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Re: I think I got vaccinated twice!

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Could you tell me what amalgam fillings are? When did you get them, etc. I

have not had a filling in quite some time. Most of my fillings were all

over a 3 year period when I was a vegetarian... and that was nearly 25 years

ago. I have quite a bit of fillings in my mouth, due to my wonderful

vegetarian diet! This amalgam filling / mercury stuff is starting to scare

me a bit! Please clarify, if you can.




Well I recently remembered this event from when I was younger. I

don't know why I remembered it but I was pretty young. It might have

something to do with getting my first three out of ten amalgam

fillings out this monday.


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If your fillings are silver or black in color(yes, for some people

they look black after a while), they are called 'Silver Amalgam'

fillings and contain ~50% Mercury.

This Mercury can and does leave the filling and go into your body over

time, and some people are more sensitive to this nasty heavy metal

than others. It is considered to be the most destructive

non-radioactive toxic substance known.

I have 7 fillings in my mouth right now, I just got 3 of the biggest

ones removed, and am getting the 7 left out within the next few weeks

in 2 more dentist visits.

I have also had a lot of fillings when I was younger, in my baby

teeth, and don't even want to know how many of them were silver

amalgam fillings.

A good place to start would be this article by the WAPF.




> ,


> Could you tell me what amalgam fillings are? When did you get them,

etc. I

> have not had a filling in quite some time. Most of my fillings were all

> over a 3 year period when I was a vegetarian... and that was nearly

25 years

> ago. I have quite a bit of fillings in my mouth, due to my wonderful

> vegetarian diet! This amalgam filling / mercury stuff is starting

to scare

> me a bit! Please clarify, if you can.


> Thanks,

> Dean



> _____


> Well I recently remembered this event from when I was younger. I

> don't know why I remembered it but I was pretty young. It might have

> something to do with getting my first three out of ten amalgam

> fillings out this monday.


> -





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In what era were they using these nasty fillings?


If your fillings are silver or black in color(yes, for some people

they look black after a while), they are called 'Silver Amalgam'

fillings and contain ~50% Mercury.

I have also had a lot of fillings when I was younger, in my baby

teeth, and don't even want to know how many of them were silver

amalgam fillings.


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I don't know of a time when they weren't in use. They started way

back in the 1800's.

I think they are even used today still. If the ADA admitted they were

a danger to health, they would be liable for all the damage caused by

them and that just isn't going to happen, so they continue using them

as a cheap filling.

You may want to check out a book by Hal A. Huggins called " It's all in

your head " . He tried fighting the FDA in the 80's to get Silver

Amalgams banned but couldn't.

I was in denial about all mine for a while, I didn't want to believe

they were mercury or causing me any harm, even though I suffered from

lots of unexplainable mental symptoms, especially depression and

anxiety. Then after finally realized they are indeed mercury

containing fillings, I didn't want to believe taht I would have them

removed to get healthy...I just tried all kinda holistic stuff to

remove heavy metals (Kelp, Cilantro, Kombucha Tea, etc..) and it did

help, but I finally realized that these things may make me miserable

for many years to come and I need to be able to live my life and be happy.

If yours are silver or black, they are silver amalgam (the kind that

contain 50% mercury), and you are going to want to read up on the

symptoms and if you feel like they may be causing you trouble you are

going to want them removed.

To get 10 removed and replaced with composite fillings (along with a

few additional fillings that I had for a few years but was afraid to

go to a regular dentist for) is costing me $2600, and I am 1/3 of the

way done.



> ,


> In what era were they using these nasty fillings?


> ----------------------------------


> If your fillings are silver or black in color(yes, for some people

> they look black after a while), they are called 'Silver Amalgam'

> fillings and contain ~50% Mercury.


> I have also had a lot of fillings when I was younger, in my baby

> teeth, and don't even want to know how many of them were silver

> amalgam fillings.


> -





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Yes they are still used predominantly today.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of gdawson6

Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 12:55 PM

Subject: Re: I think I got vaccinated twice!

I don't know of a time when they weren't in use. They started way

back in the 1800's.

I think they are even used today still. If the ADA admitted they were

a danger to health, they would be liable for all the damage caused by

them and that just isn't going to happen, so they continue using them

as a cheap filling.

You may want to check out a book by Hal A. Huggins called " It's all in

your head " . He tried fighting the FDA in the 80's to get Silver

Amalgams banned but couldn't.

I was in denial about all mine for a while, I didn't want to believe

they were mercury or causing me any harm, even though I suffered from

lots of unexplainable mental symptoms, especially depression and

anxiety. Then after finally realized they are indeed mercury

containing fillings, I didn't want to believe taht I would have them

removed to get healthy...I just tried all kinda holistic stuff to

remove heavy metals (Kelp, Cilantro, Kombucha Tea, etc..) and it did

help, but I finally realized that these things may make me miserable

for many years to come and I need to be able to live my life and be happy.

If yours are silver or black, they are silver amalgam (the kind that

contain 50% mercury), and you are going to want to read up on the

symptoms and if you feel like they may be causing you trouble you are

going to want them removed.

To get 10 removed and replaced with composite fillings (along with a

few additional fillings that I had for a few years but was afraid to

go to a regular dentist for) is costing me $2600, and I am 1/3 of the

way done.


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Hi Dean --

Whereabout do you live? I know that mercury amalgams have been

illegal for a number of years in many countries, particularly in

Europe. Unfortunately, in North America, they are still in regular use.


> ,


> In what era were they using these nasty fillings?


> ----------------------------------


> If your fillings are silver or black in color(yes, for some people

> they look black after a while), they are called 'Silver Amalgam'

> fillings and contain ~50% Mercury.


> I have also had a lot of fillings when I was younger, in my baby

> teeth, and don't even want to know how many of them were silver

> amalgam fillings.


> -





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I live smack in the center of North America... and I have TONS of silver in

my mouth! Now you've got me worried!


Hi Dean --

Whereabout do you live? I know that mercury amalgams have been

illegal for a number of years in many countries, particularly in

Europe. Unfortunately, in North America, they are still in regular use.

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Actually, I read that they were used in the late 1700's by travelling

" dentists " who had no license or training.


At 12:54 PM 2/8/06, you wrote:

>I don't know of a time when they weren't in use. They started way

>back in the 1800's.

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> I live smack in the center of North America... and I have TONS of

silver in

> my mouth! Now you've got me worried!


Well if you suffer from lots of unexplained symptoms that correlate

with the symptoms many others have suffered from mercury amalgams, all

I have to say is stop worrying and get them out!!!



for a mercury free dentist or look in local free health magazines.

I wish I would have just gotten them out sooner instead of waiting,

thinking I wouldn't be able to afford it, and whatever else excuses I

made up. If you don't have much money it may put you in a little

debt, but I think happiness should be everyones first concern, and is

more important than money.


> _____


> Hi Dean --


> Whereabout do you live? I know that mercury amalgams have been

> illegal for a number of years in many countries, particularly in

> Europe. Unfortunately, in North America, they are still in regular use.





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It's important to consider that the removal process itself causes a

spike (~32%) in mercury levels in the blood. However, within 60 days

of removal, most people see a 40% drop in blood mercury levels.


cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=9539465 & dopt=Citation

--- In , " gdawson6 " <gdawson6@...>



> Well if you suffer from lots of unexplained symptoms that correlate

> with the symptoms many others have suffered from mercury amalgams,


> I have to say is stop worrying and get them out!!!


> Search




> for a mercury free dentist or look in local free health magazines.


> I wish I would have just gotten them out sooner instead of waiting,

> thinking I wouldn't be able to afford it, and whatever else excuses


> made up. If you don't have much money it may put you in a little

> debt, but I think happiness should be everyones first concern, and


> more important than money.


> -






> > _____

> >

> > Hi Dean --

> >

> > Whereabout do you live? I know that mercury amalgams have been

> > illegal for a number of years in many countries, particularly in

> > Europe. Unfortunately, in North America, they are still in

regular use.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Yes there is a risk of getting exposed to mercury, but after the

constant source of mercury is eliminated your body is more efficient

at removing it as well.

My dentists also follows this protocol which is thought to be the best

" The IAOMT has currently established the following amalgam removal

protocols. If these protocols are followed, the amount of mercury

released into the body during amalgam removal is reduced.

* place a rubber dam around the tooth to isolate it from the body,

* provide an alternative source of air to the patient,

* place a saliva ejector under the dam to remove mercury vapor

that penetrates the latex,

* use high volume evacuation with isolate attachment,

* section amalgams and remove in as large pieces as possible,

* remove and properly dispose of rubber dam and mercury after

amalgam removal. "


> >

> > Well if you suffer from lots of unexplained symptoms that correlate

> > with the symptoms many others have suffered from mercury amalgams,

> all

> > I have to say is stop worrying and get them out!!!

> >

> > Search

> >

> http://mercuryfreedentists.com/mercuryfreedentists.com.BACKUP/wwwroot/

> index.asp

> > for a mercury free dentist or look in local free health magazines.

> >

> > I wish I would have just gotten them out sooner instead of waiting,

> > thinking I wouldn't be able to afford it, and whatever else excuses

> I

> > made up. If you don't have much money it may put you in a little

> > debt, but I think happiness should be everyones first concern, and

> is

> > more important than money.

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > Hi Dean --

> > >

> > > Whereabout do you live? I know that mercury amalgams have been

> > > illegal for a number of years in many countries, particularly in

> > > Europe. Unfortunately, in North America, they are still in

> regular use.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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So... is there a way to check mercury blood levels to determine if one has

this problem? And, how reliable it this? I have TONS of fillings in my

head... most were put there during a 3 year vegetarian diet! That shows

just how necessary animal food is for the human body. WAP was right!



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of ned2350

Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 11:13 AM

Subject: Re: I think I got vaccinated twice!

It's important to consider that the removal process itself causes a

spike (~32%) in mercury levels in the blood. However, within 60 days

of removal, most people see a 40% drop in blood mercury levels.


cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=9539465 & dopt=Citation

--- In , " gdawson6 " <gdawson6@...>



> Well if you suffer from lots of unexplained symptoms that correlate

> with the symptoms many others have suffered from mercury amalgams,


> I have to say is stop worrying and get them out!!!


> Search




> for a mercury free dentist or look in local free health magazines.


> I wish I would have just gotten them out sooner instead of waiting,

> thinking I wouldn't be able to afford it, and whatever else excuses


> made up. If you don't have much money it may put you in a little

> debt, but I think happiness should be everyones first concern, and


> more important than money.


> -






> > _____

> >

> > Hi Dean --

> >

> > Whereabout do you live? I know that mercury amalgams have been

> > illegal for a number of years in many countries, particularly in

> > Europe. Unfortunately, in North America, they are still in

regular use.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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From what I understand mercury is very hard to detect in the blood

because it always forms complex compounds, or is attached to

hemoglobin, or a number of other things and rarely ever exists in an

easily detectable form besides in your urine.

But most people with a lot of fillings don't excrete much mercury at

all (a condition called retention toxicity) until the fillings are

removed, so urine tests aren't very reliable either.

The easiest way is to compile a list of physical/mental symptoms and

compare it to the symptoms others experience with amalgams.

Whatever the case, mercury containing amalgams are very bad news,

though some people tolerate them much better than others.

I'm very sorry to hear that you have a lot of these fillings. They

have caused me a lot of pain all of my life (though I just realized

the source of this unexplainable mental anguish about a year ago), and

its really a shame that they still put them in peoples mouths.



> So... is there a way to check mercury blood levels to determine if

one has

> this problem? And, how reliable it this? I have TONS of fillings in my

> head... most were put there during a 3 year vegetarian diet! That shows

> just how necessary animal food is for the human body. WAP was right!


> _____

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Detecting mercury accurately is expensive, but not difficult. You

may have to get something like an atomic absorbtion test where they

vaporize the blood in a furnace and measure how it absorbs energy.

As you point out, however, the problem is that a lot of the mercury

is not in the blood, but attached to tissues.

--- In , " gdawson6 " <gdawson6@...>



> From what I understand mercury is very hard to detect in the blood

> because it always forms complex compounds, or is attached to

> hemoglobin, or a number of other things and rarely ever exists in an

> easily detectable form besides in your urine.


> But most people with a lot of fillings don't excrete much mercury at

> all (a condition called retention toxicity) until the fillings are

> removed, so urine tests aren't very reliable either.


> The easiest way is to compile a list of physical/mental symptoms and

> compare it to the symptoms others experience with amalgams.


> Whatever the case, mercury containing amalgams are very bad news,

> though some people tolerate them much better than others.


> I'm very sorry to hear that you have a lot of these fillings. They

> have caused me a lot of pain all of my life (though I just realized

> the source of this unexplainable mental anguish about a year ago),


> its really a shame that they still put them in peoples mouths.


> -



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Quoting gdawson6 <gdawson6@...>:

> From what I understand mercury is very hard to detect in the blood

> because it always forms complex compounds, or is attached to

> hemoglobin, or a number of other things and rarely ever exists in an

> easily detectable form besides in your urine.


> But most people with a lot of fillings don't excrete much mercury at

> all (a condition called retention toxicity) until the fillings are

> removed, so urine tests aren't very reliable either.

So...basically you're saying that the presence of mercury in the system due

to amalgam fillings cannot be detected? How do you know it's there, then?

And if it does become detectable when the fillings are removed, couldn't

this mean that removing them actually contributes more to mercury load than

just leaving them alone?




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> So...basically you're saying that the presence of mercury in the

system due

> to amalgam fillings cannot be detected? How do you know it's there,


> And if it does become detectable when the fillings are removed, couldn't

> this mean that removing them actually contributes more to mercury

load than

> just leaving them alone?


> --

> Berg

> bberg@...

I didn't say it couldn't be detected. Hal A. Huggins wrote the book

" Its all in your head " and he helped thousands of people. He said it

was very hard to detect and many people who recovered from serious

physical and mental illnesses showed little mercury in their blood and

urine before getting them out because the mercury was being stored in

tissues, especially organ tissue. After removal mercury levels do

shoot up.

You could believe that , or you could believe the thousands of people

who symptoms have gotten much better after getting them removed, even

though there urine levels of mercury are way higher for months


I used to think I could just leave them alone and use natural things

to get the mercury that has built up in my body out, but it just

didn't work out that great. After 8 months of extremely nutritious

eating and natural supplements to remove mercury I am healthier and

stronger than before, but I still feel that mercury is being released

into my body and causing me problems, and I don't want to risk feeling

miserable for another decade or so just because I was cheap and didn't

want my fillings removed.

Mercury is a very very hard metal to detoxify from, and if your

fillings are releasing reasonable amounts in your body every day, your

ability to excrete it is practically diminished...so trying to

detoxify it while there still in can be pretty rough because a lot of

times you just move the mercury around without getting rid of it.


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After getting all the fillings removed, how long before you can get all the

mercury out of your system... and to what lengths must one go to detoxify

their system of all this mercury. Let's assume they have 15 - 20 fillings

in their head (that is, sadly, what I have!).



Mercury is a very very hard metal to detoxify from, and if your

fillings are releasing reasonable amounts in your body every day, your

ability to excrete it is practically diminished...so trying to

detoxify it while there still in can be pretty rough because a lot of

times you just move the mercury around without getting rid of it.


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It can take a while...from a few months to a year to get most of the

mercury out of your system.

I am going the all natural route and just using things like Chlorella,

Kelp (make sure you get a high quality cold water kelp or it may have

good amounts of mercury in it!), fresh organic cilantro, and kombucha

tea. This is supplemented with a high protein diet rich in vitamin A

and sulfur from garlic (preferrebly raw) and onions (better raw as well).

Good luck Dean, and I hope your fillings didn't cause you as many

problems as mine have caused me...but if they did, be strong and

don't give up!

On a positive note, I am very glad I had these fillings in my teeth.

The pain and agony they caused me have actually made me into a very

humble hardworking person, and I have learned many lessons from all

the suffering I experienced, and it has made me into a very spiritual




> ,


> After getting all the fillings removed, how long before you can get

all the

> mercury out of your system... and to what lengths must one go to


> their system of all this mercury. Let's assume they have 15 - 20


> in their head (that is, sadly, what I have!).


> Dean


> ------------------------------------------


> Mercury is a very very hard metal to detoxify from, and if your

> fillings are releasing reasonable amounts in your body every day, your

> ability to excrete it is practically diminished...so trying to

> detoxify it while there still in can be pretty rough because a lot of

> times you just move the mercury around without getting rid of it.


> -






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