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Organic Pastures Recall

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>From: " Christapher C. Cogswell " <radiantlife@...>



>Subject: [WAPF-SF] Organic Pastures Recall

>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:59:04 -0700


>Hi everyone,


>It was probably only a matter of time before the state tried to take a


>at Mark McAffee and Organic Pastures raw milk. As you may have noticed,


>Organic Pastures raw milk products have been pulled because allegedly a

>couple kids in SoCal have symptoms of E Coli poisoning. As Mark points out

>in the following press release, there have been no positive tests for E


>in their milk ever and that includes to date, and he also points out that

>the state's press release seemed to be designed to punish his dairy and


>his brand. I know that our community will support Mark against this attack

>on raw milk, and I have a feeling that they will soon realize they picked


>the wrong dairy.






>California orders raw milk recall



>September 21, 2006 4:58pm



> Raw milk produced by Organic Pastures Dairy Co. of Fresno County is the

>subject of a statewide recall and quarantine order announced Thursday

>afternoon by California State Veterinarian Breitmeyer.


>Under the recall, all Organic Pastures whole and skim raw milk is to be

>pulled immediately from retail shelves and consumers are strongly urged to

>dispose of any product remaining in their refrigerators, he says.


>Until further notice, Organic Pastures may not produce raw milk for the

>retail market. The order also affects Organic Pastures raw cream and raw



>The head of the dairy company takes strong exception to the state's action.


> " They have no positive tests, not one. I have no positive tests. Their

>recall is a multi-state recall. We only distribute our milk in California, "

>Mark McAfee, founder of the company, tells CVBT.


> " We are being victimized like you can't believe in a broader dragnet they

>are doing right now, " he says.


>Mr. McAfee says he plans to sue the state over its actions.


> " I will take this to the limit, " he says. " We are lividly upset that they

>went ahead and did a brand-crushing press release before they notified us.

>They have no evidence at all. Zero. They have nothing. "


>The quarantine order came following a report that raw milk caused bacterial

>illness in a 10-year old girl in San Bernardino County, the state says.


>An investigation by the California Department of Health Services detected

>two additional bacterial illnesses in children consuming raw milk, one a

>7-year old Riverside County boy, and the other an 8-year old San Diego

>County girl, Mr. Breitmeyer says.


>Doctors treating the children have identified the bacteria as E. coli



>While laboratory samples of Organic Pastures raw milk have not detected E.

>coli 0157:H7 contamination, epidemiologic data collected by the Department

>of Health Services points to a link with Organic Pastures raw milk, the

>state says. Additional laboratory samples of Organic Pastures raw milk are



>It is not believed there is any connection with the recent E. coli 0157:H7

>contamination in fresh spinach. Typing of lab samples from one of the

>children shows a different strain than the one found in the spinach



>Of the three afflicted children, one has been hospitalized and released.


>other two remain hospitalized.


>The great majority of milk consumed in California is pasteurized. Raw milk

>is not. Pasteurization eliminates the risk of bacterial illness.


>E. coli infection often causes abdominal cramps and bloody diarrhea. There

>is usually little or no fever, and the illness typically resolves itself in

>five to ten days. A small percentage of infected individuals also develop

>hemolytic uremic syndrome, a condition in which red blood cells are

>destroyed and kidney failure may occur.


>Those most at risk for serious complications of this food-borne illness

>include young children, the elderly and those with compromised immune







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