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wisdom teeth and crowding

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I just returned from an appt. with an orthodontist. I went because my teeth

are beginning to look crowded. I also have 4 unerupted wisdom teeth, 1 of

which is nearly horizontal according to my panoramic x-ray, and *looks* like

it's pushing the other teeth forward. However the orthodontist I saw said

that this is not necessarily the case and that the epidemiological evidence

suggests, at best, that there's only a very weak correlation between wisdom

teeth such as mine and the crowding of the other teeth. Does anyone have an

opinion on the possible effects of unerupted wisdom teeth on crowding?

I'd also like to know if it's at all possible that something in the WAP diet

might cause teeth crowding in an adult born with a narrow dental arch? I

can't think of any reason to link the two, I'm just wondering why my teeth

seem to have begun crowding noticeably more since on the WAP diet. But it's

quite possible that I simply didn't notice it before until it reached a

certain point in the last two years when it became noticeable. It was

actually my mom who pointed it out to me several months ago.

It also occurred to me that my food allergies probably started around the

same time I started on a WAP diet since I loaded up on raw dairy after being

introduced to the WAPF literature. So perhaps my casein allergy has damaged

my gut and prevented nutrients from getting to my mouth that would prevent

the crowding? Or perhaps the crowding is inevitable no matter what I eat?

I've also developed receding gums on the bottom, and my teeth look more

stained than they used to. Again, I suspect this could have to do with food

allergies, but am not sure.

Any thoughts on this?

Lastly, it looks like I will have to wear braces for upwards of two years!

Maybe less. Does anyone here wear braces? Are they irritating at all? Is it

hard to clean your teeth with them on? The orthdontist said once they come

off then I'd have to use a retainer indefinitely, although not 24/7. He

said that's because my teeth are now settled into their " natural " position

and they may want to shift back to it once the braces are removed. I'm

assuming, perhaps wrongly, that on my better than average diet, perhaps my

teeth will straighten out more quickly than if I were on SAD, and then stay

there, but am not sure if this is just wishful thinking.

Ugh! If I'm going to have to wear braces for over a year, I should at least

be granted the honor of being 16 again, which is when I first turned them

down! (I think my teeth were MUCH straighter then, so not sure why I went to

an orthodontist.)

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

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