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Re: Envy

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Don't be so hard on yourself! How much post-op are you - the weight WILL

come off!!!! I am almost 10months post-op and I am down 98 pounds from my

pre-op weight but almost 120 pounds from my highest weight of 290. So you

see- I started out pretty much where you are and this am I weigh 170 pounds

and wear a size 14 pants!!! It is unbelievable to me!!! it will happen for

you too - just be patient and know you have alot of support here and people

who are behind you all the way!!!!

Carol H


MGB:01/07/2002 - Dr R



> I envy so many of you who started out at a smaller weight than I did. I

> started out at 295 and I've lost 55 pounds, but I still feel so fat and

> miserable. Hopefully, the high weight loss will linger around for a few


> months so that I can get down under 200. I think I will feel better then.


> Takes for the ear.


> Take care,

> Kirsten

> 07/23/02

> 295/240




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  • 2 weeks later...


It's easier for you to say because you have done " well " with your weight

loss. There are a few of us that have lost slower than the rest of you

folks. I'm not trying to wallow in self pitty because it's OK now. But those

first months were really hard. I didn't lose but 10 pounds that first month.

I've never had a really big month when I lost a whopping amount of weight.

I have only lost 81 pounds over 9 months.

I had a 2 1/2 month plateau of no weight loss. That was REALLY HARD TO DEAL

WITH! It was really tuff when I wasn't losing. Especially when I saw folks

that had surgery several months after me losing more weight than I had in

several weeks. I'm still in the 200's and had hoped I would be smaller than

I am at present. I'm not as obscessed as I was a few months ago and am

really OK with the slow loss. It's still loss and it's not going to come

back. I can do so much more than I could 9 months ago.

For you other slow losers, hang in there. You will lose...just not as fast

as some of the others. It's OK! You're still losing. It's just moving a

little slower as it glides away from our new selves!

in SC



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Hi Just wanted to let you know that the same thing happened to me. I think

it is individual's metabolism and different factors that has some lose

faster then others. So don't give up and remember your 81 lbs less then you

were in Feb...My date is Feb 28, 2001 and I have lost 100 lbs. But one of

my litter mates has lost 150 lbs and more and had plastic surgery and looks

wonderful... I am proud for her, but I have not reached that yet... but my

time will come just later... thats all.. Keep your chin up and keep on

moving forward...

Connie from Alabama


> Carol,


> It's easier for you to say because you have done " well " with your weight

> loss. There are a few of us that have lost slower than the rest of you

> folks. I'm not trying to wallow in self pitty because it's OK now. But


> first months were really hard. I didn't lose but 10 pounds that first


> I've never had a really big month when I lost a whopping amount of


> I have only lost 81 pounds over 9 months.

> I had a 2 1/2 month plateau of no weight loss. That was REALLY HARD TO


> WITH! It was really tuff when I wasn't losing. Especially when I saw


> that had surgery several months after me losing more weight than I had in

> several weeks. I'm still in the 200's and had hoped I would be smaller


> I am at present. I'm not as obscessed as I was a few months ago and am

> really OK with the slow loss. It's still loss and it's not going to come

> back. I can do so much more than I could 9 months ago.

> For you other slow losers, hang in there. You will lose...just not as


> as some of the others. It's OK! You're still losing. It's just moving a

> little slower as it glides away from our new selves!

> in SC

> 288/207

> 2/22/02



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  • 5 years later...


Your history makes mine look like a fairytale. Honey, have yourself a

pity party if it helps. You are entitled. I truly hope your new

rheummy and medications help.


--- In , " M Swayne " <lswayne@...>



> I envy all of you who can get off of Prednisone. When I was 2yrs.old


> was getting 2 shots of cortisone twice a day. When I was 10 yrs.old I

> was released from the hospital and put on one 5mg.of prednisone and 2

> aspirin before bed. When I was 40 I went to my first rheumatologest

> appointment. He added Celebrex to the mix. I was with him until I was

> 55yrs. old. Then because of my husband's job I changed Rhumy's again.

> In the last 4 years she has added Methatrexate, Folgard, and Calcium.

> And since I have been taking Prednisone forever, I am seeing a

> psychiatrist because I have become bi-polar. She added Valproic Acid

> and depracoat sprinkles.

> Thank you for listening to my pity party.

> Sorry for any misspellings.


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Hi - While I haven't been on Prednisone for nearly as long as

you have, I do feel your frustration. I've been on 10mg a day for

almost 2 weeks now and am ready to climb the walls. I don't like who I

am when I have to take it and I don't know if I'll be able to continue

at this dose until December like my Rheumy wants me to. Do your

doctors think that the Prednisone is what caused your bi-polar or do

they feel it was an underlying condition that was exasperated by it?

No apologies are necessary here. We are all entitle to our pity

parties from time to time. Hang in there. We care........Doreen :)


> I envy all of you who can get off of Prednisone. When I was

> 2yrs.old I was getting 2 shots of cortisone twice a day. When I was

> 10 yrs.old I was released from the hospital and put on one 5mg.of

> prednisone and 2 aspirin before bed. When I was 40 I went to my

> first rheumatologest appointment. He added Celebrex to the mix. I

> was with him until I was 55yrs. old. Then because of my husband's

> job I changed Rhumy's again. In the last 4 years she has added

> Methatrexate, Folgard, and Calcium. And since I have been taking

> Prednisone forever, I am seeing a psychiatrist because I have

> become bi-polar. She added Valproic Acid and depracoat sprinkles.

> Thank you for listening to my pity party.

> Sorry for any misspellings.


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Hi : I too, have tried many, many times to get off the Pred. and

have never been successful. The only reason I wanted to was due to my

weight gain. Other than that, it does wonders for my RA. I take 10mg.

a day, and I will stay on this dose until I see my Rheumy. It really is

a " wonder drug " for me, and I wish it was the same for you. Sorry you

are having mental health issues.

I hope things go better for you at your next Dr. appt. I pray you will

feel better soon, and wishing you pain free days also. I care.



> >

> > I envy all of you who can get off of Prednisone. When I was

> > 2yrs.old I was getting 2 shots of cortisone twice a day. When I was

> > 10 yrs.old I was released from the hospital and put on one 5mg.of

> > prednisone and 2 aspirin before bed. When I was 40 I went to my

> > first rheumatologest appointment. He added Celebrex to the mix. I

> > was with him until I was 55yrs. old. Then because of my husband's

> > job I changed Rhumy's again. In the last 4 years she has added

> > Methatrexate, Folgard, and Calcium. And since I have been taking

> > Prednisone forever, I am seeing a psychiatrist because I have

> > become bi-polar. She added Valproic Acid and depracoat sprinkles.

> > Thank you for listening to my pity party.

> > Sorry for any misspellings.

> >


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