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Re: Chi, Chris, and Foods that Cure

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I haven't, but now I have a question for the group. I need to tap into some

knowledge here. What juice fast would the best to go on, to help cleanse the

liver? I had Hep C, and was on therapy for 4 years. I no longer have

it...(glory to God), but all those chemicals were poured into my body for 4

years, and I think that I need to cleanse it. Any and all suggestions would be

wonderful. I've been free of the disease for 3 years now,but the scary part is

it remains to be seen the damage that has been done to my body by the chemicals

Please advise, and thanks so much


Chi, and Foods that Cure

Chi, and Foods that Cure:

I may have missed the thread here, but I understand

that someone is asking for studies proving that foods

cure certain diseases? Unless I am mistaken--I

thought nothing but the body cures itself. What we

get from foods are just the tools to do the handy


And following this line of reasoning--there is no ONE

food that does much of anything. This is why our

diets must consist of numerous foods.

Side note--has anyone noticed the Dannon Yogurt

commercials stating that " 70% of your immune system is

your intestines " ???


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> I haven't, but now I have a question for the group. I need to tap

into some knowledge here. What juice fast would the best to go on, to

help cleanse the liver? I had Hep C, and was on therapy for 4 years.

I no longer have it...(glory to God), but all those chemicals were

poured into my body for 4 years, and I think that I need to cleanse

it. Any and all suggestions would be wonderful. I've been free of

the disease for 3 years now,but the scary part is it remains to be

seen the damage that has been done to my body by the chemicals

> Please advise, and thanks so much


> http://www.boxertown.com

I don't know if either of these would be suitable to fast on, but beet

kvass and kombucha are great for the liver and detoxification. As far

as juices go, any veggie juices would work with fasting, I always

liked celery and cucumber with some ginger.

I would start taking turmeric (make sure its non-irradiated or

organic) as a supplement, it really helps the liver make detoxifying

enzymes and is a super strong anti-oxidant. I take 2 tsp with every

meal and it seriously has helped a lot. My skin looks much more

vibrant as well (and it hasn't even turned me yellow! :) ) I just take

it straight, mix it up with some liquid in my mouth and swallow but

most people may have to get capsules.

Good luck!


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> I haven't, but now I have a question for the group. I need to tap

into some knowledge here. What juice fast would the best to go on, to

help cleanse the liver? I had Hep C, and was on therapy for 4 years.

I no longer have it...(glory to God), but all those chemicals were

poured into my body for 4 years, and I think that I need to cleanse

it. Any and all suggestions would be wonderful. I've been free of

the disease for 3 years now,but the scary part is it remains to be

seen the damage that has been done to my body by the chemicals


I am not the expert. is the resident fasting guru. I think

that a juice fast is the way to go (although some purists would not

consider juice pure fasting). You can find much on the web about it.






(sorry for that long url)

I am on day 4 of a juice fast and now have first hand experience with

some serious mucoid plaque. Many of you know I am quite the skeptic,

and I will get into the gory details in another post. However, I was

going to end the fast tomorrow as true hunger has appeared today, but

with these developments, I am going to continue for a couple more days

at least, most likely. We'll see how things continue to come out

before I make a break for food <g>. I have been taking either a

grapefruit or cantelope juice in the morning, veggie juice in the

afternoon and maybe broth in the evening. I have been engaged in

heavy duty exercise as well. I have augmented with pysillium seed,

liver and colon herb formulas.


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I have a friend that has blood sugar readings of around 300 based on a portable

hand tester, not lab. He is going to start a water fast because he claims to

have heard somewhere that it will readjust his cells (shrink them) and give his

pancreas a rest and there for give him fresh start on his high blood sugar


any thoughts on this?

Re: Chi, and Foods that Cure



> I haven't, but now I have a question for the group. I need to tap

into some knowledge here. What juice fast would the best to go on, to

help cleanse the liver? I had Hep C, and was on therapy for 4 years.

I no longer have it...(glory to God), but all those chemicals were

poured into my body for 4 years, and I think that I need to cleanse

it. Any and all suggestions would be wonderful. I've been free of

the disease for 3 years now,but the scary part is it remains to be

seen the damage that has been done to my body by the chemicals


I am not the expert. is the resident fasting guru. I think

that a juice fast is the way to go (although some purists would not

consider juice pure fasting). You can find much on the web about it.






(sorry for that long url)

I am on day 4 of a juice fast and now have first hand experience with

some serious mucoid plaque. Many of you know I am quite the skeptic,

and I will get into the gory details in another post. However, I was

going to end the fast tomorrow as true hunger has appeared today, but

with these developments, I am going to continue for a couple more days

at least, most likely. We'll see how things continue to come out

before I make a break for food <g>. I have been taking either a

grapefruit or cantelope juice in the morning, veggie juice in the

afternoon and maybe broth in the evening. I have been engaged in

heavy duty exercise as well. I have augmented with pysillium seed,

liver and colon herb formulas.


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<LI><B><A HREF= " http://onibasu.com/ " >SEARCH</A></B> the entire message

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<B>MODERATORS:</B> Heidi Schuppenhauer

Wanita Sears




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> Unless I am mistaken--I thought nothing but the body cures itself. What we

> get from foods are just the tools to do the handy work.

Good point!

> Side note--has anyone noticed the Dannon Yogurt commercials stating

> that " 70% of your immune system is your intestines " ???

Isn't the skin/lymph system also considered part of the immune system?


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that would be wonderful. Do you have the recipe for the tea?


Re: Chi, and Foods that Cure

How about a long, slow, gentle three months of drinking a tea made from

Burdock and Dandelion root and a bit of licorice. Not as harsh as a fast.



> I haven't, but now I have a question for the group. I need to tap

> into some knowledge here. What juice fast would the best to go on, to

> help cleanse the liver? I had Hep C, and was on therapy for 4 years.

> I no longer have it...(glory to God), but all those chemicals were

> poured into my body for 4 years, and I think that I need to cleanse

> it. Any and all suggestions would be wonderful. I've been free of

> the disease for 3 years now,but the scary part is it remains to be

> seen the damage that has been done to my body by the chemicals

> Please advise, and thanks so much


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Katja's liver tea is a good remedy: equal parts burdock and dandelion

root and 1/2-to-1 part licorice, if you like it sweeter.

A couple tablespoons per quart of boiling water and cook for twenty mins.

take a quart/day for a couple/three months. Or you could make a

stronger decoction and drink less.



> Ellen,

> that would be wonderful. Do you have the recipe for the tea?


> http://www.boxertown.com

> Re: Chi, and Foods that Cure



> How about a long, slow, gentle three months of drinking a tea made from

> Burdock and Dandelion root and a bit of licorice. Not as harsh as a

> fast.


> Ellen


> wrote:


> > I haven't, but now I have a question for the group. I need to tap

> > into some knowledge here. What juice fast would the best to go

> on, to

> > help cleanse the liver? I had Hep C, and was on therapy for 4

> years.

> > I no longer have it...(glory to God), but all those chemicals were

> > poured into my body for 4 years, and I think that I need to cleanse

> > it. Any and all suggestions would be wonderful. I've been free of

> > the disease for 3 years now,but the scary part is it remains to be

> > seen the damage that has been done to my body by the chemicals

> > Please advise, and thanks so much

> >





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Ellen Ussery wrote:

> :

> Katja's liver tea is a good remedy: equal parts burdock and dandelion

> root and 1/2-to-1 part licorice, if you like it sweeter.

> A couple tablespoons per quart of boiling water and cook for twenty mins.

> take a quart/day for a couple/three months. Or you could make a

> stronger decoction and drink less.


> Ellen




Also, take milk thistle for 3 months. It helps rebuild the liver (the

above tea supports the liver). Katja recommends these:

http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/cap/l-r.php (scroll down a little).

Buy the 3 pack and take until finished.


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do the local health food shops sell this tea?


Re: Chi, and Foods that Cure


Katja's liver tea is a good remedy: equal parts burdock and dandelion

root and 1/2-to-1 part licorice, if you like it sweeter.

A couple tablespoons per quart of boiling water and cook for twenty mins.

take a quart/day for a couple/three months. Or you could make a

stronger decoction and drink less.


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> Also, take milk thistle for 3 months. It helps rebuild the liver (the

> above tea supports the liver). Katja recommends these:

> http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/cap/l-r.php (scroll down a little).

> Buy the 3 pack and take until finished.

These are great suggestions. But how can clean out the toxins

in her body without cleansing (at least) her colon at the same time?

You did feel a chemical stress, right ? It seems to me that we

always want to take something to get better. But that isn't always

the answer. It may be part of the answer, but if the organs of

excrement can't get rid of the toxins, it becomes a vicious cycle of

autointoxication. You can get the toxins out of the organs and into

the bloodstream, but then if your colon is clogged, and/ or you are

still bombarding your system with more, then it's just going right

back in your body. Some sort of cleanse of the colon, at the very

least, should be done in conjunction with any organ detox. To quote

JK's recent statement:

" I may have missed the thread here, but I understand

that someone is asking for studies proving that foods

cure certain diseases? Unless I am mistaken--I

thought nothing but the body cures itself. What we

get from foods are just the tools to do the handy

work. "

Fasting is an ancient native practice that is encouraged periodically

in NT. Some people perhaps cannot abstain from all foods, so then a

light diet for a time is suggested. For most people juicing is a

gentle practice that allows for the digestive system to completely

rest (that includes the liver and pancreas); much easier for many than

water fasting. I feel what is harsh is constantly barraging an ill

system with food several times a day when detoxification is needed.

Before you fix a leaky faucet, first you turn off the water.

Deanna, really appreciating a clean colon now ;)

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You can usually buy the dry herbs in bulk at the HFS then make a batch

each day. If your store doens't have them you can order from




> Ellen,

> do the local health food shops sell this tea?


> http://www.boxertown.com

> Re: Chi, and Foods that Cure





> :

> Katja's liver tea is a good remedy: equal parts burdock and dandelion

> root and 1/2-to-1 part licorice, if you like it sweeter.

> A couple tablespoons per quart of boiling water and cook for twenty

> mins.

> take a quart/day for a couple/three months. Or you could make a

> stronger decoction and drink less.


> Ellen






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Fasting could either send his readings extremely higher or lower, risking

diabetic coma. He's better off using the meter to check his reaction to what he

eats and adjusting his diet accordingly. The Nutrition Solution by Harold

Kristal has a diabetes diet and The Schwarzbein Principle is by

Schwarzbein, a diabetes doctor. Add exercise.


I have a friend that has blood sugar readings of around 300 based on a portable

hand tester, not lab. He is going to start a water fast because he claims to

have heard somewhere that it will readjust his cells (shrink them) and give his

pancreas a rest and there for give him fresh start on his high blood sugar


any thoughts on this?

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Re: Chi, and Foods that Cure


Fasting could either send his readings extremely higher or lower, risking

diabetic coma. He's better off using the meter to check his reaction to what he

eats and adjusting his diet accordingly. The Nutrition Solution by Harold

Kristal has a diabetes diet and The Schwarzbein Principle is by

Schwarzbein, a diabetes doctor. Add exercise.


I have a friend that has blood sugar readings of around 300 based on a

portable hand tester, not lab. He is going to start a water fast because he

claims to have heard somewhere that it will readjust his cells (shrink them) and

give his pancreas a rest and there for give him fresh start on his high blood

sugar readings...

any thoughts on this?

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NUTRITION</A></B> online</LI>

<LI><B><A HREF= " http://onibasu.com/ " >SEARCH</A></B> the entire message

archive with Onibasu</LI>


<PRE><FONT FACE= " monospace " SIZE= " 3 " ><B><A

HREF= " mailto: -owner " >LIST OWNER:</A></B>


<B>MODERATORS:</B> Heidi Schuppenhauer

Wanita Sears




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>Side note--has anyone noticed the Dannon Yogurt

>commercials stating that " 70% of your immune system is

>your intestines " ???



Yes dahling, MOST of the body's immune cells are in the intestines - upwards

of 80% (which is technically *outside* the body!).

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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>How do you figure that the intestines are " outside " the body?

Yeah, the contents technically are (in a topological sense) and the

lining of the intestines forms the boundary, but the intestines

themselves are obviously inside the body.


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On 2/2/06, Idol <Idol@...> wrote:

> Chris-


> >How do you figure that the intestines are " outside " the body?


> Yeah, the contents technically are (in a topological sense) and the

> lining of the intestines forms the boundary, but the intestines

> themselves are obviously inside the body.

Well the lumen would be topologically consistent with your skin, I

guess, but I don't think I'd consider immune cells in the intestines

to be outside the body. Am I wrong?



Dioxins in Animal Foods:

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> >How do you figure that the intestines are " outside " the body?


> Yeah, the contents technically are (in a topological sense)

> and the lining of the intestines forms the boundary, but the

> intestines themselves are obviously inside the body.


One of the most useful health related visuals that I've ever had the honor

of running across has been the picture of the human body as a donut. Or a

toroid for you geeks out there. Really puts it in perspective and most

non-tech people can relate when you explain it to them, IME.


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>>How do you figure that the intestines are " outside " the body?


>Yeah, the contents technically are (in a topological sense) and the

>lining of the intestines forms the boundary, but the intestines

>themselves are obviously inside the body.

Right. Let me amend my statement that the immune cells are technically

outside the body. According to Lipski in " Digestive

Wellness " ... " Current research indicates that 70% of he immune system is

located in or around the digestive system. Called *gut-associated lymhatic

tissue*, it's located in the lining fo the digestive tract and in the

intestinal mucus. " (p.51)

I've read elsewhere that the estimate is upwards of 80% of the immune system

is located in the gut. So it's hanging out on the periphery more so than

outside the body, although I think the immune cells, like IgA antibodies mix

with antigens inside the gut where the contents are being digested (which is

*outside* the body). Or is that not correct? Do IgA reactions happen in the

mucosal border?

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



" The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times. " --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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> Right. Let me amend my statement that the immune cells are technically

> outside the body. According to Lipski in " Digestive

> Wellness " ... " Current research indicates that 70% of he immune system is

> located in or around the digestive system. Called *gut-associated lymhatic

> tissue*, it's located in the lining fo the digestive tract and in the

> intestinal mucus. " (p.51)


> I've read elsewhere that the estimate is upwards of 80% of the immune system

> is located in the gut. So it's hanging out on the periphery more so than

> outside the body, although I think the immune cells, like IgA antibodies mix

> with antigens inside the gut where the contents are being digested (which is

> *outside* the body). Or is that not correct? Do IgA reactions happen in the

> mucosal border?

I think we're on iffy and almost pointless semantic ground here, but I

don't see on what basis one would arbitrarily decide that immune cells

in a mucous lining of the intestinal cells do not constitute the

periphery of the body rather than the intestinal cells under them.

None of the cells in the body are truly continuous. Beyond their

boundaries is matrices and interstitial spaces and fluids. Despite

physical separation, they are joined by these adjascent matrices, and

are also joined by signaling systems, including endocrine and

paracrine signals. I think one could argue that if there are active

cells in a mucous secretion that this mucous secretion is essentially

acting as a matrix that is extending " the body " into the intestinal

lumen, and actually making that food transiently part of the body, as

well as one could argue that those cells are leaving the body by

mixing with the food. A mucous lining with immune cells would be

matrix similar to, say, the collagen matrix of bone, through which

cells tunnel rather intermittently, or the matrix of any other tissue,

it seems.



Dioxins in Animal Foods:

A Case For Vegetarianism?

Find Out the Truth:


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>I think we're on iffy and almost pointless semantic ground here, but I

>don't see on what basis one would arbitrarily decide that immune cells

>in a mucous lining of the intestinal cells do not constitute the

>periphery of the body rather than the intestinal cells under them.

>None of the cells in the body are truly continuous. Beyond their

>boundaries is matrices and interstitial spaces and fluids. Despite

>physical separation, they are joined by these adjascent matrices, and

>are also joined by signaling systems, including endocrine and

>paracrine signals. I think one could argue that if there are active

>cells in a mucous secretion that this mucous secretion is essentially

>acting as a matrix that is extending " the body " into the intestinal

>lumen, and actually making that food transiently part of the body, as

>well as one could argue that those cells are leaving the body by

>mixing with the food. A mucous lining with immune cells would be

>matrix similar to, say, the collagen matrix of bone, through which

>cells tunnel rather intermittently, or the matrix of any other tissue,

>it seems.

That's fine. I don't have any quibble with that. I was just stating

something that I thought was an interesting theory that I'd heard and made

sense to me. But I don't have a dog in this debate, so you're explanation

sounds perfectly plausible :-)

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics



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>Well the lumen would be topologically consistent with your skin, I

>guess, but I don't think I'd consider immune cells in the intestines

>to be outside the body. Am I wrong?

If they're free-floating inside the intestines, they're topologically

outside. If they're part of the body of the intestines, they're

not. I don't think immune cells actually cross the lining and join

the mass of food being digested, but I could be wrong.


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