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RE: OT: Reducing Appearance of Stretch Marks

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> I'm waiting for my baby to be born (any day now!) and wondering what I

> can do to reduce the appearance of the huge number of stretch marks I

> got. I only found out about taking large doses of vitamin C to prevent

> them a few days ago, so it's too late for that. Any vitamins, foods,

> or even creams that will help after the baby's born?


I really, really like Tapp's skin brushing system for this. She

sells a high grade organic dried alfalfa for the nutrients, plus a skin

brush for stimulating the skin.

I had stretch marks from babies and overweight and they are fading and

tightening up. Also as I lose weight, my chin is getting normal, not

wattly. I didn't know you could do this even with my kind of skin (the

thin fair northern European kind.) It's amazing.


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> I really, really like Tapp's skin brushing system for this.

> I had stretch marks from babies and overweight and they are fading and

> tightening up. Also as I lose weight, my chin is getting normal, not

> wattly. I didn't know you could do this even with my kind of skin (the

> thin fair northern European kind.) It's amazing.

I have to whole-heartedly second Connie's recommendation. The skin brush

and directions are available at www.T-tapp.com I was literally afraid to

loose weight for fear of what would happen to my stretched-out skin, and

this has been a God-send.


owner, Native-Nursing, NTOAMC, NT-kids, and WAPHG

http://cookingnt.blogspot.com - updated 2/26

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zinc is supposed to make the skin more elastic and reduce stretch

marks, but I think that's before the fact. C is supposed to aid in

healing without scars. That's all I know about, tho the raw milk is

really making my skin nice, so maybe that will help.

- Renate

--- In , " Penciloid " <Penciloid@...>



> I'm waiting for my baby to be born (any day now!) and wondering what


> can do to reduce the appearance of the huge number of stretch marks I

> got. I only found out about taking large doses of vitamin C to


> them a few days ago, so it's too late for that. Any vitamins, foods,

> or even creams that will help after the baby's born?


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--- In , " cbrown2008 " <cbrown2008@...>


> The Skin tightening system and the alfalfa are in two different

> sections. I use both and really like em.


Is the special brushing pattern all that? Do I need to buy the dvd

for $70 or might you be willing to share some stroke descriptions?

I already dry-brush but of course my curiosity is piqued.

Don't want to pester you or anyone but I'm resistant to accumulating

more visual instructional media.


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> Is the special brushing pattern all that? Do I need to buy the dvd

> for $70 or might you be willing to share some stroke descriptions?


> I already dry-brush but of course my curiosity is piqued.


> Don't want to pester you or anyone but I'm resistant to accumulating

> more visual instructional media.


If you order the brush from her, she sends you the brochure with the full

instructions. You don't have to buy the $70 kit. She does give

instructions slightly differing than those I've seen online. Send me your

snail mail address, and I'll send you a copy of the brochure.



owner, Native-Nursing, NTOAMC, NT-kids, and WAPHG

http://cookingnt.blogspot.com - updated 2/26

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Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she offers? I'm looking for

something to replace pilates as it seems that it may be aggravating my



KerryAnn wrote:



>If you order the brush from her, she sends you the brochure with the full

>instructions. You don't have to buy the $70 kit. She does give

>instructions slightly differing than those I've seen online. Send me your

>snail mail address, and I'll send you a copy of the brochure.




>owner, Native-Nursing, NTOAMC, NT-kids, and WAPHG




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> connie,

> Is the special brushing pattern all that? Do I need to buy the dvd

> for $70 or might you be willing to share some stroke descriptions?

If you just get the brush you also get the stroke instructions, on

paper, simple. It's all about lymph flow. Hers was the first I found

so I have no comparison.

The DVD is audio only (drives me nuts). But it has some information on

there about genetics and skin that I've heard NO where else, and I

loved it. She spent like 15 years as the PT who traveled around with

top models, and she knows all this practical stuff about skin and body

types. Like how English skin is thin, fair, and ages quicker; how

Germans if they drink dairy, seem to put on weight under the chin and

around the arms; and stuff for other ethnicites I didn't listen to.


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> Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she offers? I'm looking


> something to replace pilates as it seems that it may be aggravating


> diastasis.

> Kayla

I have tried her MORE workout and it's excellent. IMO her material is

highest quality. Also the office is knowledgable and helpful and you

could ask them about your diastasis before you buy. she started in

rehab and is totally health first.

On the other hand, her programs are designed to work muscles from

both insertion points simulateously, so don't know if that would be

okay in your case.

Another comprehensive program that I'd recommend is Sonnon's Flow-

Fit, a bodyweight program that's designed not only for muscles but

coordination, mobility, and the mood/mental game too. Here is the

thread on his forum where his fans are showing first reviews (just to

be clear that these are positive, LOL)...


t=9562 & postdays=0 & postorder=asc & start=30

and the product link:


afid=161306 & u=www.circularstrength.com/FlowFitâ„¢.html


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Hi Kayla,

When doing pilates are you engaging (contracting) your transversus abdominus


muscle that runs horizontally beneath the belly button)? If you aren't

contracting it but

instead are bearing down - or pushing it out - that can definitely aggravate


condition. I am a pilates instructor and I see this happen quite a bit. It is

really important

to keep that muscle " connnected " . If you have any questions and would like to

e-mail me

privately I would be happy to help. I would hate for you to give up on pilates

because I

have seen it help so many people, myself included.



> Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she offers? I'm looking for

> something to replace pilates as it seems that it may be aggravating my

> diastasis.

> Kayla


> >

> >


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I'm not sure of the exersice that you are talking

about, but if yowant to con't with Pilaties all you

have to do is with your hands push the sides of your

abdomin together while doing the excersice. THis

usually works better in a mat class.


--- <crimson_gray@...> wrote:

> Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she

> offers? I'm looking for

> something to replace pilates as it seems that it may

> be aggravating my

> diastasis.

> Kayla


> KerryAnn wrote:


> >,

> >

> >If you order the brush from her, she sends you the

> brochure with the full

> >instructions. You don't have to buy the $70 kit.

> She does give

> >instructions slightly differing than those I've

> seen online. Send me your

> >snail mail address, and I'll send you a copy of the

> brochure.

> >

> >HTH,

> >KerryAnn

> >owner, Native-Nursing, NTOAMC, NT-kids, and WAPHG

> >

> >

> >




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Ok, now I'm interasted. Where do I get the DVD??


--- cbrown2008 <cbrown2008@...> wrote:

> > connie,

> > Is the special brushing pattern all that? Do I

> need to buy the dvd

> > for $70 or might you be willing to share some

> stroke descriptions?


> If you just get the brush you also get the stroke

> instructions, on

> paper, simple. It's all about lymph flow. Hers was

> the first I found

> so I have no comparison.


> The DVD is audio only (drives me nuts). But it has

> some information on

> there about genetics and skin that I've heard NO

> where else, and I

> loved it. She spent like 15 years as the PT who

> traveled around with

> top models, and she knows all this practical stuff

> about skin and body

> types. Like how English skin is thin, fair, and

> ages quicker; how

> Germans if they drink dairy, seem to put on weight

> under the chin and

> around the arms; and stuff for other ethnicites I

> didn't listen to.


> Connie








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Where do you practice?


--- Vicki Morrow <vickjom@...> wrote:

> Hi Kayla,


> When doing pilates are you engaging (contracting)

> your transversus abdominus (the

> muscle that runs horizontally beneath the belly

> button)? If you aren't contracting it but

> instead are bearing down - or pushing it out - that

> can definitely aggravate your

> condition. I am a pilates instructor and I see this

> happen quite a bit. It is really important

> to keep that muscle " connnected " . If you have any

> questions and would like to e-mail me

> privately I would be happy to help. I would hate

> for you to give up on pilates because I

> have seen it help so many people, myself included.


> Vicki




> >

> > Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she

> offers? I'm looking for

> > something to replace pilates as it seems that it

> may be aggravating my

> > diastasis.

> > Kayla

> >

> > >

> > >

> >







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Check out " Lose Your Mummy Tummy " at maternalfitness.com. The author

addresses diastasis specifically and has transvers strengthening

exercises that promise to help. I've been doing a few of the

recommended exercises for a few weeks and I'm pretty sure it's

helping. Of course, I'm not as consistent as I'd like to be due to

the baby....

I bought the book for cheap at half.com and found it sufficient.


On 3/1/06, <crimson_gray@...> wrote:

> Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she offers? I'm looking for

> something to replace pilates as it seems that it may be aggravating my

> diastasis.

> Kayla

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I live in Arlington, WA and have a studio in my home. I also teach classes in a

gym in Lake

s, WA and a yoga barn here in Arlington. My goal is to open a small

studio at

martial arts studio in sville where I teach yoga classes. The equipment is


so it takes time to build a practice.


> > >

> > > Has anyone tried the exercise routine that she

> > offers? I'm looking for

> > > something to replace pilates as it seems that it

> > may be aggravating my

> > > diastasis.

> > > Kayla

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Cocoa butter is great, but would have been better had you been using it

regularly DURING. It helps the skin to stretch without stretch marks.

I'm waiting for my baby to be born (any day now!) and wondering what I

can do to reduce the appearance of the huge number of stretch marks I

got. I only found out about taking large doses of vitamin C to prevent

them a few days ago, so it's too late for that. Any vitamins, foods,

or even creams that will help after the baby's born?


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