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The China Study - Colin Talk

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Hi everybody,

I just got this in the mail from my college advisor. I personally may

not have the time or resources to go, but if anyone is in the Bay

Area, they may be interested in listening (and then disproving his

whole talk, but that's another matter entirely).

>Change your diet and dramatically reduce the

>risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and


>Respected nutrition and health researcher, Dr.

>T. Colin reveals the truth behind

>special interest groups, government entities and

>scientists that have taken Americans down a

>deadly path


>In The China Study, T. Colin , Ph.D.,

>details the connection between nutrition and

>heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The report

>also examines the source of nutritional

>confusion produced by powerful lobbies,

>government entities, and opportunistic

>scientists. The New York Times has recognized

>the study (China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health

>Project) as the â*œGrand Prix of epidemiologyâ*

>and the â*œmost comprehensive large study ever

>undertaken of the relationship between diet and

>the risk of developing disease.â*


>Two opportunities to hear Dr. on February 6:

>1 â* " The Commonwealth Club, (415) 597-6700


>T. COLIN CAMPBELL, Professor Emeritus of

>Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University



>The U.S. medical care system is in critical

>condition. In addition to noting climbing costs

>and dodgy service, sounds the alarm

>over nutritional confusion produced by powerful

>lobbies, government entities and irresponsible

>scientists. He will detail the connection

>between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes

>and cancer, and explain healthy eating's ability

>to reduce or reverse the risk and effects of

>these deadly illnesses.


>11:30 a.m., Check-in | 12:00 p.m., Program |

>Club office, 595 Market St., 2nd floor, San

>Francisco | Free for Members, $15 for

>Non-members | http://www.commonwealthclub.org/

Just putting this out for everyone. If it piques your interest, then

by all means, go and report back :)

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