 months old it was her favorite food. Quite often

> I take one of the small cans to work for my lunch and eat it right out

> of the can. Good for you and almost no calories.


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I'm sure that some people would disagree with avoiding events to avoid possible temptations, but sometimes it just makes this neverending struggle a bit easier.

Deanna & Janet,

Y'all have to do what is BEST for you. You know your own weakness so do what works for you.

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I'm sure that some people would disagree with avoiding events to avoid possible temptations, but sometimes it just makes this neverending struggle a bit easier.

Deanna & Janet,

Y'all have to do what is BEST for you. You know your own weakness so do what works for you.

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We were really poor and we did not have a gas stove and the only way we had of cooking anything was over an old pot belly stove so all of our food were fried or boiled.

OH MY Goodness, did we grow up in the same house???

As a kid when we got home from school us kids were always starving (no money for lunch at school) so we would fix that bread and eat with jelly. Hurry and clean up the mess before mom came home and found it.

Many a time we had water gravy, before we got a milk cow on the farm, not our cow but my dad was allowed to milk it and keep the milk. Also we cooked on a wood stove and it also served as our heat system for a big old 2 story "breezy" farm house, and I do mean breezy, snowy, rainy, whatever the weather was outside it was that on parts of the inside as well. One room, where the stove was, was always to hot and the rest of the house was freezing cold. I grew up in Indiana and they had some really bad winters. nothing like what we call winter here in Texas.

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We were really poor and we did not have a gas stove and the only way we had of cooking anything was over an old pot belly stove so all of our food were fried or boiled.

OH MY Goodness, did we grow up in the same house???

As a kid when we got home from school us kids were always starving (no money for lunch at school) so we would fix that bread and eat with jelly. Hurry and clean up the mess before mom came home and found it.

Many a time we had water gravy, before we got a milk cow on the farm, not our cow but my dad was allowed to milk it and keep the milk. Also we cooked on a wood stove and it also served as our heat system for a big old 2 story "breezy" farm house, and I do mean breezy, snowy, rainy, whatever the weather was outside it was that on parts of the inside as well. One room, where the stove was, was always to hot and the rest of the house was freezing cold. I grew up in Indiana and they had some really bad winters. nothing like what we call winter here in Texas.

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>>>DEANNA WROTE>>>We have been invited to a New Year potluck at a local church. We may not go - I don't want to be exposed to any more temptations until I get rid of what I've already gained during the holidays.

Deanna, I'm finding that I sometimes avoid doing certain things because I don't want to be tempted, too. I don't trust myself to always make the best choices. I've found that I don't enjoy taking my mom shopping in Austin, Waco, etc. anymore because any roadtrip inevitably involves eating out somewhere special. I'd be happy to have chili at 's or a salad from Subway, but Mom likes to eat out somewhere really "good" whenever we go shopping. It's hard to make good choices at Ninfa's in Waco.... or Margarita's in Marble Falls... or the Stagecoach Inn in Salado, etc. We've been looking forward to doing the 10 K Volksmarch in Fredericksburg this weekend, but I told my mom that I have too much going on right now... It would end up being an overnighter, which would mean eating several meals out... and eating out with mom would "undo" any positive benefits of the 10 K.

So, I understand your concerns regarding the potluck at your church. I'm sure that some people would disagree with avoiding events to avoid possible temptations, but sometimes it just makes this neverending struggle a bit easier.



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>>>PEPPER WROTE>>> we mostly had fried flitters(flidders) and lots of gravy sometimes water gravy,

Okay, I've gotta ask.... what are fried flitters??? LOL!

Just wonderin',


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>>>CLARA WROTE>>>When I was growing up my Mom & Dad had a country music/square dance band and they ALWAYS had New Year's eve gigs to play

That's sounds fun! There's a lady in our chapter who does square dancing... I hope that one of these days she'll do a program and show us a few basic steps.

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>>>CLARA WROTE>>>When I was growing up my Mom & Dad had a country music/square dance band and they ALWAYS had New Year's eve gigs to play

That's sounds fun! There's a lady in our chapter who does square dancing... I hope that one of these days she'll do a program and show us a few basic steps.

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>>>MARY WROTE>>>Now, if we have had rain I go to bed and sleep.If it is dry, like now, I stay up and make sure my idiot neighbors shooting off bottle rockets don't burn us down.I pray we have a big rain storm Friday night!!

LOL! You sound like me, Miss ! My teenagers' friends always want to come out to our house to shoot off fireworks because we live in the country. My kids always have to tell them that there is no way that their neurotic mom will ever allow fireworks! I even have a plan should the neighbors that live 40 acres over start a fire with their fireworks.... set the sprinkler up on the roof and quickly hook up the horsetrailer and load up Willow .... if there isn't enough time.... halter the horse and wade out to the middle of the stock pond with her! I keep the pastures surrounding the house mowed really short to prevent a fire from advancing too rapidly. There was a time during a drought a couple of years ago that I wanted hubby to till up a fire break lane around our property. The neighbors were clearing and burning brush during a very hot, dry summer. The one time that the fire got away from them, the wind was blowing from the south, so it burned across their other neighbors property, not ours.

I'm with you... hoping for rain on Friday!



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>>>MARY WROTE>>>Now, if we have had rain I go to bed and sleep.If it is dry, like now, I stay up and make sure my idiot neighbors shooting off bottle rockets don't burn us down.I pray we have a big rain storm Friday night!!

LOL! You sound like me, Miss ! My teenagers' friends always want to come out to our house to shoot off fireworks because we live in the country. My kids always have to tell them that there is no way that their neurotic mom will ever allow fireworks! I even have a plan should the neighbors that live 40 acres over start a fire with their fireworks.... set the sprinkler up on the roof and quickly hook up the horsetrailer and load up Willow .... if there isn't enough time.... halter the horse and wade out to the middle of the stock pond with her! I keep the pastures surrounding the house mowed really short to prevent a fire from advancing too rapidly. There was a time during a drought a couple of years ago that I wanted hubby to till up a fire break lane around our property. The neighbors were clearing and burning brush during a very hot, dry summer. The one time that the fire got away from them, the wind was blowing from the south, so it burned across their other neighbors property, not ours.

I'm with you... hoping for rain on Friday!



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