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Re: OT: Poll: Dancing

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On 2/18/06, Masterjohn wrote:


> Hey everyone,


> I put out a poll about whether you'd like to dance. I'd really

> appreciate it if folks would answer it whether they like to dance or

> not, so the results have some degree of accuracy.

If we're on multiple polling lists with you, do you want us to only vote in

one place?





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On 2/18/06, Steph <gasteph7@...> wrote:

> If we're on multiple polling lists with you, do you want us to only vote in

> one place?

Unless you want to conserve your effort, it would be best to vote in

both places, so as not to skew the proportions.



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On 2/18/06, Masterjohn wrote:


> On 2/18/06, Steph wrote:


> > If we're on multiple polling lists with you, do you want us to only vote

> in

> > one place?


> Unless you want to conserve your effort, it would be best to vote in

> both places, so as not to skew the proportions.


> Chris



Okee dokee. I certainly wouldn't want to skew the proportions. :-)




The Christian Alternative to Yoga

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>The main reason I posted it is because someone told me it's a " tall

>order " to expect to find a girl who eats " like you " and also likes to

>dance. So I'm curious how WAP-eating tends to intersect with liking

>to dance.

I think the only operative condition is " eats like you " . And yes,

that's a tall order.


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> >The main reason I posted it is because someone told me it's a " tall order " to

> >expect to find a girl who eats " like you " and also likes to dance. So I'm


> >how WAP-eating tends to intersect with liking to dance.

> I think the only operative condition is " eats like you " . And yes,

> that's a tall order.


Hee hee. Good one, ..

I think the food thing is something you break to potential mates quite

slowly, Chris.

And about dancing, am I just living in the dark? When did girls not

like to dance? I thought it was the boys were the ones so afraid to go

out and shake it.

I'm with the other girls here -- just *love* to dance like crazy,

alone or with a partner or in groups, doesn't matter in the leasr.

Heck, I was even a cheerlaeder cuz it was so fun jumping around in a

group. Laughing.

I even dance when I'm driving sometimes -- certain music makes me

*have* to do something and so I wave a hand around in the car or



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>I think the food thing is something you break to potential mates quite

>slowly, Chris.

I'm not quite sure how that would work. I imagine the conversation

going something like this:

[and his date are at a restaurant. has just ordered a 2#

steak and creamed spinach. His date ordered flounder with a soy

glaze and steamed broccoli.]

Girl: My god, are you trying to kill yourself? All that fat

is going to give you a heart attack, like, yesterday! And meat is so

bad for the planet!

Chris: Ummm, so, how about those Olympics, huh?


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>> I would think WAPF people would like to dance at about the same rate

as would people in the general population, but I have no idea what the

rate of liking-to-dance is in the general population. <<

Well, I don't know if it's QUITE correct to say I " eat like you, " but

I eat WAPF, I love to dance, and of course, the other thing we have in

common is that I also like to sleep with girls. ;)


Caber Feidh ish Deerhounds

Raising Our Dogs Holistically Since 1986



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>> Chris: Ummm, so, how about those Olympics, huh? <<

Olympic figure skater ny Weir likes to eat steak, he says it's his

favorite food. And I KNOW he loves to dance, and not only with skates on -

he was asked if he couldn't be him, who he'd like to be, and he said


On the other hand, try as I might, I can't see him and on a date.


Caber Feidh ish Deerhounds

Raising Our Dogs Holistically Since 1986



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On 2/19/06, robin ann <grainwreck@...> wrote:

> I think the food thing is something you break to potential mates quite

> slowly, Chris.

Well we'd already discussed how we eat in friendly discussion, and

when it came up in terms of dating it was in the context of me

explaining why we weren't potential mates.

I've never had a problem affecting how others eat somewhat positively

for the most part, and most people think the food I make/eat is really

good, but that's not possible when the other person has an ethical

objection to nearly everything I eat.

> And about dancing, am I just living in the dark? When did girls not

> like to dance? I thought it was the boys were the ones so afraid to go

> out and shake it.

That's what I thought. I think she's just in a really strict minority

on this one.

> I even dance when I'm driving sometimes -- certain music makes me

> *have* to do something and so I wave a hand around in the car or

> something.

I usually dance while driving. Is that legal?



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Which is, I should have added, a homophone for " Pole dancing. "


On 2/19/06, Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

> I just realized that, but for the colon, this thread is titled " Poll

> dancing. "


> LOL.


> Chris


> --

> Dioxins in Animal Foods:

> A Case For Vegetarianism?

> Find Out the Truth:

> http://www.westonaprice.org/envtoxins/dioxins.html



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>I usually dance while driving. Is that legal? --Chris

I really truly once was pulled over by the police for dancing while driving.

I asked if it was legal and he actually said no, but he didn’t give me a

ticket. I’m sure he just thougth I was on drugs. linda



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OK, I'm sorry, but this is too much to pass up: pole dancing,

homophones, colons. I don't want to dredge up old accusations, but is

there something you're trying to tell us Chris?

Completely kidding of course... :)

On 2/19/06, Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

> Which is, I should have added, a homophone for " Pole dancing. "


> Chris


> On 2/19/06, Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

> > I just realized that, but for the colon, this thread is titled " Poll

> > dancing. "

> >

> > LOL.

> >

> > Chris

> >

> > --

> > Dioxins in Animal Foods:

> > A Case For Vegetarianism?

> > Find Out the Truth:

> > http://www.westonaprice.org/envtoxins/dioxins.html

> >



> --

> Dioxins in Animal Foods:

> A Case For Vegetarianism?

> Find Out the Truth:

> http://www.westonaprice.org/envtoxins/dioxins.html



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On 2/19/06, Furbish <efurbish@...> wrote:

> OK, I'm sorry, but this is too much to pass up: pole dancing,

> homophones, colons. I don't want to dredge up old accusations, but is

> there something you're trying to tell us Chris?




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Yes, I noticed that right away and wondered where you were going with


- Renate


> I just realized that, but for the colon, this thread is

titled " Poll dancing. "


> LOL.


> Chris


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> >[robin]I think the food thing is something you break to potential mates

> quite slowly, Chris.


> I'm not quite sure how that would work. I imagine the conversation going

> something like this:


> [and his date are at a restaurant. has just ordered a 2#

> steak and creamed spinach. His date ordered flounder with a soy glaze and

> steamed broccoli.]


> Girl: My god, are you trying to kill yourself? All that fat is

> going to give you a heart attack, like, yesterday! And meat is so bad for

> the planet!


> Chris: Ummm, so, how about those Olympics, huh?


> -

Or... hmmm... let's see...


" Well, <insert name>, this is great! It looks like we'll have lots to talk

about. I'd love to tell you about a whole new way of looking at things which

is actually a whole " old " way of eating. And it's very healthful and even

environmentally responsible! And rather than being a *new* thing, it's a

wonderful *old* thing -- a way of eating that's been around a lot longer

than even the Bible... we're talking hundreds of thousands of years here.

It's amazing...

See, I'm part of a science and nutrition group that follows the work of a

nutrition pioneer. The work of this one guy motivated me, and a lot of other

people actually, to research and look at food and lifestyle a whole other

way. There's quite a big movement behind this thing now. It's growing. All

sorts of people are embracing this new way of thinking. It's awesome...

revolutionary even...

....Hey, why don't you let me cook up one of my favorite Paleo dinners. I

love to cook! And I can explain it to you in more depth. I honestly think

you might just see what I'm so excited about... but right now, it's still

early... what do you say we go find a place with some music? I hope you

like to dance... "


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On 2/18/06, Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

> The main reason I posted it is because someone told me it's a " tall

> order " to expect to find a girl who eats " like you " and also likes to

> dance. So I'm curious how WAP-eating tends to intersect with liking

> to dance.

LOL! If you find a woman who eats " like you " , I wouldn't give much

weight to her dancing abilities.

And for the " cause of science " I love to dance ;-)

I used to teach ballroom dancing years ago.


" The stone age ended, but not because of any lack or stones.

Undoubtedly the oil age will end the same way. "

Sheik Yamani, one time oil minister to Saudi Arabia

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On 2/19/06, robin ann <grainwreck@...> wrote:

> > And for the " cause of science " I love to dance ;-)

> >

> > I used to teach ballroom dancing years ago.

> >

> >




> Be still my heart.... :-)


> ~Robin

Hehehe..... ;-)


" The stone age ended, but not because of any lack or stones.

Undoubtedly the oil age will end the same way. "

Sheik Yamani, one time oil minister to Saudi Arabia

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I love dancing. Swing and 5Rhythms. Have had a few dates through them, but I

still think my best bet is striking up a conversation at the local natural foods


Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

Hey everyone,

I put out a poll about whether you'd like to dance. I'd really

appreciate it if folks would answer it whether they like to dance or

not, so the results have some degree of accuracy.

The main reason I posted it is because someone told me it's a " tall

order " to expect to find a girl who eats " like you " and also likes to

dance. So I'm curious how WAP-eating tends to intersect with liking

to dance.

I would think WAPF people would like to dance at about the same rate

as would people in the general population, but I have no idea what the

rate of liking-to-dance is in the general population.

This might seem pointless, but it would be really cool if people

voted, for academic purposes. It's all for the cause of science. :-)



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