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Poison Ivy....ACK! Husband nad Blisters

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Good Afternoon!

SUnday afternoon husband buried our kitten in a patch of poison ivy. By

Tuesday, his left arm was very red and swollen. Yesterday, several bisters

showed up. One even about the size of a dime.

We purchased the Burt's Bees Poison Ivy soap...and I have been pumping him

full of 5,000-10,000mg of Vit. C. I am tired today (and a bit lazy) and don't

want to have to go OUT to buy anything.

Today, his biggest blister began to leak. We " popped " it and got all the oils

out. He then took a bath with the PI soap. After the bath, I bathed him down

with Aloe Vera Juice (a GALLON on sale for 50 CENTS!!!!). The AVJ seems to be

helping him.

I also just put Black Walnut/Wormwood on the blister spots. I have several

teas...and not very many " oils " at all. :-( Is there anything else at home I

can be doing with out having to go OUT and buy more stuff?

Thank you!

's Avery

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Other than oatmeal or baking soda for the itching I can't think of anything not

out. Homeopathic rhus toxicodron (poison ivy) at HFS or an OTC pharmacy product

Technu gets rid of my DH's overnight if you use the neutralizing solution when

you first realize. Technu good to have on hand if you have poison ivy prone in

your house.


Is there anything else at home I can be doing with out having to go OUT and buy

more stuff?

's Avery

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My favorite poison ivy remedy is a mixture of vinegar and powdered clay

made into a runny paste. The vinegar helps to soothe the itching and

the clay dries up the blisters and draws out the 'oils'. It looks

pretty messy on a large area but it works. I change the clay when it

gets dry but has patches of the oil it drew up in it.

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Thank you so much for your help.

Where would we get the powered clay? Does it need to be a special kind?

Thank you!

Mrs B

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