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Re: Heart question

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In a message dated 8/1/2003 11:24:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

despratmom@... writes:

> does anyone have heart problems. has a doctor told you it is lyme related??

> ~SUE


Dear Sue-

YES!!!! Myself as well as my husband. My husband's is severe--- tachycardia

out of the blue.... his heart will race 240 beats/min. (average is 72). There

is also lyme carditis, which is what I get. Please ck out <A

HREF= " www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Oasis/6455/lyme-links.html " >


and there is tons of information there.

I truly also believe that babesia can contribute to heart complications.

It is known that borrelia bacteria (lyme) gets into the AV Node and

interrupts ones' natural pacemaker as well.

You may find also that your electrolytes have a MAJOR impact on this as well,

especially potassium and magnesium. This is easy to correct.

(You can also refer to <A HREF= " www.cassia.org " >www.cassia.org</A> and go to

bottom, click on DIAGNOSIS

and then next page click on When to Suspect LD. EXCELLENT article).

If anyone would like further info, plz don't hesitate to write me



sue massie, CNHP

Nature's Garden of Life

732 933-4011

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Cardiac problems are symptomatic of Lyme. Rita

Re: [ ]heart question

In a message dated 8/1/2003 11:24:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

despratmom@... writes:

> does anyone have heart problems. has a doctor told you it is lyme related??

> ~SUE


Dear Sue-

YES!!!! Myself as well as my husband. My husband's is severe--- tachycardia

out of the blue.... his heart will race 240 beats/min. (average is 72). There

is also lyme carditis, which is what I get. Please ck out <A

HREF= " www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Oasis/6455/lyme-links.html " >


and there is tons of information there.

I truly also believe that babesia can contribute to heart complications.

It is known that borrelia bacteria (lyme) gets into the AV Node and

interrupts ones' natural pacemaker as well.

You may find also that your electrolytes have a MAJOR impact on this as well,

especially potassium and magnesium. This is easy to correct.

(You can also refer to <A HREF= " www.cassia.org " >www.cassia.org</A> and go to

bottom, click on DIAGNOSIS

and then next page click on When to Suspect LD. EXCELLENT article).

If anyone would like further info, plz don't hesitate to write me



sue massie, CNHP

Nature's Garden of Life

732 933-4011

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  • 3 months later...

Yes indeed, those nasty spiros can infiltrate into heart muscle causing all

sorts of complications ranging from mild to life-threatening.

Include a cardio doc on your list of those to educate if he isn't a LLcardioMD



[ ] Re: Heart question

I believe it does affect the heart. I went to the hospital three

times because they thought I was having a heart attack, but never

could find anything wrong with my heart!


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On or about Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:58 PM [GMT+1=CET],

lindina2@... <lindina2@...> sprinkled letters onto the page, saying:

> I have a question regarding the heart. Can Lyme or fibromyalgia

> affect the

> heart? 3-1/2 years ago during a pre-op for knee surgery I failed the

> EEG. I

> was sent to a cardiologist and had a nuclear stress test but never

> saw a

> doctor. Nobody ever told me the results, but I had the surgery.

> When I switched

> doctors early this year, I failed the EEG there. They were

> contacting the

> facility that did the testing, but again, I have not been told

> anything. Last week

> during the functional capacity evaluation at the neurologist (testing

> heart/lung functions primarily), the technician said I have an

> irregular baseline. I

> mentioned it Tuesday at the pre-op and the nurse asked if I was

> seeing a

> doctor for it. I said no, but that I had the surgery following the

> initial stress

> test.


> I'm just wondering if there may be a link and would appreciate any

> feedback.


> in Fort Worth



I have had two heart attacks related to neuroborreliosis

Kezzi. . . . Cumbria, UK


The Samento Diaries - input your symptoms:


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  • 11 months later...

The universal herb for heart is hawthorn. Another is cactus

grandiflora. Many times people inherit heart problems -- look at how

the person's parents or grandparents expressed their love. Chances

are there is something about their heart's expression that is out of

balance.In my own family, both sides are totally shut when it comes to

expressing their concern/feelings for others. Can you imagine

Thanksgiving dinner with a group of people who never learned how to

speak from their hearts? It's pretty close to being at a morgue.

I'd work with scalar, color, work on heart chakra but balancing of all

of them. I'd work a lot in NLP, dispel 2nd brain wave. Anything to

get the person to open up their chest area. Visualization of pink

light mixed with gold circulating in the heart and down the arms.

Download the EFT MANUAL from the web and do the tapping. Tapping can

get one out of a pile of manure fast.

And don't forget in EEG program heart stablilization and the

balancing of the para and sympathetic systems.

is Rotella, M.Ac.

Arnold, Md.

> To all:


> Is there a way to help someone with a mitrovalve prolapse?


> Thanks.


> Jeanie Pasquale

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Hello is,

I am interested in finding out more about your background and how you incorporate the QXCI into your practice.

I am a licensed Social Worker who has been working with one practitioner in NJ, Schacter, as an introduction to the QXCI and it's many uses. I have taken great interest in the QXCI and am now doing my "due diligence" research to find out about the experiences (good/bad/indifferent) of other practioners like yourself.

If you would be so kind as to share some of your thoughts and experiences, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks you in advance,

Robin Rosnerjadespring2003 <jadespring2003@...> wrote:

The universal herb for heart is hawthorn. Another is cactusgrandiflora. Many times people inherit heart problems -- look at howthe person's parents or grandparents expressed their love. Chancesare there is something about their heart's expression that is out ofbalance.In my own family, both sides are totally shut when it comes toexpressing their concern/feelings for others. Can you imagineThanksgiving dinner with a group of people who never learned how tospeak from their hearts? It's pretty close to being at a morgue.I'd work with scalar, color, work on heart chakra but balancing of allof them. I'd work a lot in NLP, dispel 2nd brain wave. Anything toget the person to open up their chest area. Visualization of pinklight mixed with gold circulating in the heart and down the arms.

Download the EFT MANUAL from the web and do the tapping. Tapping canget one out of a pile of manure fast.And don't forget in EEG program heart stablilization and thebalancing of the para and sympathetic systems. is Rotella, M.Ac.Arnold, Md.> To all:> > Is there a way to help someone with a mitrovalve prolapse?> > Thanks.> > Jeanie Pasquale............................................

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Hello Jean:

I spoke yesterday afternoon with and she

called Mederal for information about putting the drops

in the ear. They said nothing stronger than 15X in

the ear. So 10X, 5X is stronger and these potencies

are in the vermi and fungi fuges. By mouth, then, is

best. She said garlic helps, do you have any garlic

oil that you could put in there? I am so sorry you

are still feeling these guys. Just keep doing the

homeopathics consistently and zaop the heck out of

them also. Any question, please call me. Also, I am

e-mailing because I accidentally tossed your phone

number - please send it again.



--- JPasquale <JPasqualeQXCI@...> wrote:

> To all:


> Is there a way to help someone with a mitrovalve

> prolapse?


> Thanks.


> Jeanie Pasquale



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  • 11 months later...

Yes. Nic had a Complete AV canal defect, ASD, Common valve and PDA repair at 11

weeks old. He is now 8 years old and we go every year.



This is a question for those of you that have children with av canal defect

repaired. Do you take your children in for an ultrasound and ekg every so often


, father to Allie(ds) and 3 other great kids.

Thank you

Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

messages to go to the sender of the message.

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Thanks to all of you for your unanimous response. Allie had av repaired at 6mos

and had check up at 1 year and 2 year. She is doing very well. Wih the recent

change of my medical benefits we will have to seek a new cardiologist. At the

last visit the cardioligist made no mention of another visit, but I am sure we

will be finding a new one right away and making an appointment. Oh, on a side

note you can tell when she gets hungry because she is very crabby and says no to

everything, lol

Thanks again for the response


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  • 3 months later...

Question for you: have you yet posted any report on your MRSA usage?

We really really really need it if you have not. This is vital.

The mfr of the device might have an answer. It is DC current of less

than one milliamp in our devices, be sure you tell them that. Up to

you to find this out. Far as I know it's a no-no because the devices

are electrically sensitive. But these devices have been improved a lot

since they first came out. Find out from the mfr. I would not even

take a doctor's OK on it, the mfr would be the ones...they are




> I have been on this list for some time, and have used the device for

> MRSA....I should have used it for the problems I had last November. I

> ended up in the hospital with viral cardiomyopothy (sp?) and

> congestive heart failure. I only wish.....


> Anyway, I now am equipped with a defibrillator. Does anyone know if I

> can use the devise without bothering my implant? I sure would hate to

> believe in this but be unable to use it for flu or whatever. I do not

> think I can ask my heart specialist as he thinks it's pretty neat I am

> doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure " diet....


> Any suggestions?




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Another thought: you will make it just fine, be healthier than

people without the defibrilator, now that you know how to say

godzilla. We will find a way around this. Thanks for hanging in

there. Hope your MRSA " s fine...is it? jeez I hope so.


> >

> > I have been on this list for some time, and have used the device


> > MRSA....I should have used it for the problems I had last

November. I

> > ended up in the hospital with viral cardiomyopothy (sp?) and

> > congestive heart failure. I only wish.....

> >

> > Anyway, I now am equipped with a defibrillator. Does anyone know

if I

> > can use the devise without bothering my implant? I sure would

hate to

> > believe in this but be unable to use it for flu or whatever. I

do not

> > think I can ask my heart specialist as he thinks it's pretty neat

I am

> > doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure " diet....

> >

> > Any suggestions?

> >

> >

> >


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Thanks for the advice, I will write them. As far as

MRSA, we have been free of it for a year now. I used

the godzilla on it when I had it and I am convinced it

worked, lessened the time.

If we get another outbreak, we will let you know. I

hope to heavens we don't until I get this question

answered as to whether or not I can use it.


--- baby_grand <bobluhrs@...> wrote:

> Question for you: have you yet posted any report on

> your MRSA usage?

> We really really really need it if you have not.

> This is vital.


> The mfr of the device might have an answer. It is

> DC current of less

> than one milliamp in our devices, be sure you tell

> them that. Up to

> you to find this out. Far as I know it's a no-no

> because the devices

> are electrically sensitive. But these devices have

> been improved a lot

> since they first came out. Find out from the mfr.

> I would not even

> take a doctor's OK on it, the mfr would be the

> ones...they are

> liable,etc.


> bG



> >

> > I have been on this list for some time, and have

> used the device for

> > MRSA....I should have used it for the problems I

> had last November. I

> > ended up in the hospital with viral cardiomyopothy

> (sp?) and

> > congestive heart failure. I only wish.....

> >

> > Anyway, I now am equipped with a defibrillator.

> Does anyone know if I

> > can use the devise without bothering my implant?

> I sure would hate to

> > believe in this but be unable to use it for flu or

> whatever. I do not

> > think I can ask my heart specialist as he thinks

> it's pretty neat I am

> > doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure "

> diet....

> >

> > Any suggestions?

> >

> >

> >







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Exactly, thanks. Glad it didn't come back. If it's still gone in

another year, please also let us know that, too. That means you got

it. MRSA is famous for coming back, so we need to know if you have

managed to lose it for two years three, whatever. That is what

medical research will want to know about.

OK, you helped us, we can help you. You should ask them and have

them write me any questions about it to help them answer you if they

are confused. I can't answer for them, but may be able to shed light

on the nature of the current being used and how it might/might not

hurt the device.


> > >

> > > I have been on this list for some time, and have

> > used the device for

> > > MRSA....I should have used it for the problems I

> > had last November. I

> > > ended up in the hospital with viral cardiomyopothy

> > (sp?) and

> > > congestive heart failure. I only wish.....

> > >

> > > Anyway, I now am equipped with a defibrillator.

> > Does anyone know if I

> > > can use the devise without bothering my implant?

> > I sure would hate to

> > > believe in this but be unable to use it for flu or

> > whatever. I do not

> > > think I can ask my heart specialist as he thinks

> > it's pretty neat I am

> > > doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure "

> > diet....

> > >

> > > Any suggestions?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Maybe I missed it, but what is MRSA?


Re: Re: Heart question

> Thanks for the advice, I will write them. As far as

> MRSA, we have been free of it for a year now. I used

> the godzilla on it when I had it and I am convinced it

> worked, lessened the time.


> If we get another outbreak, we will let you know. I

> hope to heavens we don't until I get this question

> answered as to whether or not I can use it.


> Thanks!



> --- baby_grand <bobluhrs@...> wrote:


>> Question for you: have you yet posted any report on

>> your MRSA usage?

>> We really really really need it if you have not.

>> This is vital.


>> The mfr of the device might have an answer. It is

>> DC current of less

>> than one milliamp in our devices, be sure you tell

>> them that. Up to

>> you to find this out. Far as I know it's a no-no

>> because the devices

>> are electrically sensitive. But these devices have

>> been improved a lot

>> since they first came out. Find out from the mfr.

>> I would not even

>> take a doctor's OK on it, the mfr would be the

>> ones...they are

>> liable,etc.


>> bG



>> >

>> > I have been on this list for some time, and have

>> used the device for

>> > MRSA....I should have used it for the problems I

>> had last November. I

>> > ended up in the hospital with viral cardiomyopothy

>> (sp?) and

>> > congestive heart failure. I only wish.....

>> >

>> > Anyway, I now am equipped with a defibrillator.

>> Does anyone know if I

>> > can use the devise without bothering my implant?

>> I sure would hate to

>> > believe in this but be unable to use it for flu or

>> whatever. I do not

>> > think I can ask my heart specialist as he thinks

>> it's pretty neat I am

>> > doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure "

>> diet....

>> >

>> > Any suggestions?

>> >

>> >

>> >








> __________________________________________________


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Thank you! I will keep you posted. And when I or the

manufacturer (Guidant) has any questions, I will have

the ask you.

--- baby_grand <bobluhrs@...> wrote:

> Exactly, thanks. Glad it didn't come back. If it's

> still gone in

> another year, please also let us know that, too.

> That means you got

> it. MRSA is famous for coming back, so we need to

> know if you have

> managed to lose it for two years three, whatever.

> That is what

> medical research will want to know about.


> OK, you helped us, we can help you. You should ask

> them and have

> them write me any questions about it to help them

> answer you if they

> are confused. I can't answer for them, but may be

> able to shed light

> on the nature of the current being used and how it

> might/might not

> hurt the device.


> bG



> > > >

> > > > I have been on this list for some time, and

> have

> > > used the device for

> > > > MRSA....I should have used it for the problems

> I

> > > had last November. I

> > > > ended up in the hospital with viral

> cardiomyopothy

> > > (sp?) and

> > > > congestive heart failure. I only wish.....

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, I now am equipped with a

> defibrillator.

> > > Does anyone know if I

> > > > can use the devise without bothering my

> implant?

> > > I sure would hate to

> > > > believe in this but be unable to use it for

> flu or

> > > whatever. I do not

> > > > think I can ask my heart specialist as he

> thinks

> > > it's pretty neat I am

> > > > doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure "

> > > diet....

> > > >

> > > > Any suggestions?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I am 83 years old, still a part-time practicing Pharmacist with a PaceMaker

for the past 4 years; I use Beck's Godzilla/zapper for many problems with NO

problems as long as I Observe the Precaution: Do Not run the current through

the body and heart or PaceMaker by putting one electrode on the right arm

and the other on the left arm; rather, put 1 electrode on the problem and

the other on the opposite side of the body; or 2 on ONE wrist. Be careful to

read bG/s full observations as to electrode placement. I recommend you

communicate with your Dr. in everything you ARE doing and NOT doing--If you

meet with a deaf ear, you need another Dr. to whom you CAN

communicate--also, if you continue with your present Dr., make sure YOU

follow his/her instructions.

Read my Site and let me know if I can help.



, 58 Year FL PharmacAREst

448 West Juniata Street

Clermont, FL 34711




Heart question

I have been on this list for some time, and have used the device for

MRSA....I should have used it for the problems I had last November. I

ended up in the hospital with viral cardiomyopothy (sp?) and

congestive heart failure. I only wish.....

Anyway, I now am equipped with a defibrillator. Does anyone know if I

can use the devise without bothering my implant? I sure would hate to

believe in this but be unable to use it for flu or whatever. I do not

think I can ask my heart specialist as he thinks it's pretty neat I am

doing Dean Ornish's " reversing heart failure " diet....

Any suggestions?

The group's main page has a menu to the left, with photos of Godzilla

devices and info. This is a discussion, free speech forum, not medical

advice. All info is free to members. Membership is free, but by joing, you

agree to hold harmless the posters, including moderator, from damages from

anything you find here whether jointly, severally, or individually. We are

interested in your results, but cannot say anything about repeatability, or

whether this might have medical benefits. Thanks, for your understanding,

good luck researching. --bG

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  • 2 years later...


It is called arrhythmia. My heart also skips and so does my 13yr old

granddaughter's. It is quite common, but you do need to ask your pc

about it. I never noticed mine until I developed angina. The strangest

thing to me is that I only notice it when I am idle and not when I am

physically active. My cardiologist does not think that anything going

on with my heart is related to my RA, but I still question it in the

back of my mind.

Try not to stress if you can. I know how scary anything with the heart




> I have been having issues where it feels like either my heart skips a

> beat or is doubling up on a beat if that makes any sense. It seems to

> be happening more frequent so it is starting to cause anxiety. I

> really don't want nor need yet another reason to have to go to the

> doctor. People are starting to look at me like I am a hypocondriac or

> something. I know I need to get it checked out but does anyone have

> any idea what it may possibly be and if this is yet another aspect of

> the auto immune?




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I also have the same 'skip-a-beat'. I can hear the blood flowing through my

head, I guess like tinnitus, so I can hear it happening most of the time. It

likes to skip beat #4 regularly, and sometimes it recovers so hard that it

hurts. I can also hear/feel my heart going into A-fib, which isn't usual.

I'm taking meds that have regulated my heartbeat but I still hear it. You

should mention it to your doctor for evaluation. It is somewhat normal, but

it never hurts to have it checked out.

Dennis in eastexas

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 10:26 AM, ktandtm <ktandtm@...> wrote:

> I have been having issues where it feels like either my heart skips a

> beat or is doubling up on a beat if that makes any sense. It seems to

> be happening more frequent so it is starting to cause anxiety. I

> really don't want nor need yet another reason to have to go to the

> doctor. People are starting to look at me like I am a hypocondriac or

> something. I know I need to get it checked out but does anyone have

> any idea what it may possibly be and if this is yet another aspect of

> the auto immune?




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and group;

Hi katie. I don't know if your new or not. If so. welcome to the

group. I am getting so forgetful lately.

I seen some of the replys on this and it sounds ok. I get that to

katie. You should make an appointment with your primary doctor and

let him dicide what it is. Just to be on the safe side. I will do

the same.

gentle hugs




> I have been having issues where it feels like either my heart skips


> beat or is doubling up on a beat if that makes any sense. It seems


> be happening more frequent so it is starting to cause anxiety. I

> really don't want nor need yet another reason to have to go to the

> doctor. People are starting to look at me like I am a hypocondriac


> something. I know I need to get it checked out but does anyone have

> any idea what it may possibly be and if this is yet another aspect


> the auto immune?




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Hi - that sounds like some pretty scary stuff you're

experiencing. I wouldn't worry about what other people think - your

health stuff is between you and your doctor(s) and IMHO, the others

can either deal with it or shut up. Please don't delay getting this

checked out. Your PC should be able to do an EKG in the office and

depending on what shows, refer you on to a cardiologist if needed. The

reality of this disease is that it could cause cardiovascular

problems, so it should not be ignored. Let us know how you make out

with the doctor. We care......Doreen :)


> I have been having issues where it feels like either my heart skips

> a beat or is doubling up on a beat if that makes any sense. It

> seems to be happening more frequent so it is starting to cause

> anxiety. I really don't want nor need yet another reason to have to

> go to the doctor. People are starting to look at me like I am a

> hypocondriac or something. I know I need to get it checked out but

> does anyone have any idea what it may possibly be and if this is

> yet another aspect of the auto immune?




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Thank you all for your responses. I will be going to the doc

tomorrow. My symptoms were better yesterday but I am still going in.

I am just tired of it always being something as I am sure we can all

relate too.

Thanks again,

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I can hear blood pulsating through my head also. Muosly it happens at

night. Also notice skipping beats sometimes and light racing feeling.

Debbie L


> I also have the same 'skip-a-beat'. I can hear the blood flowing

through my

> head, I guess like tinnitus, so I can hear it happening most of the

time. >

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Hi , I get PVCs which are aggravated by stress and caffeine.  Your regular

family doc can tell if this what you have.  I did a holter monitor an EKG and

ECG to make sure that's what it was, but it all boiled down to drink less

caffeine, get more sleep, and manage stress.  It can't hurt to mention it to

your doc and if it won't go away they can always prescribe a beta blocker or

even do an ablation but 99% of the time you just need more R & R.


From: ktandtm <ktandtm@...>

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 10:26:46 AM

Subject: [ ] Heart question

I have been having issues where it feels like either my heart skips a

beat or is doubling up on a beat if that makes any sense. It seems to

be happening more frequent so it is starting to cause anxiety. I

really don't want nor need yet another reason to have to go to the

doctor. People are starting to look at me like I am a hypocondriac or

something. I know I need to get it checked out but does anyone have

any idea what it may possibly be and if this is yet another aspect of

the auto immune?

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