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D.C. CSA Presents Sally Fallon at American University on February 7

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Please forward this to everyone you know who may be interested in

finding out more about the diet and health, farm vs pharmacy, and the

workd of Sally Fallon and Weston A. Price!

First, a little funds raising speech

D.C. WAPF Folks - We presented " Beyond Organic " star Ableman,

healthy farm and animal advocate, Salatin, and local food

celebrity chef, Odessa Piper in DC in December. Now Sally has offered

to speak for our community. Organizing and presenting events like

this are only possible through the support of a CSA community. Looked

at another way, if your CSA is not providing community education

about food issues, your CSA dollars aren't going as far as they

should be. Fresh and Local CSA (www.freshandlocalcsa.com) not only

has provided extensive public education in the past 10 years, it

trains interns for the farms of tomorrow on how to produce

nutrient-dense foods, and grows its shares with the best practices of

biodynamics, Brunetti, Albrecht, Reams and Ingham. (Even better for

young families, biodynamic food does not contain the high nitrate

levels of traditional German organic farming.) We enjoy serving DC

families and do need your support. Shares are on sale now at


Now, the important part:

Foods that Fight Environmental Toxins and Pathogenic Organisms

February 7, 5:00 p.m.

American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016

School of International Service Building, First Floor Lounge

Free, open to the public (includes organic pizza)

Plenty of free parking across the street

Foods that help protect us against environmental toxins and

pathogenic organisms will be the topic of the monthly presentation of

the Global Environmental Policy Program at the School of

International Service at American University on February 7. Sally

Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, will introduce

the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston A. Price and explain the

relevance of his findings to today's health concerns-- " Mad Cow "

disease, avian flu, virulent e.coli and environmental pollution with

dioxins and related substances.

" Concerned consumers are shunning animal foods as a way of protecting

themselves against these modern health threats, " says Fallon.

" However, science shows us that certain nutrient-dense animal foods

revered as sacred by traditional societies are actually our best

protection against both pollution and infectious agents. " Fallon will

also present evidence for the protective effects of lacto-fermented

foods, which were consumed by all pre-industrialized populations.

Ms. Fallon is the author of the best-selling nutritional cookbook,

" Nourishing Traditions, " and serves as founding president of the

Weston A. Price Foundation, a non-profit nutrition education

organization. The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense

foods to American tables and boasts over 350 chapters worldwide which

help consumers find local foods raised by non-toxic methods.

The Foundation supports accurate nutrition education, organic and

biodynamic farming, pasture feeding of livestock, community-supported

farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and

nurturing therapies. It stands united in the belief that modern

technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and nurturing

traditions of our ancestors and that science and knowledge can

validate those traditions. The Foundation publishes a quarterly

journal, " Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts. "

The Foundation's informative and educational website is

www.westonaprice.org. As well as being the founding president of the

Weston A. Price Foundation (www.westonaprice.org) and editor of the

Foundation's quarterly magazine, Ms. Fallon is also the founder of " A

Campaign for Real Milk " (www.realmilk.com).

" This is a rare opportunity to interact with an independent

researcher as accomplished as Sally Fallon, " says event organizer and

DC-area CSA farmer, Allan Balliett. " By demonstrating through the

work of Weston A. Price that human food should have a much higher

nutrient content than corporate food industries are able to provide,

Sally Fallon has awakened families all over the country to the fact

that if they want to live full and happy lives, they won't find the

nutrition they need in packages at the grocery store and they are

going to have to put effort into acquiring the quality of food that

only small, owner-operated farms and cottage industries can provide.

With the large network of " Weston A. Price Chapters " she has

established in the U.S. and in Canada, she has undoubtedly saved more

family farms in the last 10 years than any other person or

organization, by creating markets that reflect value. The well

documented knowledge she shares makes both farms and families more

healthy. Speaking from my own experience as a recovering vegetarian,

hearing Sally Fallon speak is likely to change your life forever!

This is a lecture you will not want to miss, in fact it should be

mandatory for anyone planning a family or with young children, "

A discussion will follow Ms Fallon's presentation.

For further details and updates, please contact Allan Balliett at

info@... or (304) 876-3382. A.U. students should

contact of SIS at rnhodu@... for the latest information.



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