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Re: OT - The long-lived Hunzas

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From what I remember the Hunzas also walked incredible long distances

usually on a daily basis. I don't remember where I read this though,

but walking is really great as long as its not on the side of a busy




> Hi, -


> I had to dig to find the story of the Hunzas. It is in Chapter 8 of the

> book Secrets of the Soil, Tompkins & Bird. (That book is definitely


> buying - or look for it in your library. It was one of those


> books for me.) The Hunzas eat grain, vegetables, fruits and


> goats' milk and butter. They also drink " glacial water. " If you know

> anything about Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts,

you will

> know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a lot of


> in it. While the glacial water is mineral rich, it is also fast-moving,

> full of vortices, so it is good on two levels.







> writes: HEY, forgive my ignorance. What do Hunzas eat?? linda




> " Hunzas are the longest lived people on the face of the earth. "






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> They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything about

> Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you will

> know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> it is good on two levels.

Hi :

Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of water for

the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the drinking

of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on their diet

by altering the soil fertility.


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Andre Voisin in " Soil, Grass, and Cancer " talks about areas where

the mineral content of the soil is ideal for life, like the Hunzas,

the Percheron Valley in France, and a couple of other areas.

Dr. Ernst Krebs - " World Without Cancer " believed the secret to the

long life of the Hunzas was the apricot kernels they ate - rich in

vitamin B-17.

I've heard the water thing from several angles as well.

Personally, I'm leaning toward Voisin's idea.

- Renate

> > They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything about

> > Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you will

> > know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> > lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> > rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> > it is good on two levels.


> Hi :

> Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of water


> the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the


> of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on their


> by altering the soil fertility.

> Chi


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Yes, they do walk long distances, and of course as stated earlier, they lead

stress-free lives, peace loving folks, and the air isn't polluted (yet).

writes: From what I remember the Hunzas also walked incredible long


usually on a daily basis.


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Hi, Chi -

The water is melting glacial water traveling at a pretty good rate of speed,

over rocky river and creek beds. That will create natural vortices, which

according to Steiner pull energy from the atmosphere into the water. The

water has been analyzed, and it is mineral rich. For a while, there was

quite a rage for mineral drinks (yup, I bought a bottle every now and then).

Those drinks were supposed to mimic the " old " water from melting glaciers by

being enhanced with minerals. Who knows? Yes, they do use that water for

their crops as well, and I would guess that the nutritional value of their

crops far exceeds the processed pap we buy in the store - including fresh

fruits and vegetables that have been bred to travel well and look pretty,

rather than to nurture us.

Hi :

Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of water for

the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the drinking

of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on their diet

by altering the soil fertility.



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I have looked into the Hunzas diet etc...

It is a combination of 2 main things:

They ate lots of raw organic vegtables,fruit, with little meat..

and the water..the issue of the water is very important..

Water is the master solvent and the master anti oxident in the

body..The quality of the water you drink determines alot about your

biochemistry and health..

There are basically two types of water:

Water with low viscosity and small chain or rings of water

molecules..normally about 6.. and

water of hi viscosity and a large cluster of water molecules (about


The high cluster water is not very efficient for our bodies..for

example in the cell bio chemistry, the high cluster water does not

get easily through the cell membranes..whereas the low cluster water

flows through cell membranes much easier and flows through the body

channels much faster clearing out toxins more efficiently..

This low cluster water exists mainly in spring and mounitain

water..the mineralisation in the water is not the main issue..when

the water seeps through rocks which are high in mineral content (and

hence are relatively high in magnetics) the magnetics has an effect

on the structure of the water clusters...the clusters tend to vibrate

and dance around, forming and re-forming new clusters all the

time..its a dynamic effect...

I have been lucky to be able to find this type of water near where I

live, and it really has a marked effect on my health and well

being..so I highly recommed that you try and find fresh water near

you from a mountain source or spring rather then this cheap bottled


> > > They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything about

> > > Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you will

> > > know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> > > lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> > > rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> > > it is good on two levels.

> >

> > Hi :

> > Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of water

> for

> > the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the

> drinking

> > of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on their

> diet

> > by altering the soil fertility.

> > Chi

> >


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I thought they also eat fermented sheeps milk as one of their staples.


At 09:01 AM 2/22/06, you wrote:

>I have looked into the Hunzas diet etc...

>It is a combination of 2 main things:

>They ate lots of raw organic vegtables,fruit, with little meat..

>and the water..the issue of the water is very important..


>Water is the master solvent and the master anti oxident in the

>body..The quality of the water you drink determines alot about your

>biochemistry and health..

>There are basically two types of water:

>Water with low viscosity and small chain or rings of water

>molecules..normally about 6.. and

>water of hi viscosity and a large cluster of water molecules (about


>The high cluster water is not very efficient for our bodies..for

>example in the cell bio chemistry, the high cluster water does not

>get easily through the cell membranes..whereas the low cluster water

>flows through cell membranes much easier and flows through the body

>channels much faster clearing out toxins more efficiently..

>This low cluster water exists mainly in spring and mounitain

>water..the mineralisation in the water is not the main issue..when

>the water seeps through rocks which are high in mineral content (and

>hence are relatively high in magnetics) the magnetics has an effect

>on the structure of the water clusters...the clusters tend to vibrate

>and dance around, forming and re-forming new clusters all the

>time..its a dynamic effect...

>I have been lucky to be able to find this type of water near where I

>live, and it really has a marked effect on my health and well

>being..so I highly recommed that you try and find fresh water near

>you from a mountain source or spring rather then this cheap bottled



> > > > They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything about

> > > > Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you will

> > > > know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> > > > lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> > > > rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> > > > it is good on two levels.

> > >

> > > Hi :

> > > Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of water

> > for

> > > the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the

> > drinking

> > > of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on their

> > diet

> > > by altering the soil fertility.

> > > Chi

> > >

> >











> * < />NATIVE

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><mailto: -owner >LIST OWNER: Idol

>MODERATOR: Wanita Sears



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Irene..I always wondered if the Hunza did drink kefir..they probably

did have some kind of fermented cheese or yougurt drink..Kefir was

supposed to be in Central Asia (Caucus Region) which is north of

where the Hunza people were..so my guess is that probably they did

have access to something like Kefir

> > > > > They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything about

> > > > > Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you


> > > > > know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> > > > > lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> > > > > rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> > > > > it is good on two levels.

> > > >

> > > > Hi :

> > > > Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of


> > > for

> > > > the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the

> > > drinking

> > > > of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on


> > > diet

> > > > by altering the soil fertility.

> > > > Chi

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > * <native-


> > NUTRITION online

> > * <http://onibasu.com/>SEARCH the entire message archive with


> >

> >

> ><mailto: -owner >LIST OWNER:


> >MODERATOR: Wanita Sears

> >

> >

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If this is all true, which is possible, I think an even better

alternative would be to meditate and cultivate the mind to affect the

water thats already in your body.

Masaru Emoto did that research on water on how thoughts and prayers

affects it, and I think there really may be something to it...at least

I would like to believe so.


> > > > They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything about

> > > > Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you will

> > > > know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> > > > lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> > > > rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> > > > it is good on two levels.

> > >

> > > Hi :

> > > Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of water

> > for

> > > the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the

> > drinking

> > > of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on their

> > diet

> > > by altering the soil fertility.

> > > Chi

> > >

> >


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Actually all the healing waters from around the world..including the

famous one in Italy, where the sick go and bath..they all have

similar properties..

My water comes from a spring which is right next to a Vortex...:-)

> > > > > They also drink " glacial water. " If you know anything


> > > > > Rudolph Steiner and his biodynamic organic concepts, you


> > > > > know the importance of " live " water, that is, water with a

> > > > > lot of vortices in it. While the glacial water is mineral

> > > > > rich, it is also fast-moving, full of vortices, so

> > > > > it is good on two levels.

> > > >

> > > > Hi :

> > > > Do you think it is worth asking what creates this type of


> > > for

> > > > the Hunza to drink? By the way, I would suggest it wasn't the

> > > drinking

> > > > of the water that mattered, but rather the effect it had on


> > > diet

> > > > by altering the soil fertility.

> > > > Chi

> > > >

> > >

> >


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<<This low cluster water exists mainly in spring and mountain

water..the mineralisation in the water is not the main issue..when

the water seeps through rocks which are high in mineral content (and

hence are relatively high in magnetics) the magnetics has an effect

on the structure of the water clusters...the clusters tend to vibrate

and dance around, forming and re-forming new clusters all the

time..its a dynamic effect...>>

So if we want to get REALLY far out, do any of you do energy work? I have

heard of people " potentizing " the water and watching the effect - the water

looks clearer and more sparkling - simply by running energy into the water

with their hands. I do Healing Touch and am learning Quantum Touch, and I

keep meaning to try this. My friend Lydia, who is extremely healthy, does

this with her water and swears by it. I am wondering if this action created

a difference - high cluster water turns to low cluster water.


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> Water is the master solvent and the master anti oxident

> in the body..The quality of the water you drink

> determines alot about your biochemistry and health..

If the water you drink determines a lot about your biochemistry and

health, does the water the plants and animals drink determine a lot

about their biochemistry and health?

> This low cluster water exists mainly in spring and mounitain

> water..the mineralisation in the water is not the main

> issue..when the water seeps through rocks which are high

> in mineral content (and hence are relatively high in

> magnetics) the magnetics has an effect on the structure

> of the water clusters...the clusters tend to vibrate and dance

> around, forming and re-forming new clusters all the

> time..its a dynamic effect...

Could you please give an example of a rock that is not high in

mineral content as I thought all rocks were made of minerals? What

type of magnetism did you mean, ferromagnetic or paramagnetic? The

ferromagnetic reading of the rock would certainly be associated with

the mineral content of the rock and the paramagnetic content would

not be associated with the minerals we generally regard as those in

the rock.


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The last time the Hunzas came up on this list, someone posted

information refuting their supposed long lives. I guess it's in the

archives somewhere.

> Dr. Ernst Krebs - " World Without Cancer " believed the secret to the

> long life of the Hunzas was the apricot kernels they ate - rich in

> vitamin B-17.

We discussed B17 on this list and another related list, and everything

everyone presented indicated that B17 isn't a cure for cancer. This

included personal experience of Christy, who found it worthless for

dogs, one abstract of a recent study, and an article on a project of

the government that elicited testimony from everyone with experience

with B17 treatment, which concluded that based on these testimonies

there was no evidence of benefit for B17. I don't recall whether or

not we concluded that B17 was harmful or not, but basically everything

presented by anyone in the discussion refuted the benefit of B17.



Dioxins in Animal Foods:

A Case For Vegetarianism?

Find Out the Truth:


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Well, this is supposed to dispel some myths, but look at this statement:

" There is a plethora of scientific evidence to validate the healthfulness of

vegetarianism. " So he debunks one myth and then proposes another.


" http://www.wallachism.com/cultures.html " http://www.wallachism.com/cultures.



Claims of Hunza longevity have been published in several books throughout

the 20th century. [11-14] Stories of extreme old age among Hunza people have

become a modern urban legend. (More like a myth) The problem in determining

the accuracy of the reports of people who have traveled to this area to

write about the Hunzas is that just like the other areas of the world where

extreme longevity claims are made, the researchers have obtained the ages of

these people purely by asking them. That is, they have simply taken their

word for it, despite the fact that it is well known that in these areas of

the world, extreme old age is frequently exaggerated to gain respect and an

elevated social stature. The Hunzas have absolutely no written documentation

to provide evidence of their age at all, thus, any reports that these people

live to be over 100, are simply anecdotal.

Something that Wallach fails to mentions from these anecdotal reports

however is that the Hunzas lead an extremely healthy life. Reports claim

that any actual longevity may be due to vigorous exercise, farming with

optimally cured manure and particularly the fact that they eat a vegetarian

like diet and stay physically active throughout their live.[13] The Hunza’s

have been at the centre of claims made by Vegetarianism proponents who use

these reports to justify the notion that a vegetarian diet is healthy. [15]

There is a plethora of scientific evidence to validate the healthfulness of

vegetarianism, [16-21] however due to the lack of real record keeping and

consistent exaggerations found among these people, this evidence is far from




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Masterjohn

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:50 PM

Subject: Re: OT - The long-lived Hunzas

The last time the Hunzas came up on this list, someone posted

information refuting their supposed long lives. I guess it's in the

archives somewhere.

> Dr. Ernst Krebs - " World Without Cancer " believed the secret to the

> long life of the Hunzas was the apricot kernels they ate - rich in

> vitamin B-17.

We discussed B17 on this list and another related list, and everything

everyone presented indicated that B17 isn't a cure for cancer. This

included personal experience of Christy, who found it worthless for

dogs, one abstract of a recent study, and an article on a project of

the government that elicited testimony from everyone with experience

with B17 treatment, which concluded that based on these testimonies

there was no evidence of benefit for B17. I don't recall whether or

not we concluded that B17 was harmful or not, but basically everything

presented by anyone in the discussion refuted the benefit of B17.



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> > Water is the master solvent and the master anti oxident

> > in the body..The quality of the water you drink

> > determines alot about your biochemistry and health..


> If the water you drink determines a lot about your biochemistry and

> health, does the water the plants and animals drink determine a lot

> about their biochemistry and health?

Plants convert inorganic minerals from the soil to organic

minerals ...thus they do a great deal to help us to absorb minerals

in a form which is suitable for us...the water content of plants is

exceptionally pure as well...having said that ..its better to try and

get hold of organic vegtables rather then those grown on nasty soils..


> > This low cluster water exists mainly in spring and mounitain

> > water..the mineralisation in the water is not the main

> > issue..when the water seeps through rocks which are high

> > in mineral content (and hence are relatively high in

> > magnetics) the magnetics has an effect on the structure

> > of the water clusters...the clusters tend to vibrate and dance

> > around, forming and re-forming new clusters all the

> > time..its a dynamic effect...


> Could you please give an example of a rock that is not high in

> mineral content as I thought all rocks were made of minerals?

> type of magnetism did you mean, ferromagnetic or paramagnetic? The

> ferromagnetic reading of the rock would certainly be associated


> the mineral content of the rock and the paramagnetic content would

> not be associated with the minerals we generally regard as those in

> the rock.

I think any rocks which exhibit a high degree of magnetic actvity..in

which the water can flow through should be OK..

To be honest with you, a lot of research has to be done in this area,

I dont have any data as I have not done any measurements..

Where I live, there is a water source about 50k away from a mountain

spring...its exceptioanlly pure, light and it taste sweet..it

percolates through a huge Silcate Rock formation..plus there is what

is known as a Vortex right there...

> Chi


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