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stomach pains

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In a message dated 3/2/03 10:21:29 am, ciaociao2000@... writes:

> paola


Paola, I'm not of much use on this, but didn't want to ignore your email.

If it makes you feel any better I, myself, tried enzymes and got a stomach

ache! My son seemed fine, however. I have kept them up with myself

intermittently and think that I am overcoming this problem. Could be yeast

die-off? I just don't know!


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In a message dated 3/2/03 2:39:38 pm, kathylr@... writes:

> For myself a Tums (antacid tablet) seems to help, maybe you can try

> something similar for your child.



Yes! Paola, not I remember what I did. An hour after your child eats his

last bite of food for a meal, give him some magnesium bicarbonate. He'll

only need a little. You can use calcium bicarbonate if you want to, but

Tums is full of sugar.

Magnesium Carbonate should be available at your health food shop. Just look

for a bicarbonate. that really helped me!


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Hi Paola, I also have stomach and abdominal pain and crampy feeling when I

myself take AFP Pep. I stopped for awhile and a week ago began taking just

a sprinkle with meals, I still have the crampy feeling but it is not so

intense now and I think it is diminishing. I'm glad you posted about this

because I've been reading this board for awhile and have not run across

others saying the enzyme causes stomach pain. For me it starts almost

immediately after I take them and the pain is a crampy flu-like sensation

(like my intestines are " sore " .)

My 9-year old takes one or two AFP Pep plus a Zyme Prime with most meals and

has never complained of stomach pain.

I'm looking forward to answers to your post too. I have wondered about kids

I read about, very young or non-verbal, who parents said were fussy etc.

since starting the enzymes, I wondered if they were having the pain I was.

For myself a Tums (antacid tablet) seems to help, maybe you can try

something similar for your child.

Take care,

Kathy IN



> Dear friends,

> I am Paola from Italy, mother of Gianmarco , 5 years, AS.

> A few months ago I had begun to give the enzymes to my child. then I

> have stopped because he had had a withdrawal reaction, and since in that

> days he began the school I have stopped because I didn't want that his

> teachers saw him in those conditions. besides my child complains that

> he has STOMACH pain. Now I have started over giving the enzymes him,

> but very gradually, and there has been no withdrawal reaction, however

> the stomach pain is always present.

> Whath do you think is causing his stomach pain??? What can I do? Some

> suggestion?

> thanks to everybody

> paola




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You don't say what kind of enzymes you are giving? Are you using

Houston's or something else? If Houston's which ones or all 3? What

dosage are you giving? Is your child gfcf now or was he prior to

enzymes? Has he ever been diagnosed celiac or shown symptoms? Has

your child ever had a yeast and/or bacteria problem? Sorry for all

the questions, but it could be alot of factors here and it would be

hard to make any guesses without more information. Sorry you are

having these troubles. I know how frusterating it can be trying to

figure things out. Please post again so we can try to help.


In , " Paola Tarullo "

<ciaociao2000@y...> wrote:


> Dear friends,

> I am Paola from Italy, mother of Gianmarco , 5 years, AS.

> A few months ago I had begun to give the enzymes to my child. then I

> have stopped because he had had a withdrawal reaction, and since in


> days he began the school I have stopped because I didn't want that


> teachers saw him in those conditions. besides my child complains


> he has STOMACH pain. Now I have started over giving the enzymes


> but very gradually, and there has been no withdrawal reaction,


> the stomach pain is always present.

> Whath do you think is causing his stomach pain??? What can I do?


> suggestion?

> thanks to everybody

> paola




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> Dear friends,

> I am Paola from Italy, mother of Gianmarco , 5 years, AS.

> A few months ago I had begun to give the enzymes to my child. then I

> have stopped because he had had a withdrawal reaction, and since in


> days he began the school I have stopped because I didn't want that


> teachers saw him in those conditions. besides my child complains


> he has STOMACH pain. Now I have started over giving the enzymes


> but very gradually, and there has been no withdrawal reaction,


> the stomach pain is always present.

> Whath do you think is causing his stomach pain???

I had stomach pain when I started Peptizyde for myself. I was not

gfcf. Is your child gfcf? If not, it might be major withdrawal

reaction. I can have gluten now in moderation with Peptizyde without

stomach pains.


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Is there anyway you can test to see if it is the rice bran in the

enzymes that is making your son stomach hurt- May be find it in

another supplement and try it- My son is off the enzymes because of

this problem but is also non-verbal so he never could tell me his

stomach hurt. We had our son tested on a Electroacupuncture

biofeedback computer or Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV)

We found the info we recieved though this intervention very

helpful. Ann

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Dear Paola,

My daughter, almost 14, expereinced the pain only with Peptizyde. As I

slowly increased the dosage, I found it very helpful to give her a small

dose of aloe vera juice which helped to stop that acid indigestion pain the

enzyme seemed to give her. I'm not sure what the availability of buying aloe

vera juice is in Italy, but we use 's brand which tastes just like

water and works really well.

Good luck,



> Dear friends,

> I am Paola from Italy, mother of Gianmarco , 5 years, AS.

> A few months ago I had begun to give the enzymes to my child. then I

> have stopped because he had had a withdrawal reaction, and since in that

> days he began the school I have stopped because I didn't want that his

> teachers saw him in those conditions. besides my child complains that

> he has STOMACH pain. Now I have started over giving the enzymes him,

> but very gradually, and there has been no withdrawal reaction, however

> the stomach pain is always present.

> Whath do you think is causing his stomach pain??? What can I do? Some

> suggestion?

> thanks to everybody

> paola




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> Dear Paola,

> My daughter, almost 14, expereinced the pain only with

Peptizyde. As I

> slowly increased the dosage, I found it very helpful to give her a


> dose of aloe vera juice which helped to stop that acid indigestion

pain the

> enzyme seemed to give her. I'm not sure what the availability of

buying aloe

> vera juice is in Italy, but we use 's brand which tastes

just like

> water and works really well.

> Good luck,


> thank you,

I have just returned from chicago,pfeiffer centre and I have buy

aloe vera here in usa!!! no,in italy it is not available but now I

can use it.

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> -Paola,

> You don't say what kind of enzymes you are giving? Are you


> Houston's or something else? If Houston's which ones or all 3?


> dosage are you giving? Is your child gfcf now or was he prior to

> enzymes? Has he ever been diagnosed celiac or shown symptoms? Has

> your child ever had a yeast and/or bacteria problem? Sorry for all

> the questions, but it could be alot of factors here and it would


> hard to make any guesses without more information. Sorry you are

> having these troubles. I know how frusterating it can be trying


> figure things out. Please post again so we can try to help.


> -


dear ,

I am giving to Gianmarco AFP PEPTIZYDE from Houston.I started with

1/8 and then to 1/5...one-two time a day.He is on GFCF diet from 16

months and from 4 months also corn and soy free.and chocolate

free.He is negative to the celiac test,but we had test on urine for

urinary peptides from Reichelt in Norway.He had elevated IAG (40)

and slight elevated gluten peacks and betacaseomorfina.At the

control after one year on diet he has NORMAL IAG ,ZERO

betacaseomorfina , but gluten peacks that was 77 (normal range below

70 ) is now 98 . More elevated that before the diet. Maybe due to

the diminuited IAG?????

I am now waiting for the CDSA test with parasites,actually I don't

know if he has candida....normal test showed no candida.

thank you all for your preciouses advices

paola from italy

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I was never GF or CF (have no allergies or other reasons to believe I should

be) so adding back in a problem food didn't have anything to do with my

stomach pains with afp Pep, fwiw.

The pain I get is almost immediate upon taking and seems dose related, less

afp Pep= less intense and shorter pain.

Kathy IN


> I, too, have gotten stomach pains! I 've been unsure whether it was


> the dairy products back in, or the enzymes themselves. What does Devin


> about this reaction? I've quit taken them for now.


> BTW, my son with the severe casein problem doesn't have stomach trouble


> Pep, but my youngest (mild) does.


> M






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I didn;t have pain but I did have odd feeling to start with, and for sure I

get yeast die off..................

MAndi in UK

> , too, have gotten stomach pains! I 've been unsure whether it was adding

> the dairy products back in, or the enzymes themselves. What does Devin say

> about this reaction? I've quit taken them for now.


> BTW, my son with the severe casein problem doesn't have stomach trouble

> with

> Pep, but my youngest (mild) does.


> M


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Sometimes after starting a strong protease enzyme product (such as

Peptizyde), the person may have a stomach ache or pain when eating.

The general recommendation is to stop the protease for around four

or five days, and then try again. Usually this resolves the problem.

Although proteases such as bromelain and papain have been used

extensively to heal gastric ulcers, proteases in particular may be

irritating the gut a little initially, particularly if the gut is

very damaged or inflamed. The proteases will be cleaning out wounds

and inflammation, taking toxins and debris away, and this will leave

exposed healthy, yet sensitive tissue. Stopping the proteases for a

few days allows these cleaned out, but exposed areas time to heal

again. The injured areas will not be so sensitive when the proteases

are later resumed. This has worked well for some.

Another strategy would be to start with an enzyme product that is

low in proteases (such as a general all-purpose product like Zyme

Prime), which will promote gut healing, and then adding in the

stronger protease product after a week or more. If you wait the four

to five days, resume the proteases and then see stomach aches again,

this may be a symptom of celiac disease or something that requires

different measures. You may also try reducing the dose, or stop the

strong proteases altogether for awhile until further gut healing can

happen - give it even 1-3 months. There may be more substantial gut

injury which needs longer to heal before stronger proteases can be


If there is yeast or bacteria, there may be die-off too which is

causing nauseau...but I don't remember anyone saying this would be


The bicarbonate suggestion was good too. That would keep excess

stomach acid from irritating the gut lining, while allowing the

enzymes to break down food. (I use about 1/8-1/4 teaspoon baking

soda after a meal, my husband like Alka-seltzer)


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What a nice coincidence. Just remeber if you give too much of it, it can

make your child's BM's runny. My daughter is always constipated so it really

come in handy for her.



> > Dear Paola,

> > My daughter, almost 14, expereinced the pain only with

> Peptizyde. As I

> > slowly increased the dosage, I found it very helpful to give her a

> small

> > dose of aloe vera juice which helped to stop that acid indigestion

> pain the

> > enzyme seemed to give her. I'm not sure what the availability of

> buying aloe

> > vera juice is in Italy, but we use 's brand which tastes

> just like

> > water and works really well.

> > Good luck,

> >

> > thank you,

> I have just returned from chicago,pfeiffer centre and I have buy

> aloe vera here in usa!!! no,in italy it is not available but now I

> can use it.






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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

I found an old e-mail from Sammyjo regarding stomach problems. I hope it




If you have any stomach problems, coconut oil will fix you up.

I've cured 4 people of irritable bowl syndrome by telling them about

extra virgin coconut oil (Nutiva is the cheapest brand, $15 32 oz)

I read about this here http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/vcnocrohns.htm

And that lauric acid must be good for all kinds of ills!



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  • 5 months later...

So I gave up on the subject of aversions and things to eat. I have been

trying different things and it will be okay, I'll figure it out. :-) But now

I have a new issue that I haven't dealt with since I was pregnant. For about

the last 4 days after I eat something I have this shooting pain right in the

middle of my belly when I try to breathe deeply and it lasts quite a long

time. I also have had off and on heartburn and sometimes I feel like I just

have a constant bubble in my stomach that won't move. I take enzymes and hcl

with all meals and the only things differently I have eaten are a couple of

meals with beans, which we don't do very often, and a couple of breakfasts

of oatmeal, which I had not done for a few months. I am assuming this is a

digestive issue, but am fearing something worse. I know I do not usually get

enough water each day so I am going to work really hard the next couple of

days to drink a lot and see if that helps. Does anyone have a thought on

what could be causing these pains?


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> As far as I know. I have never had any kind of surgery. (except for my

> tonsils removed)

That would be my first guess: Cholecystitis.


Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter


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> The gallbladder uses the body's cholesterol stores to produce bile

> salts which break down and help digest fat. You only excrete bile in

> order to digest fat, so if you have been on a low fat diet for a long

> time, there is a chance that the cholesterol may have stagnated and

> formed stones in your gallbladder.

If it is your gallbladder, and I hope to heckity heck it isn't, ,

I hope you've caught it early enough to do something about it without

surgery. Though I haven't missed mine really all that much (excepting

that I can't eat literal gobs of coconut oil apparently), I would have

liked to have kept it. But by the time mine became seriously active

there just wasn't any way I could muscle through it. If I could have

shot myself I would have, the pain was that bad. And yes, I yo-yo

low-fatted for years before I found NT. Good luck.

Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter


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, you seem to have recently increased the fat content of your

diet after a lifelong low fat diet?

If so, Lynn is right, this could be gallbladder.

>um, I have been eating lots of fat for 18 months now and when I started I

wasn't completely non fat at the time simply because I had just had a baby

and was eating anything I could get my hands on. (not necessarily good fats,

though) and I never experienced this feeling until the last few days. Why

would it all of a sudden start? Maybe I exaggerated about the extent of the

pain. It is not really shooting, per se, but more of a crampy, full or

tightness. It is sharp, but not all the time. I feel a bit constipated, too,

and I am guessing that is attributing to it.

The gallbladder uses the body's cholesterol stores to produce bile

salts which break down and help digest fat. You only excrete bile in

order to digest fat, so if you have been on a low fat diet for a long

time, there is a chance that the cholesterol may have stagnated and

formed stones in your gallbladder.

>oh, so you think maybe I am doomed? What do I do? I think someone mentioned

just deal with it and keep eating fats and eventually the stones will


If you experienced pains only after eating these foods, it could be a

problem with plant lectins, in which case avoid beans and oatmeal! You

could be genetically susceptible to being irritated by them.

>well, the pain was after anything I ate or drank, including water. Today it

is not as noticeable. But I think I have been stressed lately, like

internally stressed that I used to get in college, and I find myself

breathing shallowly and being bent over quite a bit. I really need to get

into some yoga or something.


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I've read that malic acid, in apples and apple cider, will dissolve

gallstones and kidney stones. They're in season now, guess you could

stock up and enjoy.

>> The gallbladder uses the body's cholesterol stores to produce bile

> salts which break down and help digest fat. You only excrete bile in

> order to digest fat, so if you have been on a low fat diet for a long

> time, there is a chance that the cholesterol may have stagnated and

> formed stones in your gallbladder.




> >oh, so you think maybe I am doomed? What do I do? I think someone


> just deal with it and keep eating fats and eventually the stones will

> dissolve.


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AMPA%2C+FL+33624 & country=us> 4548A WEST VILLAGE DR.

TAMPA, FL 33624

tel: 813-961-1500

fax: 813-996-9571

mobile: 813-391-7965

<https://www.plaxo.com/add_me?u=0 & v0=0 & k0=0> Add me to your address book...

<http://www.plaxo.com/signature> Want a signature like this?

You might want to try taking Swedish bitters in warm water before meals. It

helps to create bile to help digest the fats. I did that when I first

started eating a lot of fats and it really helps.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:57 PM

Subject: RE: Re: stomach pains

The gallbladder uses the body's cholesterol stores to produce bile

salts which break down and help digest fat. You only excrete bile in

order to digest fat, so if you have been on a low fat diet for a long

time, there is a chance that the cholesterol may have stagnated and

formed stones in your gallbladder.

>oh, so you think maybe I am doomed? What do I do? I think someone mentioned

just deal with it and keep eating fats and eventually the stones will



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One, more thing, you can also try the liver flush on curezone.com. I have

heard people who have done it to flush gall stones and it has proven very

successful and all you take is some Epson salts, lemon juice or grapefruit

juice and olive oil.





<mailto:AFERRIS@...> AFERRIS@...

<http://maps./py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap & addr=4548A+WEST+VILLAGE+DR. & csz=T

AMPA%2C+FL+33624 & country=us> 4548A WEST VILLAGE DR.

TAMPA, FL 33624

tel: 813-961-1500

fax: 813-996-9571

mobile: 813-391-7965

<https://www.plaxo.com/add_me?u=0 & v0=0 & k0=0> Add me to your address book...

<http://www.plaxo.com/signature> Want a signature like this?



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Lynn Siprelle

Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:23 PM

Subject: Re: Re: stomach pains

> The gallbladder uses the body's cholesterol stores to produce bile

> salts which break down and help digest fat. You only excrete bile in

> order to digest fat, so if you have been on a low fat diet for a long

> time, there is a chance that the cholesterol may have stagnated and

> formed stones in your gallbladder.

If it is your gallbladder, and I hope to heckity heck it isn't, ,

I hope you've caught it early enough to do something about it without

surgery. Though I haven't missed mine really all that much (excepting

that I can't eat literal gobs of coconut oil apparently), I would have

liked to have kept it. But by the time mine became seriously active

there just wasn't any way I could muscle through it. If I could have

shot myself I would have, the pain was that bad. And yes, I yo-yo

low-fatted for years before I found NT. Good luck.

Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter

http://www.siprelle <http://www.siprelle.com> .com

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> *If* it is gallbladder - which we can't really know unless you get a

> proper diagnosis in response to continued problems -

Yes, do get evaluated.

> I don't think you

> are doomed! The stones can be destroyed by natural methods (fats, plus

> malic acid and citric acid if oxalates are involved), medications and

> ultrasound(?) breaks them up too.

Lipitrophic ultrasound doesn't really work all that well. It's usually

used on people who are too fragile for surgery, and its results are

mixed at best.

> People have their gallbladders removed because the stones usually

> return, so doctors think their gallbladders are " diseased " . The truth

> of it is if you go on a low fat diet to prevent gallstones, you're

> only going to make new ones again faster if you have a tendency...

People have their gallbladders removed because when you have

symptomatic gallstones the pain is beyond excruciating. May none of you

ever have such pain. Perhaps I could have kept my gallbladder had I

known about WAP earlier, but I didn't, and even my naturopath was

saying there wasn't anything to be done but surgery. I haven't

regretted it; no one can handle that kind of pain, and knowing it won't

be coming back makes eating easier. I used to bless the ER nurse when

she'd push the demerol into my IV.

Lynn S.


Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter


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Emma, I appreciate you checking up on me!

Um, apparently it was a false alarm. The pains only lasted about 4 days and

then were gone. I reviewed the days leading up to them and remembered I had

some rough nights of little sleep and then one night my son yelled out my

name and then I heard a *thud* and I literally FLEW out of bled only to find

him half awake just sitting on the floor completely unaware of what had

happened! It was one of a few really big adrenaline rushes and I felt like

my stomach had been turned inside out! My body also hurt all over and so I

put it together that maybe that is what caused the minor pains. I also think

the internal stress I tend to heap upon myself could be part of the culprit.

This weekend has been absolutely miserable! For some reason, which I can

probably figure out if I really think hard about it, Friday afternoon I felt

really upset and irritated and I did not eat pretty much at all. I ended up

going into an extreme blood sugar dip and put myself into a state of panic,

depression, um my brain would not function and I was sobbing uncontrollably.

Obviously my system was in shock and I was starving and getting more and

more dehydrated. Even though I knew I needed to eat something and drink and

even though my husband who gets a tad worried when I get into these states

kept telling me I needed to eat, I just couldn't. I ended up falling asleep

on the couch and then transferring to bed and sleeping fitfully for the rest

of the night. Mind you, I used to get into these states too often up until

last year when I changed my diet and so this was something I felt I had

conquered, but I guess I will always be susceptible. The next morning I

managed to drink some water with salt in it and some milk but I was so

dreadfully hollow that I just still could not make a decision about what to

eat. Well I did finally manage to eat for the next couple of days and

yesterday was a pretty good day, but I feel like I am still making up for

all of that! Today I have this slight headache that is just really annoying

and dragging me down and I am wondering why I have it as I have never had a

headache in my life! I am a mess this week.

And on the baby group we have been discussing GABA deficiency and I am

wondering if I have this too as I have every one of the symptoms on this one

site that describes it. So now I am trying to figure out if I should find a

supplement for it or what.


Wondered how it was going? Still having pains or have they gone away?

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


It could be die off. The pecanbread list talks about a die off 3 months

into the diet (plus or minus), that is common for some people. Of all

the things you listed, I would go easy on the fruit. The sugars in the

fruit might feed bacteria that produce gas, and thus pain. You might

also try some of the detox ideas like epsom salt baths.


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