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USDA grass-fed label to include factory farming

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From the Organic Consumer's Association:


For most people, the concept of beef labeled as " grass-fed " means

animals roaming in pastures, freely grazing on the grasses and forage

that ruminants have evolved over eons to digest. Now the USDA has

proposed federal regulations that would allow the meat from factory

farm animals, injected with antibiotics and hormones, who are fed corn

and grain rather than being raised on pasture to be labeled as

" grass-fed. " Literally no one supports this proposed regulation other

than large beef corporations who would like a federal license to

defraud consumers and put family scale farmers and ranchers who still

pasture their animals out of business. If you'd like to comment on this

issue, letters should reference Docket #LS-05-09 and be mailed to:

Chief, Standardization Branch, Livestock and Seed Program, AMS, USDA,

Room 2607-S, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-0254

Learn more: http://www.organicconsumers.org/2006/article_1496.cfm


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