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Re: Ovarian Cancer

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Hi ,

Benzaldehyde is one of the primary items i have been using in my battle against

rectal cancer. The entire regimen was worked out by list-member Gammill

and Dr. Munoz of the Dan Diego Clinic in Tijuana. For the complete regimen and

other reatments see my website at <http://www.sumeria.net/health/rectcan.html>.

>Hello Group:


>I am Arcudi.. I'm a doctor of Chinese Medicine and I was

>diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer August 2000.. My whole story is on

>my website at http://abarefootdoctor.com for anyone to read.


>My question to the group is regarding ozone treatment for ovarian cancer

>and any experiences you may have regarding the blood markers rising,

>protocols used for ozone.

>Also whether anyone has any experience using benzaldehyde, newcastle and

>springer vaccines in the treatment of ovarian cancer.


>Thanks so much






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Yes Neil:

Actually I was sent an email or forwarded I should say.. from Loren Parks

who helps Gammill. I spent a brief period last December with

and Dr. Munoz and was taking Benzaldehyde.. I ended up stopping

as I developed pancreatitis.. So I am looking into the experiences others

may have had with it.

I had ovarian cancer, and while my CA125 was taken upon my arrival in

Calif or Mexico, and appeared to be below normal, I took the benzaldehyde

and the vaccines for a month.

How is your digestive tract?

I loved your site by the way and printed out the abstract on Scar tissue.

I have an ozone generator now and believe the work I did with that was

responsible for my markers dropping.

Do you or did you use a blood marker test?? did your therapy affect the

rise or fallduring your treatment?

WArm Regards,

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>Yes Neil:


>Actually I was sent an email or forwarded I should say.. from Loren Parks

>who helps Gammill. I spent a brief period last December with

> and Dr. Munoz and was taking Benzaldehyde.. I ended up stopping

>as I developed pancreatitis.. So I am looking into the experiences others

>may have had with it.

I took the full recommended dosage (160mg 3X per day) of benzaldehyde for about

a month, at which point it began to cause heartburn. I have discovered that my

body is able to tell me how much to take and the dosage is modulated by this.

Other than that, no discernable ill-effects seem to be happening. Also, upon

's advice, i now take it with food


>I had ovarian cancer, and while my CA125 was taken upon my arrival in

>Calif or Mexico, and appeared to be below normal, I took the benzaldehyde

>and the vaccines for a month.


>How is your digestive tract?

I have had diverticulitus for over a decade and even that seems to be healing

up. A surgeon in Farmington New Mexico, where i was living at the time, wanted

to cut out my gut and give me a colostomy bag nine years ago so the cancer is

deja vu all over again. My bowel function now seems to be completely normal for

the first time in a long time. They sure seem to want to clean me like a

fisherman cleans a fish. Sometimes ya just got'a say " NO " .


>I loved your site by the way and printed out the abstract on Scar tissue.

> I have an ozone generator now and believe the work I did with that was

>responsible for my markers dropping.

Thanks. The site has been around since 1992 and i can't even remember all of the

stuff that's there. People occasionaly send email asking questions about certain

a article and i have to go back and review it before i can answer.


>Do you or did you use a blood marker test?? did your therapy affect the

>rise or fallduring your treatment?

As far as i know, the recent CEA is the first blood markers that were taken --

the VA records do not show any -- so i have nothing to compare today's results

with other than what is considered to be " normal " . Perhaps they were taken in

Tijuana but the results, if any, were never mentioned to me.


>WArm Regards,






Neil Jensen: neil@...

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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Now I can relate to what was saying...



Pronounced As: benzaldhid or benzenecarbonal benznkärbnl , C6H5CHO, colorless

liquid aldehyde with a characteristic almond odor. It boils at 180°C, is soluble

in ethanol, but is insoluble in water. It is formed by partial oxidation of

benzyl alcohol, and on oxidation forms benzoic acid. It is called oil of bitter

almond, since it is formed when amygdalin, a glucoside present in the kernels of

bitter almonds and in apricot pits, is hydrolyzed, e.g., by crushing the kernels

or pits and boiling them in water; glucose and hydrogen cyanide (a poisonous

gas) are also formed. It is also prepared by oxidation of toluene or benzyl

chloride or by treating benzal chloride with an alkali, e.g., sodium hydroxide.

Benzaldehyde is used in the preparation of certain aniline dyes and of other

products, including perfumes and flavorings.

It was suggested that I eat 15 apricot kernels a day but they upset my stomach

too much. I followed Lorens suggestion and ordered some Pau-d-arco tea, while it

is not the same, to me it taste just like the apricot kernels. I thought others

might be interested in what this benzaldehyde compound was. Even though I had

read it was in the kernels, as an isolated compound I didn't readily recognize

what it was.


Re: [ ] Ovarian Cancer

>Yes Neil:


>Actually I was sent an email or forwarded I should say.. from Loren Parks

>who helps Gammill. I spent a brief period last December with

> and Dr. Munoz and was taking Benzaldehyde.. I ended up stopping

>as I developed pancreatitis.. So I am looking into the experiences others

>may have had with it.

I took the full recommended dosage (160mg 3X per day) of benzaldehyde for

about a month, at which point it began to cause heartburn. I have discovered

that my body is able to tell me how much to take and the dosage is modulated by

this. Other than that, no discernable ill-effects seem to be happening. Also,

upon 's advice, i now take it with food


>I had ovarian cancer, and while my CA125 was taken upon my arrival in

>Calif or Mexico, and appeared to be below normal, I took the benzaldehyde

>and the vaccines for a month.


>How is your digestive tract?

I have had diverticulitus for over a decade and even that seems to be healing

up. A surgeon in Farmington New Mexico, where i was living at the time, wanted

to cut out my gut and give me a colostomy bag nine years ago so the cancer is

deja vu all over again. My bowel function now seems to be completely normal for

the first time in a long time. They sure seem to want to clean me like a

fisherman cleans a fish. Sometimes ya just got'a say " NO " .


>I loved your site by the way and printed out the abstract on Scar tissue.

> I have an ozone generator now and believe the work I did with that was

>responsible for my markers dropping.

Thanks. The site has been around since 1992 and i can't even remember all of

the stuff that's there. People occasionaly send email asking questions about

certain a article and i have to go back and review it before i can answer.


>Do you or did you use a blood marker test?? did your therapy affect the

>rise or fallduring your treatment?

As far as i know, the recent CEA is the first blood markers that were taken --

the VA records do not show any -- so i have nothing to compare today's results

with other than what is considered to be " normal " . Perhaps they were taken in

Tijuana but the results, if any, were never mentioned to me.


>WArm Regards,






Neil Jensen: neil@...

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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  • 5 months later...
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Forever Greatful: I would suggest you investigate the flaxoil/cottage chees

list and also the Cantron list. go to your search engine for addresses.


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In a message dated 8/7/02 10:56:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hrand@...


> Forever Greatful: I would suggest you investigate the flaxoil/cottage chees

> list and also the Cantron list. go to your search engine for addresses.

> Harold



this is Dr. Johanna Budwig's protocol. There are also two books in English.


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I also strongly recommend you go to the FlaxSeedOil group. Large

amounts of the flaxseed oil and yogurt or cottage cheese mixed

together will work miracles for your sister, I feel sure. It really

helped me, and many others. My liver lesions went completely away,

and my bone lesions were quite improved on the last scan.

Cliff Beckwith is the moderator and has much information to share

with you about this. Just click on this e-mail address and send him

an e-mail for help: spinner@...

Also, please do a search for Ralph Moss, PhD. He is one of the most

learned men in the world on the best and kindest treatments for

cancer. He is available to give you 2nd opinions. He is very

respected for his opinions and treatment suggestions that are ahead

of what you will likely find at your local oncologist.



> Can anyone please tell me if they know of anyone who has healed

herself of Ovarian Cancer and how she did it. I would certainly

appreciate this info as it seems my sister has tried everything over

the past two years, and even though she looks great and feels great,

the tumors in her liver and on her spleen are still growing.

> Please send me any recommendations you have. We want to cover all


> Eternally grateful,

> Carole



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You can contact me about your sisters ovarian cancer problem. I believe I can

help you.



[ ] Ovarian Cancer

Can anyone please tell me if they know of anyone who has healed herself of

Ovarian Cancer and how she did it. I would certainly appreciate this info as it

seems my sister has tried everything over the past two years, and even though

she looks great and feels great, the tumors in her liver and on her spleen are

still growing.

Please send me any recommendations you have. We want to cover all bases.

Eternally grateful,


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Hi, Carole,

I do know 2 women who went into remission from ovarian cancer, both for a

long time. Both had heavy duty chemo the first time, & both had recurrences

some time later.

The first one had a recurrence in her lungs. They scraped it out of her

lungs, & it was elsewhere. She attempted chemo. the 2nd time around. She

couldn't handle it, & quit. She went to a clinic in Mexico & did Laetrile &

went vegetarian (does eat fish & eggs, though). She came back home & her

naturopathic doc continued to administer the laetrile. She had hospice in

her home. At some point, she was in bed & said she became very angry. She

had a young daughter. She said she got so mad & from that point on she

started to get better. She attributes her healing to getting angry. She

did mention that her father is a pentecostal minister & the entire church

was praying for her a lot during the time she got better. Who knows. She

is currently working full-time & is hopeful.

The second woman had a recurrence. She went vegetarian, no sugar, no flour,

no dairy, no processed foods diet. She was doing green tea enemas (I think

it had metastasized to her colon). She was very ill at the time. She got a

lot of support from her husband. She managed to stay on her regime for at

least a few years & got & stayed well. Then she started eating sugar &

going out to eat. She said the diet just got too hard for her. The cancer

came back. She then went to the Wolfgang Scheef Clinic in Bonn, Germany.

She received lo-dose interferon injections near the area of the recurrence

(abdominal). I think she received some herbal (iscador?) injections as

well. Dr. Scheef is highly recommended by CanHelp. I don't know much about

that organization. Apparently Dr. Scheef does use some conventional

medicine in small doses, in addition to non-conventional medicine. She went

back into remission & last I heard was continuing the treatment in the U.S.

She found a doc. here in the U.S. that agreed to continue Dr. Scheef's

protocol. I think the clinic sent her some of the meds which are

unavailable in the U.S. I considered going to this clinic, so I can give

you some hints about contacting them, & traveling there, if you want. It

costs considerably less than the Mexican clinics. I think she said that the

total cost for 6 weeks was $3,500 (not including air fare).

Also, I receive a newsletter from The Health Resource, Inc.


It says " Jan Guthrie, founder & director of The Health Resource, has been

contending successfully with advanced ovarian cancer for over 15 years. She

utilizes both mainstream & alternative treatments to manage her cancer. " I

am not recommending that you order her report. I think Moss's report is a


Best of luck to you & your sis.


[ ] Ovarian Cancer

> Can anyone please tell me if they know of anyone who has healed herself of

Ovarian Cancer and how she did it. I would certainly appreciate this info

as it seems my sister has tried everything over the past two years, and even

though she looks great and feels great, the tumors in her liver and on her

spleen are still growing.

> Please send me any recommendations you have. We want to cover all bases.

> Eternally grateful,

> Carole



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Thanks so much for this information. It gives you hope when you know it can

be done.

went to Germany 3x, Klinik St. Georg. This is what Ralph Moss

recommended. The cancer was very small at the time, but they said it was

gone and after the first three weeks and were not even going to treat her

the second time. So she waited 9 weeks before she went back the third time.

When she did go back they said she didn't come back soon enough. It was

very expensive and we could not afford to continue.

I will show my sister your post; I think it will help.

Thank you,


[ ] Ovarian Cancer



> > Can anyone please tell me if they know of anyone who has healed herself


> Ovarian Cancer and how she did it. I would certainly appreciate this info

> as it seems my sister has tried everything over the past two years, and


> though she looks great and feels great, the tumors in her liver and on her

> spleen are still growing.

> > Please send me any recommendations you have. We want to cover all


> > Eternally grateful,

> > Carole

> >

> >

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if you want some information please check out www.unicorn-pacific.com

Best regards,

Sam - sgrant4812@...

Clay LaPorte <claporte@...> wrote: Carole,

You can contact me about your sisters ovarian cancer problem. I believe I can

help you.



[ ] Ovarian Cancer

Can anyone please tell me if they know of anyone who has healed herself of

Ovarian Cancer and how she did it. I would certainly appreciate this info as it

seems my sister has tried everything over the past two years, and even though

she looks great and feels great, the tumors in her liver and on her spleen are

still growing.

Please send me any recommendations you have. We want to cover all bases.

Eternally grateful,


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I gave my sister your number and she called Friday night. She will try

again Monday after 6 unless you think it is a bad night.



[ ] Ovarian Cancer



> Can anyone please tell me if they know of anyone who has healed herself

of Ovarian Cancer and how she did it. I would certainly appreciate this

info as it seems my sister has tried everything over the past two years, and

even though she looks great and feels great, the tumors in her liver and on

her spleen are still growing.

> Please send me any recommendations you have. We want to cover all


> Eternally grateful,

> Carole



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  • 3 years later...

If her CA-125 is high then it is probably cancer. Either way she

might consider seeing a surgeon. There are many possible avenues

after demassing.

At 03:34 PM 2/5/2006, you wrote:

>Hello Everyone, I am new to this group. My 76 year old mother just

>had a CAT scan and they said there is a 9 inch growth on her

>right ovary. Does anyone know what the chances are that this

>is not cancer? Does anyone know what are good treatments for

>this type of cancer?



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You will find reviews of a number of books at the website

at http://www.fightingcancer.com. You will not however find

specific advice for specific cancers because the alternative

view is that all cancers are essentially the same and can be

best treated by healing the whole body - I would certainly

advise a dietary approach, along with the Budwig protocol of

organic flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese. Also, I

personally think the Rife machine has a powerful role to play.

But of course these are just my own personal opinions.

Lampinen wrote:

Hello Everyone, I am new to this group. My 76 year old mother just

had a CAT scan and they said there is a 9 inch growth on her

right ovary. Does anyone know what the chances are that this

is not cancer? Does anyone know what are good treatments for

this type of cancer?


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on the website www.cancure.org they have a list of some wholistic

doctors. There are a lot of cures out there for cancer, some you

have to go to Mexico for, but if you ignore Quackwatch, a lot have a

pretty good track record. There are a lot of people walking around

out there who have gotten themselves better. Sadly, most doctors

can't tell you about alternative cures even if they're really

excited about them or they risk losing their license. Things to

look up are Royal Rife, artemisinin (most results of a google search

say it prevents breast cancer, but if you read them carefully, it

does it by killing cancer cells on contact), ozone therapy, Dr. Rath

and laetrile. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but search those and

you can turn up more. Here's a pretty good site from Minnesota:


--- In , " Lampinen " <lampinen@...>




> My 76 year old mother was just found to have a 9 inch growth on

her right ovary. She had been on the SAD diet and has not followed

my advice for diet. I'm hoping that now I can find her a good

holistic practitioner in the San Diego area who will help put her on

a good diet as well as give her good treatments/advice. Does anyone

here have any advice for me with doctors or treatments?


> Helen






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There is some very interesting research going on with iodine and

hormonal cancers like breast and ovarian. I don't have the references

at my fingertips right now but you might want to ask on the new iodine


There are two women posting on that group who work with alternative

treatments for breast and other cancers and are doing a lot of

research with iodine. It would one of the first things I would look at

if it were me with a hormonal driven cancer.



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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Devon,

My mother in law had ovarian cancer in 1999. She took celebrex for years

because she had reynaud's and was in great health. In 2005 her doctor decided

to take her off the celebrex and the cancer came back. There has been alot of

investigation into celebrex as a cox2 inhibitor for cancer treatment. I can't

say for sure if this is co-incidence but I think in my heart that the celebrex

had something to do with keeping the cancer at bay for so long.

God Bless,

----- Original Message -----

From: soundingchimes

hi everyone,

My mom was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is now using a

combination of conventional and natural therapies. Does anyone have experience

with specific dietary therapies that worked to reduce the chances of




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  • 1 year later...

Hi Jim,

Would you suggest the same regimen for ovarian cancer, stage IIIC with malignant

ascites? Would you change anything?

This is for my Mom who is trying alternatives after doing 2 cycles of chemo that

pretty much wiped her out. She is on the Budwig Protocol. Not 100% compliant

but working on getting there. She is getting the build up of abdominal fluid

again. It is not good to have it drained too often, if at all, but the pain and

presusre will get so bad that that is the only remedy. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.



From: jim.

Nobody has actually given advice on what to take so far, so here goes:1. Switch

to all vegan diet, no meat, no sugar, no soda pop, and eat alkalizing foods, and

as much raw foods as possible.2. Get a juicer and do vegetable juices,

especially carrot and carrot / apple. This might be especially important for

someone with stomach cancer who cannot digest food well.3. Use an immune system

booster such as beta glucan and/or AB mushrooms.4. Use Sutherlandia OPC

(oleander extract supplements)5. Get a prescription for low dose naltrexone and

start that as soon as possible.6. Get Jarrow IP6 powder and take with

inositol.7. Look into the Budwig Protocol and see if that suits your situation.

I'm not sure how the cottage cheese / flaxseed oil will sit in a stomach with

cancer.8. If I had stomach cancer, I might also look into baking soda, as it

could be taken in a manner that would directly contact the cancer. However, I am

not up on the baking soda protocols that well.9. Get sunshine! Get fresh air!

Surround yourself with beauty and positive thoughts.10. Explore water and coffee

enemas.11. Explore liver flushes if your stomach can handle the olive oil /

lemon juice that is a part of that.12. Read as much as possible.13. Look into

artemisinin supplements. Very powerful.14. Do whatever it takes. 15. Never give


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