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Re: Poo Free: How to do it

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I use soap, but only on the areas that really need it.

I have dry, curly hair and gave up shampoo 4 years ago. I just use

commercial conditioner, which I would like to find a substitute for. I'd

also like to find a replacement for my hair gel. I can't give them both up

or my hair is a dry, frizzy mess.

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I wash my hair with No-Poo. It is a two-step process. First massage the

scalp thoroughly with baking soda, it gets the rest of the hair as it runs

down. Then rinse with either ACV or lemon juice to restore ph balance- I

prefer lemon juice for the smell and because in the summer it seems to bring

out my natural coppery tones. If you have long hair like me and really want

something additional, I also have in the past mixed about 5 drops EO of

choice (usually orange or lemongrass for me) in 2c of water and rubbed it

into the very tips where I have some split ends.

Also, if you have problems with frizzies, you can add a small amount of

honey in with the baking soda scrub to help with that.


Poo Free: How to do it

Ive heard alot about how toxic shampoo is and stuff, well what then

do you wash your hair with? Any suggestions?

Would also love to know how to use the product as well...

also does the same go for soap?

THanks so much


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I washed my hair with soap (plain coconut oil soap - Kirk's) for 3 years and

just went back to plain poo because my hair got too dry. However, after

using the Avalon Organic poo, and having to change formulas due to being GF,

and that my hair is starting to get flat again... I'm considering going back

to soap. I think next time, I'm going to try olive oil treatments when my

hair gets dry from the soap.


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HOw much baking soda?

How much Apple cider vinegar, am i rinsing the baking soda

out of my hair WITH the ACV? Or just rinsing it then rinse

my hair?




> I wash my hair with No-Poo. It is a two-step process. First

massage the

> scalp thoroughly with baking soda, it gets the rest of the hair as

it runs

> down. Then rinse with either ACV or lemon juice to restore ph

balance- I

> prefer lemon juice for the smell and because in the summer it

seems to bring

> out my natural coppery tones. If you have long hair like me and

really want

> something additional, I also have in the past mixed about 5 drops

EO of

> choice (usually orange or lemongrass for me) in 2c of water and

rubbed it

> into the very tips where I have some split ends.


> Also, if you have problems with frizzies, you can add a small

amount of

> honey in with the baking soda scrub to help with that.






> Poo Free: How to do it






> Ive heard alot about how toxic shampoo is and stuff, well what then

> do you wash your hair with? Any suggestions?


> Would also love to know how to use the product as well...


> also does the same go for soap?


> THanks so much

> Bris







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For me, I mix up a bunch of BS and water with some honey all at once (like a

bowl-full of the mix, I had to experiment with the proportions of BS/honey

to deal with my frizz. I've never really measured. But I go for the texture

that lets me roll it into balls about Tbsp size, which I can then let set on

the counter and use one per cleaning. When they dry out, well. adding water

is pretty easy to do in the shower:-)

And yes, I rinse out the BS, then use the ACV as a rinse and rinse it out-

much the same system you would use with a standard shampoo/conditioner. The

first two weeks my hair felt more greasy than normal, then it was

dramatically less so and easier to manage for me, and I've had to wash it

less and less frequently the longer I've been doing this.

Poo Free: How to do it






> Ive heard alot about how toxic shampoo is and stuff, well what then

> do you wash your hair with? Any suggestions?


> Would also love to know how to use the product as well...


> also does the same go for soap?


> THanks so much

> Bris







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I also recommend brushing your hair at least 100 strokes a day with a

natural bristle brush from scalp to end. This reduces my need to wash

my hair greatly. I use a non-SLS shampoo, but it's pretty expensive

(California Baby), so being able to stretch it out is helpful. :) My

hair is down to my hinder and I keep it braided at night, too.

Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter


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Have you tried just putting coconut oil on your hair and then washing it

out? That’s what the Polynesian women do and they have beautiful hair.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Lana Gibbons

Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 6:38 PM

Subject: Re: Poo Free: How to do it

I washed my hair with soap (plain coconut oil soap - Kirk's) for 3 years and

just went back to plain poo because my hair got too dry. However, after

using the Avalon Organic poo, and having to change formulas due to being GF,

and that my hair is starting to get flat again... I'm considering going back

to soap. I think next time, I'm going to try olive oil treatments when my

hair gets dry from the soap.


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>Ive heard alot about how toxic shampoo is and stuff, well what then

>do you wash your hair with? Any suggestions?

When I read the subject header, I thought this was going to be about

something like breatharianism, and that you were inquiring about how

you might transcend the need for bowel movements. How disappointing. ;-)


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I got this from a website and had it saved on my computer.

How to no 'poo

Dissolve about 1 tablespoon of baking soda in just enough

water to make a paste. Apply this to your roots only; work it in and

let it sit for a minute.

In order to stimulate blood flow, clean your pores and get off built

up grime, use your finger tips to scrub your scalp. Start by

making a circle on the top of your head in the area you'd wear a

crown. Focus on the back of this circle to begin with. Next, fill in

the circle. This is where your part will be; grease here affects the

way your hair looks. Trace while still scrubbing with your

fingertips around the bottom edge of the circle. Keep making

scrubbing circles underneath each one, drawing lines in circles

around your head.

Lastly, scrub the back of your skull and your temples/sideburns.

This will result in less grease and more growth. After doing this,

your scalp will feel alive. Many women swear their hair grows

faster after a visit to the salon — it does, and this massage

method is why.

When scrubbing, you're actually rubbing your fingers back and

forth in short movements. Be gentle; you don't want to break your

hair. Next, pour about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a

cup and add water. (I keep two plastic 12-ounce cups in my

shower and just mix when I get in.) After you rinse the baking

soda out, pour the apple cider vinegar over the ends of your hair,

let it sit for a minute and then rinse it out. That's all there is to it!

No 'poo troubleshooting

Remember, there is a transition period from two weeks to two

months depending on the person. Here are a few tips:

• If your hair becomes frizzy, try using less baking soda or leaving

it on for a shorter period of time. Adding honey may also help.

• If your hair becomes greasy, try using less apple cider vinegar,

switching to lemon or lime juice, leaving out the honey, and/or

using a comb instead of a brush. Also, make sure you're

applying the apple cider vinegar just to the ends of your hair.

• If your scalp itches, try the following essential oils; tea tree,

lavender, rosemary. If your hair becomes dry, try a tiny bit of oil

(any oil, I use olive) smoothed on bottom of hair.



> HOw much baking soda?

> How much Apple cider vinegar, am i rinsing the baking soda

> out of my hair WITH the ACV? Or just rinsing it then rinse

> my hair?


> thanks.



> bris

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