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Re: Adrenals was Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

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We had a listmember here and on the gluten free casein free native nutrition

list last year that was getting good results from AK. Did get to a point where

she couldn't eat anything without problems. Was then found that she had stomach

cancer and we lost her a short while after.

Personally, the closest to medical treatment I've had in the last 17 years is

acupuncture that avoided surgery my gynecologist wanted to do for ovarian cysts.

Shortly before that a near total physical and mental meltdown was passed off by

a medical doctor as a psychiatric referral. 4 appointments later, likely because

of what I told him I was learning and doing for myself with nutrition,

supplements and lifestyle changes, I was released with " you're a self healer. "

I'm not using kosher salt only.I should have been more specific. No specific

salt type seems to be an issue now although through the years salted meat that

uses kosher salt never was an issue. Sea salt that caused bloating, was French

from Whole Foods and I'm half French. Go figure!

Synthetic coal tar derived Bs don't sound good. Likely what I'm taking. Thank

you for telling me the tests I'd need if it were within my means to do so.

Family health equal priority to mine.

Have had kidney pain good fats helped away. Thyroid is/was hyper with

hypoglycemia, muscle wasting before diet change controlled. Low estrogen

symptoms I'm not about to supplement hormonally.Dr. Lee says vitamin E. Thinking

palm oil. My opinions. Thank you for your's and your time. Understand and

appreciate your wholistic philosophy.


Hi. As long as you seen 2B happy w/what you perceive as 'results'

then it's no one's place to argue. To be the ultimate downer,

however, always keep in back of mind that oh so very often, cancer

and heart disease are accidentally, and sometimes fatally,

discvered, while looking for something else (serendipity) or it

blows up in your face out nowhere. If you want to see how your

adrenals are doing, then do a 4 part salivary hormonal profile,

and/or a neurotansmitter profile.

Again, keep in mind that the B vit's are available in both

synthetic coal tar derived, and biologically active forms. Wonder

which you are swallowing - of course, the whole 'swallowing' thing

throws the whole system out of whack in the first place. I guess we

can talk about that sometime later.

I keep many different sea salts in the office, as at any one

time, only one or two will be appropriate for any given person.

However, your history is the first I've ever heard of, of sea

salt inducing such water imbalance. I'm tempted to say that the

salt you were using was contaminated, though who can say for sure?

Not me, certainly.

How does Kosher salt mitigate the concern for trace mineral

overdose? And much more to the point, by using hi quality sea salt

as the source, how can anyone possibly overdose on trace minerals?

I don't think it's humanly possible from that source.

How is your thyroid, hypothalmus, pituitary, gonads????


> ,


> Wonderful post! Back to Dr. Kaslow's site where Dr. Goodheart's

food combining I posted from there brought you here.


> I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

insufficiency protocol


> for the last few weeks.


> I've taken B5 for more than a year being a fast oxidizer,

metabolic protein type. Dr. Kaslow recommends Kosher salt out of

concern for trace mineral overdose. Irony is when I first came to

this list I reluctantly tried sea salting my food like I did 30+

years ago, thinking sea salt would be better than table salt that

caused me to retain water in my first pregnancy. Body bloat was back

in a week with sea salt. With the C (using ester), B5 and B6 there

isn't that problem. Better yet, can't remember when I've felt less

apprehensive. B5 may have been jumpstart. B3, been taking as fast

metabolizer. Take fish oil. What is V.C.?


> Wanita

> It is of extreme! importance for you, and any other interested

> parties , to know, really deeply know, that one endocrine weakness

> cannot be treated by addressing that one organ. Nothing to do w/my

> opinion. this is a fact absolute.

> Adrenals suck up sodium, so the sea salt is excellent for that.


> adrenals also love, b3, B5, (real) V.C and efa's.

> Odds are extremely high that asc. powder has any signif. V.C

> left. It oxidizes very rapidly, and the greater the surface area

> (nothing greater than being powderized), the more rapid the

> destruction of this most fragile of molecules.

> Now, under hypothalamic/pituitary control, the thyroid and the

> adrenals share a common amino element in tyrosine. If this is


> supply...well we all know that any system is only as strong as


> weakest link.



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Kosher aka canning salt has everything removed leaving only salt. Commercial

usually iodized salt adds iodine back in. Sea salt contains whatever minerals

that occur wherever it is harvested.


crayfishfeed <crayfishfeed@...> wrote:

What is the difference b/w sea salt and kosher salt?

-- In , Wanita wrote:


> I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

insufficiency protocol


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I have 10 moons with the 4 on my outer 2 fingers on each hand slighter than the

other 6 with the finger next to pinky in between.


jermel <jermelkramer@...> wrote:

Hello and pardon for jumping in here, but when you mentioned the moons on

the fingernails, you got me curious. Are you referring to the half moon at

the cuticle? I only have them on my thumb nails and its barely there. Do

you have more info on this? I always thought there is supposed to be one

moon. Thanks

P.S. Regarding the distasis, do you have to be diagnosed by a doc to know if

you have that?

-- Re: Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

Allyn, please relax, I did want to upset you. Everyting is jjuusstt

fine. Now, I found a couple of typos in my earlier resposne, that

if one is not reading carefully, one may interpret the opposite of

what I actually meant. But upon reread, most can figure those out.

Of the 8 'moons' we are supposed to have, having 4 is not a good

sign. Over the long haul, you can use these as a barometer of global

tissue oxygen levels - which in turn, is an indicator of good health.

For example, my dog recently bit me, and split my nail, right

through the bed. As the old gross nail grows out, and the new one

comes in, it has a 'better' moon than the earlier one. But again, I

have been proactive in promotomg healthy and speedy regrowth-mainly

essential oils.

Per your comment, we are all trying to do the best we can. But do

some 'real' research, and any powdreed herb/plant is pretty much

gone, or on the way to being gone, unless you personally know the

source, and how long it was in that form, and the quality of the

original plant. To not be completely negative, I have here at home

some powdered herbs. But I know the grower, I know the care she

takes, and all the relevent details. I also have from her, herbs in

raw uncut/unchopped form. Herbs are VERY! tricky business. Not

simple at all as THEY would have us all believe.

I know you were not trying to tell me anything about SPL

products. Sorry if I made yo feel that way.

Your comment of 'regular' bowel activity is completely

meaningless. If you are uncomfortable speaking in this format; if

you'd like, we can e/m privately. This body function is exceedingly

impt for all kinds of reasons, & is a strong health barometer.

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I have a question: is the iodine they add back in synthetic? and is it bad for

the thyroid?

Re: Re: Adrenals was Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

Kosher aka canning salt has everything removed leaving only salt. Commercial

usually iodized salt adds iodine back in. Sea salt contains whatever minerals

that occur wherever it is harvested.


crayfishfeed <crayfishfeed@...> wrote:

What is the difference b/w sea salt and kosher salt?

-- In , Wanita wrote:


> I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

insufficiency protocol


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What do the " moons " on the fingernails indicate?

Re: Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

Allyn, please relax, I did want to upset you. Everyting is jjuusstt

fine. Now, I found a couple of typos in my earlier resposne, that

if one is not reading carefully, one may interpret the opposite of

what I actually meant. But upon reread, most can figure those out.

Of the 8 'moons' we are supposed to have, having 4 is not a good

sign. Over the long haul, you can use these as a barometer of global

tissue oxygen levels - which in turn, is an indicator of good health.

For example, my dog recently bit me, and split my nail, right

through the bed. As the old gross nail grows out, and the new one

comes in, it has a 'better' moon than the earlier one. But again, I

have been proactive in promotomg healthy and speedy regrowth-mainly

essential oils.

Per your comment, we are all trying to do the best we can. But do

some 'real' research, and any powdreed herb/plant is pretty much

gone, or on the way to being gone, unless you personally know the

source, and how long it was in that form, and the quality of the

original plant. To not be completely negative, I have here at home

some powdered herbs. But I know the grower, I know the care she

takes, and all the relevent details. I also have from her, herbs in

raw uncut/unchopped form. Herbs are VERY! tricky business. Not

simple at all as THEY would have us all believe.

I know you were not trying to tell me anything about SPL

products. Sorry if I made yo feel that way.

Your comment of 'regular' bowel activity is completely

meaningless. If you are uncomfortable speaking in this format; if

you'd like, we can e/m privately. This body function is exceedingly

impt for all kinds of reasons, & is a strong health barometer.

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always my pleasure.


> >

> > ,

> >

> > Wonderful post! Back to Dr. Kaslow's site where Dr. Goodheart's

> food combining I posted from there brought you here.

> >

> > I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

> insufficiency protocol

> http://www.drkaslow.com/html/adrenal_insufficiency.html

> > for the last few weeks.

> >

> > I've taken B5 for more than a year being a fast oxidizer,

> metabolic protein type. Dr. Kaslow recommends Kosher salt out of

> concern for trace mineral overdose. Irony is when I first came to

> this list I reluctantly tried sea salting my food like I did 30+

> years ago, thinking sea salt would be better than table salt that

> caused me to retain water in my first pregnancy. Body bloat was


> in a week with sea salt. With the C (using ester), B5 and B6 there

> isn't that problem. Better yet, can't remember when I've felt less

> apprehensive. B5 may have been jumpstart. B3, been taking as fast

> metabolizer. Take fish oil. What is V.C.?

> >

> > Wanita

> > It is of extreme! importance for you, and any other interested

> > parties , to know, really deeply know, that one endocrine


> > cannot be treated by addressing that one organ. Nothing to do


> > opinion. this is a fact absolute.

> > Adrenals suck up sodium, so the sea salt is excellent for that.

> The

> > adrenals also love, b3, B5, (real) V.C and efa's.

> > Odds are extremely high that asc. powder has any signif. V.C

> > left. It oxidizes very rapidly, and the greater the surface area

> > (nothing greater than being powderized), the more rapid the

> > destruction of this most fragile of molecules.

> > Now, under hypothalamic/pituitary control, the thyroid and the

> > adrenals share a common amino element in tyrosine. If this is

> short

> > supply...well we all know that any system is only as strong as

> it's

> > weakest link.

> >

> >





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Wanita, far and away, I am not the final word, on just about

anything. It seems then that we agree then that the title Kosher

Salt, implies a degree of coarsemess, and does not define the source

or mineral profile.

> .>

> > I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

> insufficiency protocol

> http://www.drkaslow.com/html/adrenal_insufficiency.html




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Yes, and yes. The body uses I2 in the protein bound form. It

takes a very hardy system to convert the nearly worthless crap added

to Morton's, back into the form which naturally exists in food.


> .>

> > I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

> insufficiency protocol

> http://www.drkaslow.com/html/adrenal_insufficiency.html




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explains moons to oxygen levels at bottom of this post.


CHRISTINE TAYLOR <trays.family@...> wrote:

What do the " moons " on the fingernails indicate?

Re: Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

Allyn, please relax, I did want to upset you. Everyting is jjuusstt

fine. Now, I found a couple of typos in my earlier resposne, that

if one is not reading carefully, one may interpret the opposite of

what I actually meant. But upon reread, most can figure those out.

Of the 8 'moons' we are supposed to have, having 4 is not a good

sign. Over the long haul, you can use these as a barometer of global

tissue oxygen levels - which in turn, is an indicator of good health.

For example, my dog recently bit me, and split my nail, right

through the bed. As the old gross nail grows out, and the new one

comes in, it has a 'better' moon than the earlier one. But again, I

have been proactive in promotomg healthy and speedy regrowth-mainly

essential oils.

Per your comment, we are all trying to do the best we can. But do

some 'real' research, and any powdreed herb/plant is pretty much

gone, or on the way to being gone, unless you personally know the

source, and how long it was in that form, and the quality of the

original plant. To not be completely negative, I have here at home

some powdered herbs. But I know the grower, I know the care she

takes, and all the relevent details. I also have from her, herbs in

raw uncut/unchopped form. Herbs are VERY! tricky business. Not

simple at all as THEY would have us all believe.

I know you were not trying to tell me anything about SPL

products. Sorry if I made yo feel that way.

Your comment of 'regular' bowel activity is completely

meaningless. If you are uncomfortable speaking in this format; if

you'd like, we can e/m privately. This body function is exceedingly

impt for all kinds of reasons, & is a strong health barometer.

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I don't see it on there...


Re: Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

Allyn, please relax, I did want to upset you. Everyting is jjuusstt

fine. Now, I found a couple of typos in my earlier resposne, that

if one is not reading carefully, one may interpret the opposite of

what I actually meant. But upon reread, most can figure those out.

Of the 8 'moons' we are supposed to have, having 4 is not a good

sign. Over the long haul, you can use these as a barometer of global

tissue oxygen levels - which in turn, is an indicator of good health.

For example, my dog recently bit me, and split my nail, right

through the bed. As the old gross nail grows out, and the new one

comes in, it has a 'better' moon than the earlier one. But again, I

have been proactive in promotomg healthy and speedy regrowth-mainly

essential oils.

Per your comment, we are all trying to do the best we can. But do

some 'real' research, and any powdreed herb/plant is pretty much

gone, or on the way to being gone, unless you personally know the

source, and how long it was in that form, and the quality of the

original plant. To not be completely negative, I have here at home

some powdered herbs. But I know the grower, I know the care she

takes, and all the relevent details. I also have from her, herbs in

raw uncut/unchopped form. Herbs are VERY! tricky business. Not

simple at all as THEY would have us all believe.

I know you were not trying to tell me anything about SPL

products. Sorry if I made yo feel that way.

Your comment of 'regular' bowel activity is completely

meaningless. If you are uncomfortable speaking in this format; if

you'd like, we can e/m privately. This body function is exceedingly

impt for all kinds of reasons, & is a strong health barometer.

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So, what would you suggest to help the thyroid after years of eatting regular

salt " with iodine " ?

Re: Adrenals was Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

Yes, and yes. The body uses I2 in the protein bound form. It

takes a very hardy system to convert the nearly worthless crap added

to Morton's, back into the form which naturally exists in food.


> .>

> > I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

> insufficiency protocol

> http://www.drkaslow.com/html/adrenal_insufficiency.html




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anita, I agree w/all you say, I was just speaking form teh POV,

only, of real life Koshering. From that perspective only, my brain

seems to say that the greater the surface area, the more blood and

impurities can be dreawn out.


> > .>

> > > I've been doing Dr. Kaslow's C, B5, B6 and salt adrenal

> > insufficiency protocol

> > http://www.drkaslow.com/html/adrenal_insufficiency.html




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lol....thank you wanita....obviously I don't have good health. But, please,

, expand on this. What does it mean, in other words, what bad health

indicators are indicated by not having the half moons, I only have them on my

thumbs. I've got a history of health problems....I had Hep-C and underwent 4

years of the Peg-interferon therapy. Not only have I put on an immense amount

of weight, but I'm sure it remains to be seen the final effects of the therapy.

So, any help I can get from anyone as to how to get back healthy would be

greatly appreciated. I'm drinking raw milk, and trying to eat organic. I'm

taking CLO daily, and Primal Defense. I've also started taking an adrenal

support pill. What else can I do?


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, in another post I answered the question re: the lunula -

representing high growth center activity, which is strongly oxy.


Weight issues can get very complex, yet all around the country,

all these asshole( are we allowed to say that?) centers and doctors

and quasi-nutritionists keep puking the same tired old rhetoric of

eat less and exercise more. These mongolian slobs can kiss my ass -

they are so unbelievebaly stupid.

First, get a full day adrenal profile, looking at 4 salivary

samples of dhea and cortisol. If you want to go all out w/the proper

labs, then get free fraction female hormonal profile also (progest.,

E1, E2, E3, testos.)

Separate from all that, the bowel has GOT!! 2B cleaned, both

mechanically and physiologically. The yo hqave got to go after the

Lv/Gb and Small Intestine. You will need to strongly reinnoculate

the gut. Then, you should address the lymphatics.

WE'll speak more later.

--- In , " " <bible770@...>



> lol....thank you wanita....obviously I don't have good health.

But, please, , expand on this. What does it mean, in other

words, what bad health indicators are indicated by not having the

half moons, I only have them on my thumbs. I've got a history of

health problems....I had Hep-C and underwent 4 years of the Peg-

interferon therapy. Not only have I put on an immense amount of

weight, but I'm sure it remains to be seen the final effects of the

therapy. So, any help I can get from anyone as to how to get back

healthy would be greatly appreciated. I'm drinking raw milk, and

trying to eat organic. I'm taking CLO daily, and Primal Defense.

I've also started taking an adrenal support pill. What else can I do?


> http://www.boxertown.com

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I'm not meaning to sound dumb, however, where can I get the tests done at?


Re: Adrenals was Exercise Program-Matt Furey:Christie

, in another post I answered the question re: the lunula -

representing high growth center activity, which is strongly oxy.


Weight issues can get very complex, yet all around the country,

all these asshole( are we allowed to say that?) centers and doctors

and quasi-nutritionists keep puking the same tired old rhetoric of

eat less and exercise more. These mongolian slobs can kiss my ass -

they are so unbelievebaly stupid.

First, get a full day adrenal profile, looking at 4 salivary

samples of dhea and cortisol. If you want to go all out w/the proper

labs, then get free fraction female hormonal profile also (progest.,

E1, E2, E3, testos.)

Separate from all that, the bowel has GOT!! 2B cleaned, both

mechanically and physiologically. The yo hqave got to go after the

Lv/Gb and Small Intestine. You will need to strongly reinnoculate

the gut. Then, you should address the lymphatics.

WE'll speak more later.


> lol....thank you wanita....obviously I don't have good health.

But, please, , expand on this. What does it mean, in other

words, what bad health indicators are indicated by not having the

half moons, I only have them on my thumbs. I've got a history of

health problems....I had Hep-C and underwent 4 years of the Peg-

interferon therapy. Not only have I put on an immense amount of

weight, but I'm sure it remains to be seen the final effects of the

therapy. So, any help I can get from anyone as to how to get back

healthy would be greatly appreciated. I'm drinking raw milk, and

trying to eat organic. I'm taking CLO daily, and Primal Defense.

I've also started taking an adrenal support pill. What else can I do?


> http://www.boxertown.com

> ----- Original Message -----

> Take a look!

> We need your input on this test message design.


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Most importantly, I am concerned about your self image as you want

to defend against sounding dumb. Im not a psychologist, but don't

just because you don't have the facts about a certain body of

informatiom, dumb this makes you not!

Anyway, if interested, call me at work, and I can give yo all te

phone #'s, etc. If you can't open your own accounts w/the labs,

then I can send you any kits you are interested in.

305 666 8881

> >

> > lol....thank you wanita....obviously I don't have good


> But, please, , expand on this. What does it mean, in other

> words, what bad health indicators are indicated by not having


> half moons, I only have them on my thumbs. I've got a history of

> health problems....I had Hep-C and underwent 4 years of the Peg-

> interferon therapy. Not only have I put on an immense amount of

> weight, but I'm sure it remains to be seen the final effects of


> therapy. So, any help I can get from anyone as to how to get


> healthy would be greatly appreciated. I'm drinking raw milk,


> trying to eat organic. I'm taking CLO daily, and Primal


> I've also started taking an adrenal support pill. What else can

I do?

> >

> > http://www.boxertown.com

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > Take a look!

> > We need your input on this test message design.

> >

> > Tell Me More

> >

> >

> > Send Feedback

> >

> > Recent Activity

> > a.. 18Members

> > b.. 9Links

> > Visit Your Group .

> >

> >

> >

> >

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