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POLITICS Re: duesberg

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--- In , " Berg " <bberg@c...>


> Research hasn't been privatized.

> Not fully, anyway. Governments and universities do a lot

> of research, and I hear about studies on the effectiveness of

> various foods and food extracts in preventing and treating

> diseases all the time.

> And certainly any government which spends a large portion of its

> budget on medical care (including the US) would have a powerful

> incentive to look into low-cost alternatives to conventional

> treatments. So how exactly does the existence of a private

> market for pharmaceuticals in one country suppress the advent of

> a golden age of natural health care in the rest of the world?

Hi :

Research has been privatized. University research is funded and the

universities don't want to upset the companies providing the

funding. Let me give an example.

A first year student conducted an experiment with azomite and

paramagnetic rock, comparing them together with each other and alone

separately with control samples. You can learn more about it at:


In a side experiment a research assistant compared the university's

suggested turf grass treatment with the combination of azomite and

paramagnetic rock. The results in this experiment showed the

azomite/paramagnetic rock combination produced superior results

compared to the university's suggested turf grass treatment.

Interestingly, the local PBS came to the university and did a story

on this young man's experiments, including the side experiment

conducted by the research assistant. After the program was shown,

the research assistant lost his position as a research assistant for

conducting an experiment that was not approved by the university and

for conducting an experiment that embarressed the university. The

university conducted no further investigation of the experiment and

continued with the same turf grass recommendation.

Governments are funded because politicians need to raise money for

their expensive campaigns. When elected, they don't forget where the

money came from, and it didn't come from the poor people.

Please give an example of a study that shows a certain food is

effective in treating a certain disease.


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