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Re: cold sores --need to eradicate one fast!

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If it is herpes (I believe the ones on the outside of the mouth/lips

are), I saw someone on another list recently say she takes one or two

500mg l-lysine capsules.

Best wishes,


> Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast, and


> healing whatever virus is causing it?

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The virus that causes cold sores is one of the things that bowel-

tolerance vitamin C is credited with curing. If you google bowel

tolerance and vitamin c, you'll find tons of information. I like

Cathcart's sites, just add his name to the search.

--- In , " sharflin " <sharflin@...>



> TJ,

> If it is herpes (I believe the ones on the outside of the mouth/lips

> are), I saw someone on another list recently say she takes one or


> 500mg l-lysine capsules.

> Best wishes,

> Sharon


> > Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast,


> then

> > healing whatever virus is causing it?


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Acute herpes infections are usually ameliorated with bowel tolerance

doses of ascorbic acid. However, recurrences are common especially if

the disease has already become chronic. Zinc in combination with

ascorbic acid is more effective for herpes; however, caution and

regular monitoring of patients on zinc should be done.

from http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm



F. Cathcart, III, M.D. Allergy, Environmental, and

Orthomolecular Medicine 127 Second Street, Los Altos, California

94022, USA Telephone 650-949-2822


A method of utilizing vitamin C in amounts just short of the doses

which produce diarrhea is described (TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE).

The amount of oral ascorbic acid tolerated by a patient without

producing diarrhea increases somewhat proportionately to the stress or

toxicity of his disease. Bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid

ameliorate the acute symptoms of many diseases. Lesser doses often

have little effect on acute symptoms but assist the body in handling

the stress of disease and may reduce the morbidity of the disease.

However, if doses of ascorbate are not provided to satisfy this

potential draw on the nutrient, first local tissues involved in the

disease, then the blood, and then the body in general become deplete

of ascorbate (ANASCORBEMIA and ACUTE INDUCED SCURVY). The patient is

thereby put at risk for complications of metabolic processes known to

be dependent upon ascorbate.


Over the past ten-year period I have treated over 9,000 patients with

large doses of vitamin C (Cathcart 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The effects of this

substance when used in adequate amounts markedly alters the course of

many diseases. Stressful conditions of any kind greatly increase

utilization of vitamin C. Ascorbate excreted in the urine drops

markedly with stresses of any magnitude unless vitamin C is provided

in large amounts. However, a more convenient and clinically useful

measure of ascorbate need and presumably utilization is the BOWEL

TOLERANCE. The amount of ascorbic acid which can be taken orally

without causing diarrhea when a person is ill sometimes is over ten

times the amount he would tolerate if well. This increased bowel

tolerance phenomenon serves not only to indicate the amount which

should be taken but indicates the unsuspected and astonishing

magnitude of the potential use that the body has for ascorbate under

stressful conditions.

If this massive draw on the small ascorbate stores of the body is not

fully satisfied, the condition of ANASCORBEMIA results. The deficit of

ascorbate probably starts in the tissues directly involved in the

disease and then spreads to other tissues of the body. A condition of

localized and then systemic acute scurvy is produced. This ACUTE

INDUCED SCURVY leads to poor healing and ultimately to complications

involving other systems of the body.

Much of the original work with large amounts of vitamin C was done by

Fred R. Klenner, M.D. (6, 7, 8, 9) of Reidsville, North Carolina.

Klenner found that viral diseases could be cured by intravenous sodium

ascorbate in amounts up to 200 grams per 24 hours. Irwin Stone (10,

11, 12) pointed out the potential of vitamin C in the treatment of

many diseases, the inability of humans to synthesize ascorbate, and

the resultant condition hypoascorbemia. Linus ing (13, 14)

reviewed the literature on vitamin C and has led the crusade to make

known its medical uses to the public and the medical profession. Ewan

Cameron in association with ing (15, 16, 17) has shown the

usefulness of ascorbate in the treatment of cancer.


In 1970, I discovered that the sicker a patient was, the more ascorbic

acid he would tolerate by mouth before diarrhea was produced. At least

80% of adult patients will tolerate 10 to 15 grams of ascorbic acid

fine crystals in 1/2 cup water divided into 4 doses per 24 hours

without having diarrhea. The astonishing finding was that all

patients, tolerant of ascorbic acid, can take greater amounts of the

substance orally without having diarrhea when ill or under stress.

This increased tolerance is somewhat proportional to the toxicity of

the disease being treated. Tolerance is increased some by stress

(e.g., anxiety, exercise, heat, cold, etc.)(see FIGURE I). Admittedly,

increasing the frequency of doses increases tolerance perhaps to half

again as much, but the tolerances of sometimes over 200 grams per 24

hours were totally unexpected. Representative doses taken by tolerant

patients titrating their ascorbic acid intake between the relief of

most symptoms and the production of diarrhea were as follows:





normal 4 - 15 4 - 6

mild cold 30 - 60 6 - 10

severe cold 60 - 100+ 8 - 15

influenza 100 - 150 8 - 20

ECHO, coxsackievirus 100 - 150 8 - 20

mononucleosis 150 - 200+ 12 - 25

viral pneumonia 100 - 200+ 12 - 25

hay fever, asthma 15 - 50 4 - 8

environmental and

food allergy 0.5 - 50 4 - 8

burn, injury, surgery 25 - 150+ 6 - 20

anxiety, exercise and

other mild stresses 15 - 25 4 - 6

cancer 15 - 100 4 - 15

ankylosing spondylitis 15 - 100 4 - 15

Reiter's syndrome 15 - 60 4 - 10

acute anterior uveitis 30 - 100 4 - 15

rheumatoid arthritis 15 - 100 4 - 15

bacterial infections 30 - 200+ 10 - 25

infectious hepatitis 30 - 100 6 - 15

candidiasis 15 - 200+ 6 - 25

--- In , " sharflin " <sharflin@...>



> TJ,

> If it is herpes (I believe the ones on the outside of the mouth/lips

> are), I saw someone on another list recently say she takes one or


> 500mg l-lysine capsules.

> Best wishes,

> Sharon


> > Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast,


> then

> > healing whatever virus is causing it?


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Tried the search to no avail. Can you give specific link to Cathcart?

On Aug 24, 2006, at 10:31 AM, haecklers wrote:

> The virus that causes cold sores is one of the things that bowel-

> tolerance vitamin C is credited with curing. If you google bowel

> tolerance and vitamin c, you'll find tons of information. I like

> Cathcart's sites, just add his name to the search.







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I had a friend that used hydrogen peroxide on them topically. she swore by it.

I have another friend that likes to use iodine topically. But he uses the

non-toxic variety (lugols) and not the drugstore stuff that says poison.


At 07:41 AM 8/24/06, you wrote:

>Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast, and then

>healing whatever virus is causing it? I've had cold sores pop up very

>occasionally ever since I had mono 13 years ago. They only come up when I

>am stressed and tired AND I have some kind of trauma to my lips, usually

>they are dry, I've been in the sun, and I bump them on something (sounds

>weird but this week my son rammed me with the top of his head, one time I

>hit it on my desk leaning down to the floor for something, I think

>clutziness runs in our family). I've read that cold sores are herpes

>related and mono is herpes related so I think there must be a connection. I

>don't have any genital herpes symptoms though, and my husband of 13 years

>has never caught whatever this is and he even kisses me when I have a cold

>sore (ew, I know!)


>I have company coming in 4 days and it is urgent that I get rid of this

>thing FAST!! All I know to do is apply an OTC med called Abrevia and I've

>also started taking coconut oil (drinking it and applying it topically). An

>internet search brought up BHT, and bee pollen, but I am not sure how to

>acquire those locally. I'm also drinking lots of raw milk but I was doing

>that prior to this as well.







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On 8/24/06, Tana <icyt@...> wrote:

> Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast, and then

> healing whatever virus is causing it?

I don't know if this would work for cold sores, but it couldn't hurt to try.

Normally I get canker sores when my calcium intake is low, but

recently I got canker sores when my calcium intake was normal and they

wouldn't go away. Reasoning that viruses can be involved in canker

sores and that the monoglycerides and fatty acids that result from the

digestion of coconut oil have powerful anti-viral properties, I

started using coconut oil as a mouth wash. I would swish a teaspoon

of good coconut oil in my mouth for about five minutes or longer after

I brushed my teeth after each meal. This seemed to make them go away

very quickly.

It's important to note that coconut oil does not have any anti-viral

properties in and of itself. It has to be digested first. Thus, the

extended swishing.



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I've always taken Lysine and plenty of it every few hours

Jane Edenfield

On Aug 24, 2006, at 2:13 PM, Masterjohn wrote:

> On 8/24/06, Tana <icyt@...> wrote:

> > Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast,

> and then

> > healing whatever virus is causing it?


> .



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On 8/24/06, Tana <icyt@...> wrote:

> Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of a cold sore fast, and then

> healing whatever virus is causing it?

The most effective OTC topical ointments have lysine in them, an amino acid that

kills the herpes virus. Olive leaf extract or lysine internally should take care

of the virus internally, so it doesn't re-occur.


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Aloe Vera also works very well for cold/canker sores.

Rinse with Goldenseal tea, Aloe Vera juice, or paint with Black Walnut

extract. For prevention: Take B Complex vitamin, acidophilus, or lysine every

day (per " The How To Herb Book "

Praying that you heal quickly,



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Quitting fluoride toothpaste will greatly reduce the problems with

canker sores.

--- In , Pecci <wendy_pecci@...>



> Aloe Vera also works very well for cold/canker sores.


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