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Re: Autism (and kidney stones)

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You might wish to contact Aajonus Vanderplanitz. His email is on


He had autism apparently. He doesn't now.

He can describe how the mercury attracts the bacteria and such to remove the

mercury. Sure, the mercury can come pre-natally or later or both. All that is

academic though.

Ultimately, if there is a weak nervous system (with or without mercury), the

practical question is how to nourish it. He reports several successful

recoveries from autism amongst his nutrition clients. Interested?

Incidentally, I was adopted. I also suggest you consider the results of the

" infected with " mindset about " why " and focus instead on the uncontroversial and

practical fact that it takes nourishment to build a well-functioning immune

system, and the vast majority of pregnant women in modern civilization are not

reading " nourishing traditions " or ultimately following similar proven

principles, are they? The question is: are you? Your presence on this group

implies if not a commitment to that, then at least a willingness to consider

such a commitment. I assume that " toxin-free birth mother " was a joke.

Indeed, presuming that you are a " convert " to such things as grass-fed meat,

you already know how to improve things, perhaps more than the folks at

-Hopkins and so on. If your commitment is to not just relieve but remedy the

autism and further offer your child optimal health, I would honor that. In other

words, the question is not why, but how.

For perspective, I had an elimination " emergency " last night and I have no

interest really in why it hurt so much to pee, but how to improve the situation.

It improved by itself dramatically (after several hours straight on the toilet),

yet I can repeat that or prevent it and by so doing foster better health.

Recovering from decades of undernourishment and even poisoning may require

focusing on how to respond, not on why it hurts to pee. When peeing red (as a

man), I want to know why only in the context of what to change- more of this and

less of that.

My local professional suggested parsley (and a few other things). Aajonus

suggested parsley among many other things and, what a surprise, that is one of

the recommendations of his that I have followed least. I can change that. Why is

not a difficult question after the first kidney stone passes. Fortunately, how

may not be a difficult question either.

I trust you take this in fun. From a different commitment (a different

pre-existing " why " ), I could have gone to an emergency room and invited

conventional treatments of how. So, if you're commitment is to your own optimal

health and that of your beloved, that is why.

My commitment increased dramatically as of last night. That's a good thing.

You are welcome to report on your son's progressive improvement. Some of us

may " go the way of nourishment " a bit late for much difference for ourselves,

but, hey, the sooner the better, right?

I bless your commitment to your child's health. Aajonus can bless it even


If you just want to read some research, he can probably direct you to that as

well. I trust that you do not just want to read some research, but do some

research yourself- on how.


Some thoughts on this.....

I have an Autistic 6-yo. I don't see the " link " in the article. A link, for

me, would be research - something scientific and not just another

emotionally-laden blinders-on article about mercury ala Kirby and his EOHarm

cult. Some of us believe that mercury is secondary - the immune system has

become damaged (bacterial, viral, ad nauseum) rendering it incapable of

defending the brain/nervous/gut system, all of which are affected in those

on the Autism spectrum. In my son's case, his birth-mother had herpes.

Research at s-Hopkins is showing that herpes transcends the placenta

barrier. In his case, he had a live virus (herpes) in his body - and when

infected with the MMR, which was another live virus, the two caused the

immune system to respond in an abnormal way, and instead of defending the

body, started to destroy the nervous system and gut. On top of that, there

are enough environmental factors to add to the toxin-theories, in addition

to mercury, as well as birth-mothers who are not toxin-free, etc., to add to

the possible theories of Why. IMO, the mercury-done-it is subsiding, with

people recognizing it's more complex than " just " that.....HTH... What I

can say is, my son has made tremendous strides on an all organic, raw goat

milk, grass-fed meat, no processed oils, MamaMakesTheButter diet ala

Nourishing Traditions. ;)


Taking care, we fare well!




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>>If your commitment is to not just relieve but remedy the

autism and further offer your child optimal health, I would honor

that. In other

>>words, the question is not why, but how

I think the question is why if you are trying to raise awareness of

the dangers of mercury contamination to prevent further perpetuation

of it. If a person was made ill from deception then it's that

person's responsibility to ask as many questions as possible and do

something about it even if it's just joining Weston price or something

like that. The more questions the better.

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