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Re: Bringing Down Husband's Fever HELP!!!!

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You can also apply a cold compress to his head and face. May not be an

immediate fix but may make him feel a little cooler.


> Good Afternoon!


> Early this morning, husband's temp was 98.6*. At 11am it was at 100.4*

and now it is 101.4*.


> I am keeping him in water, OJ and gave him a tablespoon of Impro-1 at

3:30pm. My Prescritptions for Natural Healing said to let the fever just

run its course...with care.


> My mom wants me to take husband to Urgent Care. Husband and I do not

have insurance...and the $$$ would be a big issue. BUT...if he REALLY

needs to go...I'll take him. I just don't feel that a 101.4* temp is a

reason to rush off to the Dr. and have DRUGS forced on us.


> I have RRL tea, Camomile tea, frozen chicken broth, a fresh chicken,

Vit. C 500mg and Impro-1, Impro-2 and Impro-FIRST.


> What else can I be doing besides rest and liquids? All he has had to

eat today are 3 bites of an egg salad sandwhich.




> 's Avery



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> I am keeping him in water, OJ and gave him a tablespoon of Impro-1

> at 3:30pm. My Prescritptions for Natural Healing said to let the

> fever just run its course...with care.


> My mom wants me to take husband to Urgent Care. Husband and I do

> not have insurance...and the $$$ would be a big issue. BUT...if he

> REALLY needs to go...I'll take him. I just don't feel that a 101.4*

> temp is a reason to rush off to the Dr. and have DRUGS forced on us.


> I have RRL tea, Camomile tea, frozen chicken broth, a fresh chicken,

> Vit. C 500mg and Impro-1, Impro-2 and Impro-FIRST.


> What else can I be doing besides rest and liquids? All he has had

> to eat today are 3 bites of an egg salad sandwhich.


Personally I don't worry much about fevers below 102. That's my

cut-off. Below that, I treat with liquids--LOTS of liquids, all kinds.

I wouldn't worry about keeping him in water with a fever below 102.

Keep him comfortable, keep him hydrated, let him eat what sounds good

and what he tolerates. Vitamin C, bone broth, elderberry syrup, can all

help. I don't know what Impro is, I'm sorry. If the fever is making him

uncomfortable, give him some Motrin (ibuprofen). If the Motrin doesn't

bring his fever down a little then you might have cause for concern.

Above all, don't worry. A fever of 101.4 isn't that high. Let him rest.

Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter


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Thank you!

I have done the cold compresses once. My mom is concerned that his brain will

overheat. Earlier this morning, we were sure this was a kidney stone

attack...but now we know htat it is not.


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> Thank you!


> I have done the cold compresses once. My mom is concerned that

his brain will overheat. Earlier this morning, we were sure this was

a kidney stone attack...but now we know htat it is not.


> Avery,

Put a teaspoon of salt in the bowl of water for the compresses and put

one compress on his forehead and one on his little ol' belly-button.

IIRC Mr. Bernstein is over sixty? You must be careful not to let him

get too hot. If he is prone to convulsing, grate an onion and divide

into each of the compress cloths on forehead and navel to get the temp

down. It's good that he's not eating so don't worry about that.

You can also make a tea of:

2 parts coriander

2 parts cinnamon

1 part ginger

Good luck, I think you can do it.


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Thanks for the comforting words Lynn!

My husband is NEVER sick! NEVER! (Except for a kidney stone attack after we

married.) With his job situation the past 2 months...he has been running

himself RAGGED...adn a breakdown was just a matter of time.

I figure that his immune system has just said...ENOUGH!

He is going to have Chicken soup for supper - nephew and I are having Mint

Garlic Lamb sausages sauted in VCO! :-)



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A couple of questions...

1) Why the bellybutton?

2) Why put salt in the compress?

3) What does the onion do?

Thanks! I am somewhat new to natural healing and always trying to



> Put a teaspoon of salt in the bowl of water for the compresses and put

> one compress on his forehead and one on his little ol' belly-button.


> IIRC Mr. Bernstein is over sixty? You must be careful not to let him

> get too hot. If he is prone to convulsing, grate an onion and divide

> into each of the compress cloths on forehead and navel to get the temp

> down. It's good that he's not eating so don't worry about that.


> You can also make a tea of:


> 2 parts coriander

> 2 parts cinnamon

> 1 part ginger


> Good luck, I think you can do it.

> B.


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On 8/26/06, Mrs Bernstein <mrsdanielbernstein@...> wrote:

> Good Afternoon!


> Early this morning, husband's temp was 98.6*. At 11am it was at 100.4* and

now it is 101.4*.


> I am keeping him in water, OJ and gave him a tablespoon of Impro-1 at

3:30pm. My Prescritptions for Natural Healing said to let the fever just run

its course...with care.


> My mom wants me to take husband to Urgent Care. Husband and I do not have

>insurance...and the $$$ would be a big issue. BUT...if he REALLY needs to

go...I'll take >him. I just don't feel that a 101.4* temp is a reason to rush

off to the Dr. and have DRUGS >forced on us.

There is nothing wrong with a fever, especially at that temperature.

It is the body's way of housecleaning when things aren't what they

should be inside. Personally I would give him lemon water and herb

teas, at least a gallon of liquids until the fever subsides. Nor would

I worry about him eating. Going without food is a good thing when


I wouldn't take any drugs. You would just be supressing a problem that

will eventually show up later either as another fever or something


You can do compresses to the head and stomach area. You can use ice

cold water and mix the water with some good herbs like goldenseal

(expensive and increasingly rare), peppermint, spearmint, and there

are many more. He ought to be drinking these herbs as well.

One of the most effective natural healing treatments I have ever been

exposed to is the cold sheet treatment. You draw a very hot bath mixed

with herbs (cayenne and mustard) designed to induce a fever. You then

wrap the person in ice and they sleep like this through the night.

This treatment has the cleansing power of a 30 day fast done all in

one night.

Don't try it though. There is a lot more to it than what I mentioned

above. Plus the person you do this too won't like you very much while

going through it, LOL! They might even start screaming and swearing at

you (or alternatively crying and sobbing as this treatment is great as

an emotional release as well). My point for the purposes of this post

is that a fever under control is okay. So take advantage of it.

> I have RRL tea,

If its quality this would be good to have him drink.

>Camomile tea, frozen chicken broth, a fresh chicken, Vit. C 500mg

and Impro-1, Impro-2 >and Impro-FIRST.

I would forget the food unless he wants to eat.

> What else can I be doing besides rest and liquids? All he has had to eat

today are 3 >bites of an egg salad sandwhich.

Give him liquids and let him rest. He will eat when he is ready.


" Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in

a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave

national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home,

or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we

did not blindly rally behind it. "

General MacArthur,

WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United

Nations Commander; Whan, ed., " A Soldier Speaks: Public Papers and

Speeches of General of the Army MacArthur, " 1965; Nation,

August 17, 1957)

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On 8/26/06, downwardog7 <illneverbecool@...> wrote:

> Back when she was still speaking to me, my sister used to call me

> " garbage brain " .

> B.

One man's garbage is another man's treasure.


" Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in

a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave

national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home,

or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we

did not blindly rally behind it. "

General MacArthur,

WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United

Nations Commander; Whan, ed., " A Soldier Speaks: Public Papers and

Speeches of General of the Army MacArthur, " 1965; Nation,

August 17, 1957)

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--- In , <slethnobotanist@...>


> There is nothing wrong with a fever, especially at that temperature.

> It is the body's way of housecleaning when things aren't what they

> should be inside.

, et al,

Yeah, I thought he was an older goat than merely 42. Mrs. B always

plays up the age difference and my imagination got carried away. Let

him simmer on, then, Avery and just keep him comfy.


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I would not worry too much about a 101 fever until it gets to 104 and

up. 106 and you are out of it. My wife got to 105 just before her

illness broke to new ground. I was ready to plunge her into a tub of

ice water if necessary.

On 8/26/06, Mrs Bernstein <mrsdanielbernstein@...> wrote:








> Good Afternoon!


> Early this morning, husband's temp was 98.6*. At 11am it was at 100.4* and now

it is 101.4*.


> I am keeping him in water, OJ and gave him a tablespoon of Impro-1 at 3:30pm.

My Prescritptions for Natural Healing said to let the fever just run its

course...with care.


> My mom wants me to take husband to Urgent Care. Husband and I do not have

insurance...and the $$$ would be a big issue. BUT...if he REALLY needs to

go...I'll take him. I just don't feel that a 101.4* temp is a reason to rush off

to the Dr. and have DRUGS forced on us.


> I have RRL tea, Camomile tea, frozen chicken broth, a fresh chicken, Vit. C

500mg and Impro-1, Impro-2 and Impro-FIRST.


> What else can I be doing besides rest and liquids? All he has had to eat today

are 3 bites of an egg salad sandwhich.




> 's Avery


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--- In , " tnjmcgill " <tnjmcgill@...>




> A couple of questions...


> 1) Why the bellybutton?


> 2) Why put salt in the compress?


> 3) What does the onion do?


Lessee, the bellybutton is where all the nerve-endings converge as

well as the reference point for the digestive fire; there may be some

congested heat in there. The compresses can be done simultaneously or

alternated and I suppose they form a kind of circuit or connection

between the two trouble spots, as well as work faster together to drop

the body temp..

Hmm, the salt, the salt, the salt...salt is hydrophilic so maybe it

makes the water " work better " the same way as it makes plain water

more hydrating when taken internally? Or maybe it keeps the water a

little cooler? I'm utterly grasping.

The onion is heating yet breaks up mucus/congestion. It will also

" draw " --and absorb---the excess " heat " from the area. This was

suggested only if the patient was prone to overheating in general and

ensuing convulsions--which he apparently is not--as the aromatic onion

juice when inhaled and/or placed in or around the eyes and mucus

membranes will prevent/stop convulsions.

I had this picture in my head of an elderly fellow wracked by fevers

and forced to endure people taunting him with lamb sausages--what's

not to convulse?

Anyway, you can see I don't have any authoritative answers to your

questions, sorry, just rehashing some of the garbage in my head.

The suggestions I made in that post were what I learned from an

Ayurvedic doctor, but I either didn't ask enough questions or simply

didn't take further notes for some reason or other.

may have some insights.


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I just had a thought, didn't he have a toothache a couple of days

ago? If the fever keeps up and the toothache is still there, you may

want to take him in to a dentist. Sometimes infected roots can cause

systemic blood infection and make a person quite sick. I had a co-

worker who had a root canal and the infection got in her blood. She

was hospitalized. I'm guessing that MAYBE you can see if the lymph

nodes in his neck near the toothache are swollen, this might be a clue

that there's an infection. But I'm no doctor. If you have a dentist

you know fairly well, perhaps you could describe the symptoms to him

over the phone and he'll tell you if he thinks it's likely or not,

perhaps save you a trip in.

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This is from www.webmd.com

Toothache with a fever

A fever that occurs with a toothache may mean an infection has

developed in a tooth or surrounding gums.

An abscessed tooth is caused by an infection that develops in the

tissue around a tooth. When the center of the tooth (pulp) dies

because of damage or tooth decay, mouth bacteria start to overgrow.

Bacteria spread from the root of the tooth to the tissue underneath

it, creating a pus-filled pocket called an abscess.

An abscessed tooth can cause severe pain from the pressure against

the tooth, bone, and nerves. An abscessed tooth may also make your

gums swollen and red. If the abscess is left untreated, the pus may

spread to tissues of your mouth, jaw, and face, causing a fever, bad

taste in your mouth, and swelling in your jaw, face, or neck.

As the infection increases, your jawbone may begin to dissolve to

make more room for swelling of the infected area. As the bone

dissolves, it may relieve pressure and reduce pain, but the

infection remains. If too much bone dissolves, there will be no

support for the tooth, and the tooth may have to be removed.

An abscessed tooth may develop because of gum disease. Gum disease

causes the gums to pull away from the teeth, leaving pockets. If one

of these pockets becomes blocked, mouth bacteria can overgrow and an

abscess may form.

Prompt dental care can help determine the cause of your fever and

keep the tooth from dying.

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I didn't even THINK of the tooth causing the fever! I just figured it was the

TERRIBLE schedule he has been on for the past two months, combined with a

SERIOUS lack of sleep taking down his immune system.

We don't have a dentist (or a Dr for that matter)...so I am pretty much on my

own at home. I have been keeping him on Impro-1 (for Staph and Strep), liquids

and rest. :-) Oh, and a TON of Vitamin C.

Thank you!

Mrs B

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I don't know how long they take here to get back to





> I didn't even THINK of the tooth causing the fever! I just

figured it was the TERRIBLE schedule he has been on for the past two

months, combined with a SERIOUS lack of sleep taking down his immune



> We don't have a dentist (or a Dr for that matter)...so I am

pretty much on my own at home. I have been keeping him on Impro-1

(for Staph and Strep), liquids and rest. :-) Oh, and a TON of

Vitamin C.


> Thank you!


> Mrs B





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Glad you didn't , it may have caused her heart to give out in

shock. If someone has a fever, start with tepid water and veeery

gradually decrease the temperature. Tepid [room temp] water would have

been 35 degrees cooler than her temp at 105 and is sufficient to help

cool someone down. This was the advice given to a friend of mine by his

uncle who is a doctor when he had a fever of 103.


--- In , " Brown " <brobab@...>



> I would not worry too much about a 101 fever until it gets to 104 and

> up. 106 and you are out of it. My wife got to 105 just before her

> illness broke to new ground. I was ready to plunge her into a tub of

> ice water if necessary.


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  • 2 weeks later...

On 8/26/06, downwardog7 <illneverbecool@...> wrote:


> >

> >

> > A couple of questions...

> >

> > 1) Why the bellybutton?

> >

> > 2) Why put salt in the compress?

> >

> > 3) What does the onion do?


> I had this picture in my head of an elderly fellow wracked by fevers

> and forced to endure people taunting him with lamb sausages--what's

> not to convulse?


> Anyway, you can see I don't have any authoritative answers to your

> questions, sorry, just rehashing some of the garbage in my head.


> The suggestions I made in that post were what I learned from an

> Ayurvedic doctor, but I either didn't ask enough questions or simply

> didn't take further notes for some reason or other.


> may have some insights.

What? And miss all the fun of you giving us the treasure form your

head? I'm enjoying this <weg>


How sweet it is! The GOP, RIP


" He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, in order to gain what he

cannot lose. "

Jim Elliot - slain husband of renowned missionary beth Elliot

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