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RELIGION Re: Enhancing health with time on your side

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I would be interested in your opinion of a book titled " The Case For A

Creator " by Lee Strobel. He was a legal journalist and seems very thorough.


appear to be very educated and I would like to see what you think of it.


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  • 4 weeks later...

How in the world did yall get onto this subject, I've missed something here no

doubt. But, the truth of the matter is this, Jesus Christ, yes He was 100% man,

but He was also 100% God. And He is a historical fact. There is an empty grave

where Jesus was laid, but sadly, the grave of Mohammed has bones in it, or the

dust where bones once was.Yes, I know the argument will be stated that His

disciples stole the body of Christ, but you have to remember, they had Roman

Soldiers posted at the tomb, it had a HUGE stone rolled in front of the tomb so

that it would have taken several strong men to remove it. The Bible is very

clear in it's wording, " Every knee shall bow, and Every tongue shall confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord " . , I applaud you for stand, Jesus did say that

if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before the Father. Carol, I know

that it is hard for you to understand, because you don't have Jesus living in

your heart. But it would be awful hard for you to convince me He doesn't live.

I had a disease the doctors had tried everything, and basically were fixing to

put me on a transplant list for a liver. Chances are I would have died before

one ever became available. I was on therapy for 4 years, and NOTHING worked.

Then, I met a lady in Winn Dixie, who came up to me, and asked me if I had a

disease in my body. I told her yes. She smiled sweetly at me, and I remember

thinking she had the face of an angel. She told me that God wanted her to tell

me that my healing was coming soon. That was on a Sunday after the 4th of July

4 years ago. I went back to the doctor the following Monday to have my blood

work done, as I had to do every month to see what the viral count was. I

received a call from my doctor the following Wednesday, telling me that IT WAS

GONE. There was no trace that I had ever been sick, nothing at all. And no, my

body didn't heal itself in a weeks time. He is real, and He does live. He

saved my soul when I was 12 years old. I'm now 48. And He loves you as well.

Sorry, but I had to state my story, and I pray that you will let Him find you,

before it is everlasting too late for you.


Re: RELIGION Re: Enhancing health with time on your side

Idol <Idol@...> wrote: Kayla-

>I think you will wish someday that you had not taken Christ so lightly.

And Muslims doubtless think that you will someday wish you had not

taken Mohammed so lightly.

>What is mere

>mortal man to call Christ or Jesus " crap " .

Hate to break it to you, but Jesus was a mere mortal man just all of

us (men) here.


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I am so happy for you that you had such a wonderful experience. And I am

also happy for you that you have a a belief system that brings you so much

joy and faith. But please don't make the mistake in believing that only

people that are Christians can have such wonderful experiences. It happens

to people of all walks and faiths.


At 06:14 AM 2/11/06, you wrote:

>How in the world did yall get onto this subject, I've missed something

>here no doubt. But, the truth of the matter is this, Jesus Christ, yes He

>was 100% man, but He was also 100% God. And He is a historical fact.

>There is an empty grave where Jesus was laid, but sadly, the grave of

>Mohammed has bones in it, or the dust where bones once was.Yes, I know the

>argument will be stated that His disciples stole the body of Christ,

>but you have to remember, they had Roman Soldiers posted at the tomb, it

>had a HUGE stone rolled in front of the tomb so that it would have taken

>several strong men to remove it. The Bible is very clear in it's wording,

> " Every knee shall bow, and Every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ

>is Lord " . , I applaud you for stand, Jesus did say that if we deny

>Him before men, He will deny us before the Father. Carol, I know that it

>is hard for you to understand, because you don't have Jesus living in your

>heart. But it would be awful hard for you to convince me He doesn't

>live. I had a disease the doctors had tried everything, and basically

>were fixing to put me on a transplant list for a liver. Chances are I

>would have died before one ever became available. I was on therapy for 4

>years, and NOTHING worked. Then, I met a lady in Winn Dixie, who came up

>to me, and asked me if I had a disease in my body. I told her yes. She

>smiled sweetly at me, and I remember thinking she had the face of an

>angel. She told me that God wanted her to tell me that my healing was

>coming soon. That was on a Sunday after the 4th of July 4 years ago. I

>went back to the doctor the following Monday to have my blood work done,

>as I had to do every month to see what the viral count was. I received a

>call from my doctor the following Wednesday, telling me that IT WAS

>GONE. There was no trace that I had ever been sick, nothing at all. And

>no, my body didn't heal itself in a weeks time. He is real, and He does

>live. He saved my soul when I was 12 years old. I'm now 48. And He loves

>you as well. Sorry, but I had to state my story, and I pray that you will

>let Him find you, before it is everlasting too late for you.



> Re: RELIGION Re: Enhancing health with time on your side





> Idol <Idol@...> wrote: Kayla-


> >I think you will wish someday that you had not taken Christ so lightly.


> And Muslims doubtless think that you will someday wish you had not

> taken Mohammed so lightly.


> >What is mere

> >mortal man to call Christ or Jesus " crap " .


> Hate to break it to you, but Jesus was a mere mortal man just all of

> us (men) here.




> -







> * < />NATIVE

> NUTRITION online

> * <http://onibasu.com/>SEARCH the entire message archive with Onibasu



><mailto: -owner >LIST OWNER: Idol

>MODERATORS: Heidi Schuppenhauer

> Wanita Sears



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And might there be one or two devout Christians who continue to remain very

ill or die young?



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Irene

Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:47 PM

Subject: Re: RELIGION Re: Enhancing health with time on your side

I am so happy for you that you had such a wonderful experience. And I am

also happy for you that you have a a belief system that brings you so much

joy and faith. But please don't make the mistake in believing that only

people that are Christians can have such wonderful experiences. It happens

to people of all walks and faiths.


At 06:14 AM 2/11/06, you wrote:

>How in the world did yall get onto this subject, I've missed something

>here no doubt. But, the truth of the matter is this, Jesus Christ, yes He

>was 100% man, but He was also 100% God. And He is a historical fact.

>There is an empty grave where Jesus was laid, but sadly, the grave of

>Mohammed has bones in it, or the dust where bones once was.Yes, I know the

>argument will be stated that His disciples stole the body of Christ,

>but you have to remember, they had Roman Soldiers posted at the tomb, it

>had a HUGE stone rolled in front of the tomb so that it would have taken

>several strong men to remove it. The Bible is very clear in it's wording,

> " Every knee shall bow, and Every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ

>is Lord " . , I applaud you for stand, Jesus did say that if we deny

>Him before men, He will deny us before the Father. Carol, I know that it

>is hard for you to understand, because you don't have Jesus living in your

>heart. But it would be awful hard for you to convince me He doesn't

>live. I had a disease the doctors had tried everything, and basically

>were fixing to put me on a transplant list for a liver. Chances are I

>would have died before one ever became available. I was on therapy for 4

>years, and NOTHING worked. Then, I met a lady in Winn Dixie, who came up

>to me, and asked me if I had a disease in my body. I told her yes. She

>smiled sweetly at me, and I remember thinking she had the face of an

>angel. She told me that God wanted her to tell me that my healing was

>coming soon. That was on a Sunday after the 4th of July 4 years ago. I

>went back to the doctor the following Monday to have my blood work done,

>as I had to do every month to see what the viral count was. I received a

>call from my doctor the following Wednesday, telling me that IT WAS

>GONE. There was no trace that I had ever been sick, nothing at all. And

>no, my body didn't heal itself in a weeks time. He is real, and He does

>live. He saved my soul when I was 12 years old. I'm now 48. And He loves

>you as well. Sorry, but I had to state my story, and I pray that you will

>let Him find you, before it is everlasting too late for you.


>HYPERLINK " http://www.boxertown.com " http://www.boxertown.com

> Re: RELIGION Re: Enhancing health with time on your side





> Idol <Idol@...> wrote: Kayla-


> >I think you will wish someday that you had not taken Christ so lightly.


> And Muslims doubtless think that you will someday wish you had not

> taken Mohammed so lightly.


> >What is mere

> >mortal man to call Christ or Jesus " crap " .


> Hate to break it to you, but Jesus was a mere mortal man just all of

> us (men) here.




> -








" / " http://health.groups

../group/ />NATIVE

> NUTRITION online

> * <HYPERLINK " http://onibasu.com/ " http://onibasu.com/>SEARCH the entire

message archive with Onibasu



><mailto: -owner >LIST OWNER: Idol

>MODERATORS: Heidi Schuppenhauer

> Wanita Sears



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> God is the

> most faithful friend that I have ever had, and He is real. It is

amazing, I

> have set by the beside of an old saint that was dying, and the grace God

> gives them is so real. They see things, that we cannot possibly see


> and they are anxious to go on. I've been told by them that what

they see is

> absolutely beautiful.

Anyone who has worked in hospice knows that deathbed visions are not

unusual among the dying, regardless of religious belief.


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Dean & Ann,

You two must be new around here. *VBG* This is a thread that, thus far, is

89-posts long according to my GoogleMail account which is simply wonderful

at grouping threads together in neat little bundles for me. Anyway, every

once in awhile, somebody on this group gets a bee in their bonnet, or up

their knickers or other such parts and wants to get into a religious

discussion. Then it fades out, but somebody else comes along, sparks it

back up, etc. It's allowed, by the way, and you'll see many such others

over time if you stick around. Try Google Mail - it really is quite

brilliant at helping to organized topics, etc., And, Ann, if you could trim

the posts to which you are replying, removing unnecessary content, it would

be very helpful. Thanks!

Sharon, NH

On 2/13/06, annbekins <annbekins@...> wrote:


> That's nice, but what does that have to do with native nutrition?


> Ann



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