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Re: Re: Questions on fermented beverages

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On 8/30/06, downwardog7 <illneverbecool@...> wrote:

> You are sensitive, no reason to say " overly " . Ferment it for less

> time, before the sugars turn to alcohol. But then it will be sweeter

> and aggravate the yeast, eh? No kombucha for you!

Or simply drink less of it. Kombucha is probably not meant to be

drunk by the glass ful.



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On a Sally tape, I thought she said fermenting caused the sugars to

turn into something else. She didn't say alchohol though unless you

chopped things too fine so that there was too much surface area to work

on. Not sure why that would be though.

Is your answer that there's sugar in them conclusive? What about Kifer?

I drink a ton. What about beet Kvass?

I'm depressed.

On Aug 29, 2006, at 9:01 PM, downwardog7 wrote:



>> Do fermented beverages aggravate yeast conditions?


> Yes, they can. They have sugar in them.


> Also, is there

>> anyone out there that is really sensitive to the alcohol in fermented

>> beverages? I feel like I get a mild buzz from kombucha and other

>> lacto-

>> fermented beverages I have tried, which I don't particularly like. do

>> I build up a tolerance or am I just being overly sensitive?


> You are sensitive, no reason to say " overly " . Ferment it for less

> time, before the sugars turn to alcohol. But then it will be sweeter

> and aggravate the yeast, eh? No kombucha for you!


> B.









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Oh yes, now I remember, in the Sally tape, she said beet Kvass was

really great for people with candida problems.

My problem is I'm not stricked enough with my diet to get rid of it. I

wish I was rich enough to go to a " Candida Farm " where they fed you

what they thought you should have and that's all you would get!!! Like

being a child again but I guess I never grew up quite.

On Aug 30, 2006, at 4:58 AM, haecklers wrote:

> As far as yeast, I've found that Kimchi is the very best thing I've

> tried for yeast







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On 8/31/06, Parashis <artpages@...> wrote:

> On a Sally tape, I thought she said fermenting caused the sugars to

> turn into something else. She didn't say alchohol though unless you

> chopped things too fine so that there was too much surface area to work

> on. Not sure why that would be though.

If you completely fermented the sugar out of kombucha, you would not

be able to drink it. Some of the sugar is converted; some remains.

To get an idea of what kombucha would be like if you fermented all the

sugar out, drink some vinegar. Although I would suggest diluting it

even just to try a sip.



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This is just a test to see why my mail isn't working

On Aug 31, 2006, at 8:24 AM, downwardog7 wrote:



>> On a Sally tape, I thought she said fermenting caused the sugars to

>> turn into something else. She didn't say alchohol though unless you

>> chopped things too fine so that there was too much surface area to

>> work

>> on. Not sure why that would be though.


>> Is your answer that there's sugar in them conclusive? What about

>> Kifer?

>> I drink a ton. What about beet Kvass?


> ,

> She surely said lactic acid. In making NT fermented beverages, one

> wants to encourage the sugars to turn to lactic acid instead of

> alcohol, this is the reason for all that salt. For making alcoholic

> homebrews, one wants to discourage lactic acid and encourage alcohol.


> Us kitchen fermenters can't completely contol the outcomes--part of

> the charm.


> There is definitely residual sugar in the drinks--else you'd have

> something tasting like vinegar--though not enough to bother everybody,

> and people who become easily unbalanced by sugar may find them

> problematic. They are healthful so it's worth experimenting with, or

> diluting, or moderation.


> Kefir has the same macronutrient profile as milk afaik.


> Even lactic acid is a simple carbohydrate.


> Beet kvass? That is more dilute since it's an infusion. Sally thinks

> beet kvass has the same profile of vinegar. I bet it'd taste great if

> it was made with honey!!! ooh, ooh, ooh, the monkey's back...

> B.










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