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Nina Planck

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I just discovered this woman, Nina Planck, because she wrote an

excellent Op-ed in today's NY Times about the E. Coli spinach thing

stemming from feedlot cattle. Her nutritional views seem to closely

mirror WAPF's, which is still rare these days, and she seems to have a

good public image thing going if she's writing in the Times. She has a

very clean website and I like her upbeat prescriptiveness. My mother

started reading it and was very interested in what she says about

saturated fat and how bad low-fat diets are. None of the WAPF article

ever got her attention like that. I think the perceived credibility is

a big factor there, and also the fact that more and more people are

increasingly criticizing industrialized agriculture and mainstream

nutritional beliefs. Tides are definitely turning!





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I'm pretty sure she's a WAPF member as I met her a few years ago in New York.

in Los Angeles

On 9/21/06, Tom Jeanne <tjeanne@...> wrote:

> I just discovered this woman, Nina Planck, because she wrote an

> excellent Op-ed in today's NY Times about the E. Coli spinach thing

> stemming from feedlot cattle.

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She has a great website. www.ninaplanck.com <http://www.ninaplanck.com/>





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[mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:27 PM

Subject: Re: Nina Planck

I'm pretty sure she's a WAPF member as I met her a few years ago in New


in Los Angeles


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--- Tom Jeanne <tjeanne@...> wrote:


> I just discovered this woman, Nina Planck, because she wrote an

> excellent Op-ed in today's NY Times about the E. Coli spinach thing

> stemming from feedlot cattle. Her nutritional views seem to closely

> mirror WAPF's, which is still rare these days, and she seems to have

> a good public image thing going if she's writing in the Times. She

> has a very clean website and I like her upbeat prescriptiveness....


> http://www.ninaplanck.com/


> Op-Ed:

> http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/21/opinion/21planck.html

Tom, her book was reviewed on the WAPF web site (thumbs up):


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