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Re: Organic Pastures press conference -- tomorrow (Friday)

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Dear Mark,

I have wished to go to your farm for ages so it is with great regret

that the one day our company has a mandatory meeting is 3:00 Friday. I

think it is a 1.5 hour drive from Los Gatos or I would go afterwards.

A thought: I feel certain you will prevail, but if there is a delay, I

cannot go without the health benefits of your completely grassfed cows.

I need that superior quality and quantity of CLA and other wonderful

things that only your cow's can provide.

Could we band together for the duration of this ordeal and buy shares

in your cows? I make VERY little money but I earmark a good chunk for

your dairy products. If enough of us buy shares, even on a temporary

basis, how much do you think it would be for me to have 2 half gallons

of milk a week and have it delivered to (a home?) in Los Gatos for pick


This thought is just in case powers that be try delaying tactics.

Thank you for all you have done for the dairy industry and our health.

Thank you for treating your animals and the land they graze upon with

such great care.





On Sep 28, 2006, at 5:29 PM, galeforcewinds00 wrote:

> Dear OPDC Fresh, Unprocessed Raw Milk Consumer:



> Raw Milk needs you now!



> You may lose raw milk forever.



> Organic Pastures is holding a press conference at 2:00 tomorrow,

> Friday September 29th. We need each and every one of you to show

> your support for raw milk.




> If there is any possible way that you can travel to the dairy for

> this conference, please attend. It is critical to your continued

> access to the healthful milk you and your family have been enjoying.




> At the conference, I will be speaking to the national and

> international press about your right to access safe, fresh,

> unprocessed milk from grass fed cows. The media and the public will

> be provided test results and comprehensive documentation.




> Take the kids out of school or better yet bring the whole class!

> The press needs to see and hear you. They need to document your

> stories.




> In ation with CDFA, Organic Pastures continues to limit

> information released to the press until 2PM tomorrow. At the

> conference, the entire story will be told. We are very much looking

> forward to issuing a joint press release from OPDC and the CDFA at

> that time.




> Join the raw revolution….only living milk brings life!!!




> Mark McAfee


> Founder OPDC










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Can you give me a rundown on what went on? I couldn't come but sorely

wished to.

On Sep 28, 2006, at 5:29 PM, galeforcewinds00 wrote:

> Dear OPDC Fresh, Unprocessed Raw Milk Consumer:



> Raw Milk needs you now!



> You may lose raw milk forever.



> Organic Pastures is holding a press conference at 2:00 tomorrow,

> Friday September 29th. We need each and every one of you to show

> your support for raw milk.




> If there is any possible way that you can travel to the dairy for

> this conference, please attend. It is critical to your continued

> access to the healthful milk you and your family have been enjoying.




> At the conference, I will be speaking to the national and

> international press about your right to access safe, fresh,

> unprocessed milk from grass fed cows. The media and the public will

> be provided test results and comprehensive documentation.




> Take the kids out of school or better yet bring the whole class!

> The press needs to see and hear you. They need to document your

> stories.




> In ation with CDFA, Organic Pastures continues to limit

> information released to the press until 2PM tomorrow. At the

> conference, the entire story will be told. We are very much looking

> forward to issuing a joint press release from OPDC and the CDFA at

> that time.




> Join the raw revolution….only living milk brings life!!!




> Mark McAfee


> Founder OPDC










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On 9/30/06, Parashis <artpages@...> wrote:

> Can you give me a rundown on what went on? I couldn't come but sorely

> wished to.

About 100 people showed up to support Mark. There was a lot of local

media there, and they interviewed people on camera, but it doesn't

look like their stories made it to the online sites of the newspapers.

In fact, the biases are still very much in place, from what I see with

a cursory search on Google News (variations of the erroneous " raw milk

that sickened... " statement still part of headlines as of the 29th).

Mark's press release was a bit longer than what you see on his site,

mainly information that regular members of Native Nutrition already

know. The most important points he made about grass-fed cows sure were

left out of any coverage of the press conference.

One of the mothers whose sick child's illness was erroneously blamed

on the milk was there to clarify what had happened. A Stanford student

from Kenya related how consuming American food, and especially

pasteurized and homogenized dairy led to his gaining weight and

contracting Crohn's Disease.

I was the only one there from San Diego that I knew of, but there were

a few members from the Orange County Chapter of the WAPF who showed

up. One of them has reversed her severe osteoporosis with drinking raw


I'll try to post some pictures I have. Hopefully is cooperative today.


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