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Willy's baggies, their effect on depression in me, and what I think this means

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Dear group:

What follows are two entries that I posted in my 360 blog

today in regard to the effect Willy's miraculous baggie has on a

state of depression in myself, as well as what I think this may mean.

It won't be too long before all of the specifics of Willy's baggie

will be posted widely across the Internet, just as his recovery

story was a few months or so ago.

Incidentally, for those that may wish to follow it, my 360

blog, one in which I post all of my life " goings on " and any

significant writing that I may do, is located at:


All the very best,


Posted at 8:41 A.M. this morning:

Blog Title: One of Willy's " baggies " of supplements... Wow!

Dear friends:

After going almost a month without any supplements whatsoever (due

to poverty), yesterday I had one of the miraculous baggies of

supplements that cured my son Willy of ADHD/bipolar disorder.

Wow! What a difference this one baggie of supplements made.

I have been depressed and really dragging for most of August.

Although I am not all better yet, but I am a heck of a lot better

and more mentally functional than I have been in weeks. This

supplement mixture sure helps me a ton, just as it does my son. And

boy does this help sure arrive quickly. I cannot wait for the day

that this baggie approach is evaluated for the treatment of

depression... for it sure seems like the stone nuts to me.

I just took my second baggie this morning, and I have a dozen more

left. At least for a little while, I am " back in the ballgame " of


Hopefully, I will be able to get back to my writing soon. This

writing will include all of the specifics of what is in these

baggies and why, such that other persons can try this broad based

approach if they so desire to.

Posted at 5:36 P.M. tonight:

Blog title: Baggie number two kicked in.... Wow again!

Dear friends:

At about 8 A.M. this morning I took baggie number two. Five hours

later, by 1 P.M, I felt absolutely fabulous. The serious, and

sometimes suicidal, depressive state that I had gone through for

about three and a half weeks was OVER!

I am now " writing functional " again. It should not be more than a

week or two before Willy's baggie ingredients, and a good deal of

other material related to these baggies, is posted widely to dozens

of egroups on the Internet.

I am also currently toying with the idea of putting a " quickie

version " of Willy's baggie ingredient list in here (my 360


I have no commercial agenda for Willy's baggies. This is an answer

that I believe should be freely given to the world.

Incidentally, this was the second time that I have almost

immediately resolved a longstanding depressive state in myself with

baggies. The first time was this May. I had gone for at least four

months running on the low end of the scale, hardly supplementing,

eating poorly, and feeling like crap almost all of the time

(depressed). Despite this long- standing depressive state, I knew

after the very first baggie I took that this depressive state was

nearly over. And a baggie or two later, it was over (until I ran

out of baggies in early August).

I have to admit that a few hours prior to taking my first baggie

yesterday, I did do a bentonite and psyllium purge to unblock a

number of likely and common problematic issues in my gut, such that

the first baggie I took would be absorbed much better. A bentonite

and psyllium purge on an empty stomach was a foundation step for me

in regard to treating a serious depressive state in myself. I had

determined this foundation step quite a few years ago (in the fall

of 1999).

I know in my heart that despite the fact that the baggie ingredient

list that I am using is not perfect, this baggie represents " a giant

leap forward for all mankind " . Someday baggies of supplements

similar to that which my son and I are currently using are going to

be used to treat all kinds of illnesses, not just depression,

bipolar disorder, or ADHD. Baggies of synergistic nutrients (and

necessary cofactors) are a truth that is just too simple, and far

too powerful, to be ignored.

I also know in my heart that I, as a complete nobody, have led the

world since April 2000 in regard to both (1) the conceptual

understanding and (2) the practical treatment of a depressive state

in most persons. This " most " may include over 75% of the persons

that are depressed in the U.S. at the present time.

For over six years I have honestly and repetitively stated the above

to many persons, and have either been criticized for doing so, or

simply ignored. The heavy psychological burden of my having

discovered answers for depression that could help all mankind, and

my not having the means to either prove these answers out or move

these answers forward in some way, has not been an easy one for me

to bear.

Thank God for my son Willy, for having enough faith in me to help

me " to prove what I know " to the world. (His recovery is so awesome

he belongs on the Oprah show or Larry King someday.)

And thank God for baggies, which make it so easy for other persons

to follow suit.

God forbid that in the foreseeable future I get some competent help

and/or fiscal empowerment to prove out what I know about how to

treat depression. The anecdotal video testimony that I could

rather readily generate would be awesome. Many persons that have

been seriously depressed for months would be all better in a day, or

perhaps two days, or perhaps three. They would be so amazed at

such a profound change in their mood state in such a short time.

And this would " show and tell " so well on video. In my opinion,

much of the public would believe such video material, whether double

blind studies were done or not. (It is perhaps inevitable that

such double blind studies will be done, and do I sure welcome this

day. Every single antidepressant medication on earth is almost a

joke vs. what I know would work to treat depression in most persons,

so much so it is not funny.)

Many people feel that the drug companies still have the upper hand.

They also believe that it is probably going to take decades for " us "

(alternative medicine) to win the war against them.

I beg to differ.

I know deep in my heart that if and/or when I even get a little bit

of help in regard to proving what I know in regard to the treatment

of depression, the time left for the drug companies to have the

upper hand vs. alternative medicine may be rather limited, to say

the very least.

Lastly, I am only willing to take only a modicum of credit here. I

give most of the credit to those that deserve it; I give credit to

my parents, Arthur and n Darman, who are no longer with us but

will be special to me forever, to my son Willy, who taught me as

much as I taught him, and to my teachers, such as Sherry ,

M.D., Priscilla Slagle, M.D., Abram Hoffer, M.D, Bernard Jensen,

Balch, M.D. and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C., ph Mercola, M.D.,

and to many dozens of other alternative medical doctors, alternative

medical authors, and knowledgeable laypersons, persons that are far

too numerous to mention here.


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