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Re: What hope can be offered to AIDS patients?/ozone

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This article is slowly getting deleted on various websites, so I

copied it instead of giving a link. To hear more about the politics

of natural cures, I highly recommend " World Without Cancer, Part II "

by G. . It will blow your mind, but is very


The politics of AIDS and Ozone

by Levy, MD

(Ed. Note: This fine writer has many great books on nutrition and

health. His new book on Vitamin C is an absolute must. He

deserves the Pulitzer Prize in our humble estimation. See our

Bibliography or go to his site.)

from " Extraordinary Science " , Jul-Sep 1994



Possibly one of the best therapies ever discovered for AIDS, other

infectious diseases, and most degenerative, or chronic, illnesses

(including cancer) is oxygen therapy, especially in the form of

properly used ozone therapy. The main " drawbacks " in any form of

ozone therapy are its simplicity and its minimal cost. The medical

industry relies on therapies that are costly and require substantial

expertise in their administration. Anything that comes along that

appears clinically effective while remaining inexpensive is viewed

skeptically, at best. The systematic and ongoing efforts at


disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds. In the


Register of 2/13/76, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) asserted

that " Ozone is a toxic gas with no known medical uses. " (1)

When ozone is formed from ordinary air exposed to electrical


or ultraviolet light, other toxic gasses, such as nitrogen oxides,


formed as well. Ozone therapies use ozone generated from pure,

medical-grade oxygen. The toxicity question, then, is a potential

point of misunderstanding. However, stating ozone has no known

medical uses is nothing short of sheer lunacy.

Ozone has been used successfully on scores of diseases in Europe,

especially Germany, for over 50 years. Over 6,000 articles on the

medical usage's of ozone are in the world literature. Nearly every

disease process responds favorably to any therapy that effectively

increases cellular oxygen content. Furthermore, the safety profile


proper ozone administration is virtually unparalleled. I had the

opportunity to witness multiple intravenous ozone treatments in the

office of Dr. Horst Kief in West Germany. It is a very simple, very

safe procedure. In a survey of German ozone therapists, 5,579,238

ozone treatments on 384,775 patients demonstrated a side effect rate

of only 0.0007%, and the side effects were uniformly minor and not

even remotely life-threatening. On the other hand, over a million

patients are hospitalized annually in the US. due to side effects of

prescription medication, and over 100,000 of such individuals die


such drug usage. If one person in the U.S. dies even indirectly


the usage of a vitamin product or an herbal concoction, the FDA

quickly moves to outlaw accessibility to such a product, but they

remain strangely blinded to the carnage wrought annually by our

pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Hans Nieper, an ozone-using doctor in

Hanover, Germany, reports that in his medical practice on colon


he sees an interesting assemblage of American VIP's:

You wouldn't believe how many officials or relatives or

acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in

Hanover. You wouldn't believe directors of the American


Association, or American Cancer Association, or the presidents


orthodox cancer institutes. That's the fact. (2)

Very, very gradually mainstream American researchers are " testing


ozone waters. " In 1991, a main journal for the American Society of

Hematology, Blood, published an article demonstrating that ozone

treatment inactivated human retroviruses (including HIV) in human


fluids and blood product preparations. The researchers concluded


" Ozone has potent anti-HIV-1 activity in cell culture media and

factor VIII preparations. Although the exact mechanism by


ozone mediates its effect remains unclear at this time, it is

readily apparent that ozone may be of use in rendering factor

VIII and possibly other blood products, both proteinaceous and

cellular, free of HIV-1 and other infectious agents. " (3)

Ed McCabe, an independent investigative journalist, has probably


more that anyone else in promoting the many wonders of ozone


Undoubtedly, not being a physician has significantly hampered his

effectiveness in educating the public and especially the health

professionals. Scientists are especially notorious for rejecting


concept that does not arise from one of their own. Mr. McCabe, who

authored an excellent book entitled Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of

Approaching Disease, has made additional efforts to reach our

political power brokers with the news on ozone. In 1992, he


a meeting of Iowa Congressman Bedell and Senator Tom Harkin with two

doctors who had each converted an HIV-positive patient to HIV-


status with ozone therapy.

To their credit, these politicians were very impressed, and Senator

Harkin then arranged a subsequent meeting with Dr. Fauci and

Dr. Moskowitz of the National Institute of Health (NIH). About 30

people, including other doctors and legislative aides, were in

attendance. Extensive documentation was presented by the physicians

on two of their own cases of advanced clinical AIDS that had shown

complete clinical resolution of the disease, as well as


of the appropriate laboratory test, including Western Blot/ (a

check on HIV antibody) and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction, testing

more directly for the presence of actual virus). The official

responses made to Mr. McCabe and his associates included the


We see no reason to pursue this.

Referring to the recovered patients, it was added:

They are obviously so healthy that they must not have had the


It was finally concluded with:

We won't look at this treatment unless you have the patients


tested twice before treatment proving the presence of the HIV

virus, stored blood from when they were positive, two PCR tests

during treatment, and two PCR tests after ozone treatment


the absence of the virus. (4)

Of course, no financial support was offered from the mammoth NIH

research budget to facilitate the additional suggested work. Such

" follow-up " research projects are common ploys to both delay

acceptance and implementation of any conclusions made and to

eventually bankrupt the finances of the renegade researchers.

Also, for those who may be wondering how to receive ozone therapy,


must be clearly stated that such a therapy is still unapproved in


U.S., and doctors who persist in using it anyway have uniformly

suffered sever consequences, including bogus arrests, false

imprisonment's, loss of licensees to practice medicine, and numerous

other forms of suppression and harassment from the multiple agencies

of the government that magically transform into modern-day Gestapo's

whenever needed.

Selected doctors have had their non-mainstream medical offices


in SWAT team style, with guns and rifles drawn on them and their

employees, while the offices are ransacked and records are taken.

Commonly, controversial equipment is also destroyed on the spot or

" permanently confiscated. " With the recent passage of NAFTA (North

America Free Trade Agreement), the Mexican government has now


similar U.S. agency commando raid tactics on alternative medical

facilities on Mexican soil. A motivated patient will likely have to

completely abandon North America (Canada reasonably apes the medical

policies of the U.S.) in order to obtain treatments that are beyond

the domain of the guardians in Washington, D.C.


1. McCabe, E, O3 Vs. AIDS-The Abbreviated History and Suppression


Ozone Therapy in the United States as of August 1993, 1993, page 28.

2. ibid.

3. Well, K.H., et all, " Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency


Type 1 by Ozone In Vitro " Blood, Vol. 78, No. 7, October 1, 1991:



4. Reference #1, pp. 24-25

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