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Re: Canned Spam in 2006 WAPF Shopping Guide?

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>I just received my 2006 WAPF Shopping Guide (actually my very first

>shopping guide!) On page 16 under Processed Meats in the *GOOD*

>section is Spam! Spam??? Really???


>So my DH had to go to the store for a couple of things and (with my

>blessing LOL) brought back a can. The ingredients are: Pork with

>Ham, Salt, Water, Modified Potato Starch, Sugar and Sodium Nitrite.

I scanned the guide into Paperport and then tossed it in recycling,

and somehow that page is missing from my scan so I can't gawk at it

myself, but in light of those ingredients and the quality (or lack

thereof) of pork surely used in Spam, that's

appalling. Unfortunately, I think the guide has gotten quite a bit

too permissive lately. That's just one example.


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>I just received my 2006 WAPF Shopping Guide (actually my very first

>>shopping guide!) On page 16 under Processed Meats in the *GOOD*

>>section is Spam! Spam??? Really???


>>So my DH had to go to the store for a couple of things and (with my

>>blessing LOL) brought back a can. The ingredients are: Pork with

>>Ham, Salt, Water, Modified Potato Starch, Sugar and Sodium Nitrite.




>I scanned the guide into Paperport and then tossed it in recycling,

>and somehow that page is missing from my scan so I can't gawk at it

>myself, but in light of those ingredients and the quality (or lack

>thereof) of pork surely used in Spam, that's

>appalling. Unfortunately, I think the guide has gotten quite a bit

>too permissive lately. That's just one example.


I have the paper copy. There's " Spam " alrighty. They put company names

with all the other products. Why not " Hormel Spam? " Are they too

embarrassed? And now for a real treat, why not visit the hip website of

this good (according to WAPF) processed meat product?


Funny thing. In the " AVOID " section it includes 'most commercial ham

and sausage,' yada yada. Spam sure fits that description in my book.


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Yes, I was a bit shocked myself. Can't figure that one out. Maybe it

accidentially got put in wrong column?

On 1/18/06, fourume2003 <mdrgnolan@...> wrote:

I am really having a hard time figuring out

> why WAPF would allow Spam.


> Any thoughts?


> Rhonda


D. Siemens

WAPF Chapter Leader


Wife of Tim, Mother of Zack and Lydia, Child of God.

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Do other companies make Spam, maybe? I've never eaten any, so I have

no idea. Sure is bizarre getting the WAPF seal of approval, though.

>I have the paper copy. There's " Spam " alrighty. They put company names

>with all the other products. Why not " Hormel Spam? " Are they too

>embarrassed? And now for a real treat, why not visit the hip website of

>this good (according to WAPF) processed meat product?




>Funny thing. In the " AVOID " section it includes 'most commercial ham

>and sausage,' yada yada. Spam sure fits that description in my book.


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> >I just received my 2006 WAPF Shopping Guide (actually my very first

> >shopping guide!) On page 16 under Processed Meats in the *GOOD*

> >section is Spam! Spam??? Really???


> Unfortunately, I think the guide has gotten quite a bit

> too permissive lately. That's just one example.


do you care to elaborate? I'd like to know what else to watch out for.



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On 1/17/06, fourume2003 <mdrgnolan@...> wrote:

> I would have thought this would be a no-no - I mean Beeler's pork got

> yanked off the approved list because the pigs didn't have much access

> to the great outdoors. And Hormel wouldn't be factory farmed? Or fed

> garbage, or have antibiotics? I continue to buy Beeler's bacon (best

> bacon I've ever had), but I am really having a hard time figuring out

> why WAPF would allow Spam.


> Any thoughts?

Well in my newsletter from s, the Milk Book

guy, he too touts SPAM.


I first met her...in the Student Union at the University...sitting

across and down the table from each other. Our eyes met and that was

it. I was lost immediately in her soulful gaze (which I remember

vividly and tearfully even now) and was drawn inexorably from that

very moment into a love so certain that I never doubted anything about

it, other than the improbability that she would put up with me.

Things worked out. Glory to God!

-Mark Gilstrap

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>Well in my newsletter from s, the Milk Book

>guy, he too touts SPAM.

I guess I didn't subscribe until after he last mentioned Spam. Do

you remember what his rationale was?


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> >Well in my newsletter from s, the Milk Book

> >guy, he too touts SPAM.


> I guess I didn't subscribe until after he last mentioned Spam. Do

> you remember what his rationale was?

Maybe it goes good with a cigar.



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> Do other companies make Spam, maybe? I've never eaten any, so I have

> no idea. Sure is bizarre getting the WAPF seal of approval, though.

SPAM is a fiercely protected trademark of Hormel. I doubt any other

meat producer would dare use the mark without successful legal

challenge on Hormal's part. And really, why would any company want

to? I admit I've never tasted SPAM, but it is the butt of many jokes.

Hormel has also been upset that " spam " has become a widely used term

for unsolicited email. In fact, they sued software maker Spam Arrest

for trademark infringement a couple years back. I do believe that

Spam Arrest prevailed though, since most people now think of spam in

the email usage, not the can of meat sense.

Note to Chris: Speaking of email, my mail server is down and it looks

like they dumped a couple of my folders, ugh. I am home all day fyi.

Sorry I never replied, but I had tkd class. It was sparring! I

didn't know, had no gear with me, used the school's chest and head

padding, had this ferocious 6th grade girl go to town on me, and my

arms are now sore from blocking her shin guarded kicks. Und now maybe

you want to explain to the group now how you get thrown around in

school, eh? ;)


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On 1/18/06, Idol <paul_idol@...> wrote:

> -


> >Well in my newsletter from s, the Milk Book

> >guy, he too touts SPAM.


> I guess I didn't subscribe until after he last mentioned Spam. Do

> you remember what his rationale was?




> -

I don't remember, but it looks like posted the link.


I first met her...in the Student Union at the University...sitting

across and down the table from each other. Our eyes met and that was

it. I was lost immediately in her soulful gaze (which I remember

vividly and tearfully even now) and was drawn inexorably from that

very moment into a love so certain that I never doubted anything about

it, other than the improbability that she would put up with me.

Things worked out. Glory to God!

-Mark Gilstrap

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[Rhonda] So my DH had to go to the store for a couple of things and (with my

blessing LOL) brought back a can. The ingredients are: Pork with

Ham, Salt, Water, Modified Potato Starch, Sugar and Sodium Nitrite.

[Mike] In s' SPAM apologetics that gave the link for


modified potato starch isn't listed! Is s bending the facts or

what? Is modified potato starch a euphemism for something undesirable

? (It's hydrolyzed vegetable protein that MSG typically hides under,

right?) Is it harmless?

While I can certainly agree that SPAM is vastly more healthy than

Hostess Twinkies and from that broad perspective s' article is

reasonable, I don't know how any knowledgeable person can actually

take that guy seriously. His glib defense of sodium nitrite is sketchy

at best. He comes off like someone willing to take liberties with

truth in his zeal to debunk mainstream views.

Most importantly, though, he totally ignores the issues of pork

quality that are paramount to judging the healthfulness of SPAM in any

WAPF-informed worldview.

It's certainly an amusing topic, though, and as I can't recall ever

trying SPAM before, I think I'll buy a can sometime to satisfy my

curiosity! Generally speaking I don't mind eating one serving of low

quality food just for the sake of expanding my cultural knowledge...

By the way, if SPAM was originally " SPiced hAM " and still fits that

description, where are the spices in the ingredient list?


SE Pennsylvania

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>SPAM is a fiercely protected trademark of Hormel. I doubt any other

>meat producer would dare use the mark without successful legal

>challenge on Hormal's part.

Ah, OK, thanks. I wasn't sure whether it had become generic like " kleenex " .

>And really, why would any company want

>to? I admit I've never tasted SPAM, but it is the butt of many jokes.

Yeah, that's for sure.

>I do believe that

>Spam Arrest prevailed though, since most people now think of spam in

>the email usage, not the can of meat sense.

Yeah, and that will likely pose other problems for the trademark down the line.


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