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Re: Any ideas for my 2 yo?

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My heart goes out to you. I wish I could say I had some good ideas. The

only thing that comes to mind is to wonder if you have tried

accupuncture. I don't know if it would even be possible on such a young




> Moneca

> Any suggestions would be appreciated.


> TIA,

> Moneca










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My sympathies too, Moneca.

I have no experience, sorry, but you did ask for ideas so... did you

ever read the section in " Protein Power Lifeplan " on healing a very

sick gut? They have a temporary, emergency feeding formula in there

and directions on how you could make it yourself. Kathleen DesMaisons

makes a child-friendly whey protein shake too. And she does

consultations. (PhD nutritionist)

other than that I'd find an ND or Certified Clinical Nutritionist to

work with I guess.


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Moneca, you might enjoy the waphb group, (Weston A. Price Healthy

Babies). There is lots of people with little kids full of support.

Have you tried taking you dd to a chiropractor? It's seemed to help

with a lot of different issues for several people.


monecacolorado wrote:


>My dd was just diagnosed with gastroparesis (weak or paralyzed

>stomach in which the food will just sit in her gut for 10 or more

>hours and come back up undigested - even raw grassfed 24 hour yoghurt

>will stay in her gut for 4 hours). She has been on the SCD for

>months, but

>now I understand why she continues to vomit and her bacteria/yeast

>problems will not subside. I figured out the GP a few months ago, but

>it took me a while to find a doc to take her health issues seriously

>(her teeth stopped coming in last March and her hair is very thin due

>to the vomiting and horrible appetite).

>I tried a number of natural appetite stimulants and herbs to increase

>motility without success. This doc wanted to put her on reglan and I

>agreed (as much as I hated to) because she has been losing weight.

>Initially he put her on a regular med with the sugar which made her

>yesst rashes open up and weep. I switched her to a compounded version

>that was made with methylcellulose and I hope she will be tolerating

>this better.

>I believe in WP eating and saw Dr. Schmid in CT. He kept her on the

>24 hour yoghurt and added raw organ caps, high vitamin butter oil,

>and high vitamin fish oil three times per day. She has been on this

>regimen for three months and continues to lose weight. I know that

>properly made breads and carbs would help her to gain weight, but

>eating them makes her yeast rashes weep and she vomits even more. My

>guess is that these feed the yeast in her gut and must make the gut

>irritable and more prone to vomiting and pain.

>I don't know what else to do right now. I know that placing her on

>something like pediasure would be nutritionally awful and she would

>vomit more because of the sugar content. I'm hoping that the reglan

>will help her gut to move enough that I might be able to try

>glyconutritional with her again. The first time it would just sit in

>her stomach and cause increased vomiting.

>Any ideas would be appreciated. I've learned so many wonderful things

>about nurtition through WP and Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,

>but wish I could nourish my daughter.



>Any suggestions would be appreciated.













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><B>MODERATORS:</B> Heidi Schuppenhauer

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Hi ,

What a devastating situation. When I read your story I was reminded of an

WAP article on poi. The baby in the story was younger and I'm sure there are

other dissimilarities, but I wanted to pass on the link to you so you could

assess yourself. The big similarity was that the baby like yours could not

thrive on any food, including I believe breast milk. The mother found that

the only food the baby could tolerate for years was fermented poi which she

shipped in from Hawaii.


Best wishes to you and your daughter,


> Hi.

> My dd was just diagnosed with gastroparesis (weak or paralyzed

> stomach in which the food will just sit in her gut for 10 or more

> hours and come back up undigested - even raw grassfed 24 hour yoghurt

> will stay in her gut for 4 hours). She has been on the SCD for

> months, but

> now I understand why she continues to vomit and her bacteria/yeast

> problems will not subside. I figured out the GP a few months ago, but

> it took me a while to find a doc to take her health issues seriously

> (her teeth stopped coming in last March and her hair is very thin due

> to the vomiting and horrible appetite).

> I tried a number of natural appetite stimulants and herbs to increase

> motility without success. This doc wanted to put her on reglan and I

> agreed (as much as I hated to) because she has been losing weight.

> Initially he put her on a regular med with the sugar which made her

> yesst rashes open up and weep. I switched her to a compounded version

> that was made with methylcellulose and I hope she will be tolerating

> this better.

> I believe in WP eating and saw Dr. Schmid in CT. He kept her on the

> 24 hour yoghurt and added raw organ caps, high vitamin butter oil,

> and high vitamin fish oil three times per day. She has been on this

> regimen for three months and continues to lose weight. I know that

> properly made breads and carbs would help her to gain weight, but

> eating them makes her yeast rashes weep and she vomits even more. My

> guess is that these feed the yeast in her gut and must make the gut

> irritable and more prone to vomiting and pain.

> I don't know what else to do right now. I know that placing her on

> something like pediasure would be nutritionally awful and she would

> vomit more because of the sugar content. I'm hoping that the reglan

> will help her gut to move enough that I might be able to try

> glyconutritional with her again. The first time it would just sit in

> her stomach and cause increased vomiting.

> Any ideas would be appreciated. I've learned so many wonderful things

> about nurtition through WP and Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,

> but wish I could nourish my daughter.


> Moneca

> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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I don't have any advice but I do want to say my heart and prayers are with

you and your baby girl. I have an almost 2 year old daughter and I can not

imagine going through what you are. Worst I've had to deal with was diahrea

that lasted a month before I finaly stopped listening to our doctor and

started treating her myself. I know the helplessness you must feel.

((((hug)))) Prayers your way.


D. Siemens

WAPF Chapter Leader


Wife of Tim, Mother of Zack and Lydia, Child of God.

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My heart goes out to you! I'm no medical expert, just love to read

about alternative healing. Here are some things you can look up.

Grapefruit seed extract has been touted as the miracle cure for

bacterial/candida problems. I've heard that it's not actually the

grapefruit seed extract but the preservative they use, but

nonetheless, it is supposed to wipe out candida and everything else

pretty much on contact. If you suspect candida overgrowth or some

bacterial problem and want to wipe the slate clean and start over

with probiotics to try to get her in balance, it is something to


Salt is good for digestion - not only contributes the chlorine to

the stomach's HCL, but the sodium to the sodium bicarbonate the

small intestine needs to alkalinize the food when it gets there.

Salty ferments like sauerkraut, kimchi, or umeboshi may help.

If she hasn't been tested for parasites and giardia, see if the doc

thinks that needs to be done. Young children are at especially high

risk for giardia and some other protozoal infections because of the

things they do that adults wouldn't.

Watch what your doctor has you do. My friend's husband went through

the same thing and just kept getting worse. None of the surgeries

did much. Before the doctor has you do anything too extreme, get

some second opinions, like from orthomolecular practitioners. I'd

like to say he's getting better, but so far he's still only using

traditional medical therapies and the doctors admit they don't know

what they're doing.

You can try giving Sue Massie a call,(732) 933-4011 She's a pretty

good nutritional health care practitioner. She can be brusque, but

she is a good person and has helped a lot of people who thought they

had no hope.

Last, if you have fluoride in your water, CO has a problem with that

in a lot of areas, use distilled water or get a reverse osmosis

filter for her as fluoride is very very bad on the stomach, kills

enzymes, and leaches calcium and magnesium. She could also be at

risk of fluoride poisoning if you live near a processing plant for

fertilizer, metals like aluminum, or uranium processing plant. CO

has a lot of natural uranium and they use fluoride to separate the

form that's more radioactive from the rest.

I did a showing of the film " The Fluoride Deception " on Sunday and

one fellow got really emotional, said he lived in a town where

everyone makes their living in the metals industry. It wasn't until

he saw the film that he realized his family and neighbors were

poisoned with fluoride fumes.

God bless you. I'll pray for your little girl.

- Renate

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You have your daughter on the scdiet. Have you particpated on any of

the scd support groups? Check out pecanbread.com they are focused on

babies and young children and you might find another mother w/ a

similar experience. You can find the link to their support group on

the site.

also, you might try to join the long island listserv (I think you can

find that via Elaine's site, breakingtheviciouscycle.info) Gay B. is

especially helpful in directing people to the information they need.

I hope this information isn't redundant for you and that you find the

comfort and assistance you need. I am impressed that you are handling

such a difficult and trying problem w/o any self-pity.

best to you and your little girl,


> Hi.

> My dd was just diagnosed with gastroparesis (weak or paralyzed

> stomach in which the food will just sit in her gut for 10 or more

> hours and come back up undigested - even raw grassfed 24 hour yoghurt

> will stay in her gut for 4 hours). She has been on the SCD for

> months, but

> now I understand why she continues to vomit and her bacteria/yeast

> problems will not subside.

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Thanks. We've been to 2 traditional medicine docs without any luck.



> Moneca,


> My heart goes out to you. I wish I could say I had some good

ideas. The

> only thing that comes to mind is to wonder if you have tried

> accupuncture. I don't know if it would even be possible on such a


> child.


> Ellen

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Thanks. I'll check it out. Yes, went to a chiro for 9 months (he

originally found 3 subluxations) without improvement.



> Moneca, you might enjoy the waphb group, (Weston A. Price


> Babies). There is lots of people with little kids full of


> Have you tried taking you dd to a chiropractor? It's seemed to


> with a lot of different issues for several people.

> Kayla

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Thanks to everyone for your replies. I believe in WP living and I

won't give up. I'm off in a minute to drive 2 hours to get raw jersey

milk as we have moved to the least progressive state possible. I know

that this way of eating is the most nutritious for my daughter even

though the docs all suggest low fiber and low fat for patients with

gastroparesis. Most of these kids end up with feeding tubes and

multiple surgeries while recieving tube feedings primarily based on

sugar and corn syrup. I won't quits searching for natural healing for



> >

> > Moneca,

> >

> > My heart goes out to you. I wish I could say I had some good

> ideas. The

> > only thing that comes to mind is to wonder if you have tried

> > accupuncture. I don't know if it would even be possible on such


> young

> > child.

> >

> > Ellen


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Did anybody mention, or have you investigated the Specifc Carbohydrate

Diet? As good as Wp info is regarding principles, not every food benefits

us all.

And another thought, is she physically active? Would she mimic you dong

some Chi Gong? I have some excellent connections in that area. You can

contact me directly if you are interested in pursuing this. At the very

least doing the Chi Gong would benefit you.

What backward state are you in? Here in Virginia it is pretty bad and

getting worse.

Good for you. Don't quit. It is astonishing how many difficulties can be

overcome by determination like yours. Keep in touch!


On 2/2/06, monecacolorado <monecacolorado@...> wrote:


> Thanks to everyone for your replies. I believe in WP living and I

> won't give up. I'm off in a minute to drive 2 hours to get raw jersey

> milk as we have moved to the least progressive state possible. I know

> that this way of eating is the most nutritious for my daughter even

> though the docs all suggest low fiber and low fat for patients with

> gastroparesis. Most of these kids end up with feeding tubes and

> multiple surgeries while recieving tube feedings primarily based on

> sugar and corn syrup. I won't quits searching for natural healing for

> her.


> Moneca



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My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine how difficult this must be. I

really applaud you for looking for help in nutrition. Having a nutritous

supplement can only improve her progress.

I am afraid that I have no nutritional or medical advice, however if you

are interested in some approaches that are a little " out there " I have a

few suggestions where to look.

There is something called NES Nutri-Energetic System which is a device

that looks at the human bioenergetic field. They say it looks at underlying

causes of illness. I don't really have any experience with it but I have a

friend that is quite enthusiastic. Anyway, if you are interested you can

check it out at http://www.nutri-energetics.com/

Then to deal with the emotional aspects of illness there is EFT.


Some people have results with physical problems as well.

I personally haven't had a lot of success with EFT. I find psych-k more



Best wishes,


At 08:32 AM 2/2/06, you wrote:

>Thanks to everyone for your replies. I believe in WP living and I

>won't give up. I'm off in a minute to drive 2 hours to get raw jersey

>milk as we have moved to the least progressive state possible. I know

>that this way of eating is the most nutritious for my daughter even

>though the docs all suggest low fiber and low fat for patients with

>gastroparesis. Most of these kids end up with feeding tubes and

>multiple surgeries while recieving tube feedings primarily based on

>sugar and corn syrup. I won't quits searching for natural healing for






> > >

> > > Moneca,

> > >

> > > My heart goes out to you. I wish I could say I had some good

> > ideas. The

> > > only thing that comes to mind is to wonder if you have tried

> > > accupuncture. I don't know if it would even be possible on such


> > young

> > > child.

> > >

> > > Ellen

> >











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><mailto: -owner >LIST OWNER: Idol

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Has anyone recommended colostrum yet? I'd heard it

contains " things " that stimulate the digestive system.

- Renate

> > >

> > > Moneca,

> > >

> > > My heart goes out to you. I wish I could say I had some good

> > ideas. The

> > > only thing that comes to mind is to wonder if you have tried

> > > accupuncture. I don't know if it would even be possible on


> a

> > young

> > > child.

> > >

> > > Ellen

> >


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Yes, We've been on a WP version of SCD since June. We're in OK. We

lived in Denver and NYC so Not being able to find organics is a

pretty bizarre way to live. We're finding our way around it.



> Moneca,


> Did anybody mention, or have you investigated the Specifc


> Diet? As good as Wp info is regarding principles, not every food


> us all.

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Thank you. She has been on colustrum since June. I do believe it is

helping her immune system since she is rarely sick or has ever had

and ear infection or antibiotics - Thank God! Lavendar essential oil

around her ear has taken care of her any time she has been pulling on

her ear or complained of ear pain.


--- In , " haecklers " <haecklers@...>



> Has anyone recommended colostrum yet? I'd heard it

> contains " things " that stimulate the digestive system.


> - Renate

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How much colostrum do you give her? I am wondering because I am thinking of

giving it to my 3 y/o son.



At 11:17 AM 2/3/06, you wrote:


>Thank you. She has been on colustrum since June. I do believe it is

>helping her immune system since she is rarely sick or has ever had

>and ear infection or antibiotics - Thank God! Lavendar essential oil

>around her ear has taken care of her any time she has been pulling on

>her ear or complained of ear pain.




>--- In , " haecklers " <haecklers@...>


> >

> > Has anyone recommended colostrum yet? I'd heard it

> > contains " things " that stimulate the digestive system.

> >

> > - Renate






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><mailto: -owner >LIST OWNER: Idol

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