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Re: RELIGION Superiority of religious beliefs (was EVOLUTION: was Re: Salt)

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> In the sense of the truth of its claims, one set of religious

> beliefs *is* superior. There is either one God, no God or many

> Gods, etc., independent of what any individual believes.

Not necessarily. If there was one nine-dimensional God who governed

4,096 one-dimensional sub-gods, then all religions would probably be

equally wrong.



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Well, looking at that idea from a traditional orthodox Christian

perspective, we all just may very well be surprised. The Bible is clear

that we're not to judge the hearts of others as to their salvation. The

Apostle said, " for I do not even judge myself.... " . As Calvin put it,

those of us who do profess a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ are not to

assume we are " saved " , for it is God alone who judges. Then again, we're

called to have " confidence " in our salvation - not based on anything that we

do or say (for that would be works), but rather, strictly on the work and

the person of Jesus Christ.

Sharon, NH

On 9/12/06, Lynn Siprelle <lynn@...> wrote:


> All I know is, when we die we're all going to be surprised. Even me,

> and I've already died once.


> Lynn S.


> ------




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that is very true. We are not to judge the souls and salvation of others.

However, we can know if we are saved. And it is thru the blood of Christ. " For

by grace are ye saved thought faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift

of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast " . " Who so ever shall call upon

the name of the Lord shall be saved " . It is through His atoning death on Calvary

that we can all come to the saving knowledge of Christ. And what a life changing

experience it is. I've seen so many things since I started this Christian walk.

Wonderful things. I've seen people who were given death sentences, whom the

doctors said there was nothing more that could be done, miraculously healed.

The doctors were amazed, but stated it had to be the Hand of God. I've seen

people who were at the bottom of the heap, whose lives were a wreck, come into

church, and get gloriously saved. It is amazing. I myself, had a bad case of

Hep C from a blood transfusion after my 4th child was born. I went through 4

years of therapy....with the interferon and even had the Peg-Interferon therapy.

But it was of no avail. The viral count would go down some, while on therapy,

but after I would come off the therapy, it would shoot back up . My doctor sent

me to Dr. Gitlin at Emory, a hepatologist. They could not give me anymore

therapy.....there was nothing I could do but go on a liver transplant

list....and hope for a new liver...or hope for a new treatment. I had to go the

first of that year for a new viral count. I hadn't been on therapy for about 3

months. The doctor called me a few days later, and this was the words.. " its

gone. " . He called me back the next day to schedule an appointment....and the

words were... " It's really gone " . This was in January of 2003. Let me add

this.....prior to that in July of 2002, while at the deli in Winn Dixie, a

lady.....who was the sweetest looking lady I have ever seen approached me and

asked me if I had a disease in my body. I told her yes ma'am I did. She

sweetly smiled at me and said... " God wants you to know your healing is coming " .

I swear before the Lord, I turned to look at my mom, and turned back around to

thank that lady, and she was gone. You ask me how I know He is real......I know

that He is....

Re: RELIGION Superiority of religious beliefs (was EVOLUTION:

was Re: Salt)

Well, looking at that idea from a traditional orthodox Christian

perspective, we all just may very well be surprised. The Bible is clear

that we're not to judge the hearts of others as to their salvation. The

Apostle said, " for I do not even judge myself.... " . As Calvin put it,

those of us who do profess a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ are not to

assume we are " saved " , for it is God alone who judges. Then again, we're

called to have " confidence " in our salvation - not based on anything that we

do or say (for that would be works), but rather, strictly on the work and

the person of Jesus Christ.

Sharon, NH

On 9/12/06, Lynn Siprelle <lynn@...> wrote:


> All I know is, when we die we're all going to be surprised. Even me,

> and I've already died once.


> Lynn S.


> ------




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> Kill those Iraqis. Deny homosexuals their rights. Reduce taxes on the rich.

> Make the country afraid so we can erode their constitutional rights. Hold

> people in secret prisons around the world. Torture them. Hail Jesus! Teach my

> values in the schools. You ask me how I know He is real....I know he is.


> ³Sharon,

> that is very true. We are not to judge the souls and salvation of others.

> However, we can know if we are saved. And it is thru the blood of Christ.

> " For by grace are ye saved thought faith, and that not of yourselves. It is

> the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast " . " Who so ever shall

> call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved " . It is through His atoning

> death on Calvary that we can all come to the saving knowledge of Christ. And

> what a life changing experience it is. I've seen so many things since I

> started this Christian walk. Wonderful things. I've seen people who were

> given death sentences, whom the doctors said there was nothing more that could

> be done, miraculously healed. The doctors were amazed, but stated it had to

> be the Hand of God. I've seen people who were at the bottom of the heap,

> whose lives were a wreck, come into church, and get gloriously saved. It is

> amazing. I myself, had a bad case of Hep C from a blood transfusion after my

> 4th child was born. I went through 4 years of therapy....with the interferon

> and even had the Peg-Interferon therapy. But it was of no avail. The viral

> count would go down some, while on therapy, but after I would come off the

> therapy, it would shoot back up . My doctor sent me to Dr. Gitlin at Emory, a

> hepatologist. They could not give me anymore therapy.....there was nothing I

> could do but go on a liver transplant list....and hope for a new liver...or

> hope for a new treatment. I had to go the first of that year for a new viral

> count. I hadn't been on therapy for about 3 months. The doctor called me a

> few days later, and this was the words.. " its gone. " . He called me back the

> next day to schedule an appointment....and the words were... " It's really

> gone " . This was in January of 2003. Let me add this.....prior to that in July

> of 2002, while at the deli in Winn Dixie, a lady.....who was the sweetest

> looking lady I have ever seen approached me and asked me if I had a disease in

> my body. I told her yes ma'am I did. She sweetly smiled at me and said... "

> God wants you to know your healing is coming " . I swear before the Lord, I

> turned to look at my mom, and turned back around to thank that lady, and she

> was gone. You ask me how I know He is real......I know that He is....

> ²

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