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Palm Oil

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The thing is, Janice, that palm oil tastes like palm oil. It has a flavor

all its own. I bought some a week ago & have been using it for cooking &

putting it into the raw egg drink. I can't taste it much at all in cooking

or the drink except that it seems to enhance the flavors of the other

ingredients or foods.

I think it has a rather mild, bland, sort of buttery flavor & just feels

oily & smooth in the mouth. More like olive oil but heavier, thicker. Maybe

" richer " is better word. So far I like it better than any other oil,

including coconut oil or butter, for cooking. The coconut oil flavor remains

sweet & strong on foods & rather overpoweringly so, I think. I don't like it

eating it with meat, for instance. So I like the palm oil better since it

doesn't interfere with other food flavors.

Coconut oil has a much more distinct strong, sweet flavor by contrast. Palm

oil doesn't have a sweet taste, but it's not at all bitter, sour or peppery


I've tried three different brands of coconut oil & only one brand of red

palm oil so far tho...Swanson. It costs $5.99 for a 16 oz jar.

Others may have different opinions or taste buds & descriptions. But that's

mine. The red palm oil will stain things yellow tho so ya gotta watch where

it drips & wipe the jar or it will stain the counter top or wherever it's


Btw, $1.99 for coconut oil is a steal of a deal. Outrageously cheap.

Depending on how many ounces you purchased, that is.


From: " Janice Ashby "

>I don't know if anybody can answer this question, but what does Palm Oil

>taste like?


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  • 2 months later...

Info on red palm oil can be found at these sites. It's a good oil, but

i don't think it kills candida like coconut oil. It's high in

antioxidants and in vitamins E & A. It has a strong, exotic flavor. I

like it with chicken especially.



From google I found this site with traditional African recipes using

palm oil, but you better check to see that all the ingredients are OK

on our diet:


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Tamara <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

Info on red palm oil can be found at these sites.

The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

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  • 3 months later...
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A little bit ago someone mentioned that MountainRoseHerbs.com had high

quality extra virgin coconut oil for only $28 a gallon + S & H.

Well I decided to order some and saw that they had unrefined organic

extra virgin palm oil for only $17 a gallon!!! This is an amazing

price and I did order some and I will let you know of the quality when

it comes. Shipping was reasonable as well.

I have tasted both tropical traditions and Jungle Products Palm Oils,

and can tell Jungle products is a higher quality product and will let

you guys know how this oil from MountainRoseHerbs compares.

If you aren't up to speed on Palm Oil, its a great natural source of

vitamin E, carotenes, and healthy fats. It doesn't taste great but is

pretty easy to eat by the spoonful. Tastes kinda like playdough

without the salt though, lol!


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How does it compare nutritionally to coconut oil?

On Mar 19, 2006, at 5:28 PM, gdawson6 wrote:

> A little bit ago someone mentioned that MountainRoseHerbs.com had high

> quality extra virgin coconut oil for only $28 a gallon + S & H.


> Well I decided to order some and saw that they had unrefined organic

> extra virgin palm oil for only $17 a gallon!!! This is an amazing

> price and I did order some and I will let you know of the quality when

> it comes. Shipping was reasonable as well.


> I have tasted both tropical traditions and Jungle Products Palm Oils,

> and can tell Jungle products is a higher quality product and will let

> you guys know how this oil from MountainRoseHerbs compares.


> If you aren't up to speed on Palm Oil, its a great natural source of

> vitamin E, carotenes, and healthy fats. It doesn't taste great but is

> pretty easy to eat by the spoonful. Tastes kinda like playdough

> without the salt though, lol!


> -






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It doesn't have a fat profile as good as coconut IMO.

It doesn't have the high amounts of lauric acid, and is most just is

close to equal parts saturated and monounsaturated fats. The

saturated fat found in palm is mostly 16:0 palmitic acid. It still

has very little PUFA's, and like I said before has a lot of

Tocotrientols and is very very bright opaque orange due to high

amounts of carotenes.



> > A little bit ago someone mentioned that MountainRoseHerbs.com had high

> > quality extra virgin coconut oil for only $28 a gallon + S & H.

> >

> > Well I decided to order some and saw that they had unrefined organic

> > extra virgin palm oil for only $17 a gallon!!! This is an amazing

> > price and I did order some and I will let you know of the quality when

> > it comes. Shipping was reasonable as well.

> >

> > I have tasted both tropical traditions and Jungle Products Palm Oils,

> > and can tell Jungle products is a higher quality product and will let

> > you guys know how this oil from MountainRoseHerbs compares.

> >

> > If you aren't up to speed on Palm Oil, its a great natural source of

> > vitamin E, carotenes, and healthy fats. It doesn't taste great but is

> > pretty easy to eat by the spoonful. Tastes kinda like playdough

> > without the salt though, lol!

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi all,


> I have read that Caprilic acid is also found in Palm oil as well as

> Coconut oil. Has anyone tried it of know anything about it?

==>Caprilic acid is made from coconuts. I haven't looked into Palm oil

however because coconut oil does the job nicely and it is very pleasant

to take and easy to find good sources. I do not recommend taking

caprilic acid capsules or tablets for that reason. It is better to get

the real thing.


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