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Re: Mouth Changes

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When we get older, there are changes in collegen and other proteins

under the skin. They sort of deteriorate. There's a lot of these in

the lips

(I suppose a little collegen injection would bring your lips back,

hollywood starlets do it all the time :)


> It seems that not only is my espophageal sphincter weakened(I am

drinking the ginger juice which helps quite a bit so thanks to whoever

recommended that) but the corners of my top lip are disappearing.They

are sort of caving inward toward the lower lip.Does anyone nkow what

in the world causes this? If you're intetrested when you see President

bush his top lip has done the same thing so he and I must have the

same thing going on whatewver it is.If anyon e has clues to this

mystery I would appreciate how to get my lip back!


> Phil


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> When we get older, there are changes in collegen and other proteins

> under the skin. They sort of deteriorate. There's a lot of these in

> the lips


----Two years ago at the weston price conference I saw Dr Rind's

presentation on thyroid and adrenals. He had some of the most

compelling pictures I've ever seen of collagen changes in people's

face and fingernail whorls when their adrenals healed. He said

adrenals are very related to collagen. I've tried to get his office to

send me a copy of the powerpoint presentation but so far they never

send it although they say they will.

You can buy the CD of his lecture on the weston price site though.

Look under conferences and then tapes.

Or look at his web site....not too user friendly but you can pull up

his list of supplements and the doctors order form. From those you can

basically see his protocols. He uses a gelatin based liquid collagen

supplement among other things.


Hope this is of help,


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> Lynn, I am somewhat unclear as to your reference to ' fingernail '

whorls. I

> am familiar with white spots, ridges, etc, but I have not seen

whorls in the

> finger nails. Can you expain?

ooops I should have said fingerprints. He had pictures of peoples

fingerprints you could barely see and then thier prints after their

adrenals were fixed. Amazing differences.

I wish I could get a hold of these pictures.


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