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RE: Re: head noise

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I get that earworm thing too! If we've had a song playing a lot that day, I

actually hear it, almost like it's really playing. The first time it happened I

was really shocked that my husband hadn't been playing the song in the other

room. It's almost like I'm hearing the actual echo of it that still is in the

room. Weird.

I thought I was just nuts. Glad to hear other folks have something similar.

(although I still may be nuts, earworm or no).


" Mother's milk and mother's arms have always been available, patiently

waiting for the passing of man's foolhardy arrogance, which tried to convince us

that his inventions were superior to nature. "

Tine Thevenin

Baby boys are the only group in society having medically unnecessary

surgery without their consent.

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Sounds like low serotonin to me.


***I looked up serotonin and how to get more of it. I found

www.radiantrecovery.com <http://www.radiantrecovery.com/> and they talk

about eating a potato before bed to raise serotonin levels. Has anyone

heard of this or the book/method from which the site was created,

" Potatoes not Prozac? " They also say not to eat protein before bed as

that will disrupt things and make it worse. I have been making a milk

shake with milk, about 4 egg yolks and a little maple syrup and vanilla

for a before bed snack thinking it would be extra fat and protein that I

imagine I inevitably need.

But is low serotonin always associated with depression? I feel I have

conquered this with diet change and supplements, but maybe these other

symptoms are also a result if I have low levels.

In regards to the other response I do feel I get at least 3 hours in a

row each time, except for occasion when it seems to be 1 and a half to

2. And really my son is now 16 months and most of the time only wakes up

twice, it just seems like 40 when I am that tired! My husband did sleep

in another room for a while when ds was young and that really helped,

but I don't see him agreeing to that now. Lol.


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Sounds like low serotonin to me.


***I looked up serotonin and how to get more of it. I found

www.radiantrecovery.com <http://www.radiantrecovery.com/> and they talk

about eating a potato before bed to raise serotonin levels. Has anyone

heard of this or the book/method from which the site was created,

" Potatoes not Prozac? " They also say not to eat protein before bed as

that will disrupt things and make it worse. I have been making a milk

shake with milk, about 4 egg yolks and a little maple syrup and vanilla

for a before bed snack thinking it would be extra fat and protein that I

imagine I inevitably need.

But is low serotonin always associated with depression? I feel I have

conquered this with diet change and supplements, but maybe these other

symptoms are also a result if I have low levels.

In regards to the other response I do feel I get at least 3 hours in a

row each time, except for occasion when it seems to be 1 and a half to

2. And really my son is now 16 months and most of the time only wakes up

twice, it just seems like 40 when I am that tired! My husband did sleep

in another room for a while when ds was young and that really helped,

but I don't see him agreeing to that now. Lol.


Google magnesium noise sensitive. Magnesium helped my noise sensitivity. Fish

oil shut the broken record, mind dwelling of many years off. Should have the

name, OCB, obsessive-compulsive brain. Tryptophan in milk will help the

serotonin. Turkey has more tryptophan than milk and most amino acids of meats.

Potato may work but only to satiate sugar craving keeping the brain awake.


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I'm not thinking depression but the OCD-type symptoms. Your

description of the obsessing mind, it hurts just reading about it. I

hope you start feeling better asap. If Connie and Wanita say

magnesium, try that. I take extra magnesium, too fwiw.


/miss low-serotonin 2006

***You all are wonderful for responding and trying to help me with this!

You do not even know how I have suffered with this my whole life and I

always thought it was because I have a perfectionist father who keeps a

notepad by his bed so when he wakes in the night he can write down

what's going through his mind (who in my opinion has a lot of the same

stuff I am dealing with but refuses to admit he's in need of healing and

refuses to believe that fat is essential to survival), or that I was

just born this way and being an artist somehow was to blame.. Sometimes

my brain used to just race and race and I couldn't stop it! I have been

through a ton of stress in the last two years (actually my whole life,

but I don't like to look back at all that nastiness) and I depleted all

my mineral stores and it makes total sense that I would be deficient in

magnesium. I am working on my adrenals, as well, and after some research

about noise sensitivity and mag. I am realizing that I need to get more

of it. The sad thing is that I have sheltered myself for years because

my anxiety was so overwhelming and I find myself trying to protect my

toddler from the things that really get to me thinking he will end up

the same as me. I hate snapping at people or trying to explain that

there are certain things they do that I can't handle because not only do

they not understand, but I end up not being able to enjoy life all the

time. My husband really doesn't understand because he says nothing

affects him and he would venture to say he is in near perfect health

(not by my standards, lol) but at least he does try to help create an

atmosphere in our home that I can live in.

I have definitely seen improvement over the last year or so

from my switch to NT and addition of crucial supplements because we live

on a very busy street and the traffic noise used to be a complete

nightmare, but I find that I can sleep and don't notice it as much and I

can even venture out to the back or front and not feel so " attacked " .


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