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Cholesterol and microbes which feed on it

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I'm curious to see whether anyone has any ideas for a treatment

regimen for someone infected with something along the lines of a

mycoplasma (e.g. m. fermentans) which causes neurological and other

problems via a variety of mechanisms such as

- choline depletion leading to cell death

<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=11470355 & query_hl=25 & itool=pubmed_docsum>

- competition for and depletion of a wide variety of other host

nutrients, including cholesterol


- direct creation of peroxide and superoxide radicals by attached

mycoplasmas, inducing oxidative stress and cell membrane damage


- excitotoxicity caused by glutamate release upon cell death leading

to damage to motor neurons' mitochondria and causing ALS-like

symptoms <http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_252/ai_n6110580>

Nourishment seems to be something of a catch-22, because feeding the

host essential nutrients also feeds the infection.

Any thoughts?


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