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Calcutta NGO- 'Rescue' withhelds ARV medications

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Dr. Jack Preger,

Chairperson, Calcutta Rescue.

7.Ho Chi Minh Sarani,


Respected Sir,

In reference to your refusal to continue your support in terms of life saving

2nd line Anti Retroviral Drugs and costs for other relevant tests and medicines

according to the advice of my treating Government Doctor on 04.01.2007, which

you started on 04.09.2005 and lastly changed to latest combination of drugs from

26.02.2006 to 07.12.2006.

To be very honest, when I came to know that you have started replacing

refrigerated category of drugs by newly available non refrigerated category, and

then I decided to inform you about excess quantity of drugs retained with me and

to return the same to you as I have done earlier when you changed your support

from first combination to current combination, just to keep the exact quantity

of non refrigerated category new drugs, which you supposed to give me to meet up

ongoing requirement for next one month on 04.01.2007.

The cause of excess quantity of drugs retained with me, firstly I was getting

the drugs from you few at least 3/4days in advance every month, i.e. from

26.02.2006 to 07.12.2006 and secondly for missed doses due to unaddressed

psychological /circumstantial draw backs and/or due to self ignorance/lack of

treatment education.

After receiving the full quantity of two types of drugs on 04.01.2007 you

instantly refuse to support me further with life saving 2nd line Anti Retroviral

Drugs causing improper adherence and miss utilization of your donor’s money and

then asked me to get my treating physicians advice for current treatment

management to continue your further support. It was like bolt from the blue to

me and I failed to show you the small quantity of another type (Dinex) caused by

instant mental depression due to the fear of death without treatment.

According to that I meet Dr. S.K.Guha on 06.01.2007 got his prescription to

continue ongoing combination of Anti Retroviral drugs and relevant tests and

also referred to psychiatrist to get rid of alcohol dependence, which I informed

you over telephone on the same day and got your non compromising refusal. Then

my father also requested you over telephone and got your non supportive attitude

according to your donor’s intention towards improper adherence caused misuse of

donor’s money.

All these intentions of your donors were completely unknown to us according to

my written agreements with you in Bengali dated 07.12.2005 and again revised on

18.05.2006 or according to any earlier verbal exchanges. Till then I am out of

any 2nd line Anti Retroviral Drugs.

Although it is known to you, that according to my treatment history, I have lost

the chances to explore completely the advantages of 1st line Anti Retroviral

Therapy due to improper adherence, caused by psychological and circumstantial

draw backs to live in dignity. Which I also disclosed to you, before you

started 2nd line Anti Retroviral Drug support to me and for your own official

record about my previous treatment history and then again time to time through

personal e-mails to you for job involvement.

As a matter of fact, it is known to me very well as a HIV+ Treatment Campaigner

(Pl. find snehansu bhaduri through Google.com) that any donor do not donate

directly to support for Anti Retroviral Drugs to avoid the burden of life long

support according to National or United Nations Policy for Ethical

Protocol/Obligations and what you are doing through written agreement as Urgent

Life Saving Support is Direct Violation of International Policy.

But, I accepted your support as an interim life saving support to live few days

more to live in dignity with a disclosed status, which our social stigma do not

allow us still now, along with an attempt to be self sufficient, at least in

terms of livelihood. So, I started Citizen’s Rights based urges to Immediate

Policy Rectification to National Human Rights Commission and United Nations

Human Rights Commission. Also highlighting different ongoing Rights Violation to

State, National and United Nations level and through media/forums mentioning

your work directly or indirectly with the dream towards Complete Treatment

Support to Live in Dignity! Still now I have very strong belief on the intention

of Indian Constitution towards Citizen’s Rights equality to the riches and the

poor and also believe that nobody within Indian Constitution have any right to

juggle with any Citizen’s life in terms of social welfare or charity.

Accordingly, I tried lastly to draw the attention of our Hon’ble Governor and

Hon’ble Chairperson of State Human Rights Commission on 12.12.2006.

Lastly, I would like to request you again to continue your support in terms of

my in terms of 2nd line Anti Retroviral Drugs advised by my physician to detain

death caused by HIV.

Thanks a lot for all you have done for me and hope that you will never be like

President Bush to support President Saddam’s Ugly Death Sentence disclosed step

by step to public through media. Please excuse me for all of my draw backs.

Waiting for your call. Hope to meet you again on next Thursday.

With best regards,

Snehansu Bhaduri.

e-mail: <snehansu_bhaduri@...>

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