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Native Child Spacing?

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I havent been on here in a little while so i thought i would

post something i have been rather curious about.

I have not read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration yet,

but i have read a few exerpts when i could find them.

Anyways it says that in the groups WAP studied most

of them practiced child spacing...usually between 2 1/2 and

up to 5 years. with 3 years being the most common.

In one tribe the man was not to cohabit with his wife until

the child was 3 1/2 years old.

Now i am wondering...did they still have sex? What type

of Birth control did they use? Im sure they wouldnt

have put anything harmful into their bodies...

Or did they just ahem..NOT do anything.



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Optimal Health Through Traditional DietI am surprised that neither Weston Price

nor Sally Fallon seem to have knowledge of the ability of breastfeeding to

naturally space children (at least in what writings of theirs I have read).

Most native type peoples nurse their babies very frequently during the day, and

sleep with them at night so they nurse frequently at night also. They also

nurse their children for a long time, often 3 or more years. This frequent

nursing in most women, supresses ovulation for quite awhile. I first learned

about this from an excellent book, Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, by

Sheila Kippley. The author points out that the American breastfeeding customs

do not produce this effect usually. Babies are often put on feeding schedules

during the day and taught to sleep through the night without nursing. Also,

pacifiers are commonly used and bottles of juice or water even if the baby is

breastfed. Solid foods are also introduced sooner than needed. All of these

factors cut down on nursing time and cause ovulation to resume much faster. I

breastfed my children according to Sheila Kippleys recommendations and most of

them are about 3 years apart. The closest together, my last two are 2 years, 3

months apart (I have seven). They are all very healthy also and we have rarely

needed to go to a doctor. I don't understand all this need to not cohabit, etc.

for a length of time. I have read recently and have no reason not to believe

it, that even today breastfeeding spaces more babies throughout the world, than

artificial birth control does.


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Yes, The absence of artificial baby milk is probably the biggest

influence on native child spacing. Most Traditional peoples nursed

their babies often, carrying them and being available for

nourishment whenever it was needed/called for, and for long periods

of time. A study found the average age for weaning around the world

was 4! That was the average.

As Janet points out: Sheila Kippley's book " Breastfeeding and

Natural Child Spacing " is an excellent resource.

The US introduction of formula to create a profit market for what is

better obtained for free, and more nutritious is a shame,

considering now we now " need " to create another profit market for

artificial birth control.



> Optimal Health Through Traditional DietI am surprised that neither

Weston Price nor Sally Fallon seem to have knowledge of the ability

of breastfeeding to naturally space children (at least in what

writings of theirs I have read). Most native type peoples nurse

their babies very frequently during the day, and sleep with them at

night so they nurse frequently at night also. They also nurse their

children for a long time, often 3 or more years. This frequent

nursing in most women, supresses ovulation for quite awhile. I

first learned about this from an excellent book, Breastfeeding and

Natural Child Spacing, by Sheila Kippley. The author points out

that the American breastfeeding customs do not produce this effect

usually. Babies are often put on feeding schedules during the day

and taught to sleep through the night without nursing. Also,

pacifiers are commonly used and bottles of juice or water even if

the baby is breastfed. Solid foods are also introduced sooner than

needed. All of these factors cut down on nursing time and cause

ovulation to resume much faster. I breastfed my children according

to Sheila Kippleys recommendations and most of them are about 3

years apart. The closest together, my last two are 2 years, 3

months apart (I have seven). They are all very healthy also and we

have rarely needed to go to a doctor. I don't understand all this

need to not cohabit, etc. for a length of time. I have read

recently and have no reason not to believe it, that even today

breastfeeding spaces more babies throughout the world, than

artificial birth control does.


> Janet




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I was born 10 months after my sister because my mother believed that

breastfeeding was natural birth control. It doesn't work for

everyone! She was not too thrilled to be pregnant a month later!

> >

> > Optimal Health Through Traditional DietI am surprised that


> Weston Price nor Sally Fallon seem to have knowledge of the


> of breastfeeding to naturally space children (at least in what

> writings of theirs I have read). Most native type peoples nurse

> their babies very frequently during the day, and sleep with them


> night so they nurse frequently at night also. They also nurse


> children for a long time, often 3 or more years. This frequent

> nursing in most women, supresses ovulation for quite awhile. I

> first learned about this from an excellent book, Breastfeeding and

> Natural Child Spacing, by Sheila Kippley. The author points out

> that the American breastfeeding customs do not produce this effect

> usually. Babies are often put on feeding schedules during the day

> and taught to sleep through the night without nursing. Also,

> pacifiers are commonly used and bottles of juice or water even if

> the baby is breastfed. Solid foods are also introduced sooner


> needed. All of these factors cut down on nursing time and cause

> ovulation to resume much faster. I breastfed my children


> to Sheila Kippleys recommendations and most of them are about 3

> years apart. The closest together, my last two are 2 years, 3

> months apart (I have seven). They are all very healthy also and


> have rarely needed to go to a doctor. I don't understand all this

> need to not cohabit, etc. for a length of time. I have read

> recently and have no reason not to believe it, that even today

> breastfeeding spaces more babies throughout the world, than

> artificial birth control does.

> >

> > Janet

> >

> >

> >

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On 8/31/06, haecklers <haecklers@...> wrote:

> I was born 10 months after my sister because my mother believed that

> breastfeeding was natural birth control. It doesn't work for

> everyone! She was not too thrilled to be pregnant a month later!


Until you give us the details of just how she did it, your point above

doesn't really tell us anything. It is not just breastfeeding per se

that inhibits fertility, but a particular kind of breastfeeding.


" Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in

a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave

national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home,

or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we

did not blindly rally behind it. "

General MacArthur,

WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United

Nations Commander; Whan, ed., " A Soldier Speaks: Public Papers and

Speeches of General of the Army MacArthur, " 1965; Nation,

August 17, 1957)

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On 8/30/06, Dodds <mdodds@...> wrote:

> Optimal Health Through Traditional Diet I am surprised that neither Weston

Price nor Sally Fallon seem to have knowledge of the ability of breastfeeding to

naturally space children (at least in what writings of theirs I have read).


This caused quite a stir (and criticism) on this list awhile ago, when

a number of moms on this list and elsewhere (and me), perceived that

there is/was a misplaced emphasis in the WAPF based on the material

that is available either online or in print. It even led to a separate

list being started although it seems to have died out. I believe there

was also to be a " myths and truths " article regarding the whole

subject that Sally agreed to publish but I'm not sure what the status

of that project is at the moment.


" Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in

a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave

national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home,

or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we

did not blindly rally behind it. "

General MacArthur,

WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United

Nations Commander; Whan, ed., " A Soldier Speaks: Public Papers and

Speeches of General of the Army MacArthur, " 1965; Nation,

August 17, 1957)

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On 8/31/06, haecklers <haecklers@...> wrote:

> I was born 10 months after my sister because my mother believed that

> breastfeeding was natural birth control. It doesn't work for

> everyone! She was not too thrilled to be pregnant a month later!

If she just thought " breastfeeding " was natural birth control, she

probably wasn't aware of the nuances. I don't understand them all,

but there are a lot of things like frequency and duration and pumping

versus true nursing that I think affect whether or not it acts as

birth control.



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