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Beer and Evolution

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This is not meant to be a proof or disproof of evolution, but this is

an interesting commentary on western society's tendency to reject

traditional knowledge based on evolutionary paradigm.

" There is thus an inescapable disrespect for cultures of the past, and

inherent though subtle denigration of our present state, and a desire

to get where we are going so we can finally be of worth, finally be

evolved, that affects nearly all Western perspectives. This Western

acceptance of the truth of evolutionary theory inevitably leads to its

application in the human cultural realm. At its worst it becomes

culturally sanctioned ethnocentrism or racism. As a result, any

knowledge of the universe gleaned by our forefathers that comes from

systems of information other than the universe-as-machine model is

routinely ascribed to our ancestors' lack of evolution and summarily

dismissed and discredited " (Sacred and Healing Herbal Beers,

Harrod Buhner, p. 6,7).

Of course, now we are playing catch up to discover truths of healing

and health that preceded western society's headlong acceptance of

Darwinism and other forms of cultural supremacy.



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