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Getting adequate nutrition from food

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Just for grins I made an Excel workbook to estimate the amount of

nutrients for a day's worth of food. I know it's very crude at best,

but it's just a demo prototype to test the feasibility. I put a copy

in the Files section - " Dietary Nutrition Calculator " . I plan on

adding more foods as time permits over the next few months. I'd also

like to add iodine if I can find some data. I used food nutrient data

from the USDA web site (for lack of anything better):


I added choline after reading Renate's post earlier today about the

Science News article on choline. Here's a link to choline in food

data that I used from the USDA web site:


Looks like they aren't totally off track if they're funding this work!

(Aren't I the optimist:)

On a similar note, a post on anther list gave a link to this web site

that lets you set up a free diet and weight loss journal and provides

some nutrition data (based on USDA of course):


Looks like it might be helpful for people trying to loose weight.

Here's another one that supplies USDA nutrition info that got me

started looking at nutrition data:


I was curious what it would take to get nutrition levels at least to

the latest DRI recommendations without taking any supplements.

Unfortunately, the USDA doesn't seem to have any nutrition info on

organic, pastured, raw dairy, or fermented/sprouted foods - although

much to my surprise they did list " high vitamin " CLO. I was pleased

that it doesn't look too difficult to get decent nutrition even from

typical American unprocessed foods. I realize that just getting

nutrients into the body doesn't mean they will be absorbed and

utilized, but hopefully good NT-friendly foods are on average better

in available and utilized nutrition. It would be nice to get detailed

nutrient data on NT-friendly foods but I suspect it's very expensive.

Wouldn't it be great if we could divert the $$$$millions in soy

subsidies to fund such an effort?!!! I must be dreaming because it's

my 54th birthday today and I had a little chocolate cake and ice cream

- but I did drink a bottle of GT's gingerade kombucha earlier so that

should counteract any bad stuff that was in there right :) ???

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On 8/13/06, <oz4caster@...> wrote:

> It would be nice to get detailed

> nutrient data on NT-friendly foods but I suspect it's very expensive.

> Wouldn't it be great if we could divert the $$$$millions in soy

> subsidies to fund such an effort?!!!

Better, IMO, to stop the subsidies altogether, whether its soy or

something we think is good.

>I must be dreaming because it's

> my 54th birthday today and I had a little chocolate cake and ice cream

> - but I did drink a bottle of GT's gingerade kombucha earlier so that

> should counteract any bad stuff that was in there right :) ???



I wonder about that stuff. During a recent fast I started to drink a

couple of bottles of the gingerade a day. It was convenient since

Whole Foods is right across the street from where I work. I had never

had kombucha before and this stuff turned out to be delicious. However

I am extremely leery of all supposedly raw products that must be

processed, but no time for investigation at the moment so I just went

for it. Mistake. *Bad* mistake. That stuff had me itching BIG time,

especially in my private areas. I said to myself, " I know this itch "

It is the same kind of general overall itching I eventually get the

few times I have eaten a significant amount of junk food over a period

of several days.

So no kombucha for me. I don't know if this product is not properly

prepared, caused a " detox " or kombucha just doesn't work for me. At

any rate I have no intention of finding out in the future. I will just

stick with the other tasty fermented beverages :-)


" Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in

a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave

national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home,

or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we

did not blindly rally behind it. "

General MacArthur,

WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United

Nations Commander; Whan, ed., " A Soldier Speaks: Public Papers and

Speeches of General of the Army MacArthur, " 1965; Nation,

August 17, 1957)

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> my 54th birthday today and I had a little chocolate cake and ice cream

> - but I did drink a bottle of GT's gingerade kombucha earlier so that

> should counteract any bad stuff that was in there right :) ???

Happy birthday!! And I agree that the good counteracts the bad!!

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I drink my own KT and have never had this itching problem, but I did try a

bottle of the citrus KT and it was way too tart for me. I also know how

detoxing KT can be and if you were drinking a couple bottles a day you may

consider that. It is especially good at detoxing the liver. I think if you

started slow like everyone is recommended to do when they start drinking KT

and build up SLOWLY, you would not have these problems. No one should be

drinking a couple bottles of KT a day anyway. It is recommended to drink 1

to 4 cusps a day and that is after building up to it. Also, with KT, it is

imperative you drink lots and lots of water. It is recommended to drink a

quarter cup to start and some people have to start with a couple

tablespoons. I drink about 16 ozs. a day but I have been drinking my own

for around a year. KT is a fabulous drink with many benefits if taken






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[mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 12:20 AM

Subject: Re: Getting adequate nutrition from food

On 8/13/06, <oz4caster (DOT) <mailto:oz4caster%40> com>


> It would be nice to get detailed

> nutrient data on NT-friendly foods but I suspect it's very expensive.

> Wouldn't it be great if we could divert the $$$$millions in soy

> subsidies to fund such an effort?!!!

Better, IMO, to stop the subsidies altogether, whether its soy or

something we think is good.

>I must be dreaming because it's

> my 54th birthday today and I had a little chocolate cake and ice cream

> - but I did drink a bottle of GT's gingerade kombucha earlier so that

> should counteract any bad stuff that was in there right :) ???



I wonder about that stuff. During a recent fast I started to drink a

couple of bottles of the gingerade a day. It was convenient since

Whole Foods is right across the street from where I work. I had never

had kombucha before and this stuff turned out to be delicious. However

I am extremely leery of all supposedly raw products that must be

processed, but no time for investigation at the moment so I just went

for it. Mistake. *Bad* mistake. That stuff had me itching BIG time,

especially in my private areas. I said to myself, " I know this itch "

It is the same kind of general overall itching I eventually get the

few times I have eaten a significant amount of junk food over a period

of several days.

So no kombucha for me. I don't know if this product is not properly

prepared, caused a " detox " or kombucha just doesn't work for me. At

any rate I have no intention of finding out in the future. I will just

stick with the other tasty fermented beverages :-)


" Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in

a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave

national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home,

or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we

did not blindly rally behind it. "

General MacArthur,

WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United

Nations Commander; Whan, ed., " A Soldier Speaks: Public Papers and

Speeches of General of the Army MacArthur, " 1965; Nation,

August 17, 1957)

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